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This is probably going to be one of my last posts about myself .. but just wanted to let everyone know if you have one or more amazing gorgeous and beautiful women who respect you , who have stuck with you longer than a few months and you're at the point where you have an abundance of options.. at some point or another it makes sense to come to your senses and just settle down and stop making these girls wait forever or continue to play this game of seeing each other but having no strings..
While in this modern day it works for alot of people especially when both sides are capable of pulling whoever they want.. but I think , with the help of some fine gentleman, and some older people I Respect (sadly my father isn't alive to give me advice).. I decided to really focus on the girl I love and care about the most. We're now 2 and some years maybe 2 years and 7 months.. that we've been seeing each other. I cut off 2 women who I was also seeing for a long time for this chick and plan on letting go all the women ive been sleeping with in the past 4-5 months (to be modest, its alot of diff women). I been told I was crazy for the length of 2 years by people around me for not settling down with this girl. Not going to make this a brag about her looks or anything because I already understand im operating on a different level than most.. But, the looks aren't what matters. This girl has stayed for the long run and has never really did anything wrong to me, nor has she been a pushover and kept me on my toes. She never once jus folded to everything or started being way too compliant lke some women in my life do which eventually makes me lose interest..
Something about her that seemed special to me.. was that we just met on the same "level" if you catch my drift.. I never once felt more confident than her , and I dont think she once ever felt more confident than me. We operated like we were on a level playing field nad there was never any real tug of war for leverage or any power dynamic, which I notice with so many women who are 8s and above, who don't become pushovers or who dont bend over backwards for me anytime I want.. She's also real kind hearted.. I think thats important. WE share similar goals, and I think she compliments me well.
im going to be 32 this year. For the last 32 years, I was a menace.. I can safely say that.. and I think up until this far my experience with women can be summed up in these ways:
1) First just growing up seeing women as less/dumb/not even realizing women were smart and complex (this lasted maybe up till 17-19.. and is part of the reason why i did so well with women, because I thought i could jus do whatever with them.. like they were dumb/inferior creatures. I grew up in an environment that was really just chauvinistic in alot of ways and hip hop culture and even family culture molded this into me).. Used to not care about women much and jut use them and move on like nothing
2) Understanding the deep and complex emotions that go along iwth relationships. Idk i grew up a menace, possibly becuase my parents werent very loving, were quite narcissistic and yet we never sat down for family dinners or ever spoke about emotions. It took quite a while for me to tart understanding the complexities behind relationships and emotions and things, but i faired well, this was prob 21-24.. In this stage of my life I was just flourishing off of variety of diff pu55y and having options.. bein gin the nightlife and feeling liike a pro when it came to game.. was picking up women anywhere everywhere, at what i thoguht was the peak of my game
3) Starting to understand even more about all the complex issues and types of personalities , psychology behind a vast majority of wome at this point, still learning new things that I didnt realize existed.. opening up to the ideas that eve Iwas vulnerable and that there will infact be women who dont like me as much as they might like someone else, and this was a very harsh reality for me to come to terms with.. while at the same time my game just becoming better and better, especially after my last relationship which ws quite hectic.. the only ex i didnt stay on good terms with.. Finally realizing what the end goal is and plans on eventually starting a family.. With this realization also came just wild happenings withw omen, almost like I developed some super powers to be able to pick and choose any chick i want to bone.. but coming to terms that if i continue on like this i would probably be in my 40s with no kids no family and just reminiscing over the glory days ..24-32 these are the years i stopped attracting toxic and weird chicks wiht issues and str8 beautiful, wholesome and good women inside and out.
The biggest mistake anyone can make about me is thinking that the road was easy.. Some things may have came easy for me in life but my life was full of adversity, trauma and alot of craziness... I didn't get to where I am just by skating down a hill.. There were many mountains to climb and difficult moments.
