Lost In Translation
Master Don Juan
great posts Comic_Relief 
for the doubters
Quote: Pook
“Many girls merely upgrade their boyfriends and never become single “
for those with faith
Quote : Pook
”Being a Don Juan is not a net sum of smooth manuevers and methods but of your own outlook on the world and on women. ANYONE can memorize 'techniques', but FEW can change the way HOW they think. Women will be able to sniff out the former. But with the latter, women will be clawing each other for you.
A Don Juan is a state of mind, not a list of methods and tricks.”
Lost In Translation
to HB9 : “you know, if you had your nose done you’d be an 8” - Johnny Bravo
for the doubters
Quote: Pook
“Many girls merely upgrade their boyfriends and never become single “
for those with faith
Quote : Pook
”Being a Don Juan is not a net sum of smooth manuevers and methods but of your own outlook on the world and on women. ANYONE can memorize 'techniques', but FEW can change the way HOW they think. Women will be able to sniff out the former. But with the latter, women will be clawing each other for you.
A Don Juan is a state of mind, not a list of methods and tricks.”
Lost In Translation
to HB9 : “you know, if you had your nose done you’d be an 8” - Johnny Bravo