Master Don Juan
he isn't what i would say a natural, but he does seem to have this amazing ability to attract and seduce woman at an alarming rate.We're best friends,we grew up together and we grew apart from time to time,anyways- i pay him a visit today just to see how he was doing..and suprise suprise, nothing seems to have changed much. i am 26 and he's 28,both rough childhoods -but it seemed to not really effected him too much..still bums around,plays video games all day in his boxers,works out,eats crap for food and the azzhole still manages to stay in shape and have abs :box:. not to sound resentfull of him or jealous..well maybe a little bit* but it seems like the boy just refuses to grow up!! he mopes around all day and then brings home girls to bone and they seem to be just as content with being bums themselves... works at a burger joint,flipping burgers,hits on anything that moves-then treats them like meat, drive a POS 80's 'rustang' 5.0 GT with a disgustingly loud exaust ,not to mention how illegal it is to have no cat on the thing and just dumping the exuast like that.Lives in a run down garage in an industrial area in downtown... in a really bad part of town..yet, low and behold..has countless girls risking life and limb just to be with him.He's good looking i guess, but no brad pitt or anything.And not even a bad boy..more like a 'little boy' if anything..
dudes damn near 30 and living in a garage..a friggin' garage!! not a dinky one like attatched to a home, but those industrial hanger type places...his dad owned a junkyard but they went out of buisness and instead of selling the place they gave it to him..and for storage
the place stinks like carp and ..well..dirt..but it is relativly clean and free of toxins and shyte i guess it's somewhat sanitary. i try to help him out and talk to the guy,but it's like talking to a brick wall...he dosen't listen,he sighs,makes jokes and keeps on drinking his ice 800s and smokes his about nasty..
i want to help the guy out but he seems to be lost and not even care about his situation, i don't feel sorry for him or anything..he can certainly take care of himself...i just wish there was something i can do to help him out.Certainly dosen't complain much about his life though,seems quite content with it just the way it is...goes to work, comes home- goes out gets girls,brings them home's like that's all that he cares about..okay, he gets girls..but the man dosent' have anything
no real job, no real purpose, no path/purpose or anytype of goals of any sort..kinda just drifts on by and just bangs anything that moves..and they don't seem to mind either from the way i see things.He's not even close to being a DJ or whatever and i don't think he even cares ,he's never touched a 'seduction manual' or even knows of the community even..i just find it odd how a man with literly nothing , i mean literly nothing to his name and a garage full of junk, a stinky staind matress and yet he still manages to get plenty of action from the females..they simply are in love with this guy.But sadly enough, i see nothing but a loser..a overgrown boy that refused to grow up...get's girls,get's laid..okay,whatever..but what about the rest of your life buddy?
are you ever gonna do more then jumping job to job,bumming of people for shyte,borrowing money from the girls you sleep with, bumming off other people, stealing,being a cheapskate... this seriously disturbs me, what disturbs me even more is how likable the guy is and fun to be around.He's really charasmatic and has energy about him,we could talk cars for hours,drink some beers and cook up some bar-b q ..but that's the thing..that's like a 24hr. deal with him..that's all he does.
he showed me a collection of polaroids of some of the girls he's been with and all i can say is..damn..they are HOT!! all i can do is scratch my head in disbelief..dude dosen't have jack to his name..yet consistantly bangs all these chicks and they fall madly in love with him! they give him EVERYTHING HE WANTS..dude! i am just saying... i want to tell him to 'grow up' get a real job and quit being such a falanderer.Get some goals, get a hair cut and grow the fvck up..but then i feel bad for thinking this way of him..shouldn't i just accept him for how he is? should'nt i be supportive and be his friend regardless? or should i worry about him and try to help out and not just give up on him? he's always been the 'ladies man' and always been kind of a bum anyways ever since i known him... but isn't there supposed to be more then that to life? i tend to think so..
okay, honestly it is kind of annoying when i am out sarging or reading endless pages of a seduction site- not to mention working on my life as a whole and trying to better become a better person and to become attractive to the opposite sex, and i am doing all that i possibly could and putting alot of concious effort into this area of my life..but then we got my buddy, mr.16 year old 'man/boy' and he's getting laid like a rockstar and is ..well..basicly a i missing something here? i know about attraction and yadda yadda yadda, i read it all already...but this just defies the laws of alot of the shyte that i have read..sure he does alot of things right naturally and avoids the wrong things..but c'mon..the guy is BUM !!!:crackup:
he reminds me of this guy,looks exactly like him! :rockon:
dudes damn near 30 and living in a garage..a friggin' garage!! not a dinky one like attatched to a home, but those industrial hanger type places...his dad owned a junkyard but they went out of buisness and instead of selling the place they gave it to him..and for storage
i want to help the guy out but he seems to be lost and not even care about his situation, i don't feel sorry for him or anything..he can certainly take care of himself...i just wish there was something i can do to help him out.Certainly dosen't complain much about his life though,seems quite content with it just the way it is...goes to work, comes home- goes out gets girls,brings them home's like that's all that he cares about..okay, he gets girls..but the man dosent' have anything
no real job, no real purpose, no path/purpose or anytype of goals of any sort..kinda just drifts on by and just bangs anything that moves..and they don't seem to mind either from the way i see things.He's not even close to being a DJ or whatever and i don't think he even cares ,he's never touched a 'seduction manual' or even knows of the community even..i just find it odd how a man with literly nothing , i mean literly nothing to his name and a garage full of junk, a stinky staind matress and yet he still manages to get plenty of action from the females..they simply are in love with this guy.But sadly enough, i see nothing but a loser..a overgrown boy that refused to grow up...get's girls,get's laid..okay,whatever..but what about the rest of your life buddy?
he showed me a collection of polaroids of some of the girls he's been with and all i can say is..damn..they are HOT!! all i can do is scratch my head in disbelief..dude dosen't have jack to his name..yet consistantly bangs all these chicks and they fall madly in love with him! they give him EVERYTHING HE WANTS..dude! i am just saying... i want to tell him to 'grow up' get a real job and quit being such a falanderer.Get some goals, get a hair cut and grow the fvck up..but then i feel bad for thinking this way of him..shouldn't i just accept him for how he is? should'nt i be supportive and be his friend regardless? or should i worry about him and try to help out and not just give up on him? he's always been the 'ladies man' and always been kind of a bum anyways ever since i known him... but isn't there supposed to be more then that to life? i tend to think so..
okay, honestly it is kind of annoying when i am out sarging or reading endless pages of a seduction site- not to mention working on my life as a whole and trying to better become a better person and to become attractive to the opposite sex, and i am doing all that i possibly could and putting alot of concious effort into this area of my life..but then we got my buddy, mr.16 year old 'man/boy' and he's getting laid like a rockstar and is ..well..basicly a i missing something here? i know about attraction and yadda yadda yadda, i read it all already...but this just defies the laws of alot of the shyte that i have read..sure he does alot of things right naturally and avoids the wrong things..but c'mon..the guy is BUM !!!:crackup:
he reminds me of this guy,looks exactly like him! :rockon: