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an interesting afternoon with a friend of mine..


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2005
Reaction score
he isn't what i would say a natural, but he does seem to have this amazing ability to attract and seduce woman at an alarming rate.We're best friends,we grew up together and we grew apart from time to time,anyways- i pay him a visit today just to see how he was doing..and suprise suprise, nothing seems to have changed much. i am 26 and he's 28,both rough childhoods -but it seemed to not really effected him too much..still bums around,plays video games all day in his boxers,works out,eats crap for food and the azzhole still manages to stay in shape and have abs :box:. not to sound resentfull of him or jealous..well maybe a little bit* but it seems like the boy just refuses to grow up!! he mopes around all day and then brings home girls to bone and they seem to be just as content with being bums themselves... works at a burger joint,flipping burgers,hits on anything that moves-then treats them like meat, drive a POS 80's 'rustang' 5.0 GT with a disgustingly loud exaust ,not to mention how illegal it is to have no cat on the thing and just dumping the exuast like that.Lives in a run down garage in an industrial area in downtown... in a really bad part of town..yet, low and behold..has countless girls risking life and limb just to be with him.He's good looking i guess, but no brad pitt or anything.And not even a bad boy..more like a 'little boy' if anything..

dudes damn near 30 and living in a garage..a friggin' garage!! not a dinky one like attatched to a home, but those industrial hanger type places...his dad owned a junkyard but they went out of buisness and instead of selling the place they gave it to him..and for storage :D the place stinks like carp and ..well..dirt..but it is relativly clean and free of toxins and shyte ..so i guess it's somewhat sanitary. i try to help him out and talk to the guy,but it's like talking to a brick wall...he dosen't listen,he sighs,makes jokes and keeps on drinking his ice 800s and smokes his winstons..yyyeeesh..talk about nasty..
i want to help the guy out but he seems to be lost and not even care about his situation, i don't feel sorry for him or anything..he can certainly take care of himself...i just wish there was something i can do to help him out.Certainly dosen't complain much about his life though,seems quite content with it just the way it is...goes to work, comes home- goes out gets girls,brings them home etc...it's like that's all that he cares about..okay, he gets girls..but the man dosent' have anything :(

no real job, no real purpose, no path/purpose or anytype of goals of any sort..kinda just drifts on by and just bangs anything that moves..and they don't seem to mind either from the way i see things.He's not even close to being a DJ or whatever and i don't think he even cares ,he's never touched a 'seduction manual' or even knows of the community even..i just find it odd how a man with literly nothing , i mean literly nothing to his name and a garage full of junk, a stinky staind matress and yet he still manages to get plenty of action from the females..they simply are in love with this guy.But sadly enough, i see nothing but a loser..a overgrown boy that refused to grow up...get's girls,get's laid..okay,whatever..but what about the rest of your life buddy? :confused: are you ever gonna do more then jumping job to job,bumming of people for shyte,borrowing money from the girls you sleep with, bumming off other people, stealing,being a cheapskate... this seriously disturbs me, what disturbs me even more is how likable the guy is and fun to be around.He's really charasmatic and has energy about him,we could talk cars for hours,drink some beers and cook up some bar-b q ..but that's the thing..that's like a 24hr. deal with him..that's all he does.

he showed me a collection of polaroids of some of the girls he's been with and all i can say is..damn..they are HOT!! all i can do is scratch my head in disbelief..dude dosen't have jack to his name..yet consistantly bangs all these chicks and they fall madly in love with him! they give him EVERYTHING HE WANTS..dude! i am just saying... i want to tell him to 'grow up' get a real job and quit being such a falanderer.Get some goals, get a hair cut and grow the fvck up..but then i feel bad for thinking this way of him..shouldn't i just accept him for how he is? should'nt i be supportive and be his friend regardless? or should i worry about him and try to help out and not just give up on him? he's always been the 'ladies man' and always been kind of a bum anyways ever since i known him... but isn't there supposed to be more then that to life? i tend to think so..

