heh, my parents do not influence my religious beliefs in any way, the showed me the path, and left me to walk by myself. ive strayed and went off path, but in the end, i ended up in the same humble path
you said fornification means illegal sexual behavior, just what is your defenition of that?
and as for adultery:
"10th Commandment; Verse 17 "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's."
"Covet" is a word that is gradually going out of usage. One set of definitions of the word is:
To wish for enviously.
To desire inordinately or culpably ~ vi: to feel inordinate desire for what belongs to another. 3
Religious liberals believe that the original
text included only the first seven words. That is because the word "house" by itself was assumed to include all of a man's possessions: his building, wife, slaves, animals, etc.
A woman, in biblical times, was considered to be the property first of her father and after marriage of her husband."
so that means that before a women is married, she is property of her father in ancient times, and it is a sin to covet what you does not belong to you, if you wanted to marry her, you would ask for her father's permission and he would see if you would be a just groom for his daughter. and the quote also doesnt distinguish between marriage and property of father preceeding marriage, and since adultery is sex with a married woman/man, that is the equivelant to belonging to her father before marriage as equal to marriage.
so there you have it, heres a link:
not so bad for a 16 year old