Boot Camp, Week 1
First, my apologies for the double post above...stupid dial up.
So, as I had said, I went out saturday night with the intention of talking to as many women as I possibly could. My goal was to get rejected by all of them, however, my experiance was not quite so.
Saturday Feb.3 8:25pm(after 2 1/2 hour drive to nearest city).
I met my friends at a bar in little Italy and as usual they were late. I had driven in with my brother(who had tentatively decided to try bootcamp as well), so after a short search around the bar for our friends, we grab a couple of drinks and sit down at a table.
On our way into the bar, standing outside was this HB8. Smoking hot body and short brown hair. She was wearing a tight fitting dress that fell mid way down her thighs, a pair of black tights and nice high heels. I decide I want to talk to her but think better of this, as I had just gotten off the highway and was not yet feeling myself. Maybe later.
8:40-Friends arrive and wouldn't you know it, HB8 was waiting for them. YES, I have an in.
I will at this point take a moment to mention that the friends I was meeting were all of the female persuasion. The friend that I came in to see is a HB6.5, a little heavy but nothing that would, or has, dissuaded me from hitting it. The other people in our party were some mutual friends and some girls I have never met.
8:44-Introductions and I finally get to meet HB8. Her name sounds familiar and I swear I know her from somewhere but can't quite place it. Anyway, I decide not to talk to her yet and opt for an attempt to build some social proof first. Not that hard considering I know 65% of the girls here.
9:00-HB8 is standing at the end of the table fishing through her purse and looking confused.

id you loose the kitchen sink? If you can't see it the moment you open your purse, it's probably gone.

laughing)Yeah, but I can't do without it.
Trag:Seriously, you've been fishing through there for 3 mins now, what are you looking for?
HB8:I'm looking for money to pay the server when she comes with my drink.
Trag:And you don't know where, in your purse, the money would be? Are you sure it's your purse?

disheveled laugh)Pretty sure.
To many negs all at once?

opting for some rapport)So how do guys all know eachother?
HB8:School, we all went to x together.
Trag:Wow, highschool reunion. Then tell me.....fluff fluff fluff
We fluffed for awhile and I ejected to talk to my best guy friend who just arrived.
9:30-I just figured out why she(HB8) looked so familiar. She was at my apartment with good friend HB6.5 4 weeks ago. They stayed for 3 nights and over the course of these nights, managed to a)bore the crap out of me, and b)piss me off on 3 seperate occasions. In my defense, I was blinded by the seductive wiggle of her fantastic butt.
10:00-Best guy friend, brother and I, decide to try a change of venue. We say our "byes" make plans to meet up after bar closes, and we leave. We decide on an Irish pub with good live bands and it never hurts that I am good friends with two of the bouncers there.
10:20-Arrive, greet bouncers, skip through line and we are in. Lots of beautiful women tonight...oh, feminist band playing on stage, could be fun.
10:30-I'm talking to my bouncer friend near the bar where the waitresses put their orders through, when two women,HB8.5 and HB7.5, come walking through where they are not supposed to. Bouncer buddy stops them to politely tell them that they can't cut through there. HB7.5 is talking to bouncer and 8.5 is just standing there.

to HB8.5)Wow, are you guys in trooouble, I've never seen him this mad.

bar is loud so she couldn't hear the convo. between her friend and the bouncer)Seriously, but we didn't know.
Trag:I'll see if I can calm him down(I lean toword bouncer and talk say into his ear "purple monkey people eater with pancakes", bouncer laughs and understands, he leaves)
HB8.5-Did you know him?
Trag-Yes...fluff fluff fluff...more fluff
HB7.5-Since you're talking to my friend, why don't you buy us a couple of drinks?
Trag-AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...I don't buy girls drinks(continue laughing)
Hindsight, I should have got them to buy me a drink.
Trag-well I've got to go, my brother is sitting alone and I should keep him company.
HB8.5-(As I am turning to leave)My name is Blah blah...It was nice meeting you.
Trag-you too.
Now at this point she was giving me alot of kino and great eye contact. She was laughing at all my jokes, especially the dumb ones, and I really wanted to leave this on a high note so I ejected and she stopped me. I thought I would try not giving my name when she gave hers just to see if she would follow to try or find me later and ask my name...she did not.
Night goes on, talk to more girls...nothing that interesting until
1:15 when I see HB8.5 from earlier. She is with her friend and some other guy and as she passes she pokes me in the back(IOI right? That's what I thought), and comes around the other side of me to talk.
HB8.5-Hey, were leaving and I just wanted to say bye.
Trag-Okay, bye.
HB8.5-Yeah, were going to this house...blah blah blah blah blah, and my friend....blah blah
Trag-Really? Allright, well maybe I'll see you around.
HB8.5-Yeah, well I might see you here again right.
Trag-Not for awhile, I live out of town and don't get in that often.
HB8.5-Blah Blah Blah(I don't really remember the details here but the funny is coming)
HB8.5 turns to leave when I really screw up
Trag-Wow, for someone so outgoing you sure are walking away fast
I know...I'm an idiot
HB8.5-Well, how am I supposed to walk away...slowly?
Trag-(taking a moment to gather myself)No, what I meant was for someone so outgoing you sure are making hard to ensure another meeting.
HB8.5-(taking a few steps backward)I have a bf, I'm sorry did I give you the wrong impression?
YES, yes you did...BYATCH
Trag-Not really. So you have a bf hey,(Might as well go for broke at this point)is it a good relationship?
My guy friend spits his drink on the floor and walks away laughing, I ignore him.
HB8.5-Actually, now that you mention it, No it isn't
Trag-(complete and utter shock at the answer)Really? why?
And there goes my chances
HB8.5-Well, I think he is going to cheat on me.
Trag-(completely lost at this point)Yeah well guys will do that.
HB8.5- (getting dragged away by her friends)Well, if it was meant to be, I'll see you again
And that was my sat night attempt to see exactly where I was at before I started boot camp. There was some more drama later in the night with the HB8 from earlier, but it didn't really go anywhere.
I started week 1 on sunday at the mall. Nothing interesting to report, superbowl sunday and there wasn't that many people at the mall, a few here and there. I think I amassed 20 prolonged EC's and 9 Hi's. I think I can get week one done here in the small town, but alot of boot camp will have to be done in the city.
And that is my BC report, sorry for the length. Any feed back or whatever is cool. If I have not done my FR correct, PM me with a how to do this better. Thanks for reading all