Anyone here spent some time in Jail? I know were not suppose to glorify this, but describe your experience.

Travel memoir21

Senior Don Juan
Feb 20, 2020
Reaction score
Rio Grande Valley, Texas
Anyone here spent some time in Jail for a night or two?

I'll go first.

I was in the Military at that time, I was coming back from Wal Mart when I got pulled by a cop because he thought I was swerving around. I was sober at that time and passed his sober exam but he caught that I didn't show up for a court date that I was suppose to attend that week. So guess what? I spent the night in jail for something minor.

Saw Bubba, saw a bunch of strange characters, just a buncha weird stuff. This happened in Montana by the way, and the cop was former military and he was a good cop doing his job.

That finger print and mug shot is trap in the Montana record books somewhere.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
No, I live in Canada. We are not as jail wacky as US. You were in the military to serve a country to put you in jail? What gratitude.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Spending time in jail does help with attracting women.
Right but those are usually the rugged hyper masculine types with tatooes and a long rap record. He may have spent time, unfortunately, but that does not make him that jail type. He even sounds like a victim of the system.

Travel memoir21

Senior Don Juan
Feb 20, 2020
Reaction score
Rio Grande Valley, Texas
No, I live in Canada. We are not as jail wacky as US. You were in the military to serve a country to put you in jail? What gratitude.
I got a traffic ticket that I was supposed to go to court for, then got pulled over, found out I missed court appointment, then spent a few hours at the station and bailed myself out.

Talked to the commander the next day. It was a light warning because it was a minor issue.

Went to court, the officer did not show up, so they dismissed my case and I got a clean record to this day.


Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
Did telling chicks that get you bad-boy cred?
Ha. A little, actually. I voluntarily confessed to a high profile arson, so it was all over the news in my hometown. I had a few strange chicks friend request and message me on Facebook after it hit the press, wanting to chat. Unfortunately, none were up to my standards. But I have extremely high standards. Also, I mentioned it to a HB8.5 I met on Facebook, and she thought I was just joking until she Googled me. Then she was intrigued, as she's obsessed with True Crime.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2022
Reaction score
Ha. A little, actually. I voluntarily confessed to a high profile arson, so it was all over the news in my hometown. I had a few strange chicks friend request and message me on Facebook after it hit the press, wanting to chat. Unfortunately, none were up to my standards. But I have extremely high standards. Also, I mentioned it to a HB8.5 I met on Facebook, and she thought I was just joking until she Googled me. Then she was intrigued, as she's obsessed with True Crime.
Jesus Christ :rofl:


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
I got a traffic ticket that I was supposed to go to court for, then got pulled over, found out I missed court appointment, then spent a few hours at the station and bailed myself out.
You get arrested and thrown in jail for missing a court hearing over a traffic ticket?? What a ridiculous system.

Black Widow Void

Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
Reaction score
Step aside, boys,
I've been locked up Six times. Unfortunately, I now lose any 'street cred' because the longest I've been behind bars was around two hours. I've never eaten the powdered eggs (or so I'm told that they serve).

I've also had to do three or four side-road sobriety tests. I was never "knee wobbling" but in my state, even a .08 can get you locked up. I always somehow passed (I hope to not jinx this btw). I'm pretty sure that I probably exceeded the .08, but probably not by much. In other words, I wasn't a danger to anyone or myself (with flying colors, I passed all the physical tests)

Case and point: Presentation is everything. I have no tattoos, I always wear button downs (and a suit while in court). I never look unassured while speaking to an officer, but I also do not project any flamboyance. I speak to them "peer to peer" and with respect.

It humbles me to admit this, but of all the tickets I've talked myself out of, I have never been able to charm a female officer completely. The best I got is having a female officer knock my 78 in a 55 down to "70 in a 55." Anything over 15 miles is an immediate loss of license.

Here's my (so-called) "rap sheet." And by the way, not only do I have a clean record (I have passed every employment background check) but I also have no charges showing up on line (fortunately, these occurred before the internet was in heavy use).

Age 21
Back during college years, we used to go to this eerie looking vacant motel (it hadn't been in operation for about 20 years) and party it up. Apparently, one night we were too loud and got reported.
Arrested for Trespassing. Spent about two hours in a "holding cell." Called an ex girlfriend to bail me out.
Verdict: Prayer for judgement

Age 24
Had over 12 points on my drivers license; which equals a six month revocation. I drove anyway. Pulled over while on a date. The girl I was seeing bailed me out. I was there somewhere between an hour to 90 minutes.
Verdict: an additional year of loss of license.

