Attracted To A Married Woman


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2010
Reaction score
Standing At The Crossroads
To each his own. I however would not cheat with a married gal no matter what my status. Nothing good can come of it. You can get hurt in many ways. So, no worries. I for one will not be sniffing around your wives and girlfriends. I would be disrespecting you if I did.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 5, 2010
Reaction score
Southern States
I guess it really comes down to if she leaves or divorces her husband first then she is free to sex anyone she so chooses then she will have integrity of good character and not be judged as a woman to avoid.

It's only when she remains with her husband and then cheats that she is a woman to avoid at all cost for she can't be trusted for she is having her cake and eating it to only at the expense of deceit. I am still a firm believer just because a womans cheats it doesn't mean she will do the same to you someday but sure many do.

Knowing that I know this I still have a hard time forgetting this lady and that above anything else is whats most disturbing to me and what is really going on with me.

I really appreciate everyones replies maybe this lady will divorce and this house fire will be the cause of it due to the stress of loosing everything not that I am wishing this on her or her husband for if a marriage is strong it will survive regardless and won't be because of me if they were to divorce.

The ball is in her court as I have planted the seed in being empathic and all I can do is stand back give her space and see if it sprouts into what I desire of this lady a commited and loving relationship.