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This comprehensive resource will give you the tools and strategies you need to overcome obstacles, build confidence, and attract the women you've always wanted.

Don't let another day go by without taking control of your dating life - start now and get ready to experience the success and fulfillment you deserve.

Thanks for visiting, and I look forward to your success!

Boot Camp for The Mature Man


Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score

Keep on keepin' on. How's Seattle in terms of the women/hotties? I'm in Oregon and would love to visit Seattle. We should wing together bro! Again, stay motivated and keep moving forward.




Don Juan
Oct 4, 2005
Reaction score
In between her legs!
i've realized that becoming a DJ requires a lot of reading, and in-the-field practice.

the most difficult thing i've come across is being consistent...and remembering things...

i seem to have a very short memory...so in recalling events it's hard to bring up events from my past to match certain talking points...any suggestions?

i plan on starting BC by the end of the week...

i've been reading the posts and didn't bother joining the post till i started reading The Game. There it mentions how posting helped and naturally i noticed this site had a board...cool!


New Member
Oct 25, 2005
Reaction score
Good workout

I am new this and find it harder and easier than I thought. Startig BC today


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2004
Reaction score
Finding I'm slipping in my game. Got to week 3 of bootcamp a year back and stopped because i started doing quite well. Need to pick up my game so re starting at week 2-3 so I hope you guys will tolerate some posts.


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2004
Reaction score
Ok. Haven't really done Bootcamp but from my memory will post the series of main events that have occured since that post.

Started talking to part time fitness/swimwear model brunette HB9 at gym. Fine the first time I spoke to her but strangely nervous and unnatural the second time.

Had been making eye contact, saying hello to a HB7.5 redhead at work. Thought I must act so ran into her while I was getting lunch. Walked back to work and said, "hey I've been meaning to ask, do you want to go and have lunch some time."

Her, "Oh, ok sure.

Me: "What's your surname (knew her first name)

Her Bla bla.

Me. I'll send you an e-mail.

Emailed her to the effect Hi, just following up it would be good to catch up for lunch. Tell me when you're free.

Received no reply.

Picked up brunette HB 7 at nightclub. Made out and got number. Rang her and she said she had to go in to hospital soon. Left it in her court to call me back.

After bucks turn chatted to UG4 at night club. Got number but didn't feel it was worth following up.

In to mid December met 31 yo brunette HB 6.5 at nightclub. Kissed and got number.

Rang, went on date and had sex.

Next week blond 25 yo girl at salsa dance classes makes a move on me. We kiss outside and get number.

NYE blonde from dance classes & I go out and we have sex.

Mid week go to blonde HB7's house for dinner. Says she feels sick. Nothing.

Two Sundays ago, HB6.5 and I go out to trivia night and drinks, then back to her house for sex.

HB7 brunette who went to hospital rings up and we're going for drinks this Thursday.

Go out Friday. Talk to girls but game is poor & I get too drunk.

HB 7 blonde rings and we go to movies and back to her house for sex. Nice girl starting to get attached but I'm not sure about her yet. any advice?

HB 6.5 rings and wants to go for drinks Sat night.

That's where I'm at. Any comments appreciated.


Don Juan
Nov 9, 2005
Reaction score
London, UK
OK I need to start bootcamp again. I started back in late October and did OK at the start then I lost my momentum, lost my confidence in starting conversations (scary how quickly that happens for shy characters like me) and went all the way back to square one.

New year, new start, right? Anyone care to join me?


Don Juan
Jan 27, 2006
Reaction score
K-Town Canada
Today is the first day of my new life

Well, I'm starting BC tonight. I live in a small town and it is very difficult for me to do boot camp here, so I am going to the city to sarge at the culbs tonight. I intend to talk to and get turned down by as many women as I can tonight. Tomorrow, I will hit the malls and start on my EC and "Hi"s. I will give a detailed BC report on monday and hopefully have some funny rejection stories for you guys.

Game on!


Don Juan
Jan 27, 2006
Reaction score
K-Town Canada
Today is the first day of my new life

Well, I'm starting BC tonight. I live in a small town and it is very difficult for me to do boot camp here, so I am going to the city to sarge at the culbs tonight. I intend to talk to and get turned down by as many women as I can tonight. Tomorrow, I will hit the malls and start on my EC and "Hi"s. I will give a detailed BC report on monday and hopefully have some funny rejection stories for you guys.

