Just another thought:
Most guys, when in the privacy of their own room or apartment (if you live by yourself), do all sorts of **** with their genitals while puttering about the house. Let's be honest here.
You might absent-mindedly give your balls a good scratch while watching Monday Night Football, and then flip the channel with your remote. The virus will now be waiting for you or someone else when it is next touched. The same could go for keyboards, mouses, doorknobs, taps/faucets, etc.
You might jack off to porn and touch your shaft or balls, then suddenly have to answer the door when you are (rudely) interrupted. You haven't c-um yet so you won't make a slimy mess, but what if you leave shedded virus on your mouse as you close the internet browser, open the door by the doorknob, etc.?
The risk is always there. What a disconcerting thought.
And by the way, I had a girl give me a bareback bl0wjob when I was on vacation in Europe. We met in a bar, and though we hung out for 2 days straight after that night, we only had sexual contact (the BJ, no intercourse) that one time. She had later confided to me that she had once worked a while as a callgirl in the past, which was a crazy fvcking shock to me. It's likely that she has had hundreds of lovers.
Anyway I noticed a few weeks after I came home (before she told me thru e-mail about her former job - we had a correspondance for a few months) that I had a little bump on the underside of my shaft. It wasn't an open sore, but a 'bump', like a really 'unripe' zit when it first forms on your face. And it was about that size too. It was neither red nor painful to the touch, as zits on the face tend to be. Just a bump, as if a BB bullet was inserted under my skin (the bump was smaller than a BB bullet, though). I was paranoid about it for a while, but eventually it went away and never came back. My shaft has since been smoother than Jennifer Love Hewitt's face.
So I wanted to ask you: is it possible that this is some weird case of Herpes simplex-2 that kinda came but never did? Or is it a genital wart? What is it?

I have had NO outbreaks of anything since then.