Actor Heath Ledger DIES!!


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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At the end of the day, let this be a lesson to all of us to make sure we are MORE PRESENT in our daily lives.

And in a sense, more a good sense, in the sense that we do not get overly emotional and attach too much meaning to things.
I have a gut feeling this was an accident. He ODed IMO.

As I said, let uis take this as a lesson....that Life is precious.

And being overly involved in anegativity, and not taking a step back and gain persepective, and not 'smelling the flowers' will be the source of deep deep remorse and regret.

And let us see the Value that he had.

And ifwe admire and respect those values in HIM.....then let us do the same for us.
And if we don't have them, let us work on Realizing them.
And if we associate with people who don't have them, let them se us as a light of inspiration.

I remember when Brandon Lee died.
What a senseless accident.
That man should not have gone.

But to ponder the imponderable....


If we believe in the Law of Attraction and that we CREATE our own Reality, then we have to seriously think, what was underneath his consciousness?
IF it is true that people who have such an obsessive fear of automobile accidents and such actually bring them into their life, how does this explain these events?

And if we don't believe that, then what do we have to look forward to?

"Mr. Anderson........why do you PERSIST?"

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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Right, place too much importance on ocurances in your life and you're sunk. But the woulda coulda shoulda who knows? If he'd visited the doctor more often who knows? We don't know. I NEVER take pills of any kind. I haven't been to the doctor in a Long time. I really need to go see a doctor just to see what's up. I haven't had benefits until now, and I still don't have benefits because they haven't kicked in yet. I've been on the edge in my job. Never played a Joker character, but I know what hideous pressure coming down on you feels like. It's like God pointing HIS gun to your head and shouting, "GOOO" or die. When you've got that sense of urgency, you're at your most honest with yourself, a stiff board, a stealheaded marine. You have no choice, you just move as if a gun is on your every movement.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
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Good post Interceptor. I don't know what type of guy he was, but it really hit me hard. We all know what pain feels like but something like this can sort of wake you up and make you realize what your priorities are.

The Bat

Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
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I wonder how this is going to affect Batman: Dark Knight movie's release.

You know there are going to be idiots out there who are going to blame it on Mr. Nolan for pushing Heath too far.

I personally think the movie should be released as scheduled so we can witness this man's final, possibly greatest, performance. It takes balls of steel to step in Nicholson's star character, much less character as complex and difficult as The Joker.


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
The Bat said:
I wonder how this is going to affect Batman: Dark Knight movie's release.

You know there are going to be idiots out there who are going to blame it on Mr. Nolan for pushing Heath too far.

I personally think the movie should be released as scheduled so we can witness this man's final, possibly greatest, performance. It takes balls of steel to step in Nicholson's star character, much less character as complex and difficult as The Joker.
It will only serve as publicity for the studio to promote the film. Though they'll frame it as his last performance. I think people are going to see the film out of morbid fascination with his death.

If you're going to die after putting a picture in the can make it the best thing you've ever done.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
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Yeah. I was actually stoked on this new movie and him playing the Joker. I'm sure they intended the character to go through more films. It almost seems weird that his last role would be a maniacal guy and everyone saying "I hate that character!" and "crap that guy died", I don't know how that's going to work out for the movie.

But yeah right now it kind of seems silly.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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Heath Ledger - another AFC casualty?

I will presume that everyone here has heard about him and his tragic death. From what I have been able to gather, he was distraught over the breakup with his girlfriend (wife?) and let himself go a bit, and accidentally overdosed on sleep medication. Of course, someone would have to really try hard to overdose on modern sleep medication to have to be fatal, but as a bit of an insomniac myself, I can understand at least a little how an exhausted unclear mind could make a mistake.

It never ceases to amaze me how some men who obviously would have little problem finding a new desirable woman get so devastated.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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From what I heard he wasn't distraught over his wife situation but was running himself ragged really getting into the Joekerr role.

Being so tired and mentally frazzled he likely took more pills than necessary and died thus it being an accident.

I absolutely think this was the case because this isn't the first time an actor has gone overboard to get into a role.

For example...

Brad Pitt trained like a beast for 6 months to get inshape to play Achilles for the movie Troy.

Christian Bale and Adrian Brody both lost a ton of weight to unhealthy anorexic levels for certain roles they've had to play to the point doctors were getting worried they might die from it.

