Alex DeLarge's College Approach Journal.

Alex DeLarge

Master Don Juan
May 26, 2011
Reaction score
Hey guys, going back to school tomorrow morning and I'm excited! I'm hoping to approach a lot more this time around since last semester I was sort of timid and reserved. A lot changed though and I learned a lot more over this summer.

Over this summer, I have hooked up with 6 or 7 different girls none below an HB7.5.. It was a great confidence boost that I needed in the girls area. I always thought my league was way lower than it actually is!

Entry #1
This last weekend I went to a party an FWB invited me to. Her and I haven't had much going on lately since I was seeing another girl and didn't want to ruin things, but this night I decided to just go single again. Made out with her roomate an HB9-9.5 depending on what kinda girls you like. (She was a tiny hippy chick with a DOPE ass and perfect size boobs.) Turned out she had a boyfriend, but technically I still had a girlfriend, so I guess we were both kinda fvcked lol.

One of my best friend's ex girlfriends was giving me a hug trying to kiss my neck but I kinda shoved her away. He's done the same sh1t for me before, so he's a great dude. Bros before hoes for real. His ex is definitely an HB9.5 too. Not even kidding.

The whole night my FWB (HB9) was trying to get with me, but I kept ignoring her and hitting on her friends, just cause she told me around mid July that we should stop hooking up. I told her it was completely fine and nothing was going to change our friendship. I stayed completely level headed about it. But now that she shows interest again, I'm kinda just trying to make her jealous so eventually she'll put out at the snap of my fingers.

HB9s chasing me all night. Not bad for a beginning of the fall semester party lol.

Now I have a date on Thursday with an HB8. It's a first date so I figure we'll walk around and talk for about 2 hours, maybe get some drinks. I always end the date with a kiss, and if I'm feeling good vibes, I'll usually go for a make out at some point.

Alex DeLarge

Master Don Juan
May 26, 2011
Reaction score
Entry #2

Great line I came up with tonight at the club.

It was amazing how natural I rolled with this line to the girl.

I was standing outside a club tonight chatting up this HB8.. We were having a normal conversation and eventually I said to her "So are you the kinda girl that gives out your number to a guy at a club?"

She said "No, I usually don't"

I said back to her "Well, we're not inside the club right now are we? It would probably be appropriate for you to do so now." She proceeded to give me her number and we went back inside. Not bad if I do say so myself! :cool:

Alex DeLarge

Master Don Juan
May 26, 2011
Reaction score
Entry #3


Went out tonight with this HB7 I met at a concert the other night. We had a few mutual friends so I figured things would go well.

Well, guess I was wrong!

This girl picked me up at my house and we went out to the beach. The first thing she says to me is "Yeah I just walked outta my work and quit my job. Fvck that place." Right then I was about to jump out of the car. I should have!

This girl continues to rant about how much she hates her job and her stupid boss blah blah blah sh1t that I really don't care about. I joked around with her and said "Well just tell your boss you're buying the business and her ass is fired!" She didn't pick up on it.

She goes on to tell me that she's a highschool dropout, and is bragging to me about creepy old guys that hit on her because she has a nice rack. Wow, real classy b1tch keep 'em coming! We got some pizza on our date and I went to pay for MY OWN SLICE and she says "You're paying for mine too right?" I said back to her "Do I look like I am?" and just laughed at her. She told me she had no money on her. The only reason why I paid for her was because the guy all ready put it in the oven.

Now, I know this sounds REALLY stingy of me.. But this girl was just being a rude b1tch all night texting on her phone, complaining about everything under the sun, bragging about guys checking her out, bragging about ex's etc...

This girl pretty much did EVERYTHING to make a man NOT want a second date. I have never been on a worse date in my life. I should've tuck n roll'd out of her car when she told me she quit her job!

The sad thing is, she seemed cool when I met her.. And I was stoked I wasn't going on a date with a bar chick for once. But ohhh what a let down it was.


