Is that any different than stocks? How many average people know what a company does if they are just watching the charts?
How many people who invested in Berkshire Hathaway when it started it's huge run upwards could have told you what they did? Probably very few.
Yes. You have published financial data. It’s why actual investment professionals study and research the fundamentals of companies and make calls based on that information.
They do not look at moving averages on charts, by and large.
it’s the difference between TA (who mainly lose money, in terms of private investors, I think the figure is huge, it’s like 90% of day traders lose money), and actual analysis. The last tells you nothing. Patterns never last. Entropy always wins. The world random.
I sold all my tech in March 2020 and bought commodity producers and energy. So did a lot of institutions. This was based largely off the back of the absolutely obvious commodity and inflation spike after supply side disruptions and huge M4 expansion.
i actually explained all this above, about how everything is based on a risk free rate under the capital asset pricing model. You said “crypto doesn’t care about your theories”. but seems that the theories don’t seem to care about crypto. We have inflation - which BTC is supposed to hold or increase value when it’s present, but it’s selling off like a risk asset.
The reason Berkshire Hathaway has beaten a lot of other investments and very publicly the Ark Innovation and SMT, is precisely because BH looks at fundamentals.
Efficient market hypothesis in Semi strong form: All valuations are correct and only fundamental analysis can uncover mispriced assets .
There’s centuries of research behind all of this.