Game on!


Don Juan
Jan 27, 2006
Reaction score
K-Town Canada
Boot Camp, Week 1

First, my apologies for the double post above...stupid dial up.

So, as I had said, I went out saturday night with the intention of talking to as many women as I possibly could. My goal was to get rejected by all of them, however, my experiance was not quite so.

Saturday Feb.3 8:25pm(after 2 1/2 hour drive to nearest city).
I met my friends at a bar in little Italy and as usual they were late. I had driven in with my brother(who had tentatively decided to try bootcamp as well), so after a short search around the bar for our friends, we grab a couple of drinks and sit down at a table.

On our way into the bar, standing outside was this HB8. Smoking hot body and short brown hair. She was wearing a tight fitting dress that fell mid way down her thighs, a pair of black tights and nice high heels. I decide I want to talk to her but think better of this, as I had just gotten off the highway and was not yet feeling myself. Maybe later.

8:40-Friends arrive and wouldn't you know it, HB8 was waiting for them. YES, I have an in.

I will at this point take a moment to mention that the friends I was meeting were all of the female persuasion. The friend that I came in to see is a HB6.5, a little heavy but nothing that would, or has, dissuaded me from hitting it. The other people in our party were some mutual friends and some girls I have never met.

8:44-Introductions and I finally get to meet HB8. Her name sounds familiar and I swear I know her from somewhere but can't quite place it. Anyway, I decide not to talk to her yet and opt for an attempt to build some social proof first. Not that hard considering I know 65% of the girls here.

9:00-HB8 is standing at the end of the table fishing through her purse and looking confused.
Trag:Did you loose the kitchen sink? If you can't see it the moment you open your purse, it's probably gone.
HB8:(laughing)Yeah, but I can't do without it.
Trag:Seriously, you've been fishing through there for 3 mins now, what are you looking for?
HB8:I'm looking for money to pay the server when she comes with my drink.
Trag:And you don't know where, in your purse, the money would be? Are you sure it's your purse?
HB8:(disheveled laugh)Pretty sure.
To many negs all at once?
Trag:(opting for some rapport)So how do guys all know eachother?
HB8:School, we all went to x together.
Trag:Wow, highschool reunion. Then tell me.....fluff fluff fluff
We fluffed for awhile and I ejected to talk to my best guy friend who just arrived.
9:30-I just figured out why she(HB8) looked so familiar. She was at my apartment with good friend HB6.5 4 weeks ago. They stayed for 3 nights and over the course of these nights, managed to a)bore the crap out of me, and b)piss me off on 3 seperate occasions. In my defense, I was blinded by the seductive wiggle of her fantastic butt.
10:00-Best guy friend, brother and I, decide to try a change of venue. We say our "byes" make plans to meet up after bar closes, and we leave. We decide on an Irish pub with good live bands and it never hurts that I am good friends with two of the bouncers there.
10:20-Arrive, greet bouncers, skip through line and we are in. Lots of beautiful women tonight...oh, feminist band playing on stage, could be fun.
10:30-I'm talking to my bouncer friend near the bar where the waitresses put their orders through, when two women,HB8.5 and HB7.5, come walking through where they are not supposed to. Bouncer buddy stops them to politely tell them that they can't cut through there. HB7.5 is talking to bouncer and 8.5 is just standing there.
Trag:(to HB8.5)Wow, are you guys in trooouble, I've never seen him this mad.
HB8.5:(bar is loud so she couldn't hear the convo. between her friend and the bouncer)Seriously, but we didn't know.
Trag:I'll see if I can calm him down(I lean toword bouncer and talk say into his ear "purple monkey people eater with pancakes", bouncer laughs and understands, he leaves)
HB8.5-Did you know him?
Trag-Yes...fluff fluff fluff...more fluff
HB7.5-Since you're talking to my friend, why don't you buy us a couple of drinks?
Trag-AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...I don't buy girls drinks(continue laughing)
Hindsight, I should have got them to buy me a drink.
Trag-well I've got to go, my brother is sitting alone and I should keep him company.
HB8.5-(As I am turning to leave)My name is Blah blah...It was nice meeting you.
Trag-you too.
Now at this point she was giving me alot of kino and great eye contact. She was laughing at all my jokes, especially the dumb ones, and I really wanted to leave this on a high note so I ejected and she stopped me. I thought I would try not giving my name when she gave hers just to see if she would follow to try or find me later and ask my name...she did not.