Alex DeLarge

Master Don Juan
May 26, 2011
Reaction score
Entry #4

Today I sat next to a pretty sexy foreign girl in my class (HB9). Not sure of her ethnicity but she looked Eastern European. I introduced myself to her and locked eyes and she seemed pretty interested. I didn't number close or anything, I will probably strike up some before/after class conversation with her at some point. The only fall back is she's a tiny bit taller than me, and I don't like to date women who are taller than me. We'll see where this goes though.

And HB7 I met at school last semester who didn't seem interested sent me a text seeing if I wanted to grab lunch with her, but I wasn't around campus so I told her maybe sometime next week. Kinda nervous about gaming different girls on campus because I don't want to become "That Guy" who just talks to every single attractive girl only looking to get laid.

Going out tonight on the town with a FWB who I go to school with. We haven't fvcked yet, we just hooked up a few times and made out/felt eachother up. She's been acting sorta girlfriendish with me lately since I was seeing an HB8 exclusively for a bit. She wanted me to walk her back to her place after class today and invited me upstairs to hangout for a bit. I didn't make any moves cause I really didn't feel like it. Maybe I'll make something happen tonight.

Not bad so far! :cool:
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Alex DeLarge

Master Don Juan
May 26, 2011
Reaction score
Entry #5

Went out on with my FWB and a few other friends. The FWB and I were sorta hanging out with different groups of people all night, so I figured I'd get my game going while she's not around me. (Every time I've ever flirted with girls in front of her she'd step in and interrupt the convo lol.)

Got this HB7's number that I knew from highschool. I was pretty smooth and non-chalant about it. I saw a little twinkle in her eye and she had a big smile when she put it in my phone. I might call her up tonight after work.

Hopefully sh1t works out tonight!

Alex DeLarge

Master Don Juan
May 26, 2011
Reaction score
Entry #6

Went out tonight with an HB7 who I met via facebook. She seemed sort of unintelligent and would just ramble on about crap I didn't really care about. I wasn't really in my zone tonight, so I didn't put the moves on her. The most I see in this girl is a fvck-buddy or ONS.

I sent her a flirty text after I dropped her off saying "You weren't bad, I'll give you another shot ;)" She seemed to dig it. She actually blew off plans with one of her friends (Who I was seeing for about a month a while ago) to hangout. But that friend called her on our date probably yapping away about how much of a scumbag I am lol. I really wanted to tell the chick to just leave when she picked up the phone, but she actually apologized for it and said it was awfully rude of her... We'll see where this one goes.

Alex DeLarge

Master Don Juan
May 26, 2011
Reaction score
Entry # 7

No idea why I did this, maybe as a last resort to get a fvck out of this girl.. But here it goes. (AFC moment, cringing as I type this..)

So a few weeks ago I met this girl who SEEMED perfect. She was into awesome music, liked good beer, and was into outdoors stuff. Perfect type for me.. Well things were going great, but she caught me out with my FWB one night and went psycho on me.

I calmed her down and told her I think of the girl like a sister (incest.. lol) and we've been friends since we were teenagers. She told me she has really bad trust issues and anxiety (red flag!)

She didn't buy this at first but I eventually got her to come around and a few weeks later we wound up in a relationship... Which lasted about 5 days lol. She would constantly think I was checking out girls and cheating on her.. Which I did one night cause I got fed up with her BS.

Well we saw each other again last night and it seemed to go well.. I went for a kiss at the end of the night and she said "no".. So I said "Well it was good to see you anyways, drive safe". I figured we could stay friends since our relationship didn't last long, but then the chick just freaks out and deletes me from facebook.

Talk about acting like a bratty little kid. The trash has been taken out here folks!

