Asking about a girl's history? (how many guys she went out with or had sex with)


Master Don Juan
Aug 13, 2005
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I travel
Long term relationships are a gamble, if she had lotsa sex in the past it doesn't mean she's bad LTR material...if she's only had a few guys in the past it doesn't mean she will be good LTR material..

You have no garauntees.. you gotta gamble like everyone else cause you aint no different or any better than the next guy.

and the fact that your asking about a girls history proves you are AFC (like the other guys who think it matters) and you aren't ready for anything long term. Plus women aren't stupid they know theres alotta chump a$$ guys like you that get their heart broken when your not the 1st, so they lie..all these chumps saying it matters, i wonder how they will ever know the 100% truth ?

you don't even have experience ! how long do you think its gonna last without harder ?? how you gonna work harder without turning into a male slut yourself ? are you still gonna be concerned about her history if you "work harder"


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
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Drum&Bass said:

and the fact that your asking about a girls history proves you are AFC (like the other guys who think it matters) and you aren't ready for anything long term
Wrong. It is infact wrong not to qualify her against your standards.

This is exactly the kind of crap I used to put up with when I was an AFC a few years ago. I used to think I had to accept the way these girls acted and then hold all my gut reactions inside.

Since I realized the truth I have found many great girls who are not sluts . In fact, I know of a few that are still virgins. :)

yes they do exist. There are still women out there who are not feminist *****es.

AFCs don't sift through the crap. They cry and hope that some hot girl will love them.

DJ Alejandro

Senior Don Juan
Nov 16, 2001
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Southern Philippines
how old are you?


Apr 27, 2006
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Happy_Camper said:
Hi i was wondering how do you ask a background/history check on the girl you are interested in.

For example, if you just met a girl or knew a girl for a long time but havent seen each other for 8 years and you're interested in her how would you ask?

Its just that i need to smarten up or work harder if she had a lot of experience with lots of guys because im a dj-newb and i dont want to really look like a guy who doesnt know how to behave around a girl.

I think its a good idea to know if the girl is a player as well because im looking for a ltr than just a fling, and also if she is no longer a virgin i might find that bad because if she lost it to a random guy she just went out with a week etc.

I prefer a girl who is also a virgin as well because i am one and i have no experience hehe.

thanks to everyone and have a happy new year :)
most guys want virgins. yes, they do. american dudes just hide that fact because it is pretty much impossible to get one in the usa. same goes for britain. my advice is probably the same as last man standing....leave north america/uk/australia. you will have a better chance. plus most cultures don't have a problem with you wanting something that is fresh and new. in 2007 america you are just a creepy dude for wanting what you want.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Demon said:
If she has a history of accruing massive amounts of debt from gambling or wild spending, a history of sexually enslaving herself to crack-dealers more than twice her age, or a history of relationships in which the men left her for someone else, then getting involved with her is probably not a good idea. History matters, period.
So what do you do when a woman asks for your resume and credit report? Even though history may determine behavior, a person's current state may show change or growth. Besides, it shouldn't effect you unless you are one who normally supplements a woman's destructive behavior.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 18, 2005
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most guys want virgins
MOst guys I know don't. Eh a lot of people have missed something here. The girl you marry would be one you plan to spend most of your life with.
TWO things above all should concern you.

That you have a good time with her
That you have a good time with her :rockon:

Where does her sexual past come into that? Oh wait it doesn't.

I really think some guys here would prefer to marry a virgin who doesn't like them to a girl who's slept with say 20 guys who actually likes them.

edit: just to add, the problem with american women is not that they're slutty. Its their *****iness and their false belief that they're entitled to everything


Apr 27, 2006
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exactly, most guy you know don't. you are from boston. american boys have been told to find older more mature women attractive. that way the feminists win. they want girls to put work and school over boys. they have created a class of girls that kick soccer balls and drink with the guys. this is totally different from most of the non-english speaking world. it is also totally different from the way things once were in america.

believe it or not, you can have fun with a virgin as well (sex not included). the reason you can't have fun with an american girl unless she gives you sex is simple. she is simply too stupid and simple. i am sorry, but a chubby girl who wears flip-flops, shops at hollister, gets drunk, and thinks frat boys are cool is not someone i want to spend a second with. i just described 90% of the american girls out there.

a girl who has slept with 20 guys has serious issues. i have talked to hookers in ukraine who were funny. would i take them out for dinner? let them in my apartment? sleep with them? lol...not on my life. i view them the same as i view a funny drunk. cool to laugh at, but please don't follow me home.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 18, 2005
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you see no one ever thinks through the numbers side of things. 20 guys for say a 25yo girl is 2 -3 guys a year (say she started having sex at 18). In a supposedly sexually liberal society, I don't have a problem with that.