Age 25
I'm at a local convenience store and spotted some neighbors/friends. They were throwing a party. I suggested they hop in my car and we'd drive to a grocery store for a better beer selection and prices. They were the punk rock crowd and I was in my suit and tie. A cop across the street found this suspicious and got behind me and called in my tag. I was still driving while license was revoked (having too many points).
Spent about 90 minutes in a holding cell. Current girlfriend that I was seeing bailed me out.
Verdict: An additional year of loss of license. .

Age 26
I'm leaving a local club and spotted the bar-cop frisking someone I knew. I didn't like what I observed (the cop was throwing his weight around). I pulled my car back in (still driving without a license) and walked out with my hands above my head. I said... "I don't like what I thought I saw, I'm unarmed and my hands are up in the air, but I'm going to stick around to see that it doesn't happen again." The bar-cop said with a swagger...that if I'm not careful, I could go downtown with him. My response? "You're just a rent-a-cop." I found out real quickly that they can call for back up. I was down town for about an hour. The girl that I'd been seeing for a couple of months bailed me out.
Verdict: Dismissed (I knew the club owners and they said that they wouldn't show up).

Age 26 (not a typo)
The roads are slippery and I rear-ended a driver. She doesn't notice that her drivers side received damages. We exchange insurance information (I told her that I'd "misplaced my license."). I figured that by the time she saw the damages that she'd file a claim, and that would be the end of it. I was wrong. A few days later, there's a knock at my door. When it's announced that "it's the police" I open my wallet and handed my friend cash (bail money). I open the door and was taken down town. I was "in holding" for less than an hour. In court, the judge asked why I'd risk it - knowing that my license was revoked. I responded "your honor, I might drive without a license, but I'd never drive without insurance." Those in the courtroom busted out with laughter. The judge shook his head.
Verdict: "Dismissed"

Age 33
I was doing a side gig and getting paid under the table (taxes were already killing me). Toward the end of the service, he decided to not pay. Under the circumstances, I didn't really have a leg to stand on. For a couple of months, I'd go by where his wife was working and occupy her time (she was retail and I was a customer and so, she had to put up with it). This drove him crazy! His reaction was almost worth the loss of income. He called me and I made a mistake. I said "you better hope that I don't come down with a terminal illness because that's when things will actually get serious". I received a police visit for "communicating threats." I was in holding for about 30 minutes. When I explained the situation to the magistrate, I was released on my own recognizance. I didn't expect him to show up for court, but he did. I sat directly behind him and (before we were called) I said... "you realize that under oath, it'll be mentioned that you were paying someone under the table." He suddenly had a change of tune.
Verdict: Prayer for judgement ( I found out later that he knew the judge).

For the past 25 years, I've kept out of trouble. HeII, I've made more people angry on facebook than anyone I know and I can't even get thrown in "facebook jail."
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
I got a traffic ticket that I was supposed to go to court for, then got pulled over, found out I missed court appointment, then spent a few hours at the station and bailed myself out.

Talked to the commander the next day. It was a light warning because it was a minor issue.

Went to court, the officer did not show up, so they dismissed my case and I got a clean record to this day.
That does not happen in Toronto. Here we mail court dates to people. If they dont show up then you just get the penalty on the ticket and a fine to pay. If you pay the fine its all good. Nobody goes to jail for missing a court date. I know the US is different from here but it sounds like they just like to lock peope up and set good people up to end up behind bars for innocent mistakes and its not right.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Step aside, boys,
I've been locked up Six times. Unfortunately, I now lose any 'street cred' because the longest I've been behind bars was around two hours. I've never eaten the powdered eggs (or so I'm told that they serve).

I've also had to do three or four side-road sobriety tests. I was never "knee wobbling" but in my state, even a .08 can get you locked up. I always somehow passed (I hope to not jinx this btw). I'm pretty sure that I probably exceeded the .08, but probably not by much. In other words, I wasn't a danger to anyone or myself.

Case and point: Presentation is everything. I have no tattoos, I always wear button downs (and a suit while in court). I never look unassured while speaking to an officer, but I also do not project any flamboyance. I speak to them "peer to peer" and with respect.