Night goes on, talk to more girls...nothing that interesting until
1:15 when I see HB8.5 from earlier. She is with her friend and some other guy and as she passes she pokes me in the back(IOI right? That's what I thought), and comes around the other side of me to talk.
HB8.5-Hey, were leaving and I just wanted to say bye.
Trag-Okay, bye.
HB8.5-Yeah, were going to this house...blah blah blah blah blah, and my friend....blah blah
Trag-Really? Allright, well maybe I'll see you around.
HB8.5-Yeah, well I might see you here again right.
Trag-Not for awhile, I live out of town and don't get in that often.
HB8.5-Blah Blah Blah(I don't really remember the details here but the funny is coming)
HB8.5 turns to leave when I really screw up
Trag-Wow, for someone so outgoing you sure are walking away fast
I know...I'm an idiot
HB8.5-Well, how am I supposed to walk away...slowly?
Trag-(taking a moment to gather myself)No, what I meant was for someone so outgoing you sure are making hard to ensure another meeting.
HB8.5-(taking a few steps backward)I have a bf, I'm sorry did I give you the wrong impression?
YES, yes you did...BYATCH
Trag-Not really. So you have a bf hey,(Might as well go for broke at this point)is it a good relationship?
My guy friend spits his drink on the floor and walks away laughing, I ignore him.
HB8.5-Actually, now that you mention it, No it isn't
Trag-(complete and utter shock at the answer)Really? why?
And there goes my chances
HB8.5-Well, I think he is going to cheat on me.
Trag-(completely lost at this point)Yeah well guys will do that.
HB8.5- (getting dragged away by her friends)Well, if it was meant to be, I'll see you again

And that was my sat night attempt to see exactly where I was at before I started boot camp. There was some more drama later in the night with the HB8 from earlier, but it didn't really go anywhere.

I started week 1 on sunday at the mall. Nothing interesting to report, superbowl sunday and there wasn't that many people at the mall, a few here and there. I think I amassed 20 prolonged EC's and 9 Hi's. I think I can get week one done here in the small town, but alot of boot camp will have to be done in the city.

And that is my BC report, sorry for the length. Any feed back or whatever is cool. If I have not done my FR correct, PM me with a how to do this better. Thanks for reading all



Don Juan
Jan 26, 2006
Reaction score
I'll go ahead and do mine here, since I can't think of anywhere else to put it... and I'm right with you Trag!

I did my 50 ECs by the middle of last week... I continued practicing it through the end of the week though. Nothing really interesting to report except for a couple of instances where the girl would stare back and hold my eye contact for a real long time. I get kind of awkward when that happens, though... like I'm not sure what to do about it? Should I look away, smile, approach, or what?
I'm gonna start doing 'Hi's' today.

I also did an online date that I'm almost too embarrased to post about.:down:


Don Juan
Jan 27, 2006
Reaction score
K-Town Canada
Week 1, done and out of the way

Well, I finished week one. I had to finish it in this small town, which actually wasn't that bad. Everyone is friendly, for passer-by's, so I finished my 50 ec's and hi's rather quickly. Continued on and lost count at around 70.

Anyway, nothing too interesting to report(small town people aren't really open for convos with strangers, especially a rAFC).

Week two starts this sat and I am trying to get to the city to start...should be alot of fun.

kinesis, good job man. In regards to your feeling awkward with prolonged EC...me too. I think this is getting easier though, and I am starting to build enough confidence that next time it happens, I will approach...I guess I have no choice though. Let's keep on going, I fully intend on seeing this through.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2005
Reaction score

Guys, welcome to bootcamp! I've been through this process and I can honestly report that it works. Don't be at all surprised if attractive women want to sleep with you by week three: not just give you their number, but sleep with you. You may be pleasantly surprised at all of the opportunities you were missing in your AFC days. I'm serious, be prepared: condoms, a venue, have logistics on your mind and you will close. Have fun!



Don Juan
Apr 5, 2006
Reaction score
Corvallis, OR
Is there a new link for the boot camp?

