Boot Camp week 1 (Response thread)


Don Juan
Mar 12, 2008
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Halifax NS Canada
Hey i maintained eye contact with some people i saw on my way out. Some looked back with the attitude of kinda 'do i know you' while others just looked down to the floor. This thing is really fun, i've started practicing it on every1 now.


New Member
Sep 21, 2009
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do ppl still use this?

hey, do ppl still use this?
anyways, im startin off today, wish me luck eh ppl.


New Member
Jan 8, 2010
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I'm at the end of my first week , i had about 60 hi's mostly with eye contact.
what i found for myself was, that if you do the exercise with a nounce of doubt people detect you as a fake an give you weird looks.
so like the exercise says, it's about conveying confidence, with an astute smile and a stronger voice i still got some weird looks, but just because peopler were wondering : who the hell was that;)
but mostly of them answered with an hi!

the exercise was cool but i'm still wondering what i would have said, if someone would have confronted me with an " do we know us".


Senior Don Juan
Feb 15, 2008
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bay area

I decided to commit to finishing the program in a timely fashion. My situation is Im leaving a major busy area.. The bay area.. for simple ol boring state soon in six months.

Its a downer but I plan to Get all the game I can get in the next six month. A good ol bootcamp will catapult me into stardom before I leave my roots.

I , Obi, fully commit to the program and will finish it.... Guaranteed.


Don Juan
Feb 9, 2010
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I have decided to start the program from thursday. like collalife i have limited time left at my university and want to make the most of it while im here.
I have been looking to do this for a while so it all starts now.


New Member
Sep 20, 2010
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lets go

I will start the training this week!

Im 22, studying in Switzerland and unfortunately living in a small village...but ill do it!


New Member
Nov 6, 2011
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I will start the camp tomorow as well. I will write my experiences at least once a week. I hope you guys, who have just started will do so, too and we can go through it together!

I am 27, Phd Student from Germany



New Member
Oct 25, 2011
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I didnt really work on the exercises this weekend so I am playing catch up. Tonight at the gym I caught eyecontact with two attractive girls and smiled and they smiled back but I looked away first. This eyecontact thing is harder than I thought. Got two hi's to strangers at the gym and some convo. Went to whole foods and had a hi and smile at an attractive girl...then I chatted it up with a really fine blond girl in good shape. We shared smiles and eye contact. I was talking to her about salted and unsalted almonds. Had a two min or so conversation but didnt get her phone number.....Number close still akward. Then I started a conversation with some guy about rolled oats vs reg oats. I talked to the check out girl about eating out all the time instead of cooking but I dont think that counts cause she has to be nice and talk since she works there. Anyway 5 down 45 to go by thursday. Dont know how im gonna do it cause I dont see strangers at work? I think I might hit up the mall tommorow and buy some new shoes for going out. I will try and get lots of volume there. Maybee Wal Mart or the Grocery Store again. How are you guys doing so far tortmaster and cottonsuave?:rockon:


New Member
Oct 25, 2011
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After work i went to the grocery store and got two more hi's in. Realized that alot of the time people dont even look at you in passing when you are trying to say hi to them. When you say hi to someone with out making eyecontact first they do there best to aviod you and think your weird. Went to the mall with my friend and it was dead in there. Only got five or so hi's in there. Once again it was hard to say hi without going up to someone getting in front of them and saying hi. Then we went to PF Changs and by the end of dinner my friend told me that he watch a video of a guy in a boot camp that just went up to abunch of people at a bar and giving them highfives and getting all of his hi's over with in like ten minutes. So I walk around the resauraunt and just said hi to five tables.... They just thought I was crazy LOL. 25 Down 25 to go. Gotta go for Volume this week not quality cause I dont have alot of time left and I dont have much free time. Gonna get some done at lunch tomorrow and maybe hit up Wal Mart or Something IDK....You guys got ur fifty done yet? How is everything going?


New Member
Nov 6, 2011
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Hahaha, like your table action Redhead. Finished my 50 today, at the beginning I was a bit reserved with sayin hi to passing strangers, I felt weired and everytme I said one, I left a couple opportuneties out, so that potential people, which walk behind me, dont notice me saying hi to everybody. Later in the week, I cared way less and said hi to nearly everybody. I think, not caring waht other people think about you, is a key thing to learn during this camp anyway, at least for me. So one little step achieved.

