Come on now

At a loss

Don Juan
Jun 18, 2011
Reaction score
Came across this site. It's quite an insight on some men's views on women.  Have to say, a lot of you sound like real misogynists.  Also some of you are just as bad as all the moany, *****y, women you complain about. It's so depressing.

When you hear men talking about keeping THREE to EIGHT women on the go, like they're boring, draining jobs 
they have to keep up. What's that all about? 

I thought most men dream of having THREE to EIGHT women on the go. You'd think all those alpha males would be on cloud nine with all that female attention. But no.  They're either moaning about them, or pretending to be nice to them, but really thinking they're stupid, dirty, slvts and *****es.  It's heartbreaking.

 Why don't they simply get those life like silicon dolls and just line up in their garages along with their cars  and bikes to ride-  that way they still get the good looking girls, but they don't  have to deal with the girls actually speaking.

It seems a lot of these alpha males and many beta males have so much disdain for women.  So much so,  it's as if they don't even see us as human. 

I know woman can be harsh. Some very harsh. And some crazy. But there're  millions who aren't.  

Rarely do I hear women talking about men in the nasty, hateful, contemptuous way some of you talk about women.

I rarely, if ever hear women say things like "... I fvcked the stupid wanker then watched the game..." or something like " ...I am going out with the girls tonight, and I've got my eye on those two fit blond twins ..what are those wankers called again? Oh yeah... Bill and Ben. Yeah I'm gonna give em some of my game,  fvck em  both, rate the size of their c..ks, how they lick *****, and  how well they can pump it.  And brag to my girls about whether or not they're good at giving it, or as bad as white boys on a dance floor..."
If I heard a woman talk about men like that I'd be horrified. But I've lost count of the amount of times I've heard men talk about women in that derogatory manner- even ones I consider to be well mannered and polite.
Some of the comments on this site are so articulate, and so insightful and so concise. But so so disturbingly cold.

As I am writing this, words like   "hate", "disdain" and "contempt" comes so easily to mind after reading some of the comments.   

Don't you realize  it is still a horribly male world, where most women on the planet are treated in the same way some of you talk about us on this site.

So when some of you resent a woman who is - what you call -  an 8 or a 9 (which I have never in my entire life heard any woman  regularly describe men as) because she isn't interested in you, or God forbid, is playing hard to get.  Remember.  For most of those 8s or 9s that's the only power they have when it comes to any sembalance of parity with men. 

And God forbid those 8s or 9s who have the temerity to like some of you alpha or beta males and sleep with you. Because bascially they're even worse than *****s, because even a stupid ***** is bright enough to charge you for the chance to get in her pants.

And let's not even mention us poor sub 8s and 9s. According to some of you men we might as well be dead.  

Why so much hate? Why do you resent us so much? I just don't get it.

There are  loads of beautiful, kind, intelligent women all over the world  why are you all focussing on the mean ungrateful women? And being so disrespectful towards good looking and plain women who like you enough to want to sleep with you? What does that say about you?  

Give us a break. All most women want is a decent, kind man, who we fancy, can have a giggle with, want to have loads of good sex with, and who we can love and cherish.

But for some of us the journey to find a that guy gets very dark and confusing - and after reading some of the comments on this site,  l can totally understand why.   Remember, unlike you males, we females are on the back foot from the minute we pop out of  the womb. As I said before, it  is still a horribly male world.    

I know I'm going to slaughtered for this post. So bring it on.  



Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
I rarely, if ever hear women say things like "... I fvcked the stupid wanker then watched the game..." or something like " ...I am going out with the girls tonight, and I've got my eye on those two fit blond twins ..what are those wankers called again? Oh yeah... Bill and Ben. Yeah I'm gonna give em some of my game, fvck em both, rate the size of their c..ks, how they lick *****, and how well they can pump it. And brag to my girls about whether or not they're good at giving it, or as bad as white boys on a dance floor..."
If I heard a woman talk about men like that I'd be horrified. But I've lost count of the amount of times I've heard men talk about women in that derogatory manner- even ones I consider to be well mannered and polite.
You must not talk to women very often then. Who do you think coined the term "a baby's arm holding an apple"?