okay, honestly it is kind of annoying when i am out sarging or reading endless pages of a seduction site- not to mention working on my life as a whole and trying to better myself..to become a better person and to become attractive to the opposite sex, and i am doing all that i possibly could and putting alot of concious effort into this area of my life..but then we got my buddy, mr.16 year old 'man/boy' and he's getting laid like a rockstar and is ..well..basicly a bum..am i missing something here? i know about attraction and yadda yadda yadda, i read it all already...but this just defies the laws of alot of the shyte that i have read..sure he does alot of things right naturally and avoids the wrong things..but c'mon..the guy is BUM !!!:crackup:
he reminds me of this guy,looks exactly like him! :rockon:



Master Don Juan
May 13, 2005
Reaction score
Midwest America
Without knowing any additional info, I'd say it's the whole "not giving a fvck" that is getting him laid. Chicks see him as this bad boy rebel who lives by his own code. If you think about it, that's exactly what he is. Does not give a sh1t what anyone thinks about how he lives. I've got some friends like that from way back when. It's cool that dudes like this have the balls to live however they want, not materialistic in the slightest, but it will come back to bite them in the ass in the future. Like when they get middle-aged, getting decent snatch will not be nearly as easy if they still live like bums. Not having any savings or anything will screw them at some point too. Their health will fail on them at an early age.

Organized, I get how your friend's lifestyle irritates you. It doesn't quite seem right that someone who has zero responsibilities and lives like a child can pick up women with greater ease than someone who has their sh1t together and actually cares about their future. It reinforces what we all know around here - that on a primal level, women are attracted to what they perceive as confidence in a guy who doesn't appear to be concerned in the slightest about anything, even if it's to their detriment to be around that guy. That's what chicks mean when they talk about "bad boys."

I think a lot of us guys who are working hard to build the life we want for ourselves suffer from the "all work and no play" syndrome. Even when it's time to chill, we've still got responsibilities in the back of our minds that prevent us from truly letting go and "not giving a fvck", and it shows through in our ability to attract. Guys like your friend are the exact opposite though, all play and no work. They can pick up chicks today, but they are laying the foundation for a sh1tty existence in the future.

If there's some wisdom I've gained over the last few months, especially since starting my business, it's the importance of balancing short-term and long-term interests. I used to think that only the long-term was important, but the short-term is just as important. Balancing the two is a skill that not many people possess. Those who are able to balance ST and LT well though get the most out of life, in my opinion.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2005
Reaction score
all play and no work sounds about right :crazy:

i don't know weither to try to help him out or shake his hand sometimes, i think it's awesome that he is successfull with woman (or should i say-girls) though i HIGHLY disapprove of some of his shady activities (bangs his manager to get free food,which consists of hamburgers/fries ,tacos etc.) steals sh!t he dosen't even need- like chips or sodas and he's soo uncaring of the whole thing, he calls it a 'victimless crime' ,and it's not soo much that alot of these girls are like 10 years younger then him- it's that he fills their heads up with soo much crap that no wonder they winde up falling in love with him...i know it's supposed to be an AFC thing to do ,like tell girls how you feel about them and all this stuff but he does just that..he romanticizes all sorts of fluff to these chicks and they are hooked on it like crack! he is a sweet talker and it works..too bad he windes up hurting these girls.He claims to be showing them 'how to love someone dearly' or 'allowing them to be free with their sexuality and he is their outlet ,mentally and emotionally'..it's kinda freaky actually..it's like he turns into some sort of 'cult' leader or some kind of hippie free love and sex kind of guy when he's around girls.

he's really smart but it's hard to tell when he's covered in potato chip chrumbs,wearing what looks like a week old wife beater and sipping on a Monster energy drink talking about some girl he just boned a week before, while there is a naked chick sleeping on his couch..which is actually the backseat of some old camaro that he yanked out not too long ago.

he's soo unforgivingly genuine in who he is that it's hard not to like the guy...even if i disapprove of ALOT of what he does and eventhough we have aged...he still seems to remain exactly the way he was when i first started hanging out with him..but we were teenagers,big difference:whistle:

i showed him this site and after reading a couple threads,he asked me how come guys don't just talk to them (girls) it's alot easier then having to learn soo many things and reading soo much :rolleyes: i told him i didn't know...but i did say that some guys are actually afraid of girls,all he said was yeah right! :crackup: ..then he paused,'really? why would anyone be afraid of some 120 lbs. chick for? it's not like she's gonna beat you up or anything!':confused: i told him that sometimes guys aren't really sure of themselves and that sometimes they just need help and some support on the subject..he just told me,well if they didn't think about it soo much and just started talking to them (girls) they would'nt get soo clustered over it and they feel better when they just do it..i got frustrated and said 'forget it' :mad: it's obvious he dosen't have that problem so i just left it at that...i gave him some books and he used them as door jams..nice,there goes my copy of Awakening the Giant by Anthony Robbins:(

it still amazes me, the man has nothing...literly nothing and yet remains to get some of the most beautyfull girls on a consistant basis.man, why do i always feel like crap after i visit him? :confused:

