"Alpha fvcks Beta Bucks" is the most retarded sht I've ever heard.


Oct 20, 2013
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"Alpha fvcks Beta Bucks" is the most retarded sht I've ever heard.

What so-called "Alpha" is going out banging all quality chicks...and never spending a dime on them?

What KJ squeezed out that brain fart?

As if some imaginary "Alpha" is going around banging all "betas" girlfriends and never spending a dime on them, never having a girlfriend or if he does never spending a dime on her. Yet these are all "quality" women this "alpha" is banging. LMAO

Maybe one or a few times a GODLIKE looking dude pulls that off with a quality chick (and not a string of lowlife h0es) but sorry I've never in my entire life known or heard of dudes doing that through their lifetimes or even for any length of time. Sounds like a good fragile ego boogeyman story.

If you honestly think some "Alpha" dude is out there who's just banging top quality chicks and never taking them out and spending anything on them, you = :crazy:

There's nothing wrong with taking a chick out and treating her. The key is to invest wisely in a quality chick as she should you. (And not just with pvssy payments either.)

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
HumbleNinja said:
As if some imaginary "Alpha" is going around banging all "betas" girlfriends and never spending a dime on them, never having a girlfriend or if he does never spending a dime on her. Yet these are all "quality" women this "alpha" is banging. LMAO

Maybe one or a few times a GODLIKE looking dude pulls that off with a quality chick (and not a string of lowlife h0es) but sorry I've never in my entire life known or heard of dudes doing that through their lifetimes or even for any length of time. Sounds like a good fragile ego boogeyman story.
Are you for real? Not long after I first found game I used to brag about having never spent more than a hotdog and shoe hire on a chick in an entire 6 years or whatever it was, and most of those chicks had some herb provider mincing and mewling somewhere in the background there.

No alfa fux beta bux.. lulz. Slow day HN?

edit: http://www.sosuave.net/forum/showpost.php?p=771633&postcount=31 Gosh I was a feisty little poof back then :cry: Still nuggets of pure gold wisdom though. Like bits of truth heaven falling from the sky really.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
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East Coast USA
Its never a good idea to project your own experiences onto ALL men and assume its the norm.

Not only have I pounded several women without spending any money.. but I've even had them pay my way a few times. Any man who has had a ONS knows you can f*ck girls without spending money. Any man who has ever flirted with a friend's sister/cousin/roommate knows you can f*ck girls without spending money. I also have a friend who dated a girl for 3 months while driving her car and living in her apartment rent free while rarely paying for anything (at least when I was around).

If you know how to game college girls their p*ssy is usually free or virtually free. You might buy a drink or a shot.. or a cab ride.

Women looking to ride the c0ck carousel don't care about your wallet. They focus on money only when they're looking to exploit a naive beta faggot in a "serious relationship".

Women in "fun mode" are free to f*ck. But you have to be alpha/sexy/unique. Women in "relationship mode" will cost you. May cost you a little. May cost you a lot. But she's gonna cost you. :yes:


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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That's why I miss being in college. It was so easy to just me up with a girl and then hook up. But in the real work you have to "make plans" ahead of time which usually involves dinner or some other thing that costs money and there is no guarantee for a lay. I need advice on how to smash a chick without spending money because I don't know how it's possible to get around it. Clubs are out of the question for me.


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2012
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skinnyguy said:
That's why I miss being in college. It was so easy to just me up with a girl and then hook up. But in the real work you have to "make plans" ahead of time which usually involves dinner or some other thing that costs money and there is no guarantee for a lay. I need advice on how to smash a chick without spending money because I don't know how it's possible to get around it. Clubs are out of the question for me.
skinnyguy, i feel like me and you are a lot alike, and i feel that its going to end bad for the both of us, were gonna be in a hotel room waiting for a wh0re to come back with the coke we gave her money for, and she is not going to come back and were gonna end up dying lonely with black circles under our eyes in a best western somewhere in milwaukee


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2013
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Playpen, Chicago.
Anyone who believes this is dillusional.

One of my plates will pick up booze, drive us wherever, spend whatever while we are there, and then pay for anything I want at the end of the night on a waitress' budget. HB8. Eventho i have a 500hp cadillac, boat, my own crib and blow money when i feel like - very rarely on her. Less than once a month and the rest is equal investment or theyre dishing out more than I. In fact, all of my plates will spend when I don't want to or feel Like. ALL OF THEM. Ill even tell them this ones on you and ill look over and they'll have their credit cards ready to go.

Alpha f*cks beta bucks is probably one of the truest phrases in my experience with girls. If your game is tite they do not care unless your competing with a billionaire. Any decent guy with a decent job doesnt have to spend a f*ckin dime if your value aka inner game aka dominance over her is even halfway apparent. B*tches could care less if I want to go to go for a walk in the park downtown with a pint of fireball or to Ruth's Chris w shots of belvedere all night long. My redpill aware plate admits that she despises guys she uses for $.

Lotus Effect

Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2013
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If you are trully doubtfull Ninja, Go read my field report from this Christmas!

