A Shocking Revelation About My Health: And I Will Answer Your Questions Here


Don Juan
Nov 19, 2008
Reaction score
dry skin :(


I have dry skin. I don't know if looks bad but its itchy as hell.
I tried using some body wash (Dove, b/c i found it in my bathroom lol) and some lotion I found in my bathroom, and my skin is still dry...

What should i do?


New Member
Apr 30, 2013
Reaction score
Was referred to this thread from another I just posted in the Mature Men section. Sorry for the thread-necromancy.

What I am hearing is that the only ethical thing to do is to disclose my HSV-1 (genital) status before having sex with a girl...yet everyone here says thwey would not have sex with a girl if she disclosed being HSV+ to them...they would just Next them...

In my experience every girl I've told up front has nexted me without sex. I'm not proud of it but I did have sex with two women without telling them upfront...one got tested and was negative, the other got tested and it turned out she already had it...both of these women were not ones I'd really want to date though.

I feel like a sexual pariah, doomed to rejection from all the HB 8,9, and 10s I would like to learn how to just sarge spontaneously.

What woman not having HSV would willingly sleep with a guy who had it? As was said earlier it would take commitment, but if I've learned ANYTHING from Rollo its DO NOT commit to a girl until I'm a bit riper in my SMV and can score a young fertile hottie with which to breed with.

So, given that I don't want commitment right now, and want lots of casual sex with different women, AND I don;t want to relegate myself to Hepres dating sites or clubs like some kind of modern leper community...

I'm at a loss.

I feel like my days of spontaneous sexual intercourse are over, and I've only just barely come to the realization that I was raised and programmed to be a White Knight AFC Beta. I want to learn to be Alpha, to be a better man, to have all the sex I want and deserve...but now feel like I can't.

In my other topic on this people were being less than helpful, though one person did link me this thread.

Do I need to resign myself to the FI, and find whatever girl will have me for an LTR long before my SMV has reached its peak?

I'm feeling borderline suicidal about al of this in light of my burgeoning Red Pill disillusionment...that women will never love me like I hope and was raised to believe they would, that hypergamy doesn't care, and that I will not be appreciated for who I am but only what I do for them...

Life feels ****ty.