I've always told myself I have to do a bootcamp if I wanna be a DJ but I still haven't...
Still, I do make progress in my own way, most of which is not premeditated but just develops sorta naturally. I just took a decision in general, to be more open to women and try to get in contact with them any which way possible. The exact details on how to do this, is something I just let come to me the moment I see a woman in my vicinity. I'll just do whatever comes to me at that moment.
For example, first I just started to look at every girl I see around me (no matter where I am), just be aware of them. Before, they were just 'other people on the street, who I do not know and have nothing to do with'. So I just decided to be more aware of them, be more connected to them, in any way possible, even if it's just in my head/consciousness. So I just looked at them more: look what they do, what they wear, how they walk, what their facial expression is like, what they talk about to the person they might be with.
From there, I automatically started to make eye contact with them more. From there, I automatically started looking at them in a sexual manner. It's just something I happened to do sometime, to see what her reaction would be like. Some other time, I did it again, and so on, until it became a habit. Over the past months, I've become pretty good at that (finding the right balance between the "neutral" look and the "I need sex right now!" look. Now it seems to them like I just have a naughty look in my eyes and I'm not doing that intentional, I just
AM sexual). I never really decided to focuss on this 'technique' and practise it. It just developed into a habit sorta automatically...
Lately, I've been developing some other of these habits. I never really said to myself: "Non verbal communication is going good, but now you have to practise and learn to
SAY something to girls!" Instead, I just felt the urge to make more contact everytime I saw women around me. Like the eye contact and stuff was getting boring, I wanted more than that, I just felt the desire to get closer to them than that. So I just started acting on that desire, lol. When I walk on the street and two girls walk past me while they're talking to each other, I just say: "Oh really?" No matter what they talk about, haha. Like, one girl tells the other: "Hey, let's go inside that store for a minute." And I just say: "Oh really?" and walk on. Often I don't even look at their reaction, I don't care. I communicated with them, I made them direct their attention towards me for a second, I made contact with them, I just followed that desire lol. Sometimes they respond with a shy smile, sometimes they literally say: "Huh??" coz they don't understand what I meant or why I said that (and why I just walked on without saying anything else after it). I'm just having fun.
Today, I was driving back from work on my bike... Some girl was standing on the pavement in front of her home, looking at some other person that was parking his/her car in front of her home. I just looked at her as I passed by and when she looked back to me I enthusiastically said: "Ola!" Like Hector says to Tony Montana when he opens the door, hahaha:
Again, I don't even care how she reacts, she even wasn't really beautiful. I'm just having fun, playing, and doing what I want: make contact with women, get their attention! Now when I do make a serious attempt to approach a girl, it's much easier (still not easy, but easier) because I feel more "familiar" with women and interacting with them (and interacting with them in a playful manner, which is quite important in pick up).
The reason I'm writing this, is because it might help others who are too 'afraid' to do a bootcamp. I'll admit that I am/was but in a way I'm doing my own kind of boot camp. It's just a lot slower, but it has the big advantage of not doing anything 'forced' and instead just going with your own 'flow'. If I would leave my house and tell myself: "Okay, you're going to say 'hi' to a dozen girls today" I would feel 'forced' (even though it's me myself who's forcing me lol) and at unease. The way it's been going for me, is just unforced. I practise, I repeat certain behaviour towards girls and get better at it, but none of it is really premeditated. The behaviour just comes to me 'out of the blue' there and then. The only thing I do, is remind myself very often that I want to become a DJ, that I want to interact with women and get good at it...I read a lot on here, I think a lot about everything I read and then some. Sometimes when I'm reading and thinking, I realize that I haven't had any significant interaction with women since two weeks ago and I tell myself: "You're not becoming a DJ, you just read and think, sitting behind your computer" and I tell myself I need to 'do something'. I don't specify that 'something', I never make any specific plans to do anything or practise anything. I just feel frustrated that I'm not making any progress with girls, feel a strong desire to do so and make a 'general' vow to myself that I will do so. Then, some few days later, I happen to walk on the street and two girls pass me by..and 'out of the blue' I feel the urge to say something weird/funny to them, to flirt with them...and I just do it. All that time, the repeated thinking and reading and feeling the desire to 'do something' has all been slumbering in my subconscious and suddenly gets released by this 'out of the blue' initiative to interact and flirt with those girls. It just happens, it feels natural and unforced. And it keeps happening, and I keep reading and thinking, etc. etc. etc.
Perhaps this might be helpful to someone else. If not, it was fun to write down my own experiences anyway