Again, why is it important that she is a virgin. I would also counter that a 25 yo virgin has SERIOUS issues (talking about american girls). I would plan to marry after 30. I do not see myself at say 32 dating an 18yo who I have nothing in common with just because she's a virgin.


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
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There is nothing wrong with asking a woman about her past. Woman ask about mens futures. Men ask about a womans past. It is natural to ask and want to know and there is nothing insecure about asking about somebodies past.

Insecurity is being afraid to ask a question because of what the result might turn out to be.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2001
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Francisco d'Anconia said:
So what do you do when a woman asks for your resume and credit report?
Assuming we're talking about relationships, I show them. I'm not a slut. I know what I'm doing, and I'm extremely confident that my credentials are more than impressive to the market at which my sights are aimed.

Francisco d'Anconia said:
Even though history may determine behavior, a person's current state may show change or growth.
History tends to repeat itself. You're not locked into your past. I'm definitely not a determinist. But your history is unforgettable. It differentiates you from others. That history represents the experiences you've had over the course of your life. To say that history doesn't matter is to say that what she has done isn't interesting, and if that's the case, I'll skip right over her.

Francisco d'Anconia said:
Besides, it shouldn't effect you unless you are one who normally supplements a woman's destructive behavior.
History is important to bear in mind. What history should do is influence your decision making, but not necessarily your decisions.


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2006
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You know, you guys are right about her past mattering. But, you WILL NOT get the truth from her. Period!


Oct 22, 2006
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00Kevin said:
This is bullsh-it. This is exactly what AFCs think. They fail to qualify out of fear of looking insecure.

A real man has no fear . If the girl thinks you are insecure then she is totally useless for anything serious anyway. The truth from both sides will be what the relationship is based on. Keeping secrets doesn't make any logical sense.

Knowing if she is a s1ut or not is very important

A womans past is 99.999% of who she is.
i dont know if it's just me, but personally i could care less how many dudes she's been with. it's not really my business and i dont make it so. not because i dont wanna sound like an AFC, it's because i just dont care. if ur with her now than all you should be concerned about is you and her. her past guys have no effect on wat ur doin now. they failed for a reason, because she found that they weren't for her.

it's not really keeping secrets (unless she's pregnant or has an STD), but u shouldn concern urself with her past. if she likes YOU, she likes you, her being with being with a bunch of guys doesnt mean she isnt relationship material.

you guys talk about weeding through the B!tches to get to the women. well, women do the same thing. they weed through the chumps to find the real man.


Don Juan
May 2, 2006
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DJ Alejandro said:
how old are you?
im 19, and she is one year older. Since where you're from does matter because some girls are more conservative than other parts around the world, im from toronto canada.


Don Juan
May 2, 2006
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Charm said:
There is nothing wrong with asking a woman about her past. Woman ask about mens futures. Men ask about a womans past. It is natural to ask and want to know and there is nothing insecure about asking about somebodies past.

Insecurity is being afraid to ask a question because of what the result might turn out to be.

I think we got down to the point that history does matter, but it shouldnt get in the way between you and her if you really like her.

As one mentioned, there must be a reason why her past relationship failed, and maybe i can learn from it and use it to my advantage.

Also, a person's history reflects alot on their present time. It does make them unique and it's their story and ignoring it is like not finding them interesting as another person mentioned.

But the bottom line is, and i hate to admit.... we wont know if she's telling the truth about her past and maybe lying to you in order to get you and manipulate you.

But then, we shouldnt think like that, and dont be afraid of losing or wasting time with someone in our life. :nono:
May 23, 2006
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I crashed and burned a date in June 10, 2006, at around 8-9:00 pm at some Hotel Dinner with a date I meet from the internet for the first time (she travelled an hour-two hours) to see me, when I pulled that question out of the blue while we were eating.

