Boot Camp Thread (Opening May 2nd)


Senior Don Juan
Mar 19, 2003
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
I did 6 convo's in week 2 so I have a few to make up- but I only did them on attractive women, I can talk to guys just fine. I am basically doing the same thing for weeks 2& 3.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2003
Reaction score
Week 3, Day 2

Heres how my approaches went

1. HB6.5ish......asked her how her day has been going and she gave me this "why in the hell are you talking to me" look and said fine....and that messed me up i take it so i didn't talk to her after that (doesn't count)

2. HB6...she was nice we talked about summer school and work...lasted about 2min.

3. HB8....i was suprised at how she friendly and willing she was to talk! We talked about campus and her major and my major and future career and what not. She was really upbeat...great conversation!

4. Started talking to this chick but didn't see that she had earphones on eeeek (doesn't count)

5. Saw this HB9 (from a distance) coming and wow yeah she had on this pink skirt and looked freakin good i saw all these guys staring at when she walks by me i start talking to her and to my suprise again she was very friendly and her face wasn't as hot as i thought it would be so i down graded her to a HB8....anyhow the conversation went good ...i was really confident

6. HB 7....talked to her and it also went good....talked about our majors and what not ....went fine

as a side note when i first go out to the campus that i practice at ..i choke a lot when trying to start conversations and i've realized that this is because i'm not really in the approach mindset

so my goal is to instantly start a conversation with a chick the second or minute i get out of my car to go on and get me in the right mindset to approach and limit time wasted on choking.

Conversation Tally= 4


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2002
Reaction score
South Carolina (Charleston)
Week 1 Day 13
worst day yet?
god.. i was so confident about this a few days ago... thinkin ill even be approachin in no time. and today... was jst hell. i dnno wat to say.. its kinda embarassing and aggravating and shameful to be writing this. Cuz i have to report to yall with **** like this :/.. while yall are in week 3.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2003
Reaction score
Week 3, Day 3

Lost, theres no need to feel shameful or embarassed....i actually learned something that's helped changed my way of thinking so get on aim tomorrow about 9 or so and i'll try it on you and we'll see what happens!

I had to many short little conversations today (they got cut off since chicks were walking different ways and going into classes)

1. Hb9 and to my suprise, her voice happened to be pretty messed up...i've always known no one is perfect but this was a perfect living example since she was so hot. (any how this one didn't meet the time requirement)

2. Hb 8 ...she was from exchange student. She seemed some what cautious at first but opened up after time...i learned a lot about England from her.

3. Hb 9(yea i know giving a lot of 9's today but this chick was really pretty in a natural way) went good and she was very friendly but it (didn't meet the requirement for time)

4. Hb7...talked and it went well but she had to go into the library so another one not meeting the requirement for time

5. Hb8...waited to long to start the conversation so once i got it started 50seconds later she was at her dorm so this one didn't meet the time requirement either!

6. Hb7 ...she was mad cool! She was one of those chicks thats easy to talk to and fun at that...she was in a serious hurry to catch the bus but i still made the time requirement(how about that)

well out of 6 i have 2 making the time requirement

Tally for the week= 6


Don Juan
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
Catch up post- Week 2 days 6-7 and Week 2 days 1-2

****, I really need to remember to post. OK, here's my progress so far:

Days 6 & 7-

Spent the weekend with friends in the mountains. It was basically a sausage fest, although I got some good E/C with some HBs on the trails. I have no problem with the E/C and Hi's- I must have greeted about 30 people. Problem is I'm supposed to be doing week 2 and I only managed 1 convo. Just one. It was with this crazy eyed longhair who carried the whole convo and kept trying to steer every subject towards the benefits of smoking pot. :eek: I didn't manage any convos with new people and spent the rest of the weekend speeding in my friend's jeep and smoking cheap cigars :D .

I hate to sound desperate but the lack of women in my life is really starting to piss me off. I feel like the whole world is thrashing itself ragged in a semen drenched orgy of titantic proportions and I'm more likely to split the atom with a coat hanger than get into a HB's pants. ****, this is getting pretty bad; I guess its time to focus more attention on self improvment.

Week 2 day 1-

Starting week 2 again. I wasn't very focused so I didn't get much more than Hi's and some E/C with people on the street.

Week 2 day 2- Same **** as yesterday. I did make a some poor attempts at approaching people while on a walk, but I couldn't keep it going for more than half a minute, except for a couple of middle school kids who made weird animal noises at me for several minutes before I told them to **** off (I've become a magnet for weirdos).

I've also started to notice something that happens whenever I go for a convo- I start with a good DJ mindset, but as soon as I start talking, I go into this "zone" where I forget everything I know and can only manage some weak "yeahs" and "uh huhs", and then the whole thing falls apart. I guess the only way to get through this is to keep trying, but its still a bit discouraging. I'm gonna try and look for a job tomorrow so I'm going to go for a minimum of 3 conversations with new people.


