An Intoduction and my story


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2014
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On a side note:
I have been doing the NOFAP challenge for the most part since the beginning of the year. I was not a crazy heavy porn user, but fairly regularly watched it. I feel like my brain is quite well de-coupled from porn now.

NOFAP doesn't really increase my sex drive like other people have claimed. I noticed that after I have sex I am actually hornier for a couple days and get more spontaneous boners. Going to experiment with regular daily FAP for a while and see how that effects my sex drive and sex life. I have a regular source of sex. Should be interesting to see how this goes. Somehow it feels like regular use of the c0ck helps me keep it in shape, where too much abstinence lets it get lazy.

To be clear, I do not use porn of any sort. All sexual images are from my own brain.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2014
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I've been silent on plate #3 (newscaster) for a week since telling her I wasn't going to see her anymore. She is STILL texting me how much she misses me etc. Crazy. I don't know how this girl got so attached in like 4 dates.
Could it really be because I owned her so completely sexually? Or she just happens to really be into me? Or because I am above her on the SMV scale?
Crazy, she seemed like a rational, level headed woman. She has probably send 15-20 texts that have gone unanswered by me.

If the roles were reversed, I would have bailed LONG ago. I was showing pretty obvious signs of disinterest. I sort of hate that women get so into you when you ignore them, and distant when you are too available. Would love it to be more straightforward.

Oh well.


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2014
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Maybe you should keep in touch with her ? So you'll have other options and that will be reflected in your behaviour ? just a thought


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
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MtnMan said:
I sort of hate that women get so into you when you ignore them, and distant when you are too available.
A woman's entire world revolves around getting attention from men. Attention is your currency. Spend it wisely. Once you know that things get a lot easier.

MtnMan said:
Would love it to be more straightforward.
Then you'd be dating men. :eek:


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2014
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Slickster said:
A woman's entire world revolves around getting attention from men. Attention is your currency. Spend it wisely. Once you know that things get a lot easier.

Then you'd be dating men. :eek:
true, i'm not really into that. :rock:

lately I have felt a really nice state of mind coming over me regarding my ex. I no longer miss her at all (although I sometimes have sexual dreams about her, but we always had a crazy good sex life). I'm not mad at her in any way, nor do I wish we had stayed together. I am glad the breakup happened, and I am happy that I had a lot of good memories with her.

I don't think I ever really want to see her again, or have her as a friend, but I think fondly of her now.

Why this has happened? I am not sure. Maybe its because I have met another girl that I really appreciate, and i think its made me realize there are LOTS of other girls out there who would be a good woman for me.

Its a great feeling, I was temped to send her an email just letting her know I had no hard feelings, but I don't really want to prompt any new dialogue between us. I'm sure shes fine without knowing I'm not pissed at her, so I decided to refrain.

It will be interesting to see how things develop with my new girl. I have never approached a relationship from my current standpoint. I keep contact minimal, and she seems to work for my attention, which is great. I keep teasing her, and fvcking her to the best of my ability. I never pander to her and try to keep in my frame. These are all new things to me, but so far I think I am doing well.

I sometimes have to keep pinching myself when I look at this girl. Its funny to see such an attractive woman be so into me. This is new to me, usually the girls that get hooked on me are less attractive, and I have to pursue the hotter ones much harder (and usually don't succeed).

I really think that this site and the rational male, combined with my own desire to be a better and more desirable man has made a massive difference in my life. I feel like I am just coming into my own at 30, and I can do whatever I want with my life on my terms. Its a nice feeling. :cheer:


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2014
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Figured I am due for an update here. My life has been stupid busy this fall. I bought a 'new' car that needed a bunch of work. Been fixing that up, fixing up my pickup and my other car to prepare to sell them and pocket a decent chunck of money.

Cutting lots of firewood, and getting everything ready for winter.

Been seeing ms. 30 year old every weekend. She asked to be officially my girlfriend this weekend. I accepted.

I have been trying very consciously to withdraw attention when I am not pleased, and it does work quite well.

Not sure if this relationship will survive the honeymoon phase or not, but it has been really enjoyable so far.

Great company, great sex, my friends like her, dogs like her.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2014
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Time for a little update, still dating ms. 30 year old nurse. She actually just turned 31. Yipe.

Things have been going well, there has been a couple instances where I had to withdraw attention due to behavior that I didn’t like. For instance, one Friday evening we were hanging out, and planning on spending the weekend together. She gets a call from work, asking her to come in and work overtime/weekend shift (which is double pay). I told her to do what she wanted, and she decided to go in to work. I wasn’t terribly pleased, but I understood that double pay is awesome. However, I felt a bit disrespected since we had been planning to hang that weekend. I gave her a kiss goodnight and decided to head home, and get some sleep since I now had a free weekend to get some work done. She called me 5 minutes after I left and told me she had changed her mind and would be at my place in half an hour. We proceed to have an excellent weekend together.

Overall, its been fun. She still is into me, which is nice. We went salsa dancing again and got a better feel for it. I want to continue to go so I can actually get it down somewhat. It is so un-natural for me, which is why its great to try. In the salsa class you rotate partners constantly, so it was very good for both of us to dance with people who were much more experienced than us.