FM 3321

Senior Don Juan
Jul 29, 2004
Reaction score
I need to come back and read this again. There maybe alot of beliefs and skills he's developed on his own that we're trying to learn. Maybe it's kinda like how I personally have to work on keeping my place and car clean while other people seem to have the habit of keeping their places clean with no noticable effort.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
If your friend ever decides that he wants a better job, suggest to him that he go into sales, especially selling a product that women buy. The art of persuasion is good for more than getting laid.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2005
Reaction score
FM 3321 said:
I need to come back and read this again. There maybe alot of beliefs and skills he's developed on his own that we're trying to learn. Maybe it's kinda like how I personally have to work on keeping my place and car clean while other people seem to have the habit of keeping their places clean with no noticable effort.
he reminds me of the types of kids that can get away with ANYTHING and also gets anything he wants in life..it's as if things just turn out okay for the guy no matter what happens.I am not sure if it's his outlook or just circumstance:confused: maybe alot of people are in the same boat you know? just cruising along in life,where ever the wave takes you ,without a care in the world and just getting by on what they have without stressing over the things they don't (that's my interpertation of it anyways:eek: )

i talked to him about gaming girls and he keeps saying that same thing over and over again..and it never changes much except for how high or drunk he is at the time...and he always goes into this weird mode,where his eyes kinda glaze over and he gets this far away distant look in his eyes- like he's imagining something,and his tone of voice lowers as if he's telling a secret and he always takes these slight pauses ...'ya see, man...when ya talk to a girl...first...you have to..you have to really FEEL her...you have to FEEL her man..get it?..you have to really FEEL her..and then when you speak to her...you have to use that feeling ... let it guide you..when you know what it means to FEEL her..her being...it dosen't matter ...what you say..because ..you are already a PART of HER...':confused: ..okay,what the fvck is that supposed to mean???? :confused: he told me a story of how he met (he always uses the term 'met' never 'picked up') a sweet young girl that was a check out person at the grocery store ,she was cute but seemed standoffish and cold to everyone..including him. 'What in the world does a pretty girl like you have to be soo sad about?' and he just chatted her every time he went to that store and on the third visit she said to him 'look, i don't like you - so don't think anything okay?' he just smiled and was like, 'you know what hun? you should'nt waste soo much time being down on things ..you never know when you may come across someone special and you may miss him all together -because you were much too foolish to reconize something good when it was staring right at you..could've been the best thing that happened to you..' he paid,grabbed his pack of beef jerky,smiled and walked off..leaving her face completly speechless and red faced like a tomato...i asked him,why in the world would you say something like that? don't you think that would seem weird or like you were trying too hard? that seems a little pushy to say don't you think?.. (personaly i would never say something like that, it seems kinda 'guilt tripish' to me) about a week later,he returned but he didn't speak to her..instead,she gave him her number..why did she give you her number and how did you know she was interested anyways? i asked him..'i can tell by how i felt when i talked to her,that she liked me..' ( i hate when he says sh!t like that because it's always soo open for translation and it could mean ANYTHING! i never bother to ask because he'll just go into the whole 'feel her' explaination again :yawn: ) he said that when he would wait in line he would observe her mannerisms and how she interacts with people,'she has the sweetest pair of 'sad eyes' and you could tell that all the girl needed was some good old fashion 'lovin' ,that she wants and needs..but it's not being fullfilled..she wants to be loved..to be touched ..to be made love to..to FEEL like how a woman should..she wants to and deserves to feel the intensity of her sexuality without the constraints of any rules or anything holding that primal sexual instinct back..that raw sexual energy that flows through every inch of her body and possessess her making her wild with desire and completly uncontrolable...' :eek: woah.. i had no idea how to even process that.. i am soo used to reading or listening to models of attraction through logical terms and seeign things in a specific 1-2-3 manner, say the MM or how David D explains things. what else? i asked him..and he said that was basicly..'if you just understand that all woman have that desire to be 'loved' the same way and to be made to feel that way- you can have almost anyone you want,tough her heart and you can touch her everywhere else...she wants to feel desired and lusted after NOT in her full make up and $800 outfit,but WITHOUT IT...every woman needs to feel desired by her man,she needs to feel that he needs her, he wants her,that she sexually gratifies and satisfies him in everyway...'

