I 100% support a woman not being allowed to have an abortion if the man wants the child. I do NOT support a man being able to force a woman to have an abortion.
Thank you for clearing that up, Wyldfire. I think that is logical and fair. I don't think any of the real men here are saying that a man should be able to force a woman to have an abortion. I for one, do not! That would let men off the hook entirely and would make us completely irresponsible. The thing is, women get off the hook all the time, they can be completely irresponsible with a man's feelings and his unborn, and completley get away with it.
In a perfect world, it would go something like this:
The man and woman BOTH want a child, and they are BOTH responsible. They make the decision TOGETHER. They make a nice family and live happily ever after.
This is not a perfect world, and we are both not perfect, so you have two more scenarios:
1.) The woman wants the child, and he doesn't; the courts find that they are BOTH responsible.
He chose not to do this, so now the man is *punished* and has to be "responsible" and live with HER decision for the next 18 years. The man is held ACCOUNTABLE.
2.) The man wants the child, but the woman doesn't. The courts find that it is "her body, her choice." HE doesn't have a choice. The man has to live with HER decision.
She chose not too, so all she has to do now is go to a doctor and "get rid of her little problem."
The man helped CREATE a baby for God's sake, yet he doesn't get a choice if *his* baby lives or dies. The woman that he cared enough about to want to have a baby with can then proceed to MURDER his unborn, and he is POWERLESS. The woman is NOT held accountable.
Where is her *punishment* for not being "responsible?" She doesn't get any, and men are held accountable for their mistakes, yet the women are not held accountable and can get away with MURDER, literally.
Please don't sit there and tell me this is fair.