I have just read this thread in full, and this contains some amazing material; Not in a sense of a set of instructions of how something is and what to do, but a first-hand experience of an actual process that allows to make own conclusions to all of us;
Gentlemen of sosuave who flamed the OP - is that really how one who is trying to become confident and a DonJuan should hold himself? Surely, all of us are learning, yet look at the posts by Gunner and Atom Smasher, and look at your posts. Asking to know how the guy looks, so you could try and make fun out of him if there's some sort of flaw? Come on, think about it, put your own ego's aside! True DonJuan does not need approval, and does not need to prove anything! Sure, Ronaldo7 has so many qualities in his personality I find appaling, and I would probably never want to associate myself with him in a daily life; However, we all get these people in daily lives where we have to deal with them, and is it not fascinating to you to have an opportunity and ask them what makes them such? Why resort to personal attacks, when instead you can find out more about the person, why he thinks he is better and so, and use that as a tool to help yourself grow? You have someone from upper-middle class who is arrogant and excels at pursuit of his goals, who potentially has knowledge of a higher social circle... You can find out so much, learn so much, discover so much, bet it how to deal with someone who is arrogant prick, to find out how would one have to be like to fit in into some social strata, or why you should not try to fit in in that strata at all! And what you do is try to belittle and bring the person down, so you could say "Heh, at least I'm better than him at x", or somehow prove your superiority?
Learn from this! It is easy to say "ban this guy" "he is trolling" "you suck", since it makes oneself more comfortable knowing other's don't approve of him as well, and that your current thinking was "accepted". It is harder to bite it up, and consider that perhaps one himself is not as good as he thinks, to recognize your very own little Ronaldo7 inside of you! For what I've read in the DonJuan bible, it is stepping out of your comfort zone, it is putting your ego aside that makes one grow; One may say that his thread is bull****, and should be closed, since it does not contribute anything to the site for people who are looking for help. I think this is one of the greatest recent threads here, and it shows so much about people, gives you an amazing chance to learn how to maintain your cool and just laugh it off when someone looks you in the eye and says that he thinks he is "smarter" than you. Cause true DonJuan will not try to prove he is smarter, he will just smile back, casually mention "I guess you are" and move on. Because down inside, he knows the truth, and that is all that matters.
And OP, glad to hear that you've got the advice you came here for, and although unasked, I'd like to throw in my two cents on the flaming and hate and so on, since, after all, this is a semi-free market of ideas -
To you, success may be having eleventy billion dollars, to someone else it may be curing cancer without making any money from it, or maybe raising a family and two kids. However, when calling yourself better than *everyone* else, one should remember a couple of things:
You are rating yourself on your specific scale, i.e., your definition of success. Everyone sees success in their own way, and although yes, you may be a lot farther ahead than most of the people on your way to become a CEO, remember that not everyone wants that, and they may actually be a lot further on their own way than you; Rating the success of people based on your own criteria is somewhat shortsighted. The more specific the route, the easier it is to "feel" more successful than others, since you meet very few people on the same road as you.
Nevertheless, sooner or later, you will meet someone who followed a similar route, and was/still is/will be better than you, on your own scale. It will probably happen within next few years, since after one moves out of their place, and attends a university/college/other place that concentrates a large number of people with similar interests as yours, you inevitably find someone who has/is more; I really doubt that it is possible to actually be at the *top*, since there is nearly an inexhaustible supply of these different areas of concentration - say it's not university, well it might be a golf club, or other place where people with similar interests as yours gather around.
So what you said about yourself - It could be that you actually are better than everyone else, but only in your current area, social circle, monkey sphere or whatever you call it. You may be the best doctor in a small rural village, but that does not not necessarily mean you are the best doctor in New York; and again, being the best doctor in New York does not necessarily mean there isn't a doctor in some village who is better than you.
If you want to grow, find yourself a circle where you are not the best. It will be painful, it will shatter your ego, but you will have the potential to grow and actually become better than a lot more people again. Strive to be best, yet realize that there will still be someone better. You had the great opportunity to be born into a rich family that probably opened many doors for you. That's great, that's like starting a game at level 10 already, but you still got 10 more levels to beat, so don't let your ego make you stay in that same level forever, or that is all you will be;
The best out of underachievers is still an under-achiever.