A RANT: Share why you are p!ssed

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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iqqi said:
I am mad that my mom thinks I owe her $90 when I know I only owe her $10.
Aww,... here, want me to cover this for you? Tell you what, I'll send her $100. Will that cover your share of the rent this month?

iqqi said:
I am mad that I can't save up $$$ to buy a new car.
Oh, you need a ride? I can pick you up in my new 300 and drop you off at work if you want. ???


Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
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this looks interesting,

i'm bad because:

-i interviewed for a STNA job all went well until i found out my classes are during training hours, now i have to wait.
-i'm going to fail the simplest math class available as a prerequisite because my teacher is ADD... when i could be working during those hours instead.
-i'm paying my school to pay this teacher who has 90% of his students failing his class.
-i'm hourless with two jobs.
-i'm broke
-i'm going to have to cut my hair when/if i join the military.
there aren't many cheaper options but to join the military.
-i wasted so much money for one year straight buying clothes even though i wear the same three t-shirts every day.
-there is no FF7 remake or confirmation yet.
-i can't find any perfect modded FF7 games.
-my car gets 13mpg because of a fuel leak.
-i say i can quit smoking any time i want, because i can... but i continue to buy cigarettes just to kill time between classes.
-school and hard work isn't second nature for me.

Kaim Argonar

Don Juan
Dec 10, 2007
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most of the smug posters who give "advice" on the various sections of the forum are unbearably crazy annoying, ESPECIALLY when they nod to one another in agreement in smarmy circle jerks-- this goes for the people who try to contrast with the OP and act as if they don't have their pet peeves

stop faking this nonchalant attitude

Stacks Of Terror

Don Juan
Feb 26, 2007
Reaction score
I'm mad because I got jumped yesterday by a bunch of dudes I was supposed to be cool with.
I'm mad because I was losing the fight when the dudes jumped in.
I'm mad cus there is a huge knot on my head.
I'm mad cus I feel like I could've prevented all this.
I'm mad becuase its the dudes I ain't never think of that got your back the most.
I'm mad I got suspended for 9 days plus an additional one more.
I'm mad cus I feel like grabbing the ruga and going to work.
I'm mad cus I had to sit in the emergency room for 6 hours waiting on a doctor to come through and tell me I didn't have any long lasting facial trauma which was obvious.
I'm mad cus I know this dude is at school acting like he got me all by himself.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
I am mad because there are many people in this country are dumb enough to vote for Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton strictly because of their skin color and sex, respectively.

I am mad because more and more people refuse to help themselves.

I am mad because more and more people refuse to think for themselves.

I am mad that my wedding costs so much.

I am mad because one of my clients is stupid.

I am mad because a b1tch I work with respects nothing about our company or job or anyone else there.

But all and all, I'm not really that bad. It could get a ton worse. All the so-called oppressed people in this country should take their panties off and get over it and do something productive with their lives.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
I'm pissed that I have this nagging sensation in my right thumb to dial my ex's number. Again. It's pissing me off to no end. Wish it would go away.

Mar 13, 2008
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Box 5
The Phantom Appears!!!

I am silently enraged that I do not get my praise and just accolades for the beauty I bestow to mere men without vision, without passion...

I weep with tears of burning fury that she cannot hear my music of the night, that she will not be mine...

The woman who I gave so much to, repays me in pity and betrayal! To run off with an insolent fool of a man, a pretty Martha who calls himself a man, he loves her because of what I made her!!!

I scream in wrathful agony of seven sorry octaves, for my solitude and my pitiful existence in a world of darkness and mystery! However late it may be for prayers and useless pity!

I bite my own tongue in bitter dejection, for my condition that has led me to this wretched destiny, and kept me from the pleasures of the flesh...

I am ravenously angry that the world shows no compassion to me!

What do you know of anger!!!!

And... noone listens to me when I tell them to leave Box 5 empty!


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
I am mad because I have a co-worker who is lazy as fvck, but gets away with it (was another thread) and gets paid more than me. He's taking a vacation for a few weeks but it's not a big deal since he doesn't do so much anyways.

I'm mad because I haven't rocked Iqqi's world yet, because we know that's what she really needs since she started this thread :)