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2011
Reaction score
Just realise one thing about this site - 95% of guys on here used to be the nicest guys imaginable towards women at one point in their lives. To the extent hateful or derogatory comments towards women are being made, they are the product of direct and bitter experience with the female population.

So please save the moral outrage. It's wildly misplaced.

At a loss

Don Juan
Jun 18, 2011
Reaction score
@ Yo mama

Oh for crying out loud. I know plenty of women who've  been treated appallingly by men, but still want and do give a good guy a chance. 

Have you ever considered the problems you have with women might be more to do with you, than them?

Try dropping your negative attitude, and socialize with a better class of woman. Trust me there are loads out there. It's a big ole world. Try exploring it. You might surprise yourself and start enjoying life and meet a nice woman who like you for you along the way.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
"Rarely do I hear women talking about men in the nasty, hateful, contemptuous way some of you talk about women."

I guess you're not a divorce attorney, Miss.


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
At a loss said:
I thought most men dream of having THREE to EIGHT women on the go. You'd think all those alpha males would be on cloud nine with all that female attention. But no.
This is because...most guys who claim to have three to eight women on here - are lying to look cool (and/or "prove" that they are out "spinning plates" but "there's this one girl who stands out from the rest.")

At a loss said:
They're either moaning about them,
A sign that they probably only have AT BEST 1 girl (and maybe reincarnate her into 3-4 different girls when telling stories).

At a loss said:
or pretending to be nice to them,
I don't believe too many people here endorse being nice to women; yet alone pretending to be.

At a loss said:
but really thinking they're stupid, dirty, slvts and *****es.  It's heartbreaking.
Yes, the sosuave is corrupted greatly by the madonna/***** complex... They polarize their views... She's either pure or a slut... It is heartbreaking, but i stopped trying to talk sense into people who clearly have been damaged many times by women they shouldn't have fallen in love with.

At a loss said:
Why don't they simply get those life like silicon dolls and just line up in their garages along with their cars  and bikes to ride-  that way they still get the good looking girls, but they don't  have to deal with the girls actually speaking.
If a guy doesn't enjoy interacting with women - it's because he is full of many complexes.

At a loss said:
It seems a lot of these alpha males and many beta males have so much disdain for women.  So much so,  it's as if they don't even see us as human.
You are right here.... But you must understand that a lot of these guys have been through painful situations with women, and one of their ways to cope with it is to lash out. Either that or they fail with women - therefore their anger is projected outward in the form of shaming and disdain.

At a loss said:
I know woman can be harsh. Some very harsh. And some crazy. But there're  millions who aren't.
Bullsh!t. You show me a woman who isn't crazy - and i'll show you a dead woman.

I'm not putting women down. I like the craziness of women... Even the most calm/sane women i know have moments of complete psychosis.

At a loss said:
Rarely do I hear women talking about men in the nasty, hateful, contemptuous way some of you talk about women.
No. But you do hear them complain, talk of ways to manipulate, and group men into one lump ball ("all men are jerks" is about as acurate as "all women are sluts")

At a loss said:
I rarely, if ever hear women say things like "... I fvcked the stupid wanker then watched the game..." or something like " ...I am going out with the girls tonight, and I've got my eye on those two fit blond twins ..what are those wankers called again? Oh yeah... Bill and Ben. Yeah I'm gonna give em some of my game,  fvck em  both, rate the size of their c..ks, how they lick *****, and  how well they can pump it.  And brag to my girls about whether or not they're good at giving it, or as bad as white boys on a dance floor..."
The reality is - you do do this!!!!!!!!!!! Even if you just do it in your head.

At a loss said:
If I heard a woman talk about men like that I'd be horrified. But I've lost count of the amount of times I've heard men talk about women in that derogatory manner- even ones I consider to be well mannered and polite.
You perhaps should go to the nearest drug store and stock up on tissues....

At a loss said:
Some of the comments on this site are so articulate, and so insightful and so concise. But so so disturbingly cold.
Being good with women is cold business.... Otherwise - you wouldn't be good with women.

At a loss said:
As I am writing this, words like   "hate", "disdain" and "contempt" comes so easily to mind after reading some of the comments.
As im reading this - words like "you", "complain", "too", and "much" comes to my mind.

