FeelsGoodBro said:
In a rather emotional voice (if this is an act, I swear to god, this girl should consider acting as a profession) she starts telling me she doesn't date guys she cares about. How she is a horrible person and has been pushing me away the entire time, because she cares for me. How the reason she called me to tell me she was back with her ex, was because her boyfriend told her to.
This is quite normal for women caught between two men, rebounding, and/or cheating. The emotions she's feeling are real emotions; but they're a product of your strength and attitude. If you had fallen in line and done what typical men do, "Please baby, i want you back too!" She would have gotten bored with that a long time ago! But you are presenting a challenge. She feels you have gone cold to her, and she remembers NOW how you made her feel before you went cold. There's no doubt in my mind that you shared some pretty powerful moments with this woman; otherwise she wouldn't be acting in this emotional way.
Take your attention away from a woman who didn't feel you had a connection and she doesn't care.
Take your attention away from a woman who did feel you had a connection and she does care.
Im not saying you should take her back; im simply stating why this is happening. It will not happen with every woman you next; but when it does - you gain about 90% of the power if you so choose to indulge her again!
FeelsGoodBro said:
After that rather emotional junk, I drop this gem: "Is that all?"
Can you give some insight as to what you want to happen with this woman? Just want her to go away? Want her to leave her bf and come back to you? Want her to cheat on her bf with you?
FeelsGoodBro said:
She then says some garbage about needing to hear my voice.
CLASSIC! I've had women call me KNOWING i wasn't going to answer, and then text me: "I just called to hear your voicemail; now that i've heard your voice i feel better. TTYL..." What they're really saying is: "Look, im being a little cute puppy dog. Come play with me and pet me, so that i can bite your balls off!"
But again, this is a sign this woman's interest level in you is skyrocketing and she's panicking.
FeelsGoodBro said:
I basically told her I am glad it worked out this way, because I wasn't going to compete for her attention. I told her she made the decision to be with her ex, live with it. How I did care for her, but it doesn't even matter anymore. And then I told her in a very ****y voice that her boyfriend will never look as good as me.
All this was unnecessary. You're sub-communicating here that you're hurt and have feelings for her. What she hears: "I'm pissed off!"
FeelsGoodBro said:
She replied by saying she doubted her relationship was going to last long.
translation: "I'm justifying my lust for you by making my relationship appear to be meaningless. I'm open to cheating on him and/or leaving him if you lead me into it."
Well? What do you want?
FeelsGoodBro said:
Oh and somewhere in the middle of this she said she had to be apart of my life somehow.
I believe what she wants (in my very experienced in this opinion) is to cheat on her boyfriend with you. I believe all you'll have to do is tell her to come over some night, and it would really be that easy.
Again, what do you want? Forget people telling you what you should want right now. I'm asking you to reveal what YOU want.
FeelsGoodBro said:
"I love absolutely everythign about you. It's crazy. You are the one that is perfect. It scares me."
Translation: "I'm falling deeper in love with you because you won't let me own your balls. I'm scared that my ability to seduce men is decaying."
FeelsGoodBro said:
She has texted me as soon as she woke up the past two days saying she had dreams about me. I haven't replied to either.
This woman's interest level is bursting out of the seams! She's looking for some kind of leadership from you too. That's why it's important to know what you want here.
FeelsGoodBro said:
This is fvcking disgusting.
Are you saying that because you think about her all the time and are hurt that she left you? Or are you saying that because she has a boyfriend and is showing signs of being in love with you? Or are you saying that for another reason?