AFC buys my gf $450 necklace


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Truthfully, she's more of a plate than my gf. I have another girl she knows about. This girl is hotter, though, amazing in bed, always has a stable of AFCs after her. She's a single mommy, which is why I am reluctant to be serious with her. But we can't seem to leave each other alone. afaik, I am the only one she is having sex with, even though she knows about my other gf.

One AFC of hers is off his rocker crazy for her. He wants to marry her and adopt her kid, wants to have another kid with her. He buys a constant stream of gifts for her kid. He's not rich, either, works construction for probably $12 an hour. He just got his taxes back and bought her a dozen roses in a vase, that $450 necklace, and is taking her shopping tonight to spend a bunch of money on her and her kid. He'll probably blow his entire tax refund check on her. I bet he drops a grand this week. This girl is dirt poor, other than being hot and smart, she has nothing, no money at all, barely able to support her own kid. If love was ever for sale, he should be able to buy her.

All he's getting, though, is the chance to spend more money on her. afaik, she had sex with him once in December - she was texting me that night 'I'm at a hotel with another guy and texting you, wtf?' I was with my other girl at the time. Maybe they've done it since, but I doubt it. We make fun of him a lot. She says the gifts make her feel guilty, but she still will accept them. Often when she is with him, she will sneak off to call me. Sometimes, he even watches her kid while she is off with me. And he's happy to do it. The poor guy has the AFC mindset ingrained in his psyche. It reminds me of the Offspring song - 'The more you suffer, the more it shows you really care, right?' He's been married three times already; his wives evidently got bored of his AFC niceness.

I have had to deal with AFC advances in the past, but this guy is nuts. It would be easy to get mad and be angry at her for accepting his gifts, but that is not the way. Instead of showing a bruised ego, I just laugh at him and tease her about being for sale. She admits that he bores her to tears. As hard as it is, I will only say nice things about him. She will call me to tell me about his latest gift, probably trying to make me angry, and I'll coolly reply, "wow. That's great. He is a really nice guy." Then she'll be the one to insult him, saying something like, "Well then why am I sneaking away to call you?" Or, "if he could only give me a decent conversation."

Tonight, I was going to take her to her favorite restaurant. I don't mind spending money on her, because we always have sex. She knows that, unlike the AFCs, if I don't get what I want, then she does not get my attention. However, King AFC calls and wants to take her shopping to spend his tax money on her, so she is going out with him tonight to shop. Am I a little peeved about that? Of course. But I'm not going to let her know that! My response was, "ok. Call me after you send him home." And she will. She'll have me pick her up and take her to my house, then we'll fvck like we always do, and she'll sleep in my bed tonight. And I don't even have to buy her dinner.

I have taken these events to reinforce many points that are made here on sosuave. Some that come to mind:

Love can't be bought. A girl accepting a gift does not mean anything.

The greatest AMOG is a complete lack of jealousy or insecurity about her and other guys. AFCs are no competition. When you don't get jealous, it robs a beautiful woman of her power.

Any hot girl will have peripheral AFCs. Pay them little attention, except to enjoy a laugh at their expense now and then.

A woman would rather share a quality man than be faithful to a loyal AFC.

Love is not logical. Being the logical choice will get you nowhere.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
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The girl sounds like a player. I assume when you're not around she only says good stuff about you to her other boyfriends.

I don't know if I could take something like this, you've basically totally detached yourself emotionally from chicks. Must be nice.

But it's funny, after all the talk about AFC's buying gifts, I was starting to see it as some ridiculous, fictitious thing, but yes it actually happens.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2004
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In a way, I feel sorry for this AFC. After being married three times you would think he would have learned a few things. Obviously not. He will keep paying the hard way- financially and emotionally.

There's nothing worse than loving women but not having a clue how they tick.

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
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That's some quite story, it's also a bit depressing too because I was once that AFC who would spend all his money on women. I remember saving up $50 to buy I forget what game for the N64 and instead came by something that my crush really liked. Guess what happened? Her interest level remained the same, which was like none at all in the first place, and I realized I wasted my money and could have been playing a kick ass game instead.

Now I'm having conversations much like yours with women. One of my homegirls is always telling me about guys that take her out and refer all of them to "flavor of the week." We make fun of them a lot, like just recently she told me this guy told her "You know I love you right?" and she simply brushed it off saying "I know."

It's great being a DJ :)


Master Don Juan
May 16, 2003
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I was in this situation a while back where a girl I was dating/hooking up with had an extreme AFC chasing her around, buying her gifts and calling her all the time. We were only a year out of college and still finding jobs and stuff, so none of us (me, her, and the AFC) had any money at all. But all he would do was spend the few paychecks he was getting on her and appease her every wish.