Today I saw an HB6.5 at my school who I made friends with through class. This girl is really cool, but she could definitely be a 7 if she dressed in more girly clothes. (She's a jeans, tee shirt, messy hair rocker kinda chick.) We just kinda hungout and talked asked eachother how our summers went.. Nothing more than that really. I think of her as a school friend, but feel as though things could go somewhere with this girl. I'd always catch her checking me out in a class we had together last year and she eventually approached ME one day.

Like I said before.. This girls not all that great. Really cool, but somedays she's a 6.5 somedays she's a 7.

Alex DeLarge

Master Don Juan
May 26, 2011
Reaction score
Entry #8

Got to school extra early today to do some reading before my lecture and take some notes on the readings. Saw this HB9 walk by from my class out of the corner of my eye. I looked up and we made eye contact and she gave me a smile. I don't even know this girl and haven't even heard her speak, but she just gives off a really good vibe to me for some reason. She seems like a girly girl who's really sexy and kinda nerdy at the same time. From her body language in class she really seems attentive and interested in her studies. Major turn on to me right there.

Had a break between classes and hungout with my FWB girl. We were just hanging out with a few mutual friends. Outside smoking cigs and shooting the sh1t.

Then a HB9 comes up to me and asks me for a cig.

HB9: Hey do you think I could get a cig from you for a dollar?
Me: You're talking my language there! $2 and we'll be talking the same accent too.
HB9: laughing.
Me: Here you go a dollar it is.
HB9: Do you have a lighter too?
Me: Yeah here ya go.

After this we just exchanged names and stuff then she walked off. I had seen this girl on campus before, but I had never seen her smoking. I feel as though she just asked me for one as an excuse to meet me, not to come off as egocentric.. But I've seen girls do this before. Hell, I've done it before to hot girls haha. I'll probably see her around campus again, chat her up, get some digits and take things from there.

My FWB girl even said "She just asked you for that just as an excuse to talk to you you know" I said back to her "Yeah I don't like when random girls around campus and the city just chat me up like that. It gets annoying after a while." Then give her a sly grin. She smiles and laughs back.

She invited me to a party at her place this weekend, so I think it might finally be my "in" to the bonezone. I have always DHV'd this girl, girls have approached me in front of her, I've taken her on exciting action filled dates in our past. I think the only thing keeping her from falling for me is we kissed for the first time this summer, but we were "just friends" for about 7 years before then.

Not a bad day! Trying to avoid being "That Guy" on campus like I said before. I sort of like Scars' interpretation of being the "player" though. Just tell them you're in search of the right girl and so far you haven't found her. Definitely going to remember that... I mean, it is the truth!

Alex DeLarge

Master Don Juan
May 26, 2011
Reaction score
Entry #9

Friday I got out of class around 5:30, did some reading until around 7:30, then met up with a friend I've been hooking up with regularly (The HB9 previously mentioned in this thread). I hungout with her and her roomate for about an hour, then a mutual friend of ours came over who was moving the next day. We drank a few beers, then went out on the town to party.

My alpha mentality really kicked in tonight. Met a bunch of kids (about 15 people) down at a park by my college campus where everyone drinks regularly with my two friends. (The HB9 girl and my friend who was moving). I got a text from a friend who I hadn't seen in about a month that there was a party going on, so I rallied the troops lol. We were walking down the street about 18-20 people deep to this party.

We get to the party and a few kids go up to the house, the girl kicks them out cause she doesn't know them. I went up there now and just put on my salesman's face and sweet talked our way in there to her.. Before you know it I turned this girl's small house party into a complete college rager.

We're all hanging out drinking and having a good time, then my friend (The HB9) asks me if I want to go pee with her haha.. I said sure why not. I pissed in the bathtub while she used the toilet. We both finish and start making out in the bathroom.. She starts to feel my **** and is about to unzip my pants to suck my ****... THEN

(Door opens)

BUSTED! haha.. We both just start laughing and walk out and rejoin the party.