back to the story about the girl..it turns out that she was heart broken about a year earlier and that she gave up on guys..she actually belived that no one would ever love her as much as she was loved by him..and she belived that if someone she loved treated her as greatly and has left her..she could'nt imagine how someone else could treat her any better..her heart was broken in two and she wanted soo badly to be loved again,but she was soo scared to feel that way...she told this to him..she told him all of this without even asking her about any of it.She spilled the beans and talked about an assortment of things to him..she literly opened herself up to him and told her her love life and what she was going through and how she was soo vulnerable and saddened by it all..I was like ,uh oh..friend zone! no... he gave her the reassurance and attention that she needed,but there was a strong connection and sexual chemistry floating around and it was easy for him to seduce her by then...i asked how they became intimate..he said he just knew when the time was right and he knew when she wanted him to do something..it's like a silent communication,an understanding between the two of you..it's like your bodies are speaking to eachother, and you just go with the rythm.'She wanted to be with me, but she needed reassurance that i would'nt hurt her..so i didn't, i gave her what she wanted..to feel wanted and desired again,someone to make her feel alive in a way that she thought she could no longer feel anymore..i gave her the gift of being able to sexually express herself without restraints and to feel completly free to do so..' i was like wait a second,i thought this was about 'love' and her being heartbroken and afraid..he said that when a woman feels rejected it's usually concerns her sexuality also and that they are connected...if you break a womans heart, you usually make her feel like she's sexually undesirable or unwanted somehow..that's devastating to a woman..i asked how does this relate to 'most woman'? because if she is single or in a relationship, they all have that desire in them and they need that desire to be fullfilled..it's in their nature..if they don't get it from their relationship..they will get it somewhere else..this explains why if a woman sleeps with a man, she will usually develop feelings for the guy almost always..while the guy dosen't..because it's not in his true nature unless he's needy or seeks approval,she does it for emotional needs while he does it to feed his ego.Imagine the feeling of how a woman would feel if she felt as if her child no longer loved her...a girl once told him that , in relation to how it feels like when a woman is rejected...

'so in other words, you just need to fvck them really really good!' :up: then he busts out laughing histericly and takes a big swig of his nasty Ice800 and lets out a big disgusting burp,socks me (hard:cry: ) on the shoulder and asks me what time it was..theres a fight that he dosen't want to miss on tv.. what a guy..

i asked him if there was anything else..he just responded with 'anything else like what??' i was expecting talks about 'being confident' or 'controling the situation' and anything that would be similar to everything that i have (painstakingly) learned about..he said,there is nothing else..that's it.you just have to FEEL her and connect with that side of her, i wanted to ask what side he was talking about..but i didn't want to look like i was completly clueless.I didn't understand how someone can instantly create a connection in a few minutes without the use of techniques or routines, i didn't understand how someone could know what to say or when or how to say it..i could'nt understand how someone could be soo successfull with woman but it only centered around one paticular area..mainly,sex.. i asked him how he got all these other girls soo easily..hey just let out 'DUDE, JUST TO TALK TO THEM YOU FVCKING PVSSY!!!':crackup: and lets out a roar of laughter,finishes his beer,crushes the can and tosses it behind him hitting the crateloads of crap filled with junk :crazy: ..geez,all this stuff he knows about woman and sex and he knows nothing about sanitation or even cares..

so they all want to feel desired..even if they are with someone? yes..that explains the make up and outfits..they want to feel desired and wanted,even if they don't get with anyone..they want to feel as if they are wanted..it secures their sexual integrity as woman. i think i am starting to get it now...what it dosen't explain is why in the world dosen't he get off his lazy azz and find a real fvcking job! who knows, it was an interesting day with my friend yesterday and he put a totally different spin on things...