I neglected to turn on the 'email reply' so if there is actually a link to this that still works, please PM/email me..
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
DjDamage Boot Camp Week 1 Day 1

Today was my first day at bootcamp and this is how it went:

- I started walking down a street and looking at women right in the eyes as they pass me by. It is not too difficult to look at someone since they usually pass you by. However one thing I notice is that I forget to smile as I pass by women who actually look back into my eyes. Their reaction tends to miror mine since my face shows no emotions when I look at them and vis-versa. I suppose if someone went around with the expression on the face like this guy: http://media.soundscapes.com/Blog/napolean.jpg
people would ignore him. Smiling is something I need to work on.

- I also noticed that I am getting some sort of anxiety trying to open up to strangers with a simple "hi". I remember this tall beautiful blonde woman passing me by and the voice inside my head screaming at me to say "hi" but my mouth wouldn't budge.

- The first woman I said "hi" to stood at a bus station and I said "hi excuse me , do you have the time?" and then I thank her. I don't know if its a copout asking a question after "hi" but just saying "hi" without anything afterwords seem strange to me.

- I decided to go shopping for shoes at the nearest mall and enter stores and start talking to the people that worked there. I did say "hi" and had some small talk with some dude working there who helped me out with shoes but I didn't find what I was looking for and left.

- I went to another shoe store and start looking at the shoes rack where I saw a HB tanned and blonde store clerk working there. This is when things start to go downhill a bit. She had a pretty good (no amazing) set of t1ts on her, those puppies were literally coming out of her really tight top. I said "Hi" to her and asked her if she could find me a pair of shoes in the back. She was really friendly and I start feeling anxious for some reasons. I felt my voice breaking and my throat tighten and I got this chill as if I came out of hot shower and someone dropped a bucket of ice on my head. She handed me the shoes but she told me that she only found that pair in different color. I busted on her trying to give some C&F saying " oh ok well that means that if I buy the shoes I get a 20-30% discount right??!" and she laughed and said "no way". I didn't end up liking the shoes so I left and handed her back the shoes thanking her with a broken squeeky voice, in which I noticed she looked at me funny like she can see right through my act.

- I went to another store where they sell clothes. This Cute tight Asian girl greeted me at the door saying not to forget to pick up a pair of pants on the way out. I started busting on her saying "hi I wanted to know by picking up the pants you mean its free??" and she is like "no" and I said to her" then its false advertising you should really say don't forget to buy pants" and she didn't know what to say next, just "ok" - she wasn't digging my humor, I figure she was stupid or something so after browsing I left the store.

- I said hi to two other people sitting on a bench. One woman asked me If I am waiting for someone and I lied to her and told her yes because they are running a little late. I should have used some C&F on her but I just didn't have it in me in the end.

All in all I ended up saying "hi" to just 5 people and I hope to continue this week and finish it up saying hi to 50 people and smile when they look at me.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Week 1 Day 5

This was my second day at bootcamp.

Yesterday I ended up saying hi to 15 different strangers (all women good looking to semi-good looking) so there is progress.

Drawbacks: The hi's are very forced. My mindset is still focused as if I am entering their personal space and they will have a negative reaction. I am aware its a self- fulfilling prophecy (they are miroring my reaction) and I also need to remember that I need to try and have positive thinking and attitude regarding this process and not to think of it as it is a countdown to reach 50 and get it over and done with as soon as possible.

- I also need to slow down my approach, I tend to appear really fast and rushed in saying hi. I need to smile at the approach. My tendency is trying to sneak up at people when they don't see me, I need to slow it down, look in their eyes, see them looking back at me and smile and then say hi. I also need to remember not to get discourage when I get cold, negative reaction or no reaction at all. The most important thing to remember that its me who is in charge of my emotions and just because I didn't get a positive reaction (warm, and a smiling face) does not mean I should get down on myself.

Well I am off to get more hi's today.

Cpt Caveman

Don Juan
Sep 19, 2006
Reaction score
So I'm starting the boot camp tommorrow. 50 hi's in a week? I'm on it.

I'll be posting to keep you guys up to date.

starting over

New Member
Sep 16, 2006
Reaction score
Count me in on this bootcamp. I need to improve everything in my interactions with women. I also think this will improve other areas as well. I just moved to a new city and this should improve my social life in general.


Don Juan
Dec 16, 2006
Reaction score
Hey everyone,
I've been reading this Bootcamp thread and there is alot of great insight! Interested to hear how everyone is doing? I'd like to go through a similar bootcamp and plan on getting out there more.