I hate the fact that no-one has a god-damn idea what life is for, but keep on talking to you like you should follow their fuc'king advise cos they fuc'king know better cos they're smart enough to swallow society's fuc'king
message whole and become a fuc'king slave to the fuc'king machine.
I hate how all the friends I've ever had who could understand where I'm coming from are in a different place and with the people I hang out with I pretty much can't share what's going through my head, having to talk about shi't I don't care about, do shi't that doesn't interest me (or rather, not do sh'it, just "hang out"), and act as if life has no more meaning than american-style basketball clothes.
I hate that society is built on the idea that you have to make an "equal exchange", as if you can put a price tag on everything, rather than simple sharing, which makes a lot more sense, because it's based on love, not fear, and works at least as easily without a bit of the bullsh'it.
I hate how you can enjoy learning but school insists on making you hate it, just for a "diploma" or whatever. WHO THE FU'CK CARES.
I hate how I've felt obliged to be joyless, and I hate the idea that there'll ever be anyone who thinks that I should be FOR ANY F.U.C.K.I.N.G. reason.