Aenigma said:
You're a man, act like one. Go to the gym. Read a book. Anything to become better and fulfill you're potential. If you're just going to buy prostitues why even pretend to yourself that you're trying to become the Great Catch?
The Great Catch dosen't pay for women, and he dosen't waste his energy time discussing whether anyone else pays for them either.
Can you imagine Genghis Kahn having this conversation? Caesar? Beethoven? Washington? Cassinova?
Why are you sinking to the level of the gutter? Do better. Do the best you can.
Again, your perception is skewed. Its been drummed into us that prostitution is for the lowest of the low. For the desperate. Odd that the one culture which refuses to accept the fact that sex is a commodity, and always has been a commodity, happens to be the culture with the highest divorce rates and gender related social issues on the planet.
You say you dont pay for women? That is where you are wrong. You always pay. Time, money or effort. YOU PAY. For me, the time it takes to date and seduce a women costs me more then it would to hire a hooker. Black and white numbers make dating more expensive for me. Not to mention the emotional outlay and drama that comes with it. The fact that I enjoy the process is the only thing that makes it worthwhile. If it was a purely physical act I was looking for, it would cost me a fortune to chase ***** for the sake of ***** alone.
"No man ever lost women chasing money. But he sure loses a lot of money chasing women"
(Some movie with Chris Rock. I think I love my wife or something, forget the name of it.)
The time you spend in the gym? Most men are not doing it because they need to stay fit for a sport they play or because they compete in anything. The majority do it to stay in shape so they can attract women. Again, time and effort which could be spent generating wealth.
Genghis Khan had harems. Hell, the Romans conducted orgies where prostitutes were part and parcel of the weekend entertainment. In fact, prostitution was so ingrained in Roman life that it was not even frowned upon. Dont build a case using historical figures. They lend no weight to it.
I dont try to justify paying for sex. Like I say, its not something I have done yet. Im taking what is an emotional subject and trying to look at it rationally. So far, from what I can see, its only feminised, religious cultures that demonise prostitution. Historically its part and parcel of every culture. It still is part and parcel of most cultures.
As for the conversation? Well this is a forum and an exchange of ideas. I would like to think that perhaps the MM forum on these boards is aimed at providing thought provoking debate on sex, society and relationships instead of simple "how to get laid" guides all the time.