If you sold all your tech in march 2020 you missed a good 18 months of unprecedented performance. It took a while for inflation to work its way through the system, it showed up in financial assets and real estate first. I had a similar idea and loaded up on physical metals and miners when they all crashed that march/april, after the initial run performance became muted and retraced during the greatest monetary expansion in history. Saying that Bitcoin is supposed to move in lockstep with inflation when the original hedge of gold did not is just silly. There are a many variables at play and all move on different timelines. If you take bitcoins performance from March 2020 it had gone well beyond inflation.I sold all my tech in March 2020 and bought commodity producers and energy. So did a lot of institutions. This was based largely off the back of the absolutely obvious commodity and inflation spike after supply side disruptions and huge M4 expansion.
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