MindOverMatter said:
Because buying nice clothes, or getting a haircut, or buying an earing is a normal thing to do. It doesn't revolve me putting other person's body parts on me, nor does it involve me going under the knife for a plastic surgeon to pop a few silicones in my pecs.
It doesn't matter what you personally think. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. The problem only comes when you pass judgement on others for making such a choice and assuming that the only reason anyone would do so is out of insecurity.
I personally see nothing wrong with altering your appearance if it makes you happy. Not too long ago a "decent" girl would be a social outcast if she dared get a tattoo. Today lots of girls have them.
I don't follow the herd when it comes to accepting people's choices whether popular or unpopular. I try to see things from other people's perspective. I try not to take anything at face value, because I have learned time and time again from real life lessons that the second you assume something and close yourself off to accepting new ideas and learning the facts, someone else will be right behind you ready to take advantage of your ignorance.
You're not gonna convince me that wearing somebody elses hair and pretending it's yours does not reek of insecurity, I'm sorry.
If the only thing that kept us from seeing eye to eye on this was the fact that you think it's disgusting, I might understand. But I can tell from your posts that there are other issues, such as the fact that you still have misconceptions about hairpieces that skew your opinion of them.
I wouldn't even think about doing this if it didn't look 100% natural. If I were to cover my head with a dead rat and try to pass it off as real, that would be one thing. But the fact is the hairpieces I bought are as good as they get, and if there are people out there who have been in a relationship for a year where their partner had no clue I know I look good in it.
You play the whole disgusting angle as if it were the entire reason why you would never do something like this, but you and I both know that a lot of it has to do with the misconceptions you have, being socially conditioned to associate a hairpiece as laughable, and the fact that you personally (not necessarily other people) would be deathly terrified if someone found out you were wearing.
There are
message boards where you can read posts by guys like you who should NEVER wear a hairpiece.....they don't have the right attitude. But there are also plenty of guys who take it with a grain of salt and see it for what it is that do it to enhance their life, not fix it.
The way I see it, if I had to walk around insecure about my hairpiece every second of every day, I wouldn't touch a hairpiece. It's just not worth it. But I know that:
a) I look good in it
b) It is undetectable to pretty much everyone but other hair wearers (and it would even go unnoticed by most of them)
c) I am confident knowing that it won't blow off in the wind or fall off when I bend over or get pulled off during sex
So to me the money involved and the time it takes to maintain are a reasonable investment. If I ever get tired of it, guess what? Time to shave it again. No big deal.
And I'm cool with that, but the whole thing that started your temper tantrum was the fact I personally would not wear a hairpiece if I was bald due to the fact I thought it was fake and gross to wear someone else's hair and pretend it's mine. Rather then simply accept it as how I think, you are wasting your time trying to change my mind.
I noticed that in your initial post you said "thankfully" you weren't destined to lose your hair, which tells me that you DO see it as a flaw. I just caught that.
You also stated that my "cover will be blown" and that I will be "ridiculed" and have to defend myself.
You THINK that all you were doing was stating your opinion, when in fact you got the insult ball rolling by indirectly claiming that the piece is something to be ashamed of. News flash.....lots of people (especially those I associate with) aren't so quick to pass judgement. You might be ashamed of wearing one, but that doesn't mean that everyone would be.
I'm sure if someone's toupee fell off in the gym, he'd probably pity him. Most people who don't develop those types of insecurities look down on those who do.
There ya go again! More Three Stooges/ Seinfeld style hairpiece references. You and most everyone else have the same attitude towards them because you don't know any better and would rather make assumptions than face the fact that you are uninformed and misguided by social conditioning. It's just easier that way, I understand.
No happy, well adjusted person would wear other person's body parts and pretend it's their own, or go under the knife to alter their appearance to the point where they look like someone else (i.e. Joan Rivers)
Once again, an unfounded generalization that you know isn't 100% true. Even if it's 90 or 95% true, I'm sure most people would agree that saying that anyone who wears hair or has plastic surgery can't be happy and well adjusted is not reality.
No, what I'm saying is, if you appearance held you back from having a normal life, then it would be ok.
This is the definition of judgemental.
Who are you to determine if someone's appearance is holding them back? You can't. It's a subjective thing, and as such, for you to make this kind of a statement you are saying that YOU know what's best for other people.
However you yourself functioned normally for years while being bald, and I myself never got treated any differently with a shaved head (in fact some girls preferred it), so your victim scenario does not apply here.
I never personally claimned to be a victim. I was to show you that a self esteem issue CAN be resolved by correcting appearance isues, and how it isn't wrong for someone to want to do so. You agree with me there, but yoe feel that you should be able to judge exactly who is "qualified" to fix such issues and not be considered "fake".
When you can look at progress photos from every week and see the accumulation of small changes that resulted from every rep you did, every proper meal you ate, you can't help but feel proud.
No doubt that hard work instills a sense of pride, as it should. No one is taking anything away from that. But at the same time if someone makes a choice to improve their appearance in another way it isn't right to tell them they are wrong for doing it.
A 6'2, 230lbs guy with 28% bodyfat is not athletic enough to pass those, let alone be #1.
I almost went into the academy myself, so I'll hold the donut jokes...lol
Ok, now we're making progress. I personally don't see baldness as a flaw or a handicap, hence why I would never glue someone else's hair on my scalp.
The why DID you say that "thankfully" you aren't going bald?
And please, explain to me what it is that I don't know about? All I've said was that I felt wearing somebody else's hair and pretending it's yours is gross and sad. You are making it sound like I'm spreading false facts about your hairpiece, when I'm not, I'm just giving my opinion.
Lets see.....you said:
"Unlike the glue that holds that rug tight to your shiny head, your argument is very weak"
"I'm sure if someone's toupee fell off in the gym, he'd probably pity him."
I know the first one was an attempt to be funny, but the second one is exactly the kind of false impression that leads people to form prejudices. Until they see the real deal, that is.
Some other stuff that is nothing more than your misguided imagination which DOES spread false facts:
"Rugs, no matter how great/realistic they look are like a fake rolex. They look real, feel real, but once the cover is blown (and it will get blown), you will be ridiculed"
You assume everyone has the same hangups that you do. Not so.
"No happy, well adjusted person would wear other person's body parts and pretend it's their own, or go under the knife to alter their appearance to the point where they look like someone else (i.e. Joan Rivers)"
You don't know me. If you spent a week hanging out with me you would see that I have a pretty good life. I don't need anything to make me "complete". Claiming that everyone who alters their appearance "unnaturally" is insecure is ridiculous and only perpetuates that narrow view of the world.
"Tell every person you know that you meet that you have a hairpiece, and then form the conclusion for yourself. those who are not fake will look down upon those are. And I'll bet that even your friends and business partners crack jokes about your rug when you are not around."
Again, you are assuming that everyone else holds the same opinion you do about altering your appearance. Judging by the number of people who have procedures done, I would say that most people would tend to be a little more accepting than you are.
"Because buying nice clothes, or getting a haircut, or buying an earing is a normal thing to do."
You mean these things are acceptable in YOUR eyes. Everyone has a different definition of what's normal or acceptable.