As well the little rejection feeling when one did not respond, dissappeared comletely during the week.

At the end it was even fun, to see what responses you get, most dont respond at all, some say hi, and the best ones were, when they say sth like, "oh i didnt recognize you" or my favorite 'why did you say hi, was it because i looked at your jacket?' (35 year old mum). I agree with Redhead, the more eyecontact before, the more likely they respond anything.

As for the eyecontacts, it was not really hard for me. Starting week 2 on Monday, I think that will be a lot tougher, cause I am not a very talkative person, so have to think what to speak about with total strangers.

Like reading your posts Redhead, keep it up!


New Member
Oct 25, 2011
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Job well done tortmaster. I think if we just carry the idea of not giving a sh($ what people including hot girls think we will be on our way. Started Week 2 and finished up Week 1 Hellos with Week 2. Sorry I got behind I am on the ball now. So far off to a good start Im only gonna count 2 of the 10 complete stranger conversations even though Ive probably had way more in the last couple of days. Made $400 bucks in a poker tournement last night and got the girl serving drinks number. Was more friendly then usual at my grappling tournament today. Goin to watch Pacquiao kick some ass tonight and keep this thing moving forward.
Lets do this guys who cares what people think. Let me know how ur weekends go!


New Member
Oct 25, 2011
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Guys I'm gonna have to use two weeks instead of one to complete my lessons. With work and everything I have no time to meet new people. I am mostly limited to the Gym and the Grocery Store. 5 down and 5 to Go. I though it was interesting how Pimpologist says, "DON’T use “pick-up lines”. The best approach is a straightforward approach; don’t start off by beating around the bush." That is completely different than the Mystory Meathod and other PUA approach techniques. The Book of Pook also talks about not using PUA meathods. Im torn because I have seen them work for guys way worse looking than me. What do yall think?
Dec 18, 2011
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I never blame myself when I'm not hitting. I just blame the bat and if it keeps up, I change bats. After all, if I know it isn't my fault that I'm not hitting, how can I get mad at myself?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 6, 2011
Reaction score
Okay guys,
Today all shops are closed and everybody sits at home because it's sunday, and then the week is over.
My progress until now:



And I was dressed up as Santa at an early Christmas Party, so everybody came to take a picture with me. I think I said hi to like 50 people, and had eyecontact with even more girls, so I don't know if that counts too, but if it does, I finished week 1, if not, then ill have to say hi to more than 30 people on monday.


New Member
Jan 8, 2012
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New Zealand
Started my training today. Greeted 7 people, went down well mostly.
Planned to meet with some friends at a pool near my place, so for my 1st hi I pretended I was having trouble finding the pool so said hello to a lady and asked her if she knew where I could find it. Went down well and felt more confident from that.
Also, approached a young woman sitting at a table near the pool in an attempt to start a conversation. Pretty sure I freaked her out to begin with but managed to have a 5 min convo, think I approached confidently but lost it a bit when introducing myself, just went up to her and said 'Hi, I'm Fakira' where I see I could've been a lot smoother than that. However, it went down better than I thought I could've done.
Eye contact and smiling wasn't too difficult, I found myself saying 'You're the man, you're The Catch boy' in my head before I got close to someone, made me feel like laughing a bit and more confident. One girl wouldn't look me back in the eyes so as she passed me I asked her if she was goin somewhere special while eyeing up her gear (she had a punk-rocker kinda look, not common where I'm from), she looked back at me and said 'no, this is just how I dress', I said she looked cool and she blushed and said thank you, would've tried hittin up for a number but thought not to jump ahead. So yep, that there's day 1.

Kepper of Odd

New Member
Aug 22, 2012
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hello I have just finished week One here are my results
I have found if you go lookingfor eye contact you creep pepole out
That pepole who worck in stores are freindlier and go out of there way to help out when you keep eye contact
That old ladies are prone to talk to you and share TMI
Of attractive women who i'd like to date few made eye contact those that did not for very long and only a couple Smiled at me
of the exercise I didn't reach the numbers suggested
My confidence and self wort has increased alot since i've been on this site still I've only had mild success at best
Only places that I frequent regualrly and actualy know a few pepole do I acheive much success