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Being a DJ virgin

Jake Steed

Master Don Juan
Oct 10, 2001
Reaction score
"A wife who stayed a virgin until marriage would be a LOT less likely to cheat"--DJ IronGirevik

Are you speaking from your worldly 18 yr old experience? Can you please explain to me why that would make her LESS likely to cheat? I'm waiting....

My number of married friends is growing, and after talking to them about this kind of stuff, on the contrary, they all agree that before one gets married, they should enjoy fvcking a wide variety of people. Even when you are in the quote unquote "perfect" relationship, your eyes WILL roam. It's just human nature. That's why is is VERY important to get this out of your system and enjoy sexual experiences with a variety of people before you allow the shackles to be put on you. This is all coming from several different sources of married friends of miine.

That doesn't mean you fvck every hore that comes your way, but it does mean that your future marriage will be in serious trouble if you do not have experiences with at least a few women before settling down. And the same goes for women. If she is a virgin when she gets married, she is a LOT more likely to have regrets and end up cheating.



Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2003
Reaction score
Jake is 100% correct. Take it from an old geezer who f@cked up his life for over 15 years. You idealistic guys are fools, and the religious stuff is silly as hell in 2003. Why don't you go live under the Taliban, they agree with you about sex! Thank "God" I live in Europe... the people are much more relaxed about all this. They think we Americans have the silliest attitude about sex...



Senior Don Juan
Jul 25, 2003
Reaction score
Mount of Olives- Sydney.
2) A wife who stayed a virgin until marriage would be a LOT less likely to cheat than a wife who did not. If my wife ever cheated on me though, there would be divorce papers waiting for her faster than you can say "liar" ...
This is one of the most astonishing theories i have seen..

I think most of the 'virgin stayers' i have met, went bezerk once they let down their inhibitions.

Delaying virginity until the immaginary event of "marriage" day doesn't guarantee anything.. except that they might start exploring AFTER marriage.

Maybe it stems from the dumb-ass belief that virgins are better to marry than non virgins -- a belief from ye oooolde days..


Senior Don Juan
Jan 21, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by sAxyguy83
Moving on, I have yet to see a well-written, coherent, rational post in favor of having sex b4 marriage. Everyone posting on that side seems to simply focus on insulting their opponents, rather than explaining their own views. A little hint, guys: You'll never convince anyone of anything by simply insulting them. If you think I'm wrong, then either try and persuade me to agree with you, or respect my opinion and shut up.
Because it's fun, it feels great and it adds something special to a relationship. Well , the fun part is subjective, but i don't think anyone will disagree. The two other reasobns are plain facts.

Now you come with a coherent and rational reason why you should not have sex before marriage.


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2002
Reaction score
OK, lets run a scenario here...

You eventually meet what you think is the perfect girl... things are going well, you get to the third date and end up back at her place and the scene is set perfectly for a little **** action...

It's your first time out tho', and you ain't too up to scratch on the whole thing... this puts this girl off and she splits

So, here you are... totally into this girl, thinkin' she's the perfect girl etc etc, but because of this one thing it's no longer happenin', it's petty yes, shallow maybe, but either way she's gone...

That could quite easily happen... right now, girls are relatively inexperienced in all this, so you can learn quite easily without fear... however, when you get to the older 25 year olds and they have expectations which you don't meet and are expected to, given your age and assumed sexual experience a lot won't be too pleased... unless you come to them as the devout christian kinda character, and only have sex after marriage, which kinda defeats the whole DJ thing... it's not just to bed random woman after random woman the goal is to attract as many women as possible and then make a decision on them given this huge pool you have compared to the average joe...

In the end, do you... but I think you might just have unrealistic standards, I mean I can't believe you haven't met a girl that you'd like to **** at 17... either you didn't act, or they were just not interested in you

And how can you possibly say that your **** is the prize if you don't know how to use it... that's like givin' a blindman a book token and tellin' him it's his prize


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by dionysius_d
Delaying virginity until the immaginary event of "marriage" day doesn't guarantee anything.. except that they might start exploring AFTER marriage.
Exactly... curiosity is powerful, do you really think it won't enter her head what the next man ****s like, only people I can see not being truley tempted is the devout christian woman again who only believes sex inside a marriage is appropriate

Do you not think it'll enter your head too... you've had this one girl, you get on well with her everythin is good, but you're curious to how that blonde in the office gets down...


Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2003
Reaction score
.... And do any of you, any of you at all, seriously beleive that a sex life with a "serious devout Christian woman who thinks all sex should be in side of marriage" will be satisfying? Are you a person who wants to die without ever once getting a blow job?



