Check youtuber Casey Zenders


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
So far some of his videos ive seen are pretty go. They talk about experiences he has had personally during dates


Don Juan
Sep 24, 2023
Reaction score
Toronto Canada
He is a persistent salesman. Has some good principals, but most stuff goes far off in a direction I know wont work with my style and social interactions. To each their own I guess.
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Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
Reaction score
Hard to listen to the guy, but to each his own.

At this point the redpill is over saturated. Everything been said by now. No, he is NOT a unique case who will tell you something you haven't already heard _here _.

Buy hey, I see in my own life how far desperation will push a man. It will literally push man towards a 3rd world shytehole to get a woman. Or kill another man . Or make him dump all his brothers for a Jezebel. Men will listen to ANYONE who sells them the dream of becoming that super duper player

Two things in life will sell : male loneliness and female desire for materialism. Dude "deserves " a thread just like AMS ,rational male ect. But tbh he's just another charlatan. And I bet he ain't getting tens and nines.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
Reaction score
Classic dating coach scammer trying to sell programs on Youtube.

You focus too much on trying to impress girls with your money, body, etc. You don't look like a very interesting and exciting guy from a female stand point. But I'm sure you're good Jack though.

Stop watching Youtube, listening to those charlatans will just make things worse. You look insecure, gotta fix that. If your confidence is based on the amount of money you make and your body fat %, you're fvcked. Confidence has to come from within, that is what turns women on, core confidence.

You don't need money and status to get the 10s, you need money and status to get the gold diggers and shallow women. Never had much money, I'm a nobody in terms of status and I bet I get girls younger and hotter than that Youtube clown. I get rejected of course but I don't mind, the ones who stick they like me for me, not for things I can provide, and they usually good girls. I don't need to put a show to get nice girls, I just go talk to them and find out who they are as person.
I agree somewhat.

There are only a few (superficial) things that make a man feel like a MAN.

That's money, women ,strength and...

When a man lacks money his fastest path towards feeling like someone will be a ( beautiful) woman. It might (MIGHT) compensate for lacking on other areas. This been my story all of my life. And boy oh boy do I regret that now...on the other hand I know a guy who makes great money but he has zero game. At the end we both are unhappy and having GIGS syndrome.

As this thread is about dating coaches: this is why I like AMS although I haven't seen a video from him in years because he is now repeating himself constantly. But his stick is that you should DEFINITELY get your money up, and his delivery is clearly that of a man who been through the trenches. Might also have to do with race/ culture, as this dude is more aiming at the white normies where AMS will appeal to "street dudes" ( literally dudes who roam the street bagging women instead of working).

The truth is somewhere in the middle. If OP is a millionaire and STILL can't keep a woman it's time for a very very critical look in the mirror. Money can't buy you charm, and charm won't put food on the table.

I summon @AmsterdamAssassin . Our old,odd, sometimes annoying but wise contributor who has a great view on shyte like this.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
Ive listened to several of his videos and a couple of them were really great to be honest

At one point he excoriates men for trading their souls in the chase of vgina and suggests that is more beyond the nihilism most are dabbling in now. He earned alot of respect for taking it there


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2023
Reaction score
I usually never pay attention to guys that post dating advice but the stuff this guy talks about is insanely good advice. I used to see thumbnails of his whiteboards filled out and thought "LMAO who's going go read all that ****" but then I actually watched his videos and man... he makes perfect sense.

I have never seen content so thought provoking and I've seen a lot over the decades.

Bad part is, it made me genuinely feel like women are scumbag pieces of ****.

Some of the things that blew my mind.. women looking at every little action as weakness, women looking at every little reaction as a test of interest.. never thought of it that way. It explains why there have been women in my life who I paid zero attention to despite all their efforts at gaining my interest yet they still pursued. Makes a lot of sense.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2022
Reaction score
I watched 2 videos, I stopped the 1st one before the end. This is the second video (which I also stopped)


Lots of contradiction, especially when he talks abour raw desire and MBT (masculine behavior technique). This is pure red pill stuff, red pill 2.0 I'd say. Another thing I notice us that his content is based on his experience as a jacked and charismatic good looking guy. None of his advice will help average guys. He could do the opposite of what he teaches and he would still get girls. His content is extremely biased. He talks about not giving a damn but at the same time tells you to use all kind of tactics to fake indifference.

His view of women is distorted, like they are all b1tches who only date azzholes, this kind of speech talks to the rp content consumers but this is an extremely toxic view of women. I'd like yo see what kind of girls he date, from his look and personality, Im pretty sure he dates very shallow women.

Like I said before, typical dating coach scammer, but difference with him is that its less obvious, content is good and make sense when you listen to it on a surface level and dont really pay attention to the non sense he says, and thats is the case of inexperienced and naive men who cant use their judgement. I think its dangerous content because like @itouchyou said, his view of women is negative, and seeing women like he does is counterproductive in terms of dating, it won't help you at all and you will develop hatred toward women, which serves no purpose.

Some things I agree but it's common sense.
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Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
From who, exactly? Repackaged wisdom doesn't make it wiser.
I think sometimes when people seem to fit a certain perceived stereotype, in this case he comes off as a Red Pill bro, and maybe even the type of guy i would have ended up in a bar fight with in my 20's, he expressed a little bit (not a lot) but a little bit of depth to his character.

There is nothing new under the sun, although the world has changed so the methods by which we interact with it must as well. Those methods while having existed before may be needed in different combinations and methods.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
he expressed a little bit (not a lot) but a little bit of depth to his character.
He's what we call a 'douche nozzle' over here. I'm not listening to his BS in the hope of finding a little depth in his character.

Like I said before, typical dating coach scammer, but difference with him is that its less obvious, content is good and make sense when you listen to it on a surface level and dont really pay attention to the non sense he says, and thats is the case of inexperienced and naive men who cant use their judgement.
Yes, but that's a big problem anyway. If you're not used to using good judgment, you will be easy to manipulate by PUA like this.

I think its dangerous content because like @itouchyou said, his view of women is negative, and seeing women like he does is counterproductive in terms of dating, it won't help you at all and you will develop hatred toward women, which serves no purpose.
I found that a lot of PUA don't hold women in high regard and mainly consider them cvm dumpsters, which makes me wonder why they go after women at all. If you don't like women, why try to get into a relationship with one?
Plus none of what he's saying will help people in an LTR, it's mostly suitable for hooking up with insecure bimbos.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
I’ve watched he videos, why is eveyone talking about money and status? Guy basically says your money, status, IG followers, car, etc. are irrelevant. It’s who you are deep down on the inside that matters.
Because a lot of men believe that it's because of lack of money and status that they are failing with women, the reality is if your game is solid enough, you have a fun vibe (know how to flirt, banter etc) and you make an average wage money doesn't matter at all. The reality is a lot of guys don't have confidence or the gift of gab. A lot of guys who struggle with women can't flirt, banter, and try to approach conversations with women with logic instead of eliciting emotions. I have a buddy who lives with his parents, a 5'6 white guy, average built (not fat)35 years old, works part-time (he wasn't working for 6 months) at a mediocre job, smokes weed every day and he is spinning 5 plates currently. The guy looks like

^^I'm not saying money and status don't matter but a lot of guys have other issues that are holding them back that have nothing to do with women if they were to be honest with themselves. These issues can be anything from their mindsets to life issues etc. You have to understand that how you feel about your life and women will reflect in your subconscious behavior and that's something you can't control. Hence 75%-80% of body language is non-verbal!

The buddy I know is very confident and has the gift of gab, is a very laid-back chill charming type of fellow. He knows how to be charming and him being a broke at 35 hasn't affected his success with women.

That's why I don't have much empathy for guys crying about being rich, jacked and struggling with women or guys saying they are broke struggling with women

if he can do it why can't you?
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Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
Most men simply lack charm.

Women want to be with you when they feel good in your company. Women freely have sex with you when that means they can be in your company. When you're great company, women have no problem sharing you and neither do they care about what car you drive or if you make enough to provide the lap of luxury.
Totally agree with this, this is why I'm baffled when you see people continue to push this narrative of looks, money and status. but never mention anything about having charm, wit, or ability to banter with women. You ever seen these redpill podcasts? the hosts spew a bunch of numbers and logic to women, however, these guys have the personalities of a robot. A lot of guys who struggle with women don't have a personality that is engaging, fun or flirty. I've met a few gamers (including of this site) back in the day. A lot of guys struggle to have fun engaging conversation! Some of the guys I met were good-looking guys, I remember one good-looking guy who never approached women infield just online(cause he had major AA and also lacked confidence in that aspect). He would settle for girls far below his SMV when doing OLD but when we hit the field and I showed him some things he got girls that he liked. Not sure what he's up to these days

It's actually the opposite, you can't believe that some of us pull the nice ones without having to brag about running a company, money, etc. just by being normal and cool guys. If you're millionaire, good for you, good job, but remember that you're the one watching pua videos on Youtube, crying and asking for advice about your ex. and writing posts abour your neediness with women etc. Not me.

And suddenly you're alpha man who bangs 10s everyday.

If you used to bang 3 new chix with 10bucks in your pocket, what keeps you from doing the same with 1M bucks? Stop the BS.