We made out some more and we were all singing along to some music.. Eventually the people who lived at the house kicked us out when they realized they didn't know about 75% of the people at the party. Me, the HB9, and my good friend are heading back to the HB9's house. She asks me to stay over the night so I'm thinking "Nice, getting laid tonight!"... Meanwhile, my friend is acting all grumpy cause he has no game. Can't really blame him he's a third wheel, but he had the opportunity to leave with my friends who took the train down he just wanted a free ride.

Now this part of the night sucked. We get back to my girl's house and my friend keeps b1tching about how he needs to get home or he's gonna miss his flight tomorrow. He kept CB'ing me all night walking by me and my girl and saying stupid sh1t to her like "Wow you really suck ___" He sounds sarcastic about it, but I can tell deep down he's jealous that I'm getting with her and he isn't. My girl just kept talking sh1t back to him which was funny. Not to mention that this is the typical dude that will talk sh1t about other guys to their girlfriends all the time. Real fvcking lame, never stoop to that level.

Well eventually I just tell the girl "Sorry, he needs to catch his flight tomorrow and he's too irresponsible to get his own ass home, so maybe some other time" (Said this right in front of him lol). Me and the HB9 start making out and she says to me "I love you" I said back "Love you too, goodnight" and we left. I wouldn't have said "I love you" if I didn't really mean it though, known this girl for 7 or 8 years now and we can relate on a lot of things.. I just don't really see her as relationship material until she settles down from doing the whole college girl routine and partying all the time.

On the way home, my friend was saying "Dude I'm sorry you couldve just stayed if you want I was being a d1ck"... Here's where I laid it down on him.

I said "Listen man, I know you're the third wheel and it sucks, but you had the opportunity to leave with our other friends and you didn't. I really didn't appreciate what you said to ____ earlier tonight either, it was fvcking rude. You don't talk to a girl like that.

Now he starts offering me material things that he's not taking with him on his trip for his apology.. So I say to him...

"You can't just do that, that's what you always do and it doesn't solve anything. You just offer someone something after you piss them off and think everything's settled. Well it's not, you just proved that you'll let them walk all over you after you piss them off. What you need to do is analyze the situation, realize what you did wrong, apologize for what you did wrong, and tell yourself "I won't do that again". You need to learn to respect your friends and acquaintances before you can respect yourself. (My friend has a lot of emotional and self-esteem issues). I also told him if I didn't see him as a friend, I would've just told him to go fvck himself tonight and find another way home.

Alex DeLarge

Master Don Juan
May 26, 2011
Reaction score
Entry #10

Went downtown tonight to join my friend and his girlfriend for drinks. Ran into two girls that I'm friends with down there, both were really drunk. I asked them if they wanted to have a cigarette so we went outside.

One of the girls is an HB9 who I met my first year of college. She had a boyfriend at the time, the other girl dated a best friend of mine for 4 years so she's off limits. Bro's before hoes.

We go back inside and the girl who dated my friend went to use the restroom, right as she went in.. HB9 pushes me up against the wall and we start making out.. In my head I'm like "WHOA HOLY **** WHAT A FREAK THIS RULES!" some girl walks by and says "That's awesome!" I was kind of paranoid cause a girl I was seeing about a week ago that I dumped hangs out at this place so I didn't really want to deal with that drama. We eventually leave the bar, go back to the other girl's place and me and the HB9 cuddle while the other girl passed out.

We were feeling eachother up (Fingering her and kissing her chest) and she looked GOOD. Like "Holy sh1t I need to fvck this girl right now" in front of everyone good. But i tried pulling her tights down and she just said to me "No not now I can't do this so soon" So I just said "Ok, I understand" we lay down, cuddle, fall asleep next to eachother.. wake up the next day and I'm the only person in the apartment lol. Grabbed the rest of my beers and left.

Felt kind of guilty about doing this cause me and the girl at school really have feelings for each other. Nothing between her and I is exclusive so I figure this shouldn't matter, but if she found out she'd probably be pissed. Keepin it on the DL.