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2005
Reaction score
Remember this story when the theory is put forward that a man must be spiritually fulfilled and a success in life before he is ready to present himself to a woman.

This is a paradigm which is particularly unhelpful to those who are at the bottom and thinking that they need to get to the top before they can unzip their pants. However, there is a certain sad aspect to this Zen master. Life will eventually be unkind to him in a more severe way, so you are right to have concerns about him and to want to give him a hand.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2005
Reaction score
The guy's got game and sounds like a blast.

As to the whole 'feel her' stuff...it's called instinct.
Mother nature gave us a p3nis to stick in a woman's hole,no other reason.
He listens to his instinct and follows it(hence his comment about not understanding how a man can be frightened of a woman)...simple.

Concerning his life choices;if you're happy with your life and he's happy with his...where's the f'ing problem?


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
He dresses like you want to dress, fux like you want to fux, is smart, funny, he is free in all the ways that you are not.... sound familiar?

You are Ed Norton describing Tyler Durden. :crackup:

It sounds like he even lives at Paper Street Soap Company.

Can't judge a book by it's cover. For all you know, his future is handled: he might be squirrling away huge stacks of cash into retirement packages. You just never can be sure with people.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
Why is it so hard to understand?

He is a bum, one day he'll wake up with no abs and live the rest of his life as a bum.

Still though.. these girls can't be THAT hot that he gets with. They probally are missing quite a few teeth and got bored of their brother.

Where the **** do you live Organized? Hanging around in junkyards.. get the **** out of the midwest.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2005
Reaction score
he is NOTHING like TD, TD has that cool,smooth vibe to him,a certain poise..my buddy is more like a redneck verson of TD:up: with the attitude of that guy from :rockon:

i don't know, i guess i am a bit jealous of his freedom and his uncaring attitude of whatever thats imortant to me and you, and the fact that he can charm the panties off most woman (yes,woman- for some odd reason he's also a magnet for sugar momma types as well) i don't know, with the responsabilities and mental hassles i deal with on a daily basis ,with planning and working towards me future, it feels as if i have a huge plate full of responsabilities..with school, to trying to get a carreer started to thinking about having a familiy in the future..it stresses me out and some days i am just spent.But when i kick it with my buddy,he talks about all these interesting and different exciting things in his life that he's just done..and i am all like..bastard! things just get handed to the guy and he just has it easy,just coasts on through life - 'no worries bro' :cool: ... sometimes i wish i could be as cool,relaxed,and easy going as him..as opposed to the busy,obsessive compulsive,running on a short fuse and empty tank kind of guy..i guess i thrive on the stress & pressures in life and he lives for the pleasures and comfort in life..or something like that...

he's a really likeable guy but you never knew what you could run into when you hang around him..he's not really a trouble maker or anything..just mischevious.


god i feel like such an azzhole for doing that..but this clip reminds me sooo of him :whistle:


Don Juan
May 15, 2004
Reaction score
'ya see, man...when ya talk to a girl...first...you have to..you have to really FEEL her...you have to FEEL her man..get it?..you have to really FEEL her..and then when you speak to her...you have to use that feeling ... let it guide you..when you know what it means to FEEL her..her being...it dosen't matter ...what you say..because ..you are already a PART of HER...' ..okay,what the fvck is that supposed to mean????
Feeling the vibe.. (read the article on Jugglers site).

He is SUPER COMFORTABLE IN HIS OWN SKIN. That is what gives him a Zen like quality. He is unaffected by judgement, labels etc. He IS HIMSLEF.. not trying to improve not trying to be anything and UNAFRAID of BEING HIMSELF.

Someone who is so unafraid of his activities.. exudes inner power. Its like Buddha. Do what you do and dont care about the result. You could scream in Buddhas face and carry a sword and threaten him but he would just smile at you.

That is the ZEN quality that this person has about HIMSELF.

PS: And the fact that this bothers you... so much.. makes you less and less ZEN like.. hence.. less INDIFFERENT..

