Come on now


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
At a loss said:
I see no reason why some of you are so bitter. 

Life is too short, to be carrying around  that much emotional bile. 
You are living in a fantasy world. If you got divorced with a guy who had a little bit of money, you would crush him and his male parts into the ground so fast it would make for another tsunami in Japan.

At a loss

Don Juan
Jun 18, 2011
Reaction score
@ cable cow 15

Well have a go.  You might surprise yourself and me.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
Reaction score
At a loss said:
I do wonder if deep down a lot men think like some of the sad bitter posters. I really hope not.

They surely do. Nowadays, being the "nice guy" gets you no where.

It's just the way it is.

Maybe you are not from the USA and don't get it where you're from.

It's worse here than anywhere else.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
At a loss said:
@ cable cow 15

Well have a go.  You might surprise yourself and me.
well first off there is no single attitude that would portray that kind of message to a woman , and if there was it would be a miracle for them to put it together . women don't think like "hey that guy is nice he will treat me nice" most women are complete hypocrites when it comes to this to , they will say things like " oh i don't care about looks" and will turn around and call some guy creepy that asks for their number and not even over than chance to learn about any thing other than their looks.

i don't travel much because i cant afford it , and if i have to leave the country to find a "good " girl , i think ill just keep using the dumb ones around here till I eventually find one the hard way

I don't hate women , i just no longer view women the same way and i never will again, you should read around this site more and read some of the non forum material , maybe you will understand yourself better


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
Reaction score
cablecow15 said:
I don't hate women , i just no longer view women the same way and i never will again, you should read around this site more and read some of the non forum material , maybe you will understand yourself better


Completely agree with that.


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2011
Reaction score
At a loss said:
Interesting replies. I do think some of you should try reading up on world affairs and get a better prespective on life. Then you will realize it is a FACT that we do still live in a horribly male world. 

Unless a woman has murdered your entire family,  I see no reason why some of you are so bitter. 

Life is too short, to be carrying around  that much emotional bile. 
No. You have to realize something. You have to realize that women are far better at manipulating than men. I'm not just talking about BPD girls (who by the way have the capacity to completely destroy any man), I'm talking about all women. Because of this you very often get a situation where a genuinely nice guy is being played over and over again, while the woman is already detaching emotionally. If she ever truly cared that is. It is the incessant manipulative behaviours of women that would make anyone misogynist. That and the ability to go into complete psychosis when something doesn't go the princess's way. No, I'm sorry, 99% of the women out there are not emotionally adult in any way. I only go for that 1% that is and I know a couple of absolutely wonderful girls in my life, but men are simply put more honest and trustworthy.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
Shall I add my 2 cents it will be long very long and if you are well educated you might understand if not then best of luck.

So here goes I am your typical "badboy" the guy that smokes does drugs and is good with girls, on the flip side I'm also smart (medschool dropout doing finance now). I was in a sports team and have done gymnastics since I was around 8 years old. I also play guitar and piano

When I hit 14 I had all the girls at highschool want to "date" me not because of how smart or talented I was with music but for the simple fact that I was "that guy" the cool one with a nice body that plays football (soccer) and has big muscles. Its natural that females will always be attracted to a well built male.

Funny thing is the girls only wanted to date me because I was something other girls wanted not what they wanted nor was I the type of guy that would stick around and be with her for a ong period of time. The girls I did date tried to control my life as if they owned me, can't go out with my friends, I train too much, I'm too tired and don't pay her enough attention.

The ones with whom I did give a bit of ground too tried to treat me like the new toy mummy and daddy had just bought them, fun while I was giving them attention but after a while they would try and throw me away like another "boring" toy. Yet I was always the one playing music and playing sports and competing in competitions, while most of them were too busy trying to out do each other in the looks department.

The few nice girls I dated all felt insecure with me and always checked my phone to see if I wasn't talking to another girl ............ trust issues were always there with decent nice girls, as if my word as a guy was not enough. I was never a player or user but meh they didn't care I looked like one so that's how I got treated.

In Uni I got into a gang and stole cars and done small scale drugs I knew exactly how to "cut" the drugs with the chemistry knowledge I had and I was only 20 during this time. I had money pouring out of my ears and more women than I could handle all with the same issues. I got busted by police got kicked out of medschool and am now doing a finance degree and guess what I still see the same issues with girls at the age of 27.

I have never cheated on a girl but have had many cheat on me I have always been a good guy and always done the right thing (apart from the crimes as a young teen). I've always had women try and control my life and use me as something they own. Or they feel very inferior when they have spent a few weeks dating me.

Most of the stuff on this website (the theory) is spot on it nails everything, remember this is a website where men have broken down the art of dating into a science so it is always going to be very cold and filled with people that have been hurt by women.

You can sit there ant point fingers or you can join in and offer useful information to the guys here, your choice.