First 8 days of college and I all ready went on a couple of dates, made out with 2 different girls, got caught about to get a bl0wj0b in the bathroom of a college party house, and could've F-Closed one. Not bad! :cool:

Alex DeLarge

Master Don Juan
May 26, 2011
Reaction score
Entry #11

Hungout with the FWB girl from my school today on break. She seemed kinda quiet. No kino or kissing or anything, but it was still a good interaction. Maybe she wants something more out of it and doesn't know how to go about asking me, or maybe she's just getting bored or felt weird about last weekend when she got caught about to blow me in the bathroom of a party lol. She did say she loves me last weekend, but I've had girls say that only to not hear from them again a week later. Not really bummed about it, cause there's a few other girls on campus I've had my eye on.

Hungout with the HB7 girl after class for about a half hour. We just sat and talked for a bit. I got her laughing. She's pretty enjoyable to be around, but I can't really tell if she's attracted to me or not. Either way, she's cool to hang with.

Saw this HB9 giving me the look today on my way leaving school. This girl was DOPE. Beyond beautiful.. Had to put my books in front of my d1ck lol. For some reason I couldn't muster up a "hello" even though she smiled at me. Oh well, I'll probably see her around campus again.

The sh1tty relationship I had with that girl a few weeks ago is still on my mind, I don't want to get back with her.. But I just don't really feel like going through the same bvllsh1t I did with her. Being lied to constantly, being cheated on.. All of that. I just feel like I can't trust women but I want to. I know there are still good wholesome women out there that aren't completely batsh1t crazy. Just gotta find her. :cool:

Alex DeLarge

Master Don Juan
May 26, 2011
Reaction score
Entry #12

Typical day at college. Didn't really mingle with many people cause I was kinda feeling off today. I was sitting outside and the hot european girl from one of my classes sat next to me. I could tell she wanted me to talk to her, but then my FWB girl came over with her friends from Europe she stayed with (DAMNIT!) lol.

One of her friends was so smoking hot! Perfect body. Nice butt, handful size tits, beautiful face, sexy french accent, cool style, well educated. This girl was like the love of my life haha. Flirted with her a little bit and she was even joking toward my FWB about how stunning my eyes are or something.

The conversation went well. The girl and her cousin told me all about Europe, the sites to see, things to do, and all that. I told them I'm going with some friends next summer so I'm super excited to check it out now.

Tomorrow's the weekend in the college town.. Hopefully I have as crazy/funny of a story as last weekend for you guys this weekend! :cool:

Alex DeLarge

Master Don Juan
May 26, 2011
Reaction score
Entry #13

Friday night I was hanging out with two of my dorm mates from last semester. We hit the town and went to 4 or 5 parties. Not too many cute girls around, the only ones had boyfriends or dudes they were with at the parties. First party was a total sausage fest (All dudes, but they're fun guys to hang with). That ended about an hour after we showed up.

We walk down the street and meet this girl I met about 2 years ago. She LJBF'd me, but she's cool to hang with and isn't a complete b1tch. Her boyfriend was at the party and he didn't like us very much. Me and my buddy were kinda taking turns flirting with her just for sh1ts n giggles. Eventually the cops came and the kids that lived there kicked everyone out.

Then we head to my buddy's GF's house. Sorta lame vibes but there's about 7 girls there HB7-9.. Not bad. I was really tired at this point. I was up all night studying the night before and writing for school. One of his GF's friends looked like an HB8 (I was kinda drunk.. might've had drunk goggles haha). I flirted with her for a bit, she got pretty close and I put my arm around her. Turns out we go to the same school together and she told me where she usually hangs out on campus. I didn't go for the number close, just wasn't really feeling her.. But who knows, maybe I'll chat with her on campus, get to know her better and set up a date.

Saturday night.. Me and two other friends hit the bars in a different town. We felt like a change of pace so we went to this city about 30 minutes from where we live.