Settling down to me is a big deal. So much so that when I finally decided to and had that conversation with her and she cried because she felt we were on the same page and she was going to talk to me about the same thing, that it prompted me to cry as well. and it was weird as sh.t because I dont cry very often. I couldn't tell if i was happy, or sad about something or just surprised.. I think i was more surprised that this day would come. I think the fallacy is that I told myself it would be so hard for me to not sleep with other women for so long that i started to believe it.. but pickin up the phone and actually callling girls to let them know i was settlikng down wiht someone i cared about in front of her and some o fthem being happy for me, that was major. God blessed me to not only be able to sleep with tons of diff women but to have some good ass quality while at it....
but truth be told, if you read my last post about mindset.. It took for me to change myself and become a more disciplined and good person to reap good women in my life. Before i would always find something wrong with more than half the women I met or things would simply not last.
Always put God first, then have an open heart. At some point I was pretty cynical about women too in the sense that I saw most of them as hoes but Im glad i caught myself and was able to see that theres so many good women out there.
Out of all the women ive slept with in the past 2-3 years. (wouldnt even be able to count in all honesty), Its crazy to think that this girl had me wondering if she really liked me. the one girl who i wondered if she really liked me and was unsure about, was the girl I ended up choosing and finding out that she did infact like me in the way I liked her. I mean you would think "are you stupid? why wouldnt she like u and see you for close to 3 years" but you gotta understand when you been "casually dating" for so long, you never know. Ive lost more women than Most dudes meet. let that sink in. Unlike some people on here even if a owman has sex with me for along time i dont tell myself she loves me , i expect her to fall for me but the type of girls i end up liking are the ones who i dont know if they like me or not. the rest make it way to obvious and do whatever i say..
Anways Im def rambling now.. but yep going to work hard to stay loyal to this women and really take things further.
We all grow up at different ages.. I think im glad i finally decided to grow up. Im going to miss all the variety of pu55y though. You know its abd when before u go to sleep every night u think about and reminsce over diff moments you had with diff girls.. just to fall asleep.. dicc be harder than steel jus thinkin bout sht lol but i look forward to not bein so sexually charged up all the time.. will utilize that energy to really help those around me... i want all my friends and family to be the best they can be
While in this modern day it works for alot of people especially when both sides are capable of pulling whoever they want.. but I think , with the help of some fine gentleman, and some older people I Respect (sadly my father isn't alive to give me advice).. I decided to really focus on the girl I love and care about the most. We're now 2 and some years maybe 2 years and 7 months.. that we've been seeing each other. I cut off 2 women who I was also seeing for a long time for this chick and plan on letting go all the women ive been sleeping with in the past 4-5 months (to be modest, its alot of diff women). I been told I was crazy for the length of 2 years by people around me for not settling down with this girl. Not going to make this a brag about her looks or anything because I already understand im operating on a different level than most.. But, the looks aren't what matters. This girl has stayed for the long run and has never really did anything wrong to me, nor has she been a pushover and kept me on my toes. She never once jus folded to everything or started being way too compliant lke some women in my life do which eventually makes me lose interest..
Something about her that seemed special to me.. was that we just met on the same "level" if you catch my drift.. I never once felt more confident than her , and I dont think she once ever felt more confident than me. We operated like we were on a level playing field nad there was never any real tug of war for leverage or any power dynamic, which I notice with so many women who are 8s and above, who don't become pushovers or who dont bend over backwards for me anytime I want.. She's also real kind hearted.. I think thats important. WE share similar goals, and I think she compliments me well.