Don Juan
Feb 12, 2003
Reaction score
San Diego
Restarted week two yesterday and got 4 convos at a restaurant. Im beginning to just say whatever the hell i think instead of the restraint i usually place on myself. My eye contact is improving and im starting to get better talking about any topic. Need to finish up the week strong so i can start week 3.

Lost dont get discouraged man just hang in there. Everyone has their bad days.

Hoserotorvator- 30 his in a day thats pretty money. Lots of people just started week two i choked week two last week just try to remember that every attempted convo is a learning experience.


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
Good effort Gentlemen.


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2002
Reaction score
South Carolina (Charleston)
Week 1 Day 14
gawd.... confidence breaker.
My level of thinking has gone back down to "im never gonna do this" :/
i actually thought of something that i thought about when i got over doing eye contacts one time before..... and i figured id try to tell myself it today.. but i pretty much forgot for the most part.. and .... bleh.


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2003
Reaction score
Chicago burbs
Can I get in on this?? I've been doing week 1 & 2 for the past couple of months now so I should be right were you guys are at.

aim: dereklearnslow
May 2, 2004
Reaction score
in those girly hearts
hey guys, havent started with the camp yet, just wanted to know something. Did you guys first finished reading the whole dj boot camp thread and then restarted with week one, or are you just working on as you read ?


Don Juan
May 3, 2004
Reaction score
Week: 1 Day: who knows

Sorta been trying boot camp, but I've found it much more difficult than I expected, even for week 1. Definitely a lot of excuse making to not spend the time required, on my part.

Anyway, the 2 eye contact walks were not a problem. Felt a bit awkward in the beginning, but by the end of walk 2, I was doing pretty good. I still 'practice' EC all the time.

The Hi's are a different issue. I started off counting just "Hi" but by then end I was also counting "Hey" and "Hi/Heyless" random conversation starts as well. I didn't count talking to shop people, people I had 'business' with, or people who said 'Hi' first. Couple of observations: the EC-smile-Hi did NOT work well for me. I found that most people would not hold EC long enough for that to work smoothly. (Most people - we're talking 99% here - wouldn't do more than glance at me.) The ones that did, managed to 'Hi' with a good rate, though not perfect.

OK, breakthrough time. I started today with 35 hi's done over a number of weeks, and picked up 15 today - 3 during the day, and 12 within an hour or so at the grocery store. I decided that it's not about what THEY do, it's about what I do. That attitude let me hi people who weren't at all interested in being hi'd. I essentially eliminated EC as a requirement for making a hi. Reactions were predictably mixed, but interestingly I got a good number of hastily stammered hi's in return. I think these all count though, since they're harder to do than an EC/smile/hi combo. :D

An observation: people seem to make EC with people they find interesting in some way. The fact of the matter is - and no, not a whine :p - I'm short, and not particularly good looking. Getting EC from good looking girls is like pulling teeth. These same girls openly ogle tall, goodlooking guys. So, the lesson for me here is that if you're tall, dark and handsome, you get certain things for free. A guy like me has to work for it - be more proactive, and take risks.

For all the AFCs out there who are like me, and having problems, look at it this way: a lot of things are gonna be harder for you. That's just the way it is. You have to compensate for your handicaps using superior technique - in this case, you may not get a lot of EC for free. You have to compensate by making cold hi's. Once you get that in though, you stand a good chance of getting a hi in return - all of a sudden you've been noticed instead of being another chump the HB won't remember passing in the street. boo-yah

Sorry for the long post (not really). Hope it helps someone :)


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2003
Reaction score
Week 3, Day 4-5

didn't do any approaches on day 4 but i did 8 approaches today and four made the time requirement. No need to go in depth on them...they all were pretty predictable and i'm really not fearing them as much as i use to!

i have 10 conversations now with chicks but i'm going to practice starting some more conversations at different locations over the weekend and start week 4 on monday.


Don Juan
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
Week 2 Days 3 & 4


2 convos. One with a woman in the state capitol while on a school trip and another with a guy at a grocery store where I applied for a job. Didn't meet my 3 convo quota but at least its something.


One of the worst days so far. I spent most of my free time in front of a computer. Things picked up a little after I went to my jiujitsu class (got my ass kicked tho :p ), but I managed only one convo during the whole day, with a new guy at the class. I just read Fingers' WMS post and I think I'd better start his no net/T.V/video game challenge. I spend about 5-7 hours in front of some sort of screen everyday so if I could stop wasting so much time I think I could get alot more DJ time in.


Don Juan
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
OK I should report on where I am.. I havent really been doing the boot camp, because I dont need it, but I'll start making more of an effort.. i have no problems with eye contact and hi's, anyways here is what I've been up to this week....

1. I worked at this hotel for a month, while there I met a really hot european chick who I got high IL from, havent called yet(busy). She is prolly an 8.

2. Went to a party, talked to about 15 girls I'd guess(small party), coulda gamed quite a bit, focused on this group of three, coulda number(kiss?) one of them but went for this firend instead(who i had found out had a boyfriend) got blown off. No biggie. I went for what I wanted instead of settling for the friend(both about 7.5s, just diff looks).