Senior Don Juan
Nov 11, 2001
Reaction score
Central MA
Hey, I'm the kind of guy that thinks religious conservatives are idiots that have yet to emerge from the ninth century. I was, however, raised Catholic and some of the moral values advocated by the church rubbed off on me. My LTR and I are both virgins, both b/c of Catholic upbringing, but that doesn't mean we don't experiment and have fun. I'm the first bf of hers that she's allowed to touch her breasts, a$$, etc... We don't go all the way to sex, but we do just about everything but. Yes, we both started out really lousy. However, we've learned a lot from each other, and let me tell you it's kind of a cool experience exploring this kind of thing together with someone special.

The STD thing is not the reason I abstain - it's just something that ppl should seriously think about b4 they have sex. And yes, I acknowledge that sex would be a lot of fun - like I said b4, my girl and I would like few things better than to just go and f**k each other's brains out.

I'm not saying that you guys should abstain, or hold out for a virgin girl. I'm saying that you should just behave according to your own feelings and values, and allow me to follow my own.


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
If you insist on marrying a virgin, this is the kind of woman you'll get.

on the Conduct and Procedure of the Intimate and
Personal Relationships of the Marriage State for the
Greater Spiritual Sanctity of this Blessed Sacrament
and the Glory of God
Ruth Smythers beloved wife of The Reverend L.D.
Pastor of the Arcadian Methodist Church of the Eastern
Regional Conference
Published in the year of our Lord 1894 Spiritual
Guidance Press New York City

To the sensitive young woman who has had the benefits
of proper upbringing, the wedding day is, ironically,
both the happiest and most terrifying day of her life.
On the positive side, there is the wedding itself, in
which the bride is the central attraction in a
beautiful and inspiring ceremony, symbolizing her
triumph in securing a male to provide for all her
needs for the rest of her life. On the negative side,
there is the wedding night, during which the bride
must pay the piper, so to speak, by facing for the
first time the terrible experience of sex.

At this point, dear reader, let me concede one
shocking truth. Some young women actually anticipate
the wedding night ordeal with curiosity and pleasure!
Beware such an attitude! A selfish and sensual husband
can easily take advantage of such a bride. One
cardinal rule of marriage should never be forgotten:
GRUDGINGLY. Otherwise what could have been a proper
marriage could become an orgy of sexual lust.

On the other hand, the bride's terror need not be
extreme. While sex is at best revolting and at worse
rather painful, it has to be endured, and has been by
women since the beginning of time, and is compensated
for by the monogamous home and by the children
produced through it.

It is useless, in most cases, for the bride to prevail
upon the groom to forego the sexual initiation. While
the ideal husband would be one who would approach his
bride only at her request and only for the purpose of
begetting offspring, such nobility and unselfishness
cannot be expected from the average man.

Most men, if not denied, would demand sex almost every
day. The wise bride will permit a maximum of two brief
sexual experiences weekly during the first months of
marriage. As time goes by she should make every effort
to reduce this frequency.

Feigned illness, sleepiness, and headaches are among
the wife's best friends in this matter. Arguments,
nagging, scolding, and bickering also prove very
effective, if used in the late evening about an hour
before the husband would normally commence his

Clever wives are ever on the alert for new and better
methods of denying and discouraging the amorous
overtures of the husband. A good wife should expect to
have reduced sexual contacts to once a week by the end
of the first year of marriage and to once a month by
the end of the fifth year of marriage.


By their tenth anniversary many wives have managed to
complete their child bearing and have achieved the
ultimate goal of terminating all sexual contacts with
the husband. By this time she can depend upon his love
for the children and social pressures to hold the
husband in the home.

Just as she should be ever alert to keep the quantity
of sex as low as possible, the wise bride will pay
equal attention to limiting the kind and degree of
sexual contacts. Most men are by nature rather
perverted, and if given half a chance, would engage in
quite a variety of the most revolting practices. These
practices include among others performing the normal
act in abnormal positions; mouthing the female body;
and offering their own vile bodies to be mouthed in

Nudity, talking about sex, reading stories about sex,
viewing photographs and drawings depicting or
suggesting sex are the obnoxious habits the male is
likely to acquire if permitted.


A wise bride will make it the goal never to allow her
husband to see her unclothed body, and never allow him
to display his unclothed body to her. Sex, when it
cannot be prevented, should be practiced only in total
darkness. Many women have found it useful to have
thick cotton nightgowns for themselves and pajamas for
their husbands. These should be donned in separate
rooms. They need not be removed during the sex act.
Thus, a minimum of flesh is exposed.

Once the bride has donned her gown and turned off all
the lights, she should lie quietly upon the bed and
await her groom. When he comes groping into the room
she should make no sound to guide him in her
direction, lest he take this as a sign of
encouragement. She should let him grope in the dark.
There is always the hope that he will stumble and
incur some slight injury which she can use as an
excuse to deny him sexual access.