It humbles me to admit this, but of all the tickets I've talked myself out of, I have never been able to charm a female officer completely. The best I got is having a female officer knock my 78 in a 55 down to "70 in a 55." Anything over 15 miles is an immediate loss of license.

Here's my (so-called) "rap sheet." And by the way, not only do I have a clean record (I have passed every employment background check) but I also have no charges showing up on line (fortunately, these occurred before the internet was in heavy use).

Age 21
Back during college years, we used to go to this eerie looking vacant motel (it hadn't been in operation for about 20 years) and party it up. Apparently, one night we were too loud and got reported.
Arrested for Trespassing. Spent about two hours in a "holding cell." Called an ex girlfriend to bail me out.
Verdict: Prayer for judgement

Age 24
Had over 12 points on my drivers license; which equals a six month revocation. I drove anyway. Pulled over while on a date. The girl I was seeing bailed me out. I was there somewhere between an hour to 90 minutes.
Verdict: an additional year of loss of license.

Age 25
I'm at a local convenience store and spotted some neighbors/friends. They were throwing a party. I suggested they hop in my car and we'd drive to a grocery store for a better beer selection and prices. They were the punk rock crowd and I was in my suit and tie. A cop across the street found this suspicious and got behind me and called in my tag. I was still driving while license was revoked (having too many points).
Spent about 90 minutes in a holding cell. Current girlfriend that I was seeing bailed me out.
Verdict: An additional year of loss of license. .

Age 26
I'm leaving a local club and spotted the bar-cop frisking someone I knew. I didn't like what I observed (the cop was throwing his weight around). I pulled my car back in (still driving without a license) and walked out with my hands above my head. I said... "I don't like what I thought I saw, I'm unarmed and my hands are up in the air, but I'm going to stick around to see that it doesn't happen again." The bar-cop said with a swagger...that if I'm not careful, I could go downtown with him. My response? "You're just a rent-a-cop." I found out real quickly that they can call for back up. I was down town for about an hour. The girl that I'd been seeing for a couple of months bailed me out.
Verdict: Dismissed (I knew the club owners and they said that they wouldn't show up).

Age 26 (not a typo)
The roads are slippery and I rear-ended a driver. She doesn't notice that her drivers side received damages. We exchange insurance information (I told her that I'd "misplaced my license."). I figured that by the time she saw the damages that she'd file a claim, and that would be the end of it. I was wrong. A few days later, there's a knock at my door. When it's announced that "it's the police" I open my wallet and handed my friend cash (bail money). I open the door and was taken down town. I was "in holding" for less than an hour. In court, the judge asked why I'd risk it - knowing that my license was revoked. I responded "your honor, I might drive without a license, but I'd never drive without insurance." Those in the courtroom busted out with laughter. The judge shook his head.
Verdict: "Dismissed"

Age 33
I was doing a side gig and getting paid under the table (taxes were already killing me). Toward the end of the service, he decided to not pay. Under the circumstances, I didn't really have a leg to stand on. For a couple of months, I'd go by where his wife was working and occupy her time (she was retail and I was a customer and so, she had to put up with it). This drove him crazy! His reaction was almost worth the loss of income. He called me and I made a mistake. I said "you better hope that I don't come down with a terminal illness because that's when things will actually get serious". I received a police visit for "communicating threats." I was in holding for about 30 minutes. When I explained the situation to the magistrate, I was released on my own recognizance. I didn't expect him to show up for court, but he did. I sat directly behind him and (before we were called) I said... "you realize that under oath, it'll be mentioned that you were paying someone under the table." He suddenly had a change of tune.
Verdict: Prayer for judgement ( I found out later that he knew the judge).

For the past 25 years, I've kept out of trouble. HeII, I've made more people angry on facebook than anyone I know and I can't even get thrown in "facebook jail."
Interesting. I would not take those types of chances (well except for speeding, but I stay at the limit if I know a cop is tailing me).


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
That's standard practice. You're supposed to go to court when the judge tells you to. :rolleyes:
I don't know about Montana, but around here, if you get a speeding ticket and choose to contest it, you get a notice in the mail with a court date. If you do not appear, it will be deemed that you no longer dispute the charge and you will have to pay the ticket plus a nominal amount for court costs. I've never heard of a bench warrant being issued due to failure to attend traffic court. Seems like a completely ridiculous idea.


Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northeast Florida, USA
Yes I have. And to make sure there is no confusion, yes, I am an active working police officer today. But I was arrested in 2012 for some false domestic charges which were eventually dropped; thus why I am still a cop. I spent three nights in jail, one county over from where I worked as a cop.

First day I was booked in around 2:00am. They put me in general population. I found the nearest empty cot and slept. It sucked so I moved to the floor which was better. Nobody bothered me until about 10:03 am. I get woken up by this black guy tapping and lightly shaking me. He said "Hey man.. Hey.. wake up man.". I woke and said in a grog "yeah, whats up..".. He said "Price is Right on man, didn't want ya to miss it!!!!" So I go out to the general area to find 40 x guys crowded around this tiny, tiny ass TV, all stoked up for Price is Right. Cheering, hollering! I guess that was the big thing. Everyone watched Price is Right together.. So I did too. Talked to few people. Everyone was super cool to me. Was in general population until about 3:00pm. A female guard finally came and got me and said "Your a cop, right?" I said "Yes". She said "We are gonna move you to solitary for your safety". I said "I don't think that's necessary Ma'am, I haven't been bothered by anyone at all here. Everyone has been cool to me.". She said "Sorry, Lieutenants orders"..

So on the walk to my new cell the female guard escorting me pulled me to a kinda secluded area behind a partial cubicle wall. She said "I need to ask you something. Who arrested you?" I gave her the names of the deputies I could remember. She said, referring to one of them, "That son of a b|tch arrested my son for domestic too, and he didn't do it!! That mother fvcker keeps arresting people who aren't criminals and bringing them here. You and my son are not the only ones.. When I saw your name I had a feeling you didn't do what you were alleged. I talked to some other cops about you today, I know you wouldn't beat your wife, and they do too". I said "Thank you ma'am, and you are right." We talked for about 15 mins before she finished walking me to my cell. I admit I got a little emotional and teared up a little bit talking to her, because the magnitude of what had happened to me was starting to kick in. But the female guard put her hand on my shoulder and said "You will be OK, you need to fight this and get DeputyX fired!!!!"

So I'm taken to my own cell. I was alone in my cell for the next two days. I got out once a day for 30 x minutes to shower, and once to use the phone. One of the worst 48 hours of my life. Most of the the guards in this part of the jail were complete c0cks, other than a couple. I wasn't eating and had talked to they guy across from me. He asked if I could give him any food I didn't want. So when food came I took one tiny thing and said "Can you give the rest to him?" The guards did.. Made a friend out of that guy.. Overall, this lonely cell wore on me quick. I begged them for a pen and paper to use, anything to do. Nope. They finally brought me in this piece of paper about commisary items. So i made it into a paper airplane. I must have flown that thing back and fourth in my cell 1500 times.

I asked them over and over if i could use a phone to call family, and never got to do so until about 4pm on day #2. Called my mother and police sergeant, who had my back, and was going to try to do what he could to help me. Went back to my cell. After a couple hours I was starting to loose it. I begged and begged them again to move me back to general population. Nope. I slept as much as I could. Even made a tent out of the blankets like I did when I was a kid.. Nothing else to fvcking do.

Finally, morning of day 3, someone new was in command and I talked to them. He said he didn't like the idea of me going back to general being a cop, but if it was what I wanted, he would do it.. So he did.. I didn't get moved until around 1pm.. Then around 4pm they called me in and told me I was being released. On my way out I saw that female guard again and she winked at me and said "Good luck to you!".

Charges were dropped three months later.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2022
Reaction score
In court, the judge asked why I'd risk it - knowing that my license was revoked. I responded "your honor, I might drive without a license, but I'd never drive without insurance." Those in the courtroom busted out with laughter. The judge shook his head.
Verdict: "Dismissed"
What a G. Being a bit unhinged really helps score with the ladies , but it can also get you locked up. I was locked up in holding for a few hours. My family lost it. My uncle (cool ass frat boy type of guy) laughed and just said get over it - all of us (my uncles) where in and out of holding as young adults and where holding up just fine.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
Yes I have. And to make sure there is no confusion, yes, I am an active working police officer today. But I was arrested in 2012 for some false domestic charges which were eventually dropped; thus why I am still a cop. I spent three nights in jail, one county over from where I worked as a cop.