3. Started a conversation with a woman in the gym(petite, nice body, big fake boobs, like 25+), really good c+f, found out she was just in town for a few days but wanted my email, gave it to her. She will probably never email me, not worried. I would normally tell her to give me her contact info, but she asked way out of the blue, I hadn't even hinted at asking for her info.

4. Went to another party, rather... **** fest.. about 4 girls there, wasnt really into any of them, plus I heard they all just bull****ted(of course these are melvins, not djs telling me this)... was more into the chronic than chicks....hehe

5. Was at the bank depositing a check/paying an overdraft(lol), chick I had seen there work before but never talked to was my teller. She offerred me some overdraft protection, i told her only if it doesnt take very long, I have alot to due. She says it would only take 2 minutes and starts asking me questions which i just give her alot of bs answerrs to and she is writing em on this paper. I bust on her about how unfair it is that she knows my whole life story and I dont even know her name. Oh really? I'm.. blah blah.. anyways a little more talk, my recepit with a balance and her number.

6. Was at a bar with some friends when I get some hardcore poking in the ribs by a chick who was in my class last fall. I had gamed her the first day of class and wooed a number out of her, never called(this is a bad habit of mine) her and she got kinda pissed about it and gave me an attitude which i had quickly disarmed and we were cool in class until she dropped it. Anyways about a month ago I had seen her at a frat party where she was with some melvin who APPARENTLY thought she was with him and to prove his theory wrong she had spent half the night following me around(annoying to my game that night -_~ ). Anyways at the bar she was practically begging me to ask so.... I got her number(again). Still haven't called.

This is pretty week honestly, I've definetly blown some chances I've had and its getting at that annoying time of the year when all my friends have gone back home and I have nobody to go out with.


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2002
Reaction score
South Carolina (Charleston)
Week 1 Day ???
Hmm.. i mostly forgot about it in skool
ubt i went to beach afterwards.. and did fine there.
i should change my nods to smiles tho.
people were strangely friendly today... one dude i nodded to had a real happy smile and enthusiastic Whatsup dude!
another dude came up to me while i wasjust waitin around and talkd about the surf and askin me questions... and another person in the water....weird(i mean... it was fun... but that just usually doesnt happen).
See... i want to be like that.. but i want to come off as friendly.. not as some weirdo and sound real awkward.

Well... only ONE FULL DAY of school left. .. then a half day after that... then im done forever. (wit highschool)


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2003
Reaction score
Hey Everyone!

It's been great posting with you guys and i wish you the best of luck with the remainder of boot camp.

I'm moving to the thread An Experience Continued to finish up boot camp.

Feel free to instant message (callmesupabob) or pm me if you have any questions

Good Luck again!


Don Juan
Feb 12, 2003
Reaction score
San Diego
Hey guys finally i completed week two. Yesterday i chatted up the waitress at the restaurant i was at for breakfast she was nice and we were talking about the book i brought with me. Went to the comedy club last night and talked with one of the comedians who was doing an upcoming free show. Pretty much let her talk about how she got started etc. On to week three.


Don Juan
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
Finished Week 2!!

OK, heres what I did over the past few days (I've been busy so I haven't had a chance to post)

Week 2 day 7- I went for a run at a park and tried chatting up some people but couldn't keep anything going for more than about 30 seconds. So far, my convo tally is 3. I go and get a haircut, and have a good fluff conversation with the stylist and my tally is up to 4. I really want to put this week behind me for good and I begin to get desperate. I don't have anything planned for tonight so I go with a friend to a church youth group. I'm not very religious but I've found these things to be a good way to meet people and practice my social skills. I was nervous and insecure at first, but I gradually begin to open up, and by the end of the night I am slapping an HB 7's ass and tickling another one. :D At a church group no less :p . This probably sounds like nothing to most of the DJs here but its a big step for me (about 8 months ago, just before I discovered this site, I was just about ready to curl up and die from isolation and sexual desperation). I also managed to get in 6 convos and finish week 2. I was pretty clumsy with some of them, but thinking of it as a l;earning experience helped a lot. So now I'm stoked and ready for anything.

Unfourtunately I'm going on a family trip to SoCal for several weeks and I've got to spend about half of this week helping with the preparations and I'm gonna be in a car for about three days :mad: . I'll try to start week three when I get there and report back as soon as I can.


New Member
May 25, 2004
Reaction score
Talk about group effort eh?

I'm In as well I do want to ask something do you guys have more trouble doing this when with your friends? I have no problems walking up to a group of hot girls alone and just being like "intresting meeting you guys here" <--- I like this opener it makes them think and if they are like wtf we dont know u use C&F. anyway I freeze up with my friends around.

Just because a woman listens to you and acts interested in what you say doesn't mean she really is. She might just be acting polite, while silently wishing that the date would hurry up and end, or that you would go away... and never come back.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