When he finds her, the wife should lie as still as
possible. Bodily motion on her part could be
interpreted as sexual excitement by the optimistic

If he attempts to kiss her on the lips she should turn
her head slightly so that the kiss falls harmlessly on
her cheek instead. If he attempts to kiss her hand,
she should make a fist. If he lifts her gown and
attempts to kiss her anyplace else she should quickly
pull the gown back in place, spring from the bed, and
announce that nature calls her to the toilet. This
will generally dampen his desire to kiss in the
forbidden territory.

If the husband attempts to seduce her with lascivious
talk, the wise wife will suddenly remember some
trivial non-sexual question to ask him. Once he
answers she should keep the conversation going, no
matter how frivolous it may seem at the time.

Eventually, the husband will learn that if he insists
on having sexual contact, he must get on with it
without amorous embellishment. The wise wife will
allow him to pull the gown up no farther than the
waist, and only permit him to open the front of his
pajamas to thus make connection.

She will be absolutely silent or babble about her
housework while he is huffing and puffing away. Above
all, she will lie perfectly still and never under any
circumstances grunt or groan while the act is in
progress. As soon as the husband has completed the
act, the wise wife will start nagging him about
various minor tasks she wishes him to perform on the
morrow. Many men obtain a major portion of their
sexual satisfaction from the peaceful exhaustion
immediately after the act is over. Thus the wife must
insure that there is no peace in this period for him
to enjoy. Otherwise, he might be encouraged to soon
try for more.

One heartening factor for which the wife can be
grateful is the fact that the husband's home, school,
church, and social environment have been working
together all through his life to instill in him a deep
sense of guilt in regards to his sexual feelings, so
that he comes to the marriage couch apologetically and
filled with shame, already half cowed and subdued. The
wise wife seizes upon this advantage and relentlessly
pursues her goal first to limit, later to annihilate
completely her husband's desire for sexual expression.



Senior Don Juan
Jan 21, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by sAxyguy83
Hey, I'm the kind of guy that thinks religious conservatives are idiots that have yet to emerge from the ninth century. I was, however, raised Catholic and some of the moral values advocated by the church rubbed off on me. My LTR and I are both virgins, both b/c of Catholic upbringing, but that doesn't mean we don't experiment and have fun. I'm the first bf of hers that she's allowed to touch her breasts, a$$, etc... We don't go all the way to sex, but we do just about everything but. Yes, we both started out really lousy. However, we've learned a lot from each other, and let me tell you it's kind of a cool experience exploring this kind of thing together with someone special.

The STD thing is not the reason I abstain - it's just something that ppl should seriously think about b4 they have sex. And yes, I acknowledge that sex would be a lot of fun - like I said b4, my girl and I would like few things better than to just go and f**k each other's brains out.

I'm not saying that you guys should abstain, or hold out for a virgin girl. I'm saying that you should just behave according to your own feelings and values, and allow me to follow my own.
I still don't understand your reason for holding out. You say that you and your g/f would like to fck eachother brains out, but for some unclear reason you don't. You say it's because your "feelings" and "values". You just said that you feel like fcking her brains out. So it must be you values. So your "values" are different then your "feelings"?

I don't get it.

-Do have a small **** and are ashamed for it?
-You can't get it up?
-Are you afraid that you will end up in hell for fcking the girl you so much care about?
-Are you afraid of something

Please enlighten me.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 21, 2003
Reaction score
....Sex, when it cannot be prevented, should be practiced only in total darkness. ...



Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Keesler AFB, Mississippi
Originally posted by Ashley Chuckles
only people I can see not being truley tempted is the devout christian woman again who only believes sex inside a marriage is appropriate
Well that's the kind of women that

1) I want to marry


2) I believe is the most likely to stay a virgin before marriage

so obviously if they're the most likely to stay a virgin before marriage then there will be less of a cheating chance. Note that she'll have to NOT be against sex for pleasure WITHIN marriage.

bp, that is the only non-Catholic Christian work that I've ever seen that speaks against sex for pleasure WITHIN marriage ... so I like my chances.


Mar 22, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by dietzcoi
Why don't you go live under the Taliban, they agree with you about sex! Thank "God" I live in Europe...
****, think about it: God = Allah = Jahwe. It's all the same god wether you're Christian,Muslim or Jew. Silly eh and yet we make war in the name of God (ex:Bush,Bin Laden)


Senior Don Juan
Jan 21, 2003
Reaction score
I almost feel sorry for these religious morons.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 18, 2002
Reaction score
Beverlly hills
love it!

