Asking about a girl's history? (how many guys she went out with or had sex with)


Don Juan
May 2, 2006
Reaction score
Hi i was wondering how do you ask a background/history check on the girl you are interested in.

For example, if you just met a girl or knew a girl for a long time but havent seen each other for 8 years and you're interested in her how would you ask?

Its just that i need to smarten up or work harder if she had a lot of experience with lots of guys because im a dj-newb and i dont want to really look like a guy who doesnt know how to behave around a girl.

I think its a good idea to know if the girl is a player as well because im looking for a ltr than just a fling, and also if she is no longer a virgin i might find that bad because if she lost it to a random guy she just went out with a week etc.

I prefer a girl who is also a virgin as well because i am one and i have no experience hehe.

thanks to everyone and have a happy new year :)
Mar 18, 2006
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Don't ask - if she is in America then assume she is a hor - and hors are going to lie anyways so whats the point of asking!:rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
May 30, 2006
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No kidding... why does it matter? Would you have a girl judge you on the same merits?


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2002
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I guarantee that any answer she gives you will be 1 too many, lol...

It's all about the here and now... she's fvckin you and suckin your c0ck so don't start thinkin about how many other c0cks she has sucked in the past... enjoy it

If ths is some chick you want to marry, you'll learn much more about a chick's character by talking rather than throwing out this question because ultimately it's the chicks character that will determine suitability... everybody and they momma has a history and I'll tell chicks my numbers are still in single figures so why do I think they won't distort the truth with me either? lol...


Don Juan
May 2, 2006
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Raikojo17 said:
why does it matter? you shouldnt care how many guys she's been with. they dont matter. she's with you now, ur all that matters. asking girls that question makes you look nosey and insecure.
it does make me sound insecure and i know that, but she is not with me yet im still building rapport. But the way i talk to her seems like she is good with guys as in knows how to talk to a guy using her child attitude and voice and acting whiny and innocent.

The thing is though, im also asking is because i want to know what kind of guys she goes for, and i have a feeling she goes for the badboys or "asian guys who dress all gangster" etc :moon:


Oct 22, 2006
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Happy_Camper said:
it does make me sound insecure and i know that, but she is not with me yet im still building rapport. But the way i talk to her seems like she is good with guys as in knows how to talk to a guy using her child attitude and voice and acting whiny and innocent.

The thing is though, im also asking is because i want to know what kind of guys she goes for, and i have a feeling she goes for the badboys or "asian guys who dress all gangster" etc :moon:
dont give in to the whiney voice. the girls i've talked to have never done that, but i know what ur talking about. if she has experience with guys, so what ur not those other guys and u dont care about them. ur you and ur different and dont fall for her silly games

the only guy you can be is u. dont try to change because she goes a certain type of guy. girls say one thing and do another. if she's talking to you, than she must have some interest in you at least.

you shouldnt be concerned about what guys she goes for. if ur not that guy, who cares. move on to the next chick.


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2006
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99% of the time you will not get the truth from a girl on how many guys she has fvcked, unless she is really proud of the fact that she has been with lots of guys, or if she really has just been with 1 or 2 or none. For example, I know a guy that has fvcked over 20 girls, and when girls ask him how many he has fvcked, he tells them "2" and that's not truthful, but it's what he tells them.

white sox bill

Senior Don Juan
Sep 23, 2002
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You know what they say...take the number of partners a woman say she has had and multiply by 3...for men, divide by 3.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Happy_Camper said:
Hi i was wondering how do you ask a background/history check on the girl you are interested in.
Ask for two forms of ID and do a background check including pulling her credit report.
Happy_Camper said:
I prefer a girl who is also a virgin as well because i am one and i have no experience hehe.
Oh, you're one of those..... You had also get a note from her physician on her state of chastity.


Don Juan
May 2, 2006
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Raikojo17 said:
dont give in to the whiney voice. the girls i've talked to have never done that, but i know what ur talking about. if she has experience with guys, so what ur not those other guys and u dont care about them. ur you and ur different and dont fall for her silly games

the only guy you can be is u. dont try to change because she goes a certain type of guy. girls say one thing and do another. if she's talking to you, than she must have some interest in you at least.

you shouldnt be concerned about what guys she goes for. if ur not that guy, who cares. move on to the next chick.
thanks for knowing what im talking about. When i mean a girl is whining its not really "whining or B*tching" its more like a flirting behaviour to get you to cave in when she asks for something or getting your attention.


Master Don Juan
Jul 19, 2004
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Happy_Camper said:
Hi i was wondering how do you ask a background/history check on the girl you are interested in.

For example, if you just met a girl or knew a girl for a long time but havent seen each other for 8 years and you're interested in her how would you ask?

Its just that i need to smarten up or work harder if she had a lot of experience with lots of guys because im a dj-newb and i dont want to really look like a guy who doesnt know how to behave around a girl.