This place was totally not our scene. All the bars seemed like typical club venues everyone dressed up all the dudes are jacked and way bigger than us, all the girls in short dresses and heels.. Then me and my buddies wearing skate shoes, band tee shirts, piercings and that sorta thing haha. Not really our demographic, so we had a few beers and left. I wouldn't say we were insecure about the situation, but we're not really in to chicks that dress like that. Imagine Kurt Cobain in a Jersey Shore club. It was kind of like that haha.

We head down to our friend's college and see if there are any keggers going on or anything. We go to some party that's pretty lame. Two cute girls show up and one of them talked to me for a while. She was pretty good looking, but also pretting fvcking obnoxious. She seemed like a highschool dropout that decided to go to beauty school or something to work at supercuts lol. Didn't bother number closing her, she was a decent piece of eye candy though.

After this party it was pretty late, and I had work the next morning.. So I said fvck it and just headed home. Not as eventful as last weekend, but there are more weekends to come!

Alex DeLarge

Master Don Juan
May 26, 2011
Reaction score
Entry #14

Some girl I had been talking to freaked out on me the other night because I told her I couldn't hangout. (Really I just wanted to hang with my friends and shoot the sh1t.) She sent me 20 texts in a row about this within 2 hours. I came to the conclusion that she's probably insane and will definitely next her.


Hit the town tonight with the wingman. We ran into some girls we went to highschool with. An HB7 and an HB8. We hungout with them all night so it was sort of a waste of an evening.. But whatever.

One of these girls has a boyfriend (The HB8) and she said she would definitely have a threesome with me and my wingman. We were all throwing around sexual innuendo all night so it probably got her worked up. Plus her boyfriend is a complete square. We didn't make our move though.. I'm not really down to get with a chick that has a boyfriend no matter how hot she is. The whole thing just seems wrong to me.

Haven't really been in the zone with pick up lately. I just really have no desire to get with any girls. I have a very busy life consisting of school and work every other day. Tried to go sarge at a bookstore today, but the place was loaded with UGs and older women with kids.

The weekend begins tomorrow though. I'm sure I'll have some interesting stories to add! Plus I'll be in the city which is loaded with HBs. Probably gonna wind up going to a few parties too.

Alex DeLarge

Master Don Juan
May 26, 2011
Reaction score
Entry #15

Sort of a boring weekend. Although I played a gig with my band at a cool bar friday night in the heart of the city. We all played the gig and went to an after party. This party was loaded with girls (The ratio was perfect) yet, each girl I approached at the party seemed either uninterested or gave off the vibe they had a boyfriend. Most of the dudes at the party were really boring (typical college students whos only hobbies are getting drunk, and playing madden). Whatever, I just hungout with my bandmates and 2 good friends, got drunk and we just made fun of everyone there.

Saturday I wound up working all day. At night I hit a local bar with two female friends, one of them is my friend's girlfriend. Ran into an ex which was extremely awkward. I want to be friends with her, but she hates my guts now. (I cheated on her) so I can't really blame her. But she kept accusing me of cheating which eventually made me say to myself "If she thinks of me as a cheating scumbag, I might as well do it since she all ready has the label on me".. Whatever, life moves on. I didn't let her bother me and I continued to have a good night with my friends. Didn't do any approaching.. The bar crowd wasn't really my demographic, and I'm not looking to meet girls in bars anymore. Too much damaged goods, wh0res, unintelligent girls hangout at them.

Lame weekend, not much approaching. I gotta get back in the groove!

Alex DeLarge

Master Don Juan
May 26, 2011
Reaction score
Entry #16

On break this cute girl said hi to me at school. I said "Oh hello" back not realizing who she was, but she looked familiar. It was the HB8 from two weekends ago who's roomates with my friend's GF. We talked for about 10 minutes and had a pretty decent conversation. She seems to have a lot of interests and hobbies (which I didn't really expect to be honest). Should've number closed, but I didn't since my friend told me she had a boyfriend. Oh well, she seems cool enough to be friends with and hangout at school.