Tom Cruise drugged himself enough to lose control of his legs to see what it would feel like to be Ron Kovic whom he played in the movie Born on the Fourth of July.

And I'm sure there are many other examples of actors going above and beyond the call of duty to get into their roles.

Personally if I was an actor I would draw the line at my health being compromised to get into a role but anyway Ledger didn't do the drugs like Cruise to get into the character but from what I've read he did them to come down from getting into the character ie he needed sleep and a mental recharge because the Joekerr was just so crazy to get into and play.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
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Well we're all conditioned here to see the matrix now. When I first heard of it I was like "wtf?" then I read "recently separated" and remembered he was with the chick from Dawson's Creek and BAM! It hit me. I was at work and read the story and yeah, it hit me kind of hard. Obviously I don't know the guy but that's the end result of not being in control. It could have been the woman, the role, whatever. It was probably a combination of everything. Maybe the grief from her was sending him over the edge and learning to be a psycho for a movie just left him completely confused about who he was as a man and he lost it. From what I've read his friends say he was depressed over her and they saw it coming. No one will ever know.

I was REALLY looking forward to seeing him in the Batman movie. I'm sure he would have been in a few more. I understand he really re-defined the character. Then like that, he's gone. This is one of those things that just puts things in perspective.

Kontroller I'm going to be the first to call you out on subconciously spelling the Joker as Joekerr. :D


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
KontrollerX said:
I absolutely think this was the case because this isn't the first time an actor has gone overboard to get into a role.

For example...
keanu reeves spent thirty days as a homeless bum getting ready for a movie before, and after the movie, he cashed in that check and went back to the place where the homeless people helped him survive and he helped those people.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
actually, heath ledger had plans.
he already had another movie lined up to be in, he loved his daughter, how can you say he was an afc and act as if this was something he did on purpose?

he was over worked, he was sick, he had some nightmares over that joker part and his missed his family, the man was just trying to get some damn sleep so he took his prescribed meds ... he wasn't trying to kill himself.


Master Don Juan
May 13, 2005
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Midwest America
I'd say, and this (along with everyone else's opinion here) is pure speculation as our perceptions are filtered through the info-tainment mass media, that this was the exact opposite of an AFC tragedy.

This guy lived with max intensity, and fell over the edge. This should be a caution to the rest of us that we're all mortal, that life is real, and it can end in a heartbeat if we don't respect the constraints of our biology.

A real AFC tragedy is when guys die as old men having attempted nothing great, having spent a lifetime of quiet desperation in servitude to others' interests, and never having experienced real hope or passion toward their own purpose.


Master Don Juan
May 13, 2005
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Midwest America
mr_elor said:
Look guys, everything isn't always in terms of 'AFC'. None of us know for sure what happened, and there's far more to the world than whether something is AFC or not.
If you've followed other similar discussions in the Mature forum, "AFC" in this context isn't referencing social skills with women, it's referencing scarcity mentality and the possibility of getting emotionally distraught over the loss of a woman. It's just a generalized descriptor of a mind-state, not a value judgment.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
RedPill said:
I'd say, and this (along with everyone else's opinion here) is pure speculation as our perceptions are filtered through the info-tainment mass media, that this was the exact opposite of an AFC tragedy.

This guy lived with max intensity, and fell over the edge. This should be a caution to the rest of us that we're all mortal, that life is real, and it can end in a heartbeat if we don't respect the constraints of our biology.

A real AFC tragedy is when guys die as old men having attempted nothing great, having spent a lifetime of quiet desperation in servitude to others' interests, and never having experienced real hope or passion toward their own purpose.
thats a good way to put it redpill..


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
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Beyond your peripheral vision
Anyways, being upset over the dissolution or your marriage or engagement, and when you no longer get to see your 2 year old daughter every day, is not AFC.

That's NORMAL.


Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
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Heath Ledger was a very good actor, and he will surely will be missed for his genuine portrayals ....

He seemed like a good soul, i guess the good do die young..


Nov 27, 2007
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I can't wait to go see "Dark Knight" it will be a good tribute to a fine actor. I really don't like relying on medications, there's always the possibility of overdose and error of mistake. Sad that someone who doesn't abuse drugs end up dead, while train wrecks like Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears continue to get away with it.