A Modern Dating Tragedy: A Man's Perspective


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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Although the idea seems logical, I believe it is oversimplifying the big picture and that the roles really have changed in the last decades (for better and for worse).
I do not believe roles have changed, opportunity has been brought forth.

Due to automation in the home, processes are simplified. Washers are automated. Fridges reliable, bigger, colder. Food, cheaper, easier to make. Fast food IS available. TV's, programmed to precisely what we want. Computers, enable us to pay bills online, and to automate bill payment so that wives don't have to.

Yard work? That's a toss up. Men, for the most part still do it, but lawnmowers simplify it somewhat, or people just get a lawnservice. That hasn't changed either.

MEN...we still work, get degrees, fight in wars, play politics, invest, watch sports, try to raise our kids best as we can, fix cars, fix the electrical circuitry of our house, fix our computers, save for the kids college, etc, etc, etc. Right?

I mean, my Dad worked for his father, and his father worked for his father. Our family business went out of business in 1989 or so, but still, my dad worked, and was married in his mid 20's, much like his parents before him, his before him, and so on.


Most guys are like this...our time hasn't changed. We are only afforded a few time saving devices to make more money, which has only kept up with inflation, competition, and so forth. We're more interconnected than ever, so we can work anywhere in the world, and be found anywhere in the world, which