Haven't been seeing the girl I've been hooking up with at school lately, not really bummed out about it.. But I have some things on my mind about her. I can't really tell where she's going, what she wants, or what she's thinking..

Possibly she is either
1.) Not interested in hooking up anymore.
2.) Keeps me on the backburner for when there are no other guys around to get with.
3.) In love with me, but is afraid to show her emotion it because we have been friends for so long and she is afraid of disrupting that status quo.

I feel like it might be number 3. She told me that she loves me. Every time we do hook up, she's super into it. She gets EXTREMELY jealous if she sees me around with another girl. All sorts of crap.. But then she tells me she doesn't think she can do relationships and all sorts of other mumbo jumbo. Maybe I should have a talk with her.. Maybe not.

Alex DeLarge

Master Don Juan
May 26, 2011
Reaction score
Entry #17

At school today I had a lab in one of my classes. There was this pretty cute HB7 in my group. She seemed interesting, very talkative and had a lot to say. I wasn't really talking much cause it was my first class of the day, and I was kinda hung over from the previous night lol. I feel like I might've given off an awkward quiet kid vibe in the group, but I don't really care.

After class I went outside to have a cig. The HB7 approached me by saying "Hey biology boy!" kinda funny haha. I told her "Hey what's up? By the way, I have a name you know!" joking around. We introduced ourselves and had a short chat. I didn't number close cause I wasn't really thinking about it. I probably should've, but I don't want to make her feel pressured that she has to just cause we have a class together and if she doesn't then it's gonna be awkward all semester.

Later on in the day I hungout with my roomates and went to a concert. This girl I'm friends with has been coming on to me lately and she was at the concert. She's pretty cute, but I just don't feel like hooking up with anyone lately. She even told me I could sleep over, but I made up some BS that I had stuff to do early in the morning. I feel like I'm losing my drive or something, I fell really hard for the last girl I was with and I fvcked it all up. Still think about her all the time and I'm trying to move past her and keep on keepin on.

While I was at the concert I got a text from another girl.. The one that always acted like my girlfriend at school, but recently went cold on me. She said "I wish I could see you" whatever the fvck that means.. She was the one going cold.. I texted her back "Well, I'm seeing a few bands play tonight at this club, what're you doing later? let's meet up" Then she said "Oh I wish I could, but I have class in the morning!" then I said "Well, maybe I'll see you this weekend then" She replies that she's going away, but she'll see me friday..

... Thing is, I have a date with one of her friends on friday lol

Oh what a tangled web we weave... Haha!

Alex DeLarge

Master Don Juan
May 26, 2011
Reaction score
Entry #18

Friday night. The date I had scheduled flaked on me, not a big deal. I got out of class, studied for a bit.. Then night time rolled around and I hit the town!

Started the night off by checking out a concert party in this hip rave spot in my city. It was a lot of fun. Lots of hot girls, I couldn't really bring myself to approach though. I just hung out with my friends the whole night at this concert and drank a bit.

After the concert, I went to a local club with a few classmates I met this semester. This was a lot of fun. This place was LOADED with hot chicks.. Perfect even ratio. I was getting approach anxiety on this one HB8 asian girl, I eventually said hi but she just seemed uninterested.. No big deal.

Made some rounds through the club, locked eyes with this gorgeous HB9.5.. Holy hell this girl looked good. I sparked up a conversation with her, and kino'd a bit.

Me: Hey, what's up
HB: (flattered and excited) Hiiii how are you?
Me: I'm doing well, how about you?
HB: Great!

We go on a typical conversation with the "where are you from" "What do you do for work" "Where do you go to school" type questions, then from there I'll go off on a tangent about a personal experience I had with whatever she was talking about. (Ex: This girl told me she did some traveling through Honduras and I told her I was going to be traveling down to Guatemala this summer to do an internship through my university).

