A good example is Britany Spears and Madonna. These two well-known performers were on stage singing a few years ago, and right in the middle of their number, they KISS each other, right on National Television! These are females that most girls look up to, so what
message do you think these young girls that were watching this got when they saw the audience (mostly men) stand up and CHEER? These two performers KNEW that doing this would cause a reaction men. (Yes, Wyldfire, this is partly men's fault, for condoning it.)
I love that statement, and very true. I pointed this out before, but not as well as you and now I solidified it in my mind.
Remember when BOYS were young and we SAW girls in 6,7, or 8th grade? We WERE fascinated by BOOBIES! We loved them, but it was HARMLESS. No Sexualizing, we were just getting our hormones going and maybe kissing girls.
Thing is, girls at that age GET their POWER EARLY on. Very early. And what you SEE on TV is basically a FORECAST of what's to come. These young girls get boobs EARLIER than they did when I was young, and dress sluttier (not a lie), and so they FLAUNT it big time.
Boys at that age are TROUBLE makers, but have no REAL power. They don't see a FUTURE in a world that will just ROLL out the red carpet.
Think about it...what shows do young boys see that almost VERIFY their place on the planet or status?
Everybody Loves Raymond?
All young kids see are the SEXUALIZING of women, from teens ON UP. You can't avoid it. I was watching tv @ 9 last night on basic channels and got plenty of nudity. NUDITY! How many young kids have tv's in their rooms for NONE other than video games or movies? ALOT!
I look at it FROM YOUTH on up, because in the formative years, KIDS are away from their parents, and if the parents are not teaching the kids, NOBODY is, and ONLY hope will help this young teen from going down the AFC route. Fortunately 1 of my young cousin's is a NATURAL. He's 13, and since 10 or 11, liked cars more. Love football. Is into dangerous sports, and doesn't care about girls, so they naturally love him. He's "ACTIVE" and has a healthy way about him. He's young, but he knows better despite his father divorcing his family.
When I was a young boy, we just played, like most kids. We don't look ahead and see how much POWER we have, and HOW hot we will be, and HOW much we will get. INSTEAD, we have shows that demonstrate what kind of DOLTS we are, and IDIOTS, and INEPT FOOLS, and LIARS, and CHEATERs. Is it making sense?
Even if you go to magazines, or media, boys don't look around at society and say "Gee it's AWESOME TO BE A BOY, we are SO EMBRACED AND LOVED!"
NO! Society looks around and LOVES women, because they're sexy, even if they are just images. And they are SEXUALIZED YOUNG, and so sex is sold. So many girls start these porn sites on nothing but looks and just SELL the few things they have, namely their pride, body, and privacy AWAY. Not that little girls see this, BUT THEY DO see the bytch MODEL-attitude. They see how girls are on TOP-rated shows, and in magazines.
Granted there are EXCEPTIONS, and it's NOT ABSOLUTE, but look around. Tell me what you see?
In my estimation, society DOES NOT EMBRACE the MASCULINE, but instead the FEMININE. It embraces FEMININITY and PC-CORRECTNESS. It embraces SOFTNESS. Yet I feel that is PRECISELY what's wrecking us. Men aside from a few in the leadership positions have GIVEN more consideration to what women want, and feminine needs and now in some ways we are better, and some worse. Our actions toward the world aren't as agressive, so some terrorists activities are the result of that.
Families lacking a TRUE leader come from the point that men are made to FEEL BAD about being ruthless, cut-throat, direct, and solid. Instead, "talk them out, calm down, be nice, adopt a more passive attitude." WEAK! Men are so BOTTLED UP ITS INSANE!
NEITHER sex is right OR WRONG, we JUST ARE. That's it WE JUST ARE. It isn't male aggression that wrecked anything, nor is it woman's passitivity and sensitivity that will fix it. Just like sometimes kids need nurturing SO TO DO THEY NEED PUNISHMENT. A boy should be whacked to learn his place. At least by his dad. Let his mom coddle him. But if you can handle your dad hitting you, or spanking you, or threatening you to stop your crap, you can HANDLE ANY GUY. It sounds weird to women, but it's honest to me. Most guys who are laid back, and can take shyt happening, HAVE HAD FIGHTS with their dad or some male figure. To men it isn't a big deal. Heck I used to BRAWL with my brother, and we're best friends, and we respect each other very much and we have each other's backs. He's my best friend. That NEVER effected our relationship-fighting. It doesn't. But some how it's WRONG to do. WEAK.
As I said, as Society's UNSPOKEN and SECRET LEADERS and CONTROLLERS, we have failed women in not keeping a TIGHTER reign. Let them have equal jobs, get out of the home, vote, etc, but EQUAL. THEN RECOGNIZE our UNIQUE SEXUAL DIFFERENCES. Realize the male needs the female in the long-run. But as it stands, people are trying to divorce the 2 and determine what to do.
The system is in place, and women are SUCCUMBING to the system, so that's their fault. Our fault is ALLOWING it to happen, because as I see it, SOME MALE BETAS, or WEAK A-HOLES, found out that THROUGH women, they could DISRUPT society in a way they wanted. So they ALLOWED things to happen, because they hail from a place of power and ability. In turn, they disrupted the female so much and fawked them up, it ruins it for the other men.
Feminism BEGAN this, but now you here about the ridiculous legal actions, or lawsuits, or priviledges, etc...being against men and some pvssies defending it.