Christmas Bootcamp

Al Moh.

Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2008
Reaction score
Hey guys,

I told you there would be a winter BC. Now here it is.

I am going to apply a few changes to the BC so more people might be able to succeed and set an example for other young DJs. Ten people for this experiment. And it´s not going to be the first ten people but rather I am going to choose them by their application in this thread.

Last time about 50% of the guys who signed up didn`t even complete week 1! I mean: WTF? Is it so difficult to say Hi to some people? Even if it is, you should be able to force yourself to do this.

Anyways, the application should look something like this:

I`m blabla, live around blabla (country + city), I`ve been here for [timespan] I am quiet successful already/not very succeesful because of or whatever and I am SURE I AM GOING TO REALLY TRY TO DO THIS BECAUSE...

Signup will be open until the first of deceber.

THE FIRST WEEK STARTS ON THE FIFTH in the morning, which is a friday. From then on every week goes from friday morning until thrusday evening. You are going to use your local time.

Like I said, I am going to pick ten people (actually nine, because I am one of them). These people are going to officially do the BC which means they HAVE TO post AT LEAST once a week in the BC thread. Report, questions, help for other people.

If you want to do the BC inofficially at the same time, that`s fine as well.

That`s it, happy hunting.

Violent V

Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
I`m V, live in London, been here for 8 months, I been recording a self-improvement journal from the first day onwards and have come on leaps and bounds- check it out. I am SURE I AM GOING TO REALLY TRY TO DO THIS BECAUSE the more people i do boot camp with, who are also actually serious about it, the greater the chances that i will follow it through till the end with them. Looking forward to it!


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
I would love to do a bootcamp (I really need the experience) but unfortunately I only have 3 more weeks at college, so it wouldn't work well this time of year.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 28, 2008
Reaction score
I'm Adam, I live in Brooklyn, NY, been here about 9 months I believe, not very successful right now. I've gotten laid before, and was very successful with girls back in my HS years, but then I got a GF I was with for almost 4 years and when she dumped me months ago i've just been down on myself confidence wise, and I have failed with the ladies. Only ones I've gotten have been low quality, and I know I should be doing better.

I have terrible social anxiety, but once I start talking with girls my game isn't that bad. I've never done a bootcamp here before and I would definetly do my best to make it through, because I know I have the abilities to get women, I know I should have a great one or more, I just need that push.


Don Juan
Sep 4, 2008
Reaction score
Reppin' that 860 in Hartford, CT!
I'm Akash, I live in Rocky Hill, CT. I've lived in CT since my Sophomore year of High School (I'm a senior now), and I've had 1 relationship in my entire life which lasted 8 months. Since I got out of that LTR, I've wanted to improve myself. I've made the decision to join the U.S Marine Corps and I want to make my next 7 months in HS memorable and successful. I'm a persistent person, which makes it hard for me to let go of a girl I have a "oneitis" with. In school, I talk to girls but only ones I'm comfortable with. I really have never gotten to test how good my game is and hopefully this bootcamp will help me out. I know that I can do it if I put my mind to it!


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Hi i'm Evolve. From the UK.

Im an average guy living a mundane medioca existence. I grow bored of my current life and strive to change this. I know there is a lot more to life than the average joe's 9 to 5 life. And i'm not going to settle, I will not settle. I want to be on my death Bed and look back over my life and the things iv done/acheived and die with a smile on my face (not doing this is my biggest fear).

In 2010 im turning my back on everything iv known and am going to traveling for a year on my own and may not ever come back to my home country.I want to experiance what this world has to offer to it's fullest. To me this bootcamp is nothing more that an essential tool/stepping stone to prepare me for this.

I joined these bored about 6 months ago when I had a oneis for a girl I dated then messed with my head.

My social circle has also caved in on it's self. At times I can be a bit of a ***** in social situations and have relyed on other people to carry me. Now my support has gone I have no other choice but to sculpt myself from scratch out of wood. So I have all the free time in the world and nothing better to do than to carry out this bootcamp.

To me doing the bootcamp has nothing to do with picking up women. Its about changing MYSELF to what I want to be, having a girlfriend or being able to pick up random girls with style is nothing more than an unnecessary bonus to my plans. Be warned I will struggle like hell with some of the bootcamp, I won't lie to you. But its a hurdle I must/will overcome someway or another.

My faith in this community is not that strong. So doing this bootcamp from start to finish and seeing what it yields is a way of testing to see if this online community is for REAL. And actually worth investing a portion of my life into it. Or is it a bunch of lonely guys who hang around on the internet and make up theories how to pick up women all night but not having a clue in real life. Im looking for results and hanging around on here and just reading the DJ Bible will not give me this. The only way of experiencing what this community has to offer me is if it pushes me to go out and DO. And for me the only tool on here to do that is BOOTCAMP, i feel that i need to be pushed.

'Would reading every thing possible about how to ride a bike get you anywhere if you wanted to learn. Or would you be a lot better off reading nothing and going in clueless with a clear mind and trying to learn be the better option.' This is my sort of mindset right now.


P.S. If not picked im just going to do it unofficially. Fail and I leave this community for good and find a different path. Pick me or not im doing it anyways ;)
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Daddy The Pimp

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score
I think it would be better if you do one category " Superstars of bootcamp " with 10 people , where selected will post always Field Reports and that way newbies could learn and get motivated. But superstars should be true fvcking don juans that could pick almost any girl . And the other category would be for anyone who is ready . Newbs should post FR too and motivate each other or they get disqualified .

I completely understand why you are doing this . I did some kind of bootcamp where missions we're totally different from this one , it was full of weird sh1t . Maybe 50 people said they will do it and maybe only 2-3 have done the missions . I was pissed . I understand you , but there's no way to know who will do the tasks just by their applications . Its not good to limit the number . A lot of people if not chosen wont do their tasks because they would get unmotivated. But i doubt someone will make it through all the bootcamp .Why ? because most of them dont have the balls to do all of missions .

Here are a lot of people that are so fvcking nerds (no offense ) that are afraid to leave their room .
Thats why i love RSDnation . There are a lot of people waiting for a challenge to do.

To people who are thinking of taking this bootcamp : if you want changes , you have to take big steps .

All this sh1t is done just for practice and nothing else . Dont take nothing personally .

There is no better way to learn the game than the first hand experience ( field ) .

Al Moh.

Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2008
Reaction score
Good points, but I am going to stick with my original plan. You have to understand that a limited number of people is easier to watch over. This time I want to lead people to results, motivate them and I can't do that with 50 people.

Yes, I do realize that I am nt necessarily picking the people that are most likely to follow through. But those of you who really want to do this... You are still going to do it yourself if I don't pick you. So there shouldn't be a problem.

Al Moh.

Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2008
Reaction score
Since you can sign up until the first of decmber I am going to publish it on the second or third.

Heart Break Kid

Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
Reaction score
In hell. I'm Satan's lover.
Bootcamp is the fastest way to get what you want out of life. If you are man enough to fight the anxiety in your head and navigate that labyrinth that is your mind you will have everything you could ever want. However, you have got to make a commitment now or you will never change. I believe this is why Al Moh wants only those who have a burning desire to change. I am glad to see a few of them already took the first step and applied.

Good luck to all you future DJ's !


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2008
Reaction score
I myself do feel this ‘burning desire to change’ and want to apply myself to this boot camp. I don’t only want to change to be better with women but also to become a better person in my life, more confidence overall. I want to be able to see what I want and just go for it, no second guessing myself. I’ve already done a few cold approaches but nothing substantial, the small taste has only given me desire for more and I feel ready to commit myself to something of this magnitude.


Don Juan
Jan 25, 2006
Reaction score
I'm Stubborn.

Yeah, whatever, my name says 'stubbornlights', but Stubborn is shorter, and it fits. Real name is Alex, so if you prefer that, go for it. And I'm from Canada, 21. I joined the community here a few years ago and tried to sort out some really AFC nonsense. Failed miserably, but then miraculously stumbled into an LTR and thought, "pshhh, no more PUA stuff for me! I guess I don't need it after all." Huge mistake.

Needless to say, the LTR dissolved, and I found myself an AFC again after a year and a half. The lesson was simple: get your stuff together, learn, quit procrastinating. I ripped my persona apart until I found its core, and I'm in the process of rebuilding now. I'm slowly, but persistently, growing; developing muscle over the core. Stripping myself of insecurity, weakness, everything in me that I loathe. Anything that hinders me, I ruthlessly slaughter and discard.