This girl was hugging me, making good eye contact, and looked like she was starving for a kiss. She looked like she could be a model. So here, I go for the number close (success) but I didn't kiss close her. I told her I would get in contact with her later this week and we could hang out.

This girl is also 6 years older than I am.. This seems like something that would definitely get in the way of anything long-term, but not at all for a hook-up. She didn't seem like a typical bar skank either.. Very intelligent, and had some interesting things to say.

Alex DeLarge

Master Don Juan
May 26, 2011
Reaction score
Entry #19

Went out tonight with a good friend of mine. We hit some classy bar downtown with some friends of ours that work for a music station on the radio who were doing some promotional work. Fun times!

We sat down at the bar, and older women started talked to us.. She was flirting with me pretty hard. Touching my leg and my arm etc.. Sexual conversation. I was totally into it. Then she dropped a bomb on me. She was my friend's GF's mom! hahahahha. I would've banged her, but the situation was just too funny I couldn't even escalate. She totally wanted it too!

We go down the street to another club. HB7 approaches me, we have a mutual friend and she remembered me from highschool. I didn't remember her really. She was all right looking, but she could've dressed up better. Anyways, she was drunk as fvck and it was kind of a turn off to me. I left her and walked around, chatted a bit with chicks and dudes.. Had a good time!

Honestly, at the end of the night.. I sort of felt like a rock n roll star. I was hanging out with some radio station people, talking music all night with people in the clubs and having a great time. Everyone was just magnetic to our social group the whole night. I feel as though my social status rises every weekend in the city, not like my hometown at all!

Tomorrow night and all weekend I'm gonna be hanging with the HB9 from school. Maybe I'll get the lay this weekend, maybe not. Who knows? We're supposed to go to a big party together on the city with a bunch of mutual friends, if I'm feelin the vibes.. I'll stick with her, If not then I'm totally goin in for the kill on the night life!

Alex DeLarge

Master Don Juan
May 26, 2011
Reaction score
Entry #20

Saturday night, joined a few school friends and hit a club. This HB9 tagged along with me and we had some fun. She left early to meet up with her cousin before she left for Europe.. But she gave me a little sh1t test (which I posted about earlier). I went to give her a kiss, and she pushed me away. Then she said something like "No, we always do this on your terms".. I was kinda stunned that she pulled this, but I played it off cool. I looked her in the eyes smiled and said "Oh ___ You crazy girl" started joking around messing up her hair and gave her a big hug. She sent me a few texts the rest of the night saying she wished I came with her, but I didn't want to ditch the people I came with.

Well once this girl left, I got in to game zone lol. This was my first time in a typical nice club (I never go to places with dress codes). I found everyone in this place besides the people I came with to be incredibly rude both women and men.

I approached about 10 different girls and did not even get a "Oh hey how's it going" which is incredibly strange for me. I had one short conversation with a dope HB9 indian girl, but it didn't really go anywhere since it was so loud in the place.

On the way back I ran into another girl I was talking to that told me to go fvck myself about 2 weeks ago. She was kind of drunk and I just said hi to her. We had a short conversation and she actually wound up saying sorry about the whole argument we got in. She wound up cuddling with me in a buddy's car on the way back to our city. This girl is kinda crazy.. But fvck it man, I'm gonna be honest with myself.. The crazy ones always turn me on haha.

Well today it's monday. I approached two girls at school and asked one for an extra pen. The one I asked was a pretty cute HB8, and her friend was an HB7 who I had talked to before. I wasn't really feeling it at all so I couldn't spit any game. (Maybe the lame outcome of the club this weekend sort of put a damper on my charisma).. Oh well, nothing is going to fix that other than to keep approaching to see results.

I've been eying this really cute chick lately. Always see her on campus but we don't have classes together. I think i'll approach her tomorrow if I see her. Just gonna go balls to the walls direct. Go up to her, shoot some casual convo, compliment her, ask her for her number and a date sometime.