Be humble, girls like that ;)
It's hard to believe for guys who were dorks or not cool all their lives that there are guys like my 35-year-old buddy living at their parent's house, that can pull girls. A lot of guys that are rich, especially at a young age were nerds in school, I'm not saying OP is I'm just saying if you meet a millionaire who is in his late 20s or 30s most likely he was or is a nerd. I have seen guys who were nerds in high school transform to cool guys by the time they were in their 30s. It's rare though it takes a lot of work and most men right now don't want to put in the work not just with women but in general! To a lot of guys who struggle with women they just can't believe that you can pull a woman by being charming, having confidence, having rizz etc

I remember 10-15 years ago guys were motivated to go out and get their women issues handled. Now men are defeated. Guys doing 500-1000 approaches a year wasn't uncommon during those times(2008-2014) now people will call you a liar if you say you do that. It's a different era for men, I agree spam approaching is outdated in certain parts of the world, however, it's the mentality to go after what you want that is timeless. A lot of guys don't have that edge to want to succeed at all costs not just with women but in life hence a lot of guys live at home with their parents, are struggling with money, struggling with women, are underweight or fat etc.. The Redpill gurus are telling young men to be "High value" but the truth is 80% of men will never make it, so they are sending you on a dummy mission and you will be forever buying their courses and clicking on their youtube video.

That’s what’s so annoying about some Red Pill guys. Analyzing everything will not make you happy and you will not always be able to analyze situations or people the right way.
while you could have a great time with a woman you will act stupid and try to act „alpha“ all the time for example.
I think it’s good for a lot of men to know the basics of gender dynamics but getting lost in it won’t be helpful.
This is true, to many guys get in their head and this is recipe for failure. I always went out with the intention to have fun, I analyzed things I could have done better but me having fun when approaching women was always first and foremost. A lot of guys just are keyboard jockies and in 2024 it's easier to tell than ever


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
Totally agree with this, this is why I'm baffled when you see people continue to push this narrative of looks, money and status. but never mention anything about having charm, wit, or ability to banter with women.
Mostly because they lack everything and 'looks, money, status' is easy to define and can be attained with ease for some and difficulty for the others.
On the other hand, 'having charm, wit, or ability to banter with women' is difficult to define and cannot be easily attained with authenticity.
Fake looks, and you're just like everyone else.
Fake charm and you look like a psychopath.
Fake wealth and you're a con man.
Fake a sense of humour and you become a bitter self-hating dildo pulling everyone else down like crabs in a bucket.
Fake status and you will still fool the status conscious , as many con women have found.
Fake banter by using a script, and your backing track will fail and you'll stand center stage with a broken microphone.

All in all, this is why there are so many poseurs and so few really cool people around.


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2023
Reaction score
I watched 2 videos, I stopped the 1st one before the end. This is the second video (which I also stopped)


Lots of contradiction, especially when he talks abour raw desire and MBT (masculine behavior technique). This is pure red pill stuff, red pill 2.0 I'd say. Another thing I notice us that his content is based on his experience as a jacked and charismatic good looking guy. None of his advice will help average guys. He could do the opposite of what he teaches and he would still get girls. His content is extremely biased. He talks about not giving a damn but at the same time tells you to use all kind of tactics to fake indifference.

His view of women is distorted, like they are all b1tches who only date azzholes, this kind of speech talks to the rp content consumers but this is an extremely toxic view of women. I'd like yo see what kind of girls he date, from his look and personality, Im pretty sure he dates very shallow women.

Like I said before, typical dating coach scammer, but difference with him is that its less obvious, content is good and make sense when you listen to it on a surface level and dont really pay attention to the non sense he says, and thats is the case of inexperienced and naive men who cant use their judgement. I think its dangerous content because like @itouchyou said, his view of women is negative, and seeing women like he does is counterproductive in terms of dating, it won't help you at all and you will develop hatred toward women, which serves no purpose.

Some things I agree but it's common sense.
You're right that a lot of his advice applies specifically to the type of women he dates. I've seen him imitate the reactions of some of the women he was out on dates with and those women seem to be extremely shallow and/or low quality from a relationship perspective. The way he suggests men behave is nothing short of being James Bond level stoic. It's not practical.

I think the fundamentals of what he preaches are legitimate, but I don't think that every woman out there would respond to it, or is even like this. He is likely going after the upper strata of women who have ridiculous standards and are able to sniff out weakness to such an extreme level of detail.

There is a balance to strike; most guys getting destroyed in relationships likely veer towards the extremely beta side, while the ones that have healthy relationships are somewhere in the middle. The ones that lean far right to the *******/stoic/indifferent type.. I don't know where they're at. I would imagine in a relationship that that kind of mindset would result in the same outcome as the extremely beta man, albeit for different reasons.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
He's what we call a 'douche nozzle' over here. I'm not listening to his BS in the hope of finding a little depth in his character.

Yes, but that's a big problem anyway. If you're not used to using good judgment, you will be easy to manipulate by PUA like this.

I found that a lot of PUA don't hold women in high regard and mainly consider them cvm dumpsters, which makes me wonder why they go after women at all. If you don't like women, why try to get into a relationship with one?
Plus none of what he's saying will help people in an LTR, it's mostly suitable for hooking up with insecure bimbos.
I do agree that ive always done best in my seducer mode where i genuinely love women despite their flaws. Its a better mindset overall