My girl has this weekend off, but I have had plans for months with my best friend (who lives 7 hours away). She hinted that she wanted me to switch weekends to one that she was working so she could spend time with me this weekend. I declined, I’ve had these plans for months, and this is my best friend of 25 years! That felt good. The old me might have considered re-scheduling with my buddy. There will be plenty of other weekends I can spend with her.

I’ve struggled a bit lately with a bout of what seems like it might be prostatitis. It is much better now, but for a month it was miserable. My balls were sore, the tip of my c0ck was sore, I had lower back and leg pain. I thought it was an STD originally, since the symptoms were exactly like chlamydia. The doctor couldn’t find anything wrong with me. Luckily, its been easing up a lot lately. I can now go running and lift again. I would be in pretty severe pain after a weekend of secks, but now it appears that sex doesn’t bother me like that anymore. My balls are a little tender, but that’s about it.

I have been doing the nofap thing since the beginning of the year, and honestly, I feel like it effects the quality of my b0ners. I started trying regular masturbation (No porn), and have noticed and INCREASE in my spontaneous b0ners. Going to see how this effects my sex life. The whole prostatitis thing does not help my sex drive or b0ner quality, and we all know how those two things can affect the male psyche.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2014
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I've had an interesting bit of time with my girl lately. Honestly, I'm not really sure what is going on. Her interest seems like it is still high, but I am not feeling it like I was. My interest in sex has really plummeted (not just with her, but sex in general).

Had a few instances where I would completely loose my desire while banging, and also loose my hard-on. I don't think this is a physical thing, I'm feeling very healthy lately. Its definitely mental.

I think the puppy dog phase of this relationship is wearing off, and I'm not sure how to deal with that. I still like this girl very much, and desire to spend time with her. We are all amped up to back country ski this winter, have plans to spend some time together over christmas etc. I am genuinely looking forward to that, but not really in a sexual way.

Her sex drive remains strong, but now I am sort of in my head about the whole thing, which further kills my desire and my boner. It all sort of came to a head last night. She feels pretty hurt that I don't really feel like banging her like I did, and I am confused where this is coming from on my end.

I was really ready to try my hand at an LTR with this girl, she is a great girl, but if I don't feel like banging her, that is not really going to work out now is it? Strangely she is in excellent shape and very attractive. I feel proud with this girl on my arm.

Hopefully some time alone and with my friends this weekend will help sort this out. I cant tell if I am just feeling a lull as the puppy dog phase wears out or if I am actually not as into this girl as I thought.

Not really fun.


Don Juan
Oct 24, 2013
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"Show me a beautiful woman, I'll show you a man who's tired of f*cking her" - Carpo

This has always been one of my favorite threads, thank you MtnMan for showing the progression


Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2014
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Houston, TX
I get it. The thrill of the hunt is gone. It's much more exciting to go kill your dinner than it is to come home and take it out of the fridge, no matter how yummy it is. Maybe you will even out after a while.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2014
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So true MOTU. The thing is, I sort of hate spinning plates, it's a full time job for me, and to doesn't come easy....but it is thrilling. I didn't think id miss it, but part of me does.

I went over to my girls place last night with a clear mind. I decided to spend the evening with her with zero pressure or expectations. I decided to just go and enjoy her for what she has to offer. It was a very nice evening. Conversation, joking, good food and it ended in some very good sex.

This girl has a lot of positives to offer, but she is not a young and wild slut. If I want to be with her, this is the reality. Last night I really enjoyed my time with her.

Strange how feelings change from day to day. God, I sound like a chick.


Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2014
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Houston, TX
I feel ya. I spent 9mos or so spinning plates this year and while I got laid a bunch and it was exciting in some respects, it wasn't fulfilling for me. I realized I didn't really like the chicks I was banging at least partly because the red pill had shown me their motives and how their hamsters controlled them. I also made some poor decisions regarding partying and raw dogging, etc.

Don't get me wrong, I think it was a necessary part of my evolution... But I wouldn't want it as a lifestyle. I think I'll end up a serial monogamist, for the reasons vulpine articulated above.

As for your feelings, you ever read any of David Deida's stuff? He talks about separating the core you that is unchanging from your emotions which are always changing. In fact, he emphasizes that EVERYTHING is change but your deepest self, and that you need to learn to observe the change rather than react to it. It's interesting stuff, but sometimes he comes across like a moron too lol. The Way Of The Superior Man is worth a read, in my opinion.

Glad you had a good night with the nurse.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2014
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I figured I would give a quick update.

Been dating Ms. 30 y.o. nurse still. Still enjoying her company very much. Sex has been excellent. My frame seems to have remained in tact thus far. I still think about gaming her almost every day. She doesn't seem to require heavy game, but I let her initiate most of the contact and push for 'forward progress' in the relationship.

Currently I am sort of chuckling to myself because I know she is about to drop the L-bomb. At some point a couple weeks ago she was looking at me funny. I asked her what was up? She said "im falling in love with you". I smiled and kissed her and went on with whatever it was I am doing.

I've been banging her well and being pretty dominate in bed. Given her plenty of orgasms. I banged her for an hour the other night and 3 more times throughout the night and into the morning.

She has brought up contemplating what it would be like to live at my place. I just teased her and moved on.

I've been taking time to hang with my boys (just got back from a backcountry trip in the adirondacks). Working plenty in my shop etc. She actually has helped me cut and stack firewood several times. We have also spend a good amount of time skiing and hiking together.

So far so good.