To demonstrate my resolve:
I used to be a really shy guy. I worked professional jobs, stuff involving technology, corporate work, marketing. Sucked. It's a lifeless environment and lifestyle. I couldn't grow from it. So what did I do? I quit, and decided to go pursue the most uncomfortable, challenging field of work imaginable to me. I became a bartender in the most popular nightclub in the city.

It was sooo hard at first to even deal with customers. Now, we're not talking normal people; I'm exposed to incredibly arrogant and caustic people every day. They were merciless. People couldn't figure out what I was doing there. But I persevered, and now I excel. I'm converting detractors into fans. Massive social proof. And, I'm in the perfect field environment EVERY DAY. I'm dedicated. I changed my life so I could get this under control.

I can pickup normal, friendly girls (up to, let's say 8/10) fairly easily (because I don't care about the outcome). But I'm not satisfied with that. I like outrageous girls; the ones that know what they want, the ones that aren't defined by social boundaries and conventions. BUT you have to have rock-solid game to pull 9's and 10's like that. I realized that I still experienced embarrassment, and it was holding me back, a lot. WTF is embarassment, what a worthless emotion? It had to be sacrificed at the altar of the new me. So, again, I thought, what could I possibly do to rid myself of it? What could be so brutal, so punishing, that if I could endure it, I wouldn't have to worry about embarrassment again?

Thanks to being in the industry, the bouncers in town knew me and let me into the clubs wearing nothing but a thong and outrageously gay makeup. It was amazing; I thought I would feel something, but the moment I arrived, that nasty emotion was gone. All that it took was the balls required to dress up like that. I was hit on, and mercilessly harassed, all night. It was a good night.

And this brings me to the bootcamp. I have all the resources I need to complete whatever tasks you ask of me. Furthermore, I'm willing. I don't even care. Challenge me. I want to be challenged, with all of you. I want to progress to the next level. I want to develop the unshakable game that I need to walk up to any girl and walk away with her.

Let's do this. Let's make this a complete gongshow.


Don Juan
Nov 24, 2008
Reaction score
Hi,Im Martin.Im originaly from slovakia.At the moment live in UK.Im kind of new to this site,but im gona say its very sticky.In last 3-4 months i read few psychologi books,dating books ets...but it did not give me what i was looking for and than i found this site and a bootcamp which i wana be part of.My interaction with women are not bad but not that good as well.


Don Juan
Nov 24, 2008
Reaction score
I played ice hockey,and with ice hockey comes chicks as well.i didnt have that many girls but all of them are HB8 and +.i dont wana do this boot camp just to learn how to pick up girls but mainly for other reason what are metion here.i wana change my life,like nothink else,and i think this boot camp will give me that oportunity

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Hey since i was in last one thought id lay comment, With every week u complete, u will change urself. The person i was before i started it is a lot different, u become a lot more stronger and u came to a lot of realisations, which dosn't only benifit u with women but life. When ever i come across problems i always apply the same rules i learned here. Its not about succeeding, to do nothing and succeed what proudness is that, but to come from the ashes and work ur way to the top, that is something u can get up to, theres a point to ur existance to urself.

Al Moh: glad to c ur back, week 4 is going to b hard, but u got to chuck ur pride and understand each one will not make u weaker but stronger. Have fun and just do what u gotta do, its not about women its about u, i had the tendancy to think about what the womans going to think of me, thats the wrong way to go, try the other way round and that will b the key to beat week 4.

Noooobbbbbbb: will look at ur thread in sec, if not happy with where u r in bootcamp at moment join up here, But don't know whats happened with u, till i check ur thread.

HBK: U R BANNED TO JOIN THIS ONE LOL, seeing u were the only one to complete it.

Violent V: I think u should b in this one, its somehow more better with the whole group, but its more of ur willingness to change, no matter the circumstances if u want to change u will. Hope to c u In week 8.

would like to wish all those doing the bootcamp luck, but to b honest if ur serious about this u don't need it.