But in order to give you an proper answer, I'm jobless right now, and on the Xmas eve night I only had R$120,00 on my Bank Account (About US$50,00). Nothing on my wallet!

I've entered a night club for free, only because of my talkative skills, and pulled out not only one, but two girls out of the club in less than an hour!

Took them to the nearest motel, and since I'm virtually broke, I've splitted the bill with them, which they made a deal about it, but then they paid with no further questions! (The full price would have been the 50 bucks I had, so I said I was only going to pay 20)

And then I had the a f*cking THREESOME!! My first threesome ever. On Xmas night. Jobless and broke!

You can call strike of luck, or whatever the f you want, but I've done it, and so YOU ARE WRONG



Don Juan
Nov 9, 2013
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I had always understood the term to mean; a woman will look for an irresponsible "bad boy" for hot sex (and insemination, on an instinctual level) when she's young and fine. And then settle for a responsible beta provider around wall time.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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PlayHer Man said:
Women looking to ride the c0ck carousel don't care about your wallet.
Women looking to ride the c0ck carousel aren't exactly quality women either.

I think the "alpha fux beta bux" saying is stupid, because as a man I would think one would aspire to being the fun, sexual guy, AND having some money in your pocket. Why settle for less?


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
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zekko said:
Women looking to ride the c0ck carousel aren't exactly quality women either.
This is the crux of the matter^

Although you DONT have to spend money on even high quality women....Its obvious a lot of men on this site have no idea what a high quality women looks like....or does and deems her just not achievable(p1ss poor attitude).

And as PHM stated earlier....you will spend money in relationships. But there is a difference between gifting your girlfriend for good behavior and overgifting your girlfriend because you want her to like you more. The latter being pathetic. But to go through life, trying to skate by and never spend any money on a woman will most likely never land you with a high quality woman. Spending money on a woman is a form of provisional and emotional support. A woman needs to feel appreciated from time to time and feel that the relationship is not way out of balance in the man's favor.

The best relationship is one in which the scale is SLIGHTLY tipped in favor over the man.....when the scale tips TOO FAR in EITHER DIRECTION, the relationship is unhealthy.


Master Don Juan
Oct 31, 2013
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Dude, if she loves you she will do everything for you. I expect that in my mind....but I don't come out and say it. Had a girl for three years pay for everything....and drive me and allow me to smoke in her car, etc. We even bought her a nice expensive ring for her bday.I paid half, she paid half, in the end she didn't cash the check I gave her. I gave her a check because I knew she wasn't going to cash it and maybe disappoint me. You can get away, or have whatever you want from women....if u believe ur own shyt and sell it. Women do it all the time. And not believing some dudes can pull that off is ur own deal....but I would try to see how they do it, instead of calling billshyt

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
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East Coast USA
zekko said:
Women looking to ride the c0ck carousel aren't exactly quality women either.

I think the "alpha fux beta bux" saying is stupid, because as a man I would think one would aspire to being the fun, sexual guy, AND having some money in your pocket. Why settle for less?
All men should aspire to have money in their pocket, a good education and high status in the world. However.. men should not be doing these things just to get laid or impress women.

Any man who pedestalizes women is a faggot. Women are below men. End of story.

A "quality woman" is generally a woman with good genes who is free of STD's and makes a GOOD MOTHER. She must also be submissive to a man. A man should seek quality women for reproduction... not to have a "soul mate" so he can have his faggy dream of a Disney princess. :crackup:

Searching for the Golden p*ssy is what leads to oneitis and other beta fag problems.

Mr. Bond

Senior Don Juan
Aug 4, 2008
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Constantly focusing on not spending money on a woman is nearly as bad as trying to buy a woman's love. You're still obsessed with the idea of what you get versus what you give.

If these guys were truly confident, they would not be nearly as concerned with the issue. They would not feel threatened by the idea of spending a small amount of money on a fun experience. They would not care how "alpha" they look to the other faceless message board DJ's.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
Mr. Bond said:
Constantly focusing on not spending money on a woman is nearly as bad as trying to buy a woman's love. You're still obsessed with the idea of what you get versus what you give.

If these guys were truly confident, they would not be nearly as concerned with the issue. They would not feel threatened by the idea of spending a small amount of money on a fun experience. They would not care how "alpha" they look to the other faceless message board DJ's.
If a man chooses not to focus on what he gets vs. what he gives in a relationship with a woman.. I assure you he will be the only one in that relationship who is not focusing on it. :crackup:

Only a sucker allows themselves to be exploited or used in a relationship. If you don't care about yourself or how you benefit in a situation then no one else will either.

Beta faggots who don't want to grow, develop or change their ways will make excuses and justifications for acting like pandering faggots and allowing women to exploit them. Simple as that.