First day I was booked in around 2:00am. They put me in general population. I found the nearest empty cot and slept. It sucked so I moved to the floor which was better. Nobody bothered me until about 10:03 am. I get woken up by this black guy tapping and lightly shaking me. He said "Hey man.. Hey.. wake up man.". I woke and said in a grog "yeah, whats up..".. He said "Price is Right on man, didn't want ya to miss it!!!!" So I go out to the general area to find 40 x guys crowded around this tiny, tiny ass TV, all stoked up for Price is Right. Cheering, hollering! I guess that was the big thing. Everyone watched Price is Right together.. So I did too. Talked to few people. Everyone was super cool to me. Was in general population until about 3:00pm. A female guard finally came and got me and said "Your a cop, right?" I said "Yes". She said "We are gonna move you to solitary for your safety". I said "I don't think that's necessary Ma'am, I haven't been bothered by anyone at all here. Everyone has been cool to me.". She said "Sorry, Lieutenants orders"..

So on the walk to my new cell the female guard escorting me pulled me to a kinda secluded area behind a partial cubicle wall. She said "I need to ask you something. Who arrested you?" I gave her the names of the deputies I could remember. She said, referring to one of them, "That son of a b|tch arrested my son for domestic too, and he didn't do it!! That mother fvcker keeps arresting people who aren't criminals and bringing them here. You and my son are not the only ones.. When I saw your name I had a feeling you didn't do what you were alleged. I talked to some other cops about you today, I know you wouldn't beat your wife, and they do too". I said "Thank you ma'am, and you are right." We talked for about 15 mins before she finished walking me to my cell. I admit I got a little emotional and teared up a little bit talking to her, because the magnitude of what had happened to me was starting to kick in. But the female guard put her hand on my shoulder and said "You will be OK, you need to fight this and get DeputyX fired!!!!"

So I'm taken to my own cell. I was alone in my cell for the next two days. I got out once a day for 30 x minutes to shower, and once to use the phone. One of the worst 48 hours of my life. Most of the the guards in this part of the jail were complete c0cks, other than a couple. I wasn't eating and had talked to they guy across from me. He asked if I could give him any food I didn't want. So when food came I took one tiny thing and said "Can you give the rest to him?" The guards did.. Made a friend out of that guy.. Overall, this lonely cell wore on me quick. I begged them for a pen and paper to use, anything to do. Nope. They finally brought me in this piece of paper about commisary items. So i made it into a paper airplane. I must have flown that thing back and fourth in my cell 1500 times.

I asked them over and over if i could use a phone to call family, and never got to do so until about 4pm on day #2. Called my mother and police sergeant, who had my back, and was going to try to do what he could to help me. Went back to my cell. After a couple hours I was starting to loose it. I begged and begged them again to move me back to general population. Nope. I slept as much as I could. Even made a tent out of the blankets like I did when I was a kid.. Nothing else to fvcking do.

Finally, morning of day 3, someone new was in command and I talked to them. He said he didn't like the idea of me going back to general being a cop, but if it was what I wanted, he would do it.. So he did.. I didn't get moved until around 1pm.. Then around 4pm they called me in and told me I was being released. On my way out I saw that female guard again and she winked at me and said "Good luck to you!".

Charges were dropped three months later.
Stories like this make me angry because women who make up false allegations NEVER face any consequences. They literally get a carte blanche to ruin a man’s life.


Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northeast Florida, USA
Stories like this make me angry because women who make up false allegations NEVER face any consequences. They literally get a carte blanche to ruin a man’s life.
Oh dude, I could write about 6 pages about what I went through in 2012.

I will highlight one part of my jail story that is more relevant to this thread; corrupt cops. The group of deputies who arrested me are corrupt as sh|t. I mean BAD. So the back story is, my police department I worked at at the time was right on the county line. I had had some dealings as cop with these deputies, and they did not like me. So when they saw the opportunity to "take me down" they took it. They knew I didn't commit domestic, but they didn't care. It was about revenge, so they took her story and stretched it.. Luckily my police sergeant's wife was really really close friends with the prosecutor in that county, so when it got to time to formally charge, the true facts were reviewed. Politics.. Corruption... Welcome to Illinois, folks. I know corrupt cops exist everywhere but with the unions we have here, it makes it much easier to get away with. Ultimately I did get the Lieutenant in command who arrested me, and was on scene, demoted.. But never fired.. Fast forward to today from 2012, not a single one of that hyena pack is there anymore.