Hey Atleast people that dont have the Juices flowing hard enought to just feel.. the desire to Prick a average girls booty!

can blame RELIGION..

Or could get some VIAGRA

and not jutify it with god and marrige excuses..


Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
Damn this thread went nutso.

For me,its not religion or values or morals that keep me from fukking. Its just that i cant find a suitable partner, every girl that ive come close to banging i ended up turning down because i feared disease. The first girl i **** HAS TO BE A FUKKING VIRGIN!

John Juan

Don Juan
Jul 17, 2003
Reaction score
'DJ virgin' = AFC

Originally posted by Bill
I agree that "DJ virgin" sounds weird, but IMO being a DJ doesn't necessarily imply fvcking any woman.
This is where you are totally wrong. If DJ doesn't imply fvcking ANY woman, what does it imply to fvck? Hump the wall? Chasing after fido? Are you trying to say that it doesn't even imply fvcking "the one" that you wait seven years to fvck!? Does it imply wearing a chastity belt? I guess its also immoral in your book to go chasing after multiple girls at once? :rolleyes: How is that DJesque?

Implied in the term DJ is the idea that there are SEXUAL GOALS in mind with what you are practicing. DJ implies that you are a MAN who desires sex, AND <right now, or eventually> succeeds in having it with attractive women. Many of the postings are about SEXUAL TECHNIQUE, which will not be even moderately useful to you until you actually have sex!!

Call me immoral, beat me down with a bible, but I don't believe that there is a whole lot of room in the DJ discussion for those who choose against having premarital sex. This forum should certainly NOT be used as a soapbox for you to stand on to preach the virtues of your self-imposed idiocy. Maybe you guys should consider starting a separate 'group' in the DJ Discussion Forum and call it 'Abstinence Tips: Virgin DJs hold hands, sing hymns, and share inspirationals stories of how they keep it in the trousers and out of the pie while God showers them with fictional love'

To throw my two cents in, IMO, 'DJ virgin' is just a PC term to describe the absurd condition where a man is brainwashed by religion to use the bible to beat down his package when it gets too excited. He does this instead of ENJOYING WOMEN as God must surely intend, if he even exists.

This is really getting out of hand. All you 'DJ virgins' please stop mistaking this forum as a recepticle for your "Good Clean Christian Fun" experiences that don't round third base. What do you have to contribute? 'I got the numbers for 3 HB 9s last night, and can't wait to have a LTR with one of them so that one holy day we MIGHT screw!' 'DJ virgin' = AFC. Fvck that. Over and out.


John Juan

Don Juan
Jul 17, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by DJ IronGirevik
Well that's the kind of women that

2) I believe is the most likely to stay a virgin before marriage

so obviously if they're the most likely to stay a virgin before marriage then there will be less of a cheating chance.
I hate to break it to ya buddy, but there's ALWAYS the chance she'll cheat on you, regardless of her <stated> beliefs. Especially if you slip into AFC gear full-time. Get lazy, and it won't matter. Your faithful princess will become a hot-blooded SINNER! <the columns of flames in hell rising>

And there's no guarantee that she's NOT had sex before. So what would you do if you got married with this 'virgin', then find out that she had sex years before meeting you? What if the sex was mindblowing? What if she begged you for forgiveness? Would you dump her, even though the only thing that could possibly upset things between you is this absurd religious friction? :rolleyes: This blind sexual morality? As easy as the answer should be, I'm afraid I already know the brainwashed answer...

I don't care what you say.. in the end instincts override fiction bro! You need to be sexually compatible with someone before doing something crazy like marrying them. So get some while you're young, figure out what you like, develop your technique, find one that's not a slut (there are millions of hotties who have had sex who ARENT).. there's plenty of years to settle down! Have fun! Be a DJ!

King Rat

Don Juan
Aug 12, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles, California
Heh, this thread is some funny sh*t...flames aplenty.

I myself am a virgin. Not something I'm super proud of, and not something I go announcing everywhere(or anywhere, really). I was VERY desperate to change this (read: hyper AFC) before I found this site. Now I'm starting to get my life in order instead of obsessing(ex: was about to be expelled from college; now up to straight A's and on the Dean's list. Not a bad payoff for investing my time in myself instead of pr0n and stalking). My point is this; you can live with the fact that you're still a virgin, even be proud of it if you want. Just don't try to push it down people's throats as the"reason" you're better than them, that just strikes me as really being insecure with yourself.
By the way, none of my friends care if I'm a virgin (though they've set me up w/ chicks a few times). Also, so far I've been lucky as far as being accused of being gay; the girls who I talked to(up till now anyway) started asking about my girlfriend-they assume I'm taken! Really need to up my game though:p