Everytime we are trying to IMPROVE OURSELVES.. better job, career, car we are trying to VALIDATE ourselves and SEEK APPROVAL from the society matrix. Its something he is not trying to do.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2005
Reaction score
yeah but he's still a bum
i know my friend is like you described, because i known him for a long time- since i was around 18..but what bothers me is that the level of detatchment that he has,yet the charisma and the type of influence he has on others..it's like i wanna see him do better and move forward in life..not just use what he's got to delude woman and seduce them,or talking his way out of a speeding ticket,sweet talking the girl at the corner pizza place for free pizza..it's all fun and games and sh!ts and giggles...

but when is enough enough? or do these types of guys turn out to be like Billy Bob Thorton or Tommy Lee..guys that really just don't give Fvck, and never will..in that case god bless him, i wish i had that kind of freedom also..but that's just not me..

i still find it mildy disturbing that though he does have the right natural mindset and overall attitude ..BUT he does ALOT of what i call ammoral things and engages in some really shady activities..but to each his own:crazy:


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
organizedconfusion said:
yeah but he's still a bum

i still find it mildy disturbing that though he does have the right natural mindset and overall attitude
I think your a little too obsessed with all your friends and whats going on in their lives. Not only are you worried about your friend here but your also worried about your nerdy friends too.

Start focussing on yourself.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
I find this post interesting...

In my opinion this post isn't really about your buddy at all. Its about YOU and the discontent you have with your own life.

The fact that you are asking your buddy how he games all these women and the detail you have gone into describing it to us all. Its like you are possessed with this guy. Its a little freaky. You long to be like him. At least the success with women part.

Your buddy doesn't need or want your help. You need to stop focusing on his business and stick to your own. He's the classic "doesn't give a fawk bad boy type" that all the stupid ho's fall for when they are young and haven't figured shyt out yet. Its not just your buddy. That exact same story is playing itself out a million times over, all over the planet. You know it, I know it, we ALL know it.

Who gives a fawk if he gets all these chicks? He's living in a dump and doesn't have much of a life otherwise.

Ask yourself this.

If you could....would you....?
-work his job,
-live in his dump,
-eat the crap he eats,
-drive his cheesy 5.0,
-fawk a different one of his ho's

...and do this every single day for the rest of your life. Would you be happy?

I don't think so because the way you describe it this guy is living a sad-assed, fawked up life in my eyes.

So quit trying to figure this guy out and comparing his life to yours. Quit with the jealousy too! Because as sad as your buddy's life sounds the fact that you are envious of him is really fawked up! That is REALLY SAD!

You are way too caught up in the seduction BS that you've been reading, buying, and basing your whole life on. I don't even know you and I can say that with confidence based on just a couple paragraphs you've written. Am I wrong?


Ever stop to think the reason you are struggling with women is because you are obsessed with it.

Success with women is as simple as 1-2-3

1. Live a fun and exciting life. Do fun and exciting stuff!
2. Be friendly and outgoing to everyone. (Not just chicks).
3. Don't worry about women. (They are a side product of #1 and #2)

Live your life by those three rules for an entire year and get back to me.

I'll GUARAN-FRICKIN-TEE that 10, 15, 20, years from now your buddy will be paying YOU a visit and HE'LL be the one who is jealous about YOUR life.

I'll bet the bank on it. :yes:


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2005
Reaction score
but seriously, i am concerned about him because i worry about him..he is my best friend..i could care less about anything else concerning him other then his well-being.I like to pick peoples brains,that's what i do and that's why i picked at his brain..no other reason then that.It's interesting the views he has on gaming girls and his philosophies concerning them..nothing more then that.It's funny how you think that i am soo down on myself and my life just because i am concerned of my best friend and his shady activities that could land him dead or in jail and that he lives his life like a teenager when he's damn near 30..that's why.Of course with all the pressures and responsabilities of daily life..when i am stressed out,of course i feel somewhat envious of his freedom and detatchment from responsabilities..but then reality kicks in and i remember why i am doing what i am and where i am going in my life..forward.It just sucks when you are going somewhere in life and you go back to visit old friends and it seems like nothing had changed..

i want the best things in life and want the best for my friends also.As far a gaming girls? ah, it's no biggie..i am not even worried nor concerned about that part of my life.I got it covered, but what good is having a girl and the ability to have them..what good is it when my best friend is dead or in jail? how great would my life be if i had no friends that i genuinely care about,like i care about him and his well being..i would'nt be soo concerned if i there was no grounds for worry...i have an 18 year old cousin that lives in LA , on his own and gots his own place, and i have no worries at all about him- because he has a good head on his shoulders...not saying that my buddy isn't smart..he just makes really bad decisions sometimes that lands him in alot of trouble.Just looking out for him,i'd expect the same from him.