im going to be 32 this year. For the last 32 years, I was a menace.. I can safely say that.. and I think up until this far my experience with women can be summed up in these ways:
1) First just growing up seeing women as less/dumb/not even realizing women were smart and complex (this lasted maybe up till 17-19.. and is part of the reason why i did so well with women, because I thought i could jus do whatever with them.. like they were dumb/inferior creatures. I grew up in an environment that was really just chauvinistic in alot of ways and hip hop culture and even family culture molded this into me).. Used to not care about women much and jut use them and move on like nothing
2) Understanding the deep and complex emotions that go along iwth relationships. Idk i grew up a menace, possibly becuase my parents werent very loving, were quite narcissistic and yet we never sat down for family dinners or ever spoke about emotions. It took quite a while for me to tart understanding the complexities behind relationships and emotions and things, but i faired well, this was prob 21-24.. In this stage of my life I was just flourishing off of variety of diff pu55y and having options.. bein gin the nightlife and feeling liike a pro when it came to game.. was picking up women anywhere everywhere, at what i thoguht was the peak of my game
3) Starting to understand even more about all the complex issues and types of personalities , psychology behind a vast majority of wome at this point, still learning new things that I didnt realize existed.. opening up to the ideas that eve Iwas vulnerable and that there will infact be women who dont like me as much as they might like someone else, and this was a very harsh reality for me to come to terms with.. while at the same time my game just becoming better and better, especially after my last relationship which ws quite hectic.. the only ex i didnt stay on good terms with.. Finally realizing what the end goal is and plans on eventually starting a family.. With this realization also came just wild happenings withw omen, almost like I developed some super powers to be able to pick and choose any chick i want to bone.. but coming to terms that if i continue on like this i would probably be in my 40s with no kids no family and just reminiscing over the glory days ..24-32 these are the years i stopped attracting toxic and weird chicks wiht issues and str8 beautiful, wholesome and good women inside and out.
The biggest mistake anyone can make about me is thinking that the road was easy.. Some things may have came easy for me in life but my life was full of adversity, trauma and alot of craziness... I didn't get to where I am just by skating down a hill.. There were many mountains to climb and difficult moments.
Settling down to me is a big deal. So much so that when I finally decided to and had that conversation with her and she cried because she felt we were on the same page and she was going to talk to me about the same thing, that it prompted me to cry as well. and it was weird as sh.t because I dont cry very often. I couldn't tell if i was happy, or sad about something or just surprised.. I think i was more surprised that this day would come. I think the fallacy is that I told myself it would be so hard for me to not sleep with other women for so long that i started to believe it.. but pickin up the phone and actually callling girls to let them know i was settlikng down wiht someone i cared about in front of her and some o fthem being happy for me, that was major. God blessed me to not only be able to sleep with tons of diff women but to have some good ass quality while at it....
but truth be told, if you read my last post about mindset.. It took for me to change myself and become a more disciplined and good person to reap good women in my life. Before i would always find something wrong with more than half the women I met or things would simply not last.
Always put God first, then have an open heart. At some point I was pretty cynical about women too in the sense that I saw most of them as hoes but Im glad i caught myself and was able to see that theres so many good women out there.
Out of all the women ive slept with in the past 2-3 years. (wouldnt even be able to count in all honesty), Its crazy to think that this girl had me wondering if she really liked me. the one girl who i wondered if she really liked me and was unsure about, was the girl I ended up choosing and finding out that she did infact like me in the way I liked her. I mean you would think "are you stupid? why wouldnt she like u and see you for close to 3 years" but you gotta understand when you been "casually dating" for so long, you never know. Ive lost more women than Most dudes meet. let that sink in. Unlike some people on here even if a owman has sex with me for along time i dont tell myself she loves me , i expect her to fall for me but the type of girls i end up liking are the ones who i dont know if they like me or not. the rest make it way to obvious and do whatever i say..
Anways Im def rambling now.. but yep going to work hard to stay loyal to this women and really take things further.
We all grow up at different ages.. I think im glad i finally decided to grow up. Im going to miss all the variety of pu55y though. You know its abd when before u go to sleep every night u think about and reminsce over diff moments you had with diff girls.. just to fall asleep.. dicc be harder than steel jus thinkin bout sht lol but i look forward to not bein so sexually charged up all the time.. will utilize that energy to really help those around me... i want all my friends and family to be the best they can be