At a loss said:
Don't you realize  it is still a horribly male world, where most women on the planet are treated in the same way some of you talk about us on this site.
This is the same world where most modern men who are in long term relationships live in constant fear of their women. They walk on eggshells and obey their every command (which only makes women more mad). For the single woman - it's a bit different. But most women - have their man on lockdown, and if they don't - they're trying their hardest to do it........ It's in your nature... But recently - the backbones of man have all but disappeared once they find "the one" (or in some cases the only one they could find).

At a loss said:
And God forbid those 8s or 9s who have the temerity to like some of you alpha or beta males and sleep with you. Because bascially they're even worse than *****s, because even a stupid ***** is bright enough to charge you for the chance to get in her pants.
There are men on this board like this...

They sleep with a woman and then see her a $lut....

This just shows that man thinks too little of himself...

At a loss said:
And let's not even mention us poor sub 8s and 9s. According to some of you men we might as well be dead.  
Did you get that tissue box i told you to get earlier?

At a loss said:
Why so much hate? Why do you resent us so much? I just don't get it.
Most on this board resent and judge.... I don't get it either... But, i suspect - they are liars. They've also been hurt a lot, cheated on, or flat out rejected by women.

This shield they carry - is as fake as the stories they tell each other.

At a loss said:
Give us a break. All most women want is...
Women don't know what they want... And they definitely don't know what "most women" want...

At a loss said:
But for some of us the journey to find a that guy gets very dark and confusing - and after reading some of the comments on this site,  l can totally understand why.   Remember, unlike you males, we females are on the back foot from the minute we pop out of  the womb. As I said before, it  is still a horribly male world.  
This is just bullsh!t.... You're mixing some stuff i can agree with with this "whoa is me" nonsense.... Quit crying about how hard it is to be a woman...

You can cry about how hard it is to be a single (low self-esteem) woman, and how you can't find good men (because you're attracted to bad boys, therefore completely overlooking the guy who held the door open for you). But this is a horribly feminized world we live in. One where a lot of men burn the shoes off their feet, rather than risk taking them off and putting them in the "wrong" side of the closet.

At a loss

Don Juan
Jun 18, 2011
Reaction score
Interesting replies. I do think some of you should try reading up on world affairs and get a better prespective on life. Then you will realize it is a FACT that we do still live in a horribly male world. 

Unless a woman has murdered your entire family,  I see no reason why some of you are so bitter. 

Life is too short, to be carrying around  that much emotional bile. 


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
At a loss said:
Interesting replies. I do think some of you should try reading up on world affairs and get a better prespective on life. Then you will realize it is a FACT that we do still live in a horribly male world. 

Unless a woman has murdered your entire family,  I see no reason why some of you are so bitter. 

Life is too short, to be carrying around  that much emotional bile. 

You have had it pretty easy compared to women in the past, or some women in modern day who live in 3rd world countries. You want to talk about dark and confusing, lady you don't even know meaning of the words.


Master Don Juan
Mar 28, 2011
Reaction score
Yes, because we live in a world where women are as equal as men, yet we men have to pay half our assets to these 'equal' women and mantainence fees, who have the capability to feed themselves, when they decide to cheat on us and get a divorce. It may be the other way but the law is still incredibly skewed in womens' favor.

Gosh the world we live in is so 'incredibly male'.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
At a loss said:
@ Yo mama

Oh for crying out loud. I know plenty of women who've  been treated appallingly by men, but still want and do give a good guy a chance. 

Have you ever considered the problems you have with women might be more to do with you, than them?

Try dropping your negative attitude, and socialize with a better class of woman. Trust me there are loads out there. It's a big ole world. Try exploring it. You might surprise yourself and start enjoying life and meet a nice woman who like you for you along the way.

your so obviously a woman its not even funny .... Women get to be themselves , guys cant do that if we want to actually get woman , most of us would gladly praise women and be kind to them if it would get us laid , but it doesn't , women are attracted to men that treat them like crap , so we are forced to take up this mindset, you fix all the f#%#ed up women in the world so they like nice guys and we will happily return to our old ways.

