I don't know why she sent that text but what i do know is this: Women care what others think of them. One of a woman's greatest fears is being looked upon as a slvt.
She branch swinged from her last b/f of 12 months to me. Since she is a "branch swinger" she started to hang out with me(not alone) while she was with this last b/f. She finally broke it off with him and then we were together.
Our relationship lasted in between 3-4 months(summer fling/rebound possibly).
It was pretty much like a regular relationship.. Had fun and laughs, but bumped heads other times. One thing that i would have liked to change was the fact that she stayed at my house every night instead of her parents(she's early 20's im mid 20's). I'm not sure if that was a mistake since she never stayed at home(stayed at his house) when we very first started hanging out.
Sex wise it was decent most of the time. Very good sometimes(when we had sex often) and kinda crappy when we didn't do it but once every like 3 days and right after a period since i was usually amped up by the time we got to sex and didn't last but 5 minutes or so once i was in. Also, she didn't really clean up to well in her vag area. I like clean shaven or neatly trimmed vagina's.. this isn't the 70's... I told her i'd like her to shave and she did around the pu$$y lips and stuff but left everything(hair) that was behind her vagina. This was a turn off sometimes when i noticed it.
Within the last week she said she wasn't happy with our relationship. Her reasoning was that i was getting mad over everything. I blew it off pretty much. I said i would work on it.
Then the day of the breakup came. During the day we went swimming and she doesn't like being pushed in so when we pulled in the driveway she said, " no pushing me in, splashing, or dunking me"(pretty much all the fun stuff, lol) I said, with a smile, " you shouldn't have told me not to do that now i have to". So we get on the deck and are getting ready to get in and i act like i was going to throw her in by giving her a hug then i let go. She said, "if you throw me in i will breakup with you" MAJOR RED FLAG in my book. This weirded me out so i acted like i was gonna give her another hug and then i jumped in holding on to her.
ME: Guess we're broke up now
Her: Yea
ME: Come on then let's get out and i can take you home then
Her: Ok
ME: Oh and i don't do the whole friends thing with ex's
Her: Well you talk to <name> (my last ex)
ME: No i don't. I never even text her back
I just leaned back on the wall i was by while she was on the other side of the pool.
Her: I was just kidding we're not broke up
Me: Ok that's good because i wasn't going to drive you home, you would have had to walk
Rest of convo was blah blah blah.. then we had a good time swimming and laying on the rafts.
That night i was going to the movies with some friends and i told her she could come if she wanted. She didn't tell me she wasn't going till like 2 hours before the movie and i was ok with it. She was gonna wait on her friend to call her to hang out that night. About an hour before the movie she texted me telling me to have fun at the movie. I forgot to text back so she texted me like 15 min later saying " Are you mad at me"... I thought WTF is her deal. I didn't text her right back so she called me 5 min later. I talked to her and didn't comment on her texts then got off the phone cuz i was picking up my friend. She said that i could text her if i wanted to. LOL...
Now after the movie she had 2 free hours to come see me after she left her friends house(her friend lives in the same town as us). She texted me 30 min before she left her friends house saying that she was tired and was gonna go home soon. I didn't tell her to come over or even ask since she mentioned going home instead of coming over before she went home.
Going on a tangent here on why she was staying home this particular night. About 2 weeks ago maybe less she stated that she was gonna stay home 8/16 because school was starting the next day and she wanted to make sure she could get up( @ 9am) and was giving me a heads up so i don't get mad. I asked, " why would i get mad?" she said that she was just telling me. But the previous day she got up around that time no problem after staying the night at my house. This made me the slightest bit suspicous.
She called me after she left her friends house and it was a normal convo but at the end when we were getting off the phone her words speeded up a little. I noticed this. So i drove by her house and her car wasnt there so i called her and no answer. She texted saying she was in the shower. I texted her right back saying that "was going to stop by and give you a kiss goodnight but you didn't answer and you car wasn't there" she called me within 5 minutes and said , "my dad is driving my car around to listen to that sound it was making so they can fix it tomorrow thats why my car isnt here". I tell her that i was gonna stop then since she was home.
I get back there and her car still isnt there. so i text her.
Me: im here
Her: just dont worry about it
I call no answer. Call again no answer. I was like hell no.
I walk up to her house and knock on the door and her dad and mom are in the living room. her dad answers the door and i ask if she's there. he said i think she is then her mom said i dont know where she is. as i walk out i say " well i guess i'm going to breakup with her"
I text her.
ME: It is over
Her: Whatever
Her: ill get my stuff tomorrow
Me: you got caught in a lie. i cant trust you anymore. your stuff in in your driveway
Her: ok
Her: well you were always getting mad at me anyways
Her: I wasn't happy
guess at this point she went home cuz she texted me saying that i forgot 2 things. so i texted " k"
Her: dont worry about < the other things>
then she calls me, i dont answer
Her: yea bring them
so i drive over sit them on the porch, knock, as i walk away i see her come to the door. i didnt turn around i just left.
So i get another text, what im calling her cover up text, saying, " i was at <a different friend of hers> house and i know how you get mad about me hanging out with my friends so that's why.... " blah blah blah..
I found this to be funny since everyone on this earth hangs out with friends unless they are loners. So why would i get mad. Plus she told me she was hanging out with a different friend earlier that night and didn't lie about it and i didnt get mad..
I believe she wanted out of the relationship and was thinking about it but i pulled the trigger first.