I think its a good idea to know if the girl is a player as well because im looking for a ltr than just a fling, and also if she is no longer a virgin i might find that bad because if she lost it to a random guy she just went out with a week etc.

I prefer a girl who is also a virgin as well because i am one and i have no experience hehe.

thanks to everyone and have a happy new year :)
You just ask, bro: "So, tell me..". Then, ask her everything. Ask her about her past relationships, how she was treated, if she still gets along with her ex(s), if she ever cheated on him, was he a druggy, was he abusive, were most of her bf's abusive, did she ever have a 3-way, if she was ever in rehab, etc. Dude, you've gotta know everything about a girl if you're considering getting involved in a LTR her. History will repeat itself most of the time, so if she's got a fvct up past, then your future with her is more than likely going to be fvct up as well.

Why do you think companies require resumes? Why do they call past employers? Why do they ask you why you left your previous employment? They want to know if you're a 'job hopper' or stick with one company for years. They need to know what they're going to get as do you with this girl.

Don't buy into the spice girl's song, "If you want to be my lover, you've gotta forget my past". You'll get exactly what her ex's got - especially if she's over 26 and still single. :cheer:

EDIT: How old are you and how old is this girl? My advice is designed for sizing up girls who have been around...


Don Juan
May 2, 2006
Reaction score
ER!C L!VE said:
You just ask, bro: "So, tell me..". Then, ask her everything. Ask her about her past relationships, how she was treated, if she still gets along with her ex(s), if she ever cheated on him, was he a druggy, was he abusive, were most of her bf's abusive, did she ever have a 3-way, if she was ever in rehab, etc. Dude, you've gotta know everything about a girl if you're considering getting involved in a LTR her. History will repeat itself most of the time, so if she's got a fvct up past, then your future with her is more than likely going to be fvct up as well.

Why do you think companies require resumes? Why do they call past employers? Why do they ask you why you left your previous employment? They want to know if you're a 'job hopper' or stick with one company for years. They need to know what they're going to get as do you with this girl.

Don't buy into the spice girl's song, "If you want to be my lover, you've gotta forget my past". You'll get exactly what her ex's got - especially if she's over 26 and still single. :cheer:

EDIT: How old are you and how old is this girl? My advice is designed for sizing up girls who have been around...

I know i may sound like an afc, but im looking for a ltr with a girl than just to sleep with her and just a short random relationship. YOU DO have to know her history a bit if you want to qualify her to be with you. And isnt about being a dj all about her qualifying for you? That is why i ask about her relationship if she is long-term-relationship worthy because i dont want to waste time. I mean after all, this is just like economics "opportunity costs" i dont have just one girl i want, i have 2 that im interested in. But if i go with one i lose my chance with the other if the other sees me with the girl or they lose interest over time.

Ninja Bob

Don Juan
Dec 9, 2006
Reaction score
Don't ask her about past relationships and don't tell her about how many women you've been with. If you see that she has four or five porn DVDs that she's starred in and co-produced, then you might wanna slow your roll.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
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Raikojo17 said:
why does it matter? you shouldnt care how many guys she's been with. they dont matter. she's with you now, ur all that matters. asking girls that question makes you look nosey and insecure.
This is bullsh-it. This is exactly what AFCs think. They fail to qualify out of fear of looking insecure.

A real man has no fear . If the girl thinks you are insecure then she is totally useless for anything serious anyway. The truth from both sides will be what the relationship is based on. Keeping secrets doesn't make any logical sense.

Knowing if she is a s1ut or not is very important

A womans past is 99.999% of who she is.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
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ryannath said:
99% of the time you will not get the truth from a girl on how many guys she has fvcked, unless she is really proud of the fact that she has been with lots of guys, or if she really has just been with 1 or 2 or none. For example, I know a guy that has fvcked over 20 girls, and when girls ask him how many he has fvcked, he tells them "2" and that's not truthful, but it's what he tells them.
what you can do is trust your gut instincts about her. We have a built in skank detectors.


Don Juan
Jan 1, 2007
Reaction score
I agree with you, it matters to me also. I figure that if you have I would wait a little bit. Then say so how many guys have you been with? its a fair question I think.


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
Reaction score
My gf asked me first, or else i wouldnt have asked. She told me 7 guys including me. That's not alot is it? She's 23. I'd assume thats the avg for someone her age. She said they were all bf's and no one night stands, so i have no fears of her being a ho. While she's no virgin mary, 7 guys is prob far from a ho am i right?

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
underdog said:
I agree with you, it matters to me also. I figure that if you have I would wait a little bit. Then say so how many guys have you been with? its a fair question I think.
So what's the right answer to the question?


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2001
Reaction score
If she has a history of accruing massive amounts of debt from gambling or wild spending, a history of sexually enslaving herself to crack-dealers more than twice her age, or a history of relationships in which the men left her for someone else, then getting involved with her is probably not a good idea. History matters, period.