Aparently you all see me as being jealous or envious somehow..we have the same level of game and the same level of success,just totally different approaches-it just amazes me the ease and effortless it is for him to do so,and also the fact that he literly has nothing to his name.He has instinctual solid game that seems to stay the same ,whereas mine is more tailored and always transforming and improving ,because i am always looking to improve myself :up: imagine a natual QB in a football game,he runs,he moves ,he knows where all the players are and it's like he's got a connection with all of them and he moves with confidence ,because his instincts are right on.Now imagine a conditioned and experianced QB,with the same type of experiance and instincts- but also an appretiation and almost constant awareness of everything else that's going on,but because of his awarness of everything else-now, every move has to count and is more strategic and layed out.One follows his gut without questioning it and one follows the best logical route for the best outcome :cheer: okay ,enough mumbo jumbo...

and besides, i am painting myself out to be some sort of saint ,but in reality i guess i am just as guilty of wreckless and stupid behaviors as he is,going out with him and calling people out in his 11sec.Rustang, egging him on to game other guys girls,getting plastered and hanging out all hours of the night,calling dibs on who fvcks the girl first..but then i guess because i have a decent job ,making money and going to school it makes it okay :D.. i guess i draw the line at petty theft,using girls for money, fvcking them for money or FOOD ,bumming off them for everything..that's just plain..wrong in my book.Not Don Juan at all , more like Don Wrong...

i am explaining for my own sake and not approval seeking in anyway:crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:


Don Juan
May 15, 2004
Reaction score
organizedconfusion said:
yeah but he's still a bum
i know my friend is like you described, because i known him for a long time- since i was around 18..but what bothers me is that the level of detatchment that he has,yet the charisma and the type of influence he has on others..it's like i wanna see him do better and move forward in life..not just use what he's got to delude woman and seduce them,or talking his way out of a speeding ticket,sweet talking the girl at the corner pizza place for free pizza..it's all fun and games and sh!ts and giggles...

but when is enough enough? or do these types of guys turn out to be like Billy Bob Thorton or Tommy Lee..guys that really just don't give Fvck, and never will..in that case god bless him, i wish i had that kind of freedom also..but that's just not me..

i still find it mildy disturbing that though he does have the right natural mindset and overall attitude ..BUT he does ALOT of what i call ammoral things and engages in some really shady activities..but to each his own:crazy:
You want BETTER for him.. But maybe thats your viewpoint. Maybe that is the life he chooses to live. Everyone has a purpose in life and maybe that's his purpose.

Maybe some Buddhist monk is living a purer life than you and might choose to educate you to fix your ways. But, to you its alright and okay how you live.

Maybe thats the same way.. You can take a horse to the water you cant make him drink.. You can only do so much.. If and when he wakes up inside.. thats when it will change.

The big american businessman story and the mexican fisherman on the beach story...


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
Okay whatever you say buddy.....

The following are your words not mine.

okay, honestly it is kind of annoying when i am out sarging or reading endless pages of a seduction site- not to mention working on my life as a whole and trying to better myself..to become a better person and to become attractive to the opposite sex, and i am doing all that i possibly could and putting alot of concious effort into this area of my life..but then we got my buddy, mr.16 year old 'man/boy' and he's getting laid like a rockstar and is ..well..basicly a bum..am i missing something here? i know about attraction and yadda yadda yadda, i read it all already...but this just defies the laws of alot of the shyte that i have read..sure he does alot of things right naturally and avoids the wrong things..but c'mon..the guy is BUM !!!
it still amazes me, the man has nothing...literly nothing and yet remains to get some of the most beautyfull girls on a consistant basis.man, why do i always feel like crap after i visit him?
sometimes i wish i could be as cool,relaxed,and easy going as him..
i don't know, i guess i am a bit jealous of his freedom and his uncaring attitude of whatever thats imortant to me and you, and the fact that he can charm the panties off most woman

Didn't mean to be all harsh with you in my previous post but I just felt like you needed a slap or a kick in the arse.

Are you sure you are being honest with yourself? Brutally honest?