Girls also complain about men 24/7 go to any social networking site and scroll peoples posts , most from girls are "omg guys are a$$holes " or " im so done with men" maybe if they wouldn't spread their legs for such a$$hole guys they wouldn't have anything to complain about.

At a loss

Don Juan
Jun 18, 2011
Reaction score
@ annette

Thanks for your support. What's up with some of these guys? I am beginning to feel really sorry for them. 

At a loss

Don Juan
Jun 18, 2011
Reaction score
@ cable cow 15

My god. What kind of women are you mixing with? For the love of god broaden your horizons. Give the bars, clubs and internet a rest, travel more - even to a museum or gallery and improve your taste in women.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
At a loss said:
@ annette

Thanks for your support. What's up with some of these guys? I am beginning to feel really sorry for them. 
no you don't... your just offended by it so you made a account on here to stir up crap and voice your unwanted opinion, typical woman crap, and why a lot of people here cant stand it ...


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
At a loss said:
@ cable cow 15

My god. What kind of women are you mixing with? For the love of god broaden your horizons. Give the bars, clubs and internet a rest, travel more - even to a museum or gallery and improve your taste in women.

your so European its funny


Don Juan
Jun 18, 2011
Reaction score
Amiens, Fr
@ At a loss

I was wondering the same thing. :confused: :( They must have had some bad experiences with women throughout there lives ... maybe they just haven't been meeting the right people. I don't know what women would get together with some of these guys (I sort of suspect they don't) because they treat women like objects rather than human beings.

These guys just have a really skewed perspective on females. I wouldn't give their butt-hurt arguments much credence. I feel badly for them because I can't imagine going through life thinking this about the other gender.

A lot of the stuff on here is just incredibly sexist and they probably won't even deny it.

At a loss

Don Juan
Jun 18, 2011
Reaction score
@ Yo Mama and Cable cow15

That's a good point Cablecow. It's one reason I don't want to date women over 30. Unfortunately these are the easiest women to find.

The women over 30 who aren't married with kids basically lose the plot, completely. They become insane. Those who do get married and have kids don't always go insane but what many of them do is take out their bitterness over losing the only thing that ever counted (their looks and the attention and power it brought them) on their husband and sometimes kid.

Of course not all marriages are like this but I know a disturbing number that are.

I want to **** women of course. I like the thrill of the kill and all that. I'm just fed up dealing with their bull****. In fact I refuse to do it. As soon as they start playing up they are gone. I would still love to meet attractive, interesting, charming, considerate and honest women. But it's like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

It is any wonder you can't find a decent woman? Step back and really take a good look a what you are writing. Any sane, decent woman would run a mile if she saw you coming with that attitude. If you want a decent woman, start being a decent man.  Stop whining after a few knock backs. Man up mate. And that goes for all the boys who agreeing with you  as well.

At a loss

Don Juan
Jun 18, 2011
Reaction score
@ annette

Totally agree with you. But it's a fascinating site don't you think? But some of the posters are very sad. Also, I do wonder if deep down a lot men think like some of the sad bitter posters. I really hope not.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
At a loss said:
@ Yo Mama and Cable cow15

That's a good point Cablecow. It's one reason I don't want to date women over 30. Unfortunately these are the easiest women to find.

The women over 30 who aren't married with kids basically lose the plot, completely. They become insane. Those who do get married and have kids don't always go insane but what many of them do is take out their bitterness over losing the only thing that ever counted (their looks and the attention and power it brought them) on their husband and sometimes kid.

Of course not all marriages are like this but I know a disturbing number that are.

I want to **** women of course. I like the thrill of the kill and all that. I'm just fed up dealing with their bull****. In fact I refuse to do it. As soon as they start playing up they are gone. I would still love to meet attractive, interesting, charming, considerate and honest women. But it's like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

It is any wonder you can't find a decent woman? Step back and really take a good look a what you are writing. Any sane, decent woman would run a mile if she saw you coming with that attitude. If you want a decent woman, start being a decent man.  Stop whining after a few knock backs. Man up mate. And that goes for all the boys who agreeing with you  as well.

LOL im speechless .... don't even know where to start ripping apart that crap ass theory...