M McLovin

New Member
Nov 29, 2008
Reaction score
Central Jersey, USA
Hi, I'm Matt. I'm from Jersey, on the out skirts of NYC, so I'm constantly meeting, and engaging in conversation with all sorts of different like of women. I don't go club hopping, but get out socially. I aspire to be a DJ in my own way. I don't want to knock some others DJ's practice that might be tried and true for them. But as we all know we are different. I have a special method that might not work for the guy next to me.

I'd like to share my ways, and thoughts as time progress. I've only been a member for about 2 hours now, surfed a few discussion boards, and seen alot of old material already, some slander from females on other females. And alot of positve critisism as well as negative. I'm not trying to be the best DJ out there in the world, but i'd like a chance to atleast effect someone positively as I have been by all of you.

I'm not sure if I fully understsood the concept of the BootCamp. But if I haven't feel free to move my post accordingly. If this is the case. It was all well intentioned and hopefully a way to introduce myself. :up:


Don Juan
Nov 29, 2008
Reaction score
Where The Streets Have No Name
Hi, I'm Milo, I live in Uruguay (South America), I've been here for a while now, to give you an idea, if had only spent 1/4 of the time I spent reading stuff online in actually going out and doing something, I would be a pretty damn good DJ by now.

I recently discovered the bootcamp and tried to do it unofficially, twice, but failed to even complete week 1 in both occasions. I realized that I can't expect to complete this without changing my routine, I have to go out specifically to complete the missions, not expecting to have another thing to do that gets me to the street, you know?

And I'm sure I'm really going to do it this time because.. well.. I have another perspective on it now, not just the BC but with life in general. My grandma died two days ago, and seeing her lying in bed in her last hours was like.. man.. we're just passing by, we're all going to have 90 years old some day, knowing it's over. So, why would I spent my life knowing I'm not living it to it's full potential? I'm sure I won't care that someone didn't say 'hi' back to me when I'm 90, so fvck it, I'm going to enjoy the little while I have left.



Don Juan
Nov 30, 2008
Reaction score
I'm Bryan from Central Florida. I've been here a few years, although i've floated from city to city, so the faces are changing a bit. I'm... ****, gotta be honest with myself... not very successful at this point. I've done some things right in my life but got off track.

I will do this, there are no exceptions. I will do this because I need to focus on being a man again and bettering myself. I know that when I better myself and take care of myself, the other aspects will fall into places (careers, women, aspirations, etc). I need to focus on myself, my goals, my life again. At one point it was all that mattered and now I realize, that is what attracted people to me, both male and female. Now I lose my grandmother, and others around me, and I realize that the clock is ticking and I can't sit back and be a complacent piece of **** anymore. This is the real deal and its time to put in work, and I will be everything I once was, and then some. I used to always tell one of my boys, just like Eminem - brains, brawn, and brass balls.

I've already been reading the DJBC and i'm into week 2. I present myself to a lot of people. I've shaken a lot of hands. I already feel a lot better - I walk with a little more swagger. I'm already a bit more proud of who I am. I keep my chin up, I speak clearly, I project myself positively (or at least I think I do) but sometimes I have problems maintaining that. Like a baseball pitcher, some games i'm just not making it through the stretch.

I'll be tagging along, regardless of your decision to have me, or not have me.

Al Moh.

Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2008
Reaction score
Al Mohsetax
Violent V
M McLovin

So this is the list right now. I'm happy people write a lot about themselves. So I better catch up, here we go:

I'm Al Mohsetax or Al Moh. for short, living in Hamburg, Germany. I've been to this site since January. Actually I discovered it on my birthday, which was a nice present: A better life!
I've already done this BootCamp twice. First time I completed week 1 and 2, then caught some stupid virus which tied me to bed for another week and then lost the momentum. The second time was in summer when I managed to complete week 3 but not week 4. You know, success is such a good excuse to stop doing your exercises. For me, I managed to seduce two girls that I had a crush on back in my AFC days and who LJBFed me back then. I became lazy because of that (Why approaching women when you already have some arround you that you can f*ck?).
Well, eventually the whole "screw your social circle" backfired. My male friends felt threatened by me and I somehow felt like starting to wage war against some of them.
So this is it. No more excuses, I am going to shift my d(/m)ating efforts away from my friends. That's why I am going to do this.
I believe week 4 is the icebreaker. Once you have got this number pool you would kick yourself if you wouldn't use it.

SO come on, let's do this!