"American women are the devil"



They say American people are stupid, this thread just makes such a statement ring true.

The reason men come out with statements like "American women are the devil" is because these men think with penis and not with their brain. These men go for the same low quality women who look hot rather than going for decent women who might not be the best looking women in the world.

These men think "I have money, I go to the gym, I need a Orange County Housewife type of woman". These women are low quality and so are the men who chase them. I blame websites like this one for that outlook.

If anyone has a problem with women, it's the same old "Go to the gym, get a better job, get confidence and you'll get women". Yeah you'll get women, you'll get low quality women. What is also sad about this forum is that men boast about being able to part the legs of a low quality woman who probably opens up her legs to any man that bats attention in her direction.

If a man is having problems with women this site won't help, it's just full of low quality men who will try and teach you techniques to pick up equally low quality women.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
perseverance said:
They say American people are stupid, this thread just makes such a statement ring true.

The reason men come out with statements like "American women are the devil" is because these men think with penis and not with their brain. These men go for the same low quality women who look hot rather than going for decent women who might not be the best looking women in the world.
lol this is true but who doesn't want a beautiful women? you make it sound like all hot women are low quality
These men think "I have money, I go to the gym, I need a Orange County Housewife type of woman". These women are low quality and so are the men who chase them. I blame websites like this one for that outlook.
If a man wants a beautiful women he is low quality? no offense but if a guy is in shape and takes care of his business there is no reason for him to go after a woman who is on the same agenda
If anyone has a problem with women, it's the same old "Go to the gym, get a better job, get confidence and you'll get women". Yeah you'll get women, you'll get low quality women. What is also sad about this forum is that men boast about being able to part the legs of a low quality woman who probably opens up her legs to any man that bats attention in her direction.
So whats a high quality women in your opinion?
If a man is having problems with women this site won't help, it's just full of low quality men who will try and teach you techniques to pick up equally low quality women.
If that's how you feel then why you here? if this site only teaches you to get low quality women then why you here?

sorry but your argument is flawed and hypocritical at best



Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
atl, GA
perseverance said:
They say American people are stupid, this thread just makes such a statement ring true.

The reason men come out with statements like "American women are the devil" is because these men think with penis and not with their brain. These men go for the same low quality women who look hot rather than going for decent women who might not be the best looking women in the world.
Truth....guys here are strikingly similar to women who complain about the "lack of good men" but then date a*sholes and dou*hebags just b/c they're rich or good-looking.

Shallow people attract shallow people....if you select your mates based on superficial qualities and not the content of their character, you're really in no position to complain or pass judgement on women.

These men think "I have money, I go to the gym, I need a Orange County Housewife type of woman". These women are low quality and so are the men who chase them. I blame websites like this one for that outlook.
Men and women who define themselves soley by money/looks are the worst people to be around. Most (not all) are one dimensional, shallow, lack any sort of intellectual depth, are extremely arrogant, lack empathy for others, and are narcissistic jerks.

Worst of all, they feel the world "owes them" sex, love, attention, whatever they seek romantically because they drive a BMW, have DD boobs, or make six figures.

If anyone has a problem with women, it's the same old "Go to the gym, get a better job, get confidence and you'll get women". Yeah you'll get women, you'll get low quality women. What is also sad about this forum is that men boast about being able to part the legs of a low quality woman who probably opens up her legs to any man that bats attention in her direction.
I met my girlfriend while unemployed and slacking at the gym.....she liked me because I was easy going, was myself, and made her comfortable. Sure that probably won't be enough for some dolled up club bimbo but honestly why would I want to be around that kind of person anyways?

A woman like that is not seeking a person, she's seeking an object.

If a man is having problems with women this site won't help, it's just full of low quality men who will try and teach you techniques to pick up equally low quality women.
There is a lot of truth to that statement..... dating a BPD/HPD is like some sort of badge of honor here.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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Forgive me for resurrecting this very old thread, I just remeber how I read it back in 2011 as an inexperienced skinny beta guy.

Now few years older, in a great shape and plenty of positive experience with women all over europe, I can say that most of the guys here are right.

What I find it funny and tragic at the same time is that in 2011 there was no social netword smartphone plague as bad as it exists now yet we were already able to tell the difference between certain environments.

I can tell with 100% accuracy that living as a normal man in eastern europe gave me with a minimun effort the same benefits and sexual life style of a top tier in western europe, all those "improve your game" are BLUE PILL suggestion, the best surfer of the world surfing on a dumpster wont experience anything close to an average surfer surfing in the caribbean blue.

So if you priority right now (especially for younger guys) is to experience fun, relax and pleasable sex with pretty feminime girls, save money and time from clubs and socia gatherings where you are and go spend an entire summer where the odds are in your favour...just be quick cause sh1t is spreading fast, I assure you that with the same effort you put where you, you will have twice the rewards if not more.

Dont believe the bvllsh1t you're told, you've been brainwashed not any different that mid 20th century dictatorships were used too, in your case it was just a softer version.

One night stands with hotties in western europe for an average joe are as real as the predator dropping in the amazon forest.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2015
Reaction score
Hoe County, California
"American women are the devil"



Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
I spend time both in the USA and in former USSR countries. I can without a doubt that the dating situation is FAR, FAR better in the former USSR. I can also say that I see more attractive women on a 15 minute walk to the metro station than I see for MONTHS in my hamlet in the USA. The dating situation in the USA has been, for over 20 years, so bereft of any quality (or at least "attainable" quality) that I have become completely inactive in the USA. I truly think that there is no such thing as a boyfriend/husband-less, non-obese, non-single-mommie American woman.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2005
Reaction score
Miami, FL
My family is from Southern Europe and I still visit on vacation. The differences aren't that major. Guys that are **** in the USA would be **** there, maybe worse considering the culture is slightly different, a new language, and you'd have to learn all this.

By all means though if the USA sucks so bad get going, but most never do, just b*tch b*tch b*tch more and more. When you say American women are devil I didn't know you pukes met and talked to every single one of them.