Just remember when you point fingers at other people 3 fingers always point back :)

BTW I'm sorry If I only look to date girls that are classed in the "out of touch" category, they provide me the excitement and challenge that I like its a part of me that has been there since I was 8 ................. the winner mentality ?? Guess so lol.
May 25, 2011
Reaction score
OP your original post might have had some credibility in some areas, but your incessant rants in follow up posts made me lose any original respect for anything you said.

Now I am going to point something out to you, so listen close. Instead of coming on here and writing a post that is contemplative, and can be rebutted and discussed in an appropriate manner, you came on here and had a rant in an aggressive manner. This is the exact reason some men have so much disdain for women like you. And as soon as we come back with anything you don't like to hear, you jump back with an aggressive post and call us misogynistic. I see this as a double standard. If you want to start a discussion, be prepared to have a discussion and take what we are saying into account before you voice your opinion in a rushed, emotional post that really holds no creditable value. If you want a debate, we will happily have a debate with you. If you want to complain, piss off.


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2010
Reaction score
Personally, I don't hate women.

But it is important to realise that attraction is not a choice.

Similarly to as how us men, upon seeing a big t!tted blonde beauty walking past, can't stop ourselves thinking about fvcking her brains out (let's face it, we all do), a women can't help who she is attracted to.

She might think to herself, write it, and even believe it with all her heart that she wants (quote) "a decent, kind man, who we fancy, can have a giggle with, want to have loads of good sex with, and who we can love and cherish."

But is that how it works in real life? Not unless she is also attracted to him for his other traits. Traits that have been honed and selected over the numerous generations of human history and passed on.

She can't help it who she is or isn't attracted to, and this is why I am such a strong proponent of "Judging a Girl by Actions, not by Words"

This lets you cuts through all the b/s of mixed messages you get from her.

Women do not think logically like guys. Instead, a woman will rationalise anything if the attraction is great enough.

Attraction first, logic second is how women work.

The sooner you understand this, the better you will be. If it doesn't work out, the bottom line is that she was not attracted to you. If you can't reignite it, then instead of crying about it, grow a pair, man up and move on.

Women have such a limited time in the sun, their beauty starts to fade after their late 20's and it is all downhill after that for them, since looks is 95% of how men judge women at first.

But a man who makes the most of his life and looks after himself can get with women much younger than himself until his 30's and beyond.

Make the most of it!


Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2011
Reaction score
runner83 said:
Women do not think logically like guys. Instead, a woman will rationalise anything if the attraction is great enough.

Attraction first, logic second is how women work.
kinda think this is hilarious - the idea that dudes think logically is surely disproved by pretty much every thread on this board

dudes just think they act logically - really by their behavior and idealizing of girls they don't even know shows the opposite to be the case


Don Juan
Oct 17, 2009
Reaction score
runner83 said:
Personally, I don't hate women.

But it is important to realise that attraction is not a choice.

Similarly to as how us men, upon seeing a big t!tted blonde beauty walking past, can't stop ourselves thinking about fvcking her brains out (let's face it, we all do), a women can't help who she is attracted to.
It is true that women can't help who they're attracted to. But that probably isn't the only reason many guys get annoyed with women. There are many other things that some women do that cause some guys to have contemptuous views towards them.

Want examples? Here are a few:

- Spreading false rumors and gossip. Men do it too, but women specialize in it. They were practicing sneaky b!tch tactics in the schoolyard while the boy bullies were still beating kids up physically.

- Cheating. Many of the biggest players probably guys who were cheated on by the girlfriend they "loved" when they were 14.

- Young women will often cruelly reject young men. Or, alternately they'll pick young men for completely superficial reasons. Teenage girls will date a guy because he's popular caring anything about him.

- After they get old, ugly and used up, many increasingly desperate women turn into female rapists. They'll try to bully the same kind of men they would've rejected in their youth into taking them. If these women were men they'd be running around with a knife, duct tape and handcuffs looking for women to sexually assault.

- The most bitter men are probably the ones who've been through messy divorces, separations or have baby-mother problems. Dealing with ex-wives and baby-mothers may cause serious distaste towards women.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2008
Reaction score
East Coast USA
At a loss said:
I would still love to meet attractive, interesting, charming, considerate and honest women. But it's like trying to find a needle in a haystack....It is any wonder you can't find a decent woman?
You are bashing forum users for treating the majority of women like crap, but you yourself are claiming that the majority of women are crap.

You treat crap like crap; otherwise, crap has no incentive to change (not that the crappy women are changing...).

When you find that needle in a haystack, you give her your utmost respect.

Suck it.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2010
Reaction score
At a loss said:
Don't you realize  it is still a horribly male world, where most women on the planet are treated in the same way some of you talk about us on this site.

At a loss said:
Give us a break. All most women want is a decent, kind man
Women most certainly do NOT want a decent, kind man. Nonesense, I tried that for years. I WAS that guy. Women want men with dark triad genes

If all women wanted was a decent kind man, this forum would not exist


Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
The OP is a typical, fully-indoctrinated "head-in-the-sand" feminist with absolutely no concept whatsoever of the realities that we men deal with on a regular basis.

She is literally incapable of conceiving our reality (hence her being puzzled by our efforts to deal with it), and is only interested in administering emotion-driven scoldings, and therefore rational argument with her will be fruitless.

He goal is to not to strive to understand, to see the reasons for what we do here, but rather to scold and "correct".

I notice that every post she makes reveals more about the extent of her delusion and ignorance of reality.

If she sticks around she will either start to assimilate and understand what we are dealing with or she will go away and take her perceived "superiority" with her. My money's on the latter, unfortunately.

She cannot comprehend the female "entitlement" mentality that affects almost every interaction, at every turn. It is invisible to her because she is a cog in that very machine. The machine cannot reflect upon itself, and will resist any attempt by those who examine it from the outside in order to define its function and its effects, for the betterment of society at large, and especially for our descendents.

I used to be a nice, decent, loving and self-sacrificial man, and I was chewed up and spat out many times for being that way. We all know that women claim to desire that kind of man, yet in fact they REVILE a man who is decent, nice, and thoughtful of her. She grows to despise him.

What does that say about the average modern woman?


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
At a loss said:
Give us a break. All most women want is a decent, kind man, who we fancy, can have a giggle with, want to have loads of good sex with, and who we can love and cherish.
Yeah it all sounds good on paper.

But the who we fancy part ruins it. What you are really sayings is someone you are attracted to. And that is the only thing that really matters. The decent, kind, make you laugh, love and cherish things, don't matter at all. If you're not attracted to a guy, they are irrelevant.

The only reason this forum and the many others like it exist, is because their are a great deal of men, myself included, who have a very hard time making women attracted to us. Either we aren't really good looking or tall enough, have lots of money or aren't super smooth.

I know I'd be a great boyfriend and meet just about all the criteria you listed. Unfortunately I have yet to meet a woman who was willing to overlook my shortcomings.

annette<3 said:
@ At a loss

I was wondering the same thing. :confused: :( They must have had some bad experiences with women throughout there lives

All I've ever had with women were bad experiences. Frankly I think it's a miracle I'm not in jail or in a mental hospital.

... maybe they just haven't been meeting the right people.
I've often heard that. "You're just not meeting the right girls." It's a garbage line and you know it.

The girls I go after are the everyday average girls I meet at school and work. Unless something is wrong with all the girls in California, I am meeting the right people.


Don Juan
Apr 16, 2011
Reaction score
I think this thread proves how incredibly nice men actually are. If you did this on a woman's forum bashing their viewpoints, they would be going on their cellphones crying to their boyfriends


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Maxtro said:
But the who we fancy part ruins it. What you are really sayings is someone you are attracted to. And that is the only thing that really matters. The decent, kind, make you laugh, love and cherish things, don't matter at all. If you're not attracted to a guy, they are irrelevant.
To be fair, it works the other way around too. If a guy does not find a girl attractive, it doesn't really matter what her personality is.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
At a loss said:
Came across this site. It's quite an insight on some men's views on women.  Have to say, a lot of you sound like real misogynists.  Also some of you are just as bad as all the moany, *****y, women you complain about. It's so depressing.
You must not be very experienced with women.

At first we all think this way. We are shocked and repulsed by a guy doing neg hits on a woman, treating her indifferently and overall "acting like a jerk" with a woman.

Don't worry about it. As time passes by you will understand the attitude towards women in this forum once you experience women enough yourself.

One of the marks of a newbie is exactly this. Complaining about the attitude towards women in this forum.


Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2011
Reaction score
many of the views expressed here are negative not so much about women but life in general

i do not share those views, in either case

At a loss

Don Juan
Jun 18, 2011
Reaction score
@ runner 83 & maxtro

That is such a good point. It is a cruel woman who stays with a good man she truly doesn't want. 

The fancying issue is a massive problem. I for one could never be with a man sexually unless I find physically attractive and feel safe with him.

 I do feel bad about that because I know there a loads of good men out there, but I just don't fancy them, so I would never go there  no matter how lovely, funny, generous, sweet and kind they are.

However, on the  bright side fancying  someone is very subjective.  I've met some really handsome men, who are nice guys but they just don't do it for me. There are loads of handsome, rich guys, who are really boring.

However I've met some "jolie laid" guys who just have that spark about them that draws you in. I think it's basically an innate confidence or self belief. It's a very tough thing to achieve, alas very few people do it, but when you see it in a man it is extraordinarily  impressive. 

 I know it's tough out there. But  you know by now life is not a picnic. Like your friends, you have to choose your wives and lovers wisely.   

Oh and before anyone says anything. I have never fallen for a player. I can see and sense their so called " game" striaghr away. It's horribly insincere.