I felt really bad for him and she started demanding I do the same thing for her, so I kind of just let him have her. It took her about five days to start texting me and calling me again. Though, for whatever reason, I never really connected with her again.

The most money he ever spent on her was one night when he dropped like $100 on a dinner, $50 for a night out and like $80 for a hotel room after that. She told me they never even had sex or did anything that night.
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
It's good to see threads like this so guys don't have to learn the hard way on here.

Good Lord, $ 450 on a necklace on this tramp? What does he see in her?
Did she tell him she's a virgin or something? And he bought roses and is taking her shopping to boot?

Sounds like my mom's teacher friend. He bought a woman some gold ring or necklace and she turned around and left him.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
i assure you she's pitty ****ing him... girls do it all the time...


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2007
Reaction score
I am in a similar position as you so I could use some advice. I am seeing a mommy as well. Took me a while to get her to go on a date with me but first night we kicked it off with sex and have been since. She's not as old as the one your seeing, anyhow her sons father recently contacted her and wanting to take care of the kid so he did with bad intentions. He went to court and filed custody for the child. That day after she settled down from crying and all the drama she ended up calling me to tell me what happend, i listened and gave her advice that I can and so on. So I decided to text her before she wakes up in the morning to say a few words to make her happy and so that she feels good before work. She replied with a few words and saying 'thank you for thinking of me, that means alot'. I am not interested in a relationship with her but I do want her to stick around and have sex with me and all the other stuff. So my question is should I be there to listen to her problems, give her advice, and send her text message's that show that I am thinking of her to make her feel better?
Any other tips/advice you could give me on treating moms...
I am not sure if I should treat her like every other ordinary girl that I want to sleep with or not.
Also should I be taking her out to the movies, dinners, and to the club with me(in other words spending time and money with her) with the exchange of her taking me home that night to sleep with her?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
Dole said:
I am in a similar position as you so I could use some advice. I am seeing a mommy as well. Took me a while to get her to go on a date with me but first night we kicked it off with sex and have been since. She's not as old as the one your seeing, anyhow her sons father recently contacted her and wanting to take care of the kid so he did with bad intentions. He went to court and filed custody for the child. That day after she settled down from crying and all the drama she ended up calling me to tell me what happend, i listened and gave her advice that I can and so on. So I decided to text her before she wakes up in the morning to say a few words to make her happy and so that she feels good before work. She replied with a few words and saying 'thank you for thinking of me, that means alot'. I am not interested in a relationship with her but I do want her to stick around and have sex with me and all the other stuff. So my question is should I be there to listen to her problems, give her advice, and send her text message's that show that I am thinking of her to make her feel better?
Any other tips/advice you could give me on treating moms...
I am not sure if I should treat her like every other ordinary girl that I want to sleep with or not.

show her you care, but dont give give give and not recieve anything back...
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
New TV commercial :

I have a new product known as the AFC Mastercard.

You can use this special credit card to buy anything for the girl that you like, and best of all, there you pay double the interest of the highest credit card currently on there.

The $ 450 paid for a necklace. Mastercard.

The $ 700 paid on a shopping spree. Mastercard.

$ 20 paid on roses. Mastercard.

The tramp who is getting all of this doing it with another guy and making a succer out of this hapless soul. Priceless.

That's Mastercard, and best of all, we make money on the interest, because, without AFC's, heck we'd be out of business.

Conditional upon credit approval.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
So my question is should I be there to listen to her problems, give her advice, and send her text message's that show that I am thinking of her to make her feel better?
Any other tips/advice you could give me on treating moms...
I am not sure if I should treat her like every other ordinary girl that I want to sleep with or not.

Are you typically so understanding with other girls? Don't be available 100% of the time, make her compete for you, and like sav said, demand that you get what you want - but beyond that your methods are up to you. I mix it up and try to not be predictable.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
Does character count for anything when you're choosing girls or is it really just physical?


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2007
Reaction score
The Paradise City where the grass is green and the
I especially like the way you threw in the Offspring lyrics.... "Self Esteem" is probably the biggest AFC song of all time....but they rock.

When she's saying, oh that she wants only me
Then I wonder why she sleeps with my friends
When she saying, oh that I'm like a disease
Then I wonder how much more I can stand
Well I guess, I should stick up for myself
But I really think it's better this way
The more you suffer
The more it shows you really care
Right? Yeah!


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2007
Reaction score
reset I am not sure who you are referring to but if it was my post then I account more towards character.

Also should I be taking her out to the movies, dinners, and to the club with me(in other words spending time and money with her) with the exchange of her taking me home that night to sleep with her?

sorry for hijacking your thread belt_bible