Oct 20, 2013
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As if George Clooney, Brad Pitt, other Hollywood Stars, Heads of Corporations, Sultans, The Rockefellers, Rothschilds world’s leaders etc. aren’t “beta bucking” to the “alpha fvcks beta bucks” crew because lord knows those dudes have NEVER bought women anything. Hell even drug dealers/kingpins have bought their girlfriends wives things! But yet these alphas who get tons of chicks should all be considered “beta bucking”. Let’s see: They NEVER flaunt their money. Never have chicks after them for it. They just magically NEVER spend money on any chick, let alone on a girlfriend or if they have/ get a wife. They simply just have QUALITY women lining up to give them ***** for free and these women never get a dime spent on them just simply bang them for fame etc. and the chick NEVER profits financially from it at all. (And no, groupies are not quality women.) These alphas just go out, go on vacations go everywhere yet never spend a dime on women they meet or bring with them yet these quality women they bang simply find their own money all the time to go with them. Though I guess were to believe these quality women just show up at these alphas houses. Never eat or drink anything, never get gifts simply have sex with these “Alphas” and leave. (And this supposedly goes on through this alphas entire life. O-Tay!)

Yet there are supposed to be these “real” mystical “Alphas” are supposedly roaming the world banging all “quality” chicks in ONS their entire lives and NEVER spending money on them even if it’s a girlfriend let alone a wife. They never even get girlfriends, let alone wives. Simply have chicks paying and buying things for them all the time and never spend money on them back. Right.

And men are supposed to believe there is some alpha dude or dudes out there who are banging QUALITY women for free their entire lives better than the worlds famous who we’re supposed to believe as one example of an alpha (George Clooney) isn’t beta bucking, never pays, (yet if we agree he does beta buck) supposedly due now to his beta bucking doesn’t get as “quality” as this “real alpha” (as if you are rich are famous.. you, her and everyone else knows you’ve got money but you “never” spend it on chicks.) but he “quality alpha” is out there getting “Better quality chicks”. Righto.

Now if you are consistently paying for a chick and she never offers to pay anything yet stays with the dude because of that then I could see that as beta bucks. But I don’t believe there is some dude out there consistently banging quality women and never spending a dime on them. At most low self-esteem easy chicks. Not quality at all.

Beta bucking to ME is: Paying for prostitutes, going to strip clubs, mail order bride dudes and the dudes who consistently pay for any chick in order to “buy their affection” ESPECIALLY if the chick never reciprocates equally or makes attempts to pay something.

Alpha fvks? Is some delusional “power” trip made up by men with weak egos who want to “punish” all women by having other dudes join with them in thought as “bros” to think they are NEVER going to pay for quality chicks (going out) yet still somehow “Game” top quality chicks one after the other on the regular who either pay their own way or pay for herself and the dude or just show up at each others places and fvck every time. Sorry that sht just doesn’t happen. Sure ONS and FWB FBs happen at times but to make some “alpha fvcks” statement as if there is some dude bagging top quality chicks all the time and never “beta bucking” himself as in: never spending money on a chick, girlfriend let alone wife is fvcking retarded.

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
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HumbleNinja said:
As if George Clooney, Brad Pitt, other Hollywood Stars, Heads of Corporations, Sultans, The Rockefellers, Rothschilds world’s leaders etc. aren’t “beta bucking” to the “alpha fvcks beta bucks” crew because lord knows those dudes have NEVER bought women anything.
how the fvck do you know???

not that i'm discounting what you're saying but on what authority are you basing these claims on? or have you just logged on after rubbing shoulders with 'society'?


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
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HumbleNinja said:
"Alpha fvcks Beta Bucks" is the most retarded sht I've ever heard.

What so-called "Alpha" is going out banging all quality chicks...and never spending a dime on them?
OP, have you ever seen an episode of maury where tyrone is cheating on his GF lashonda who he happens to be living with for free?

tyrone stays home all day, watching cable while his GF works and rewards her by banging every other girl in the neighborhood while she's working 9-5

AND THEN, at the end of the episode, lashonda takes tyrone back after some fake as hell half-hearted apologies while she's in tears and the idealistic viewers believe he never did it again and they live happily ever after and the cynics believe that everything will go back to the way it was before.

also, quality girls DATE alphas, they don't CHEAT WITH alphas

not sure how you could possibly define "quality girls" in a way that allows for infidelity


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
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HumbleNinja said:
As if George Clooney, Brad Pitt, other Hollywood Stars, Heads of Corporations, Sultans, The Rockefellers, Rothschilds world’s leaders etc. aren’t “beta bucking” to the “alpha fvcks beta bucks” crew because lord knows those dudes have NEVER bought women anything. Hell even drug dealers/kingpins have bought their girlfriends wives things!
it's not beta to spend money on chicks, it's beta to give them a lot more than they give you(which means supporting them with all your money meanwhile they go bang someone from this forum with 1k+ posts behind your back)


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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Let's remember there are downsides to being alpha. They get arrested a lot, have people trying to kill them, baby mama drama, child support payments, drug addiction, etc. you should enjoy who you are and not pedestalize alphas.

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
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skinnyguy said:
Let's remember there are downsides to being alpha. They get arrested a lot, have people trying to kill them, baby mama drama, child support payments, drug addiction, etc. you should enjoy who you are and not pedestalize alphas.
can i nominate this guy for 'dumbest, most brainwashed poster who regurgitates nonsense he has no idea what he's talking about' of the year award?