Asking a question like that and trying to diffusing a nuclear bomb that's about to explode sound analogous.

To avoid things ending VERY badly, I tend NOT to ask these questions until at MINIMUM, the second date, but probably until the 5th time I've seen her. These are embarassing questions that put people on the spot and unless you've seen her enough times, then you are playing russian roulette if you bring it up too soon.

If you dont like a date and want to get rid of her, then portray her as a slvt, ask questions like that.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2001
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You have to learn how to get answers to questions without actually asking those questions to more effectively retrieve the information that you want. In other words, "it's not what you say; it's how you say what you say."


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
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Virgins suck in bed. Or rather don't. And how are they going to judge how awesome I am in bed without a bunch of other partners to compare with.

It's weak to worry about the number of partners and it's not much of an indication of how loyal she's going to be. A virgin is always going to be wondering if she's getting the best and curiosity (and insecure questioning about her past) might cause her to stray. The experienced woman realises she's hit the jackpot and may have got her 'partying' out of her system.

It depends what you want. I want someone who likes to f*ck and I'm not threatened by those who have come before me.

But most importantly it's pointless to ask because they will round that figure down to what they want you to think every time.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
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Nighthawk said:
Virgins suck in bed. Or rather don't. And how are they going to judge how awesome I am in bed without a bunch of other partners to compare with.
Are you saying that sluts make good wives? If you do then you will have to learn the hard way. And if you ever get married to one of these wh0res you will PAY for sex and you will lose half of everything you ever worked for.

It's weak to worry about the number of partners and it's not much of an indication of how loyal she's going to be. A virgin is always going to be wondering if she's getting the best and curiosity (and insecure questioning about her past) might cause her to stray. The experienced woman realises she's hit the jackpot and may have got her 'partying' out of her system.
This is a lie promoted by the feminist wh0res .

Here is the truth from
Prior to marriage: Real sex is unequivocal to anything else, including food and oxygen. Porn is only there if you're in-between girls. Up to four years of marriage: Sex is great and when you finish with the foreplay (usually 30 minutes of begging), you have a pretty good time. Porn is okay


My wife was a frigid, shriveled *****. Before we were married, we had plenty of sex, but as soon as we passed the six month mark after our wedding, she stopped being interested. My wife only ****s when she "feels sexy." Translation: when I give her jewellery. She is just a withered old bag at the age of 35.


You want sex? Go **** yourself! I'm too tired.

But most importantly it's pointless to ask because they will round that figure down to what they want you to think every time.
Again you are stuck into thinking that ALL women are americanized feminists. That is soooo not true. Why are you so focused on useless trash?

Get out and date non-americanized girls and when you actually have some experience to base your thoughts on come back here.

The joke is that the feminists and the AFCs are promoting the notion that a girl who is a virgin will not be good in bed. Where is the evidence for this? Post your facts please. These are nothing but FACTpinions! They are based on nothing but bull-****.

A girl who is capable of staying a virgin is capable of keeping an oath to herself and to her future husband. Women who go around and have sex have not proven that they can do such a thing.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
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Raikojo17 said:
i dont know if it's just me, but personally i could care less how many dudes she's been with. it's not really my business and i dont make it so. not because i dont wanna sound like an AFC, it's because i just dont care. if ur with her now than all you should be concerned about is you and her. her past guys have no effect on wat ur doin now. they failed for a reason, because she found that they weren't for her.
Why is it not your business if this woman is going to be with you for the rest of your life?

Not holding true to your gut instincts as a man is being AFC. if she told you she was with over 90+ men .. I'm sure you would get sick and puke. I know I would. I wouldn't go near that wh0re.

it's not really keeping secrets (unless she's pregnant or has an STD), but u shouldn concern urself with her past. if she likes YOU, she likes you, her being with being with a bunch of guys doesnt mean she isnt relationship material.
Well there are several wh0res that like me, but I don't like them enough for a relationship and I don't have to.

you guys talk about weeding through the B!tches to get to the women. well, women do the same thing. they weed through the chumps to find the real man.
No.. these kinds of women weed out the chumps and find the men for sex. They use the chumps for emotional tampons. then..... they become 30+ and go into panic mode . It isn't long after and they get married to the first AFC they can find. Later on they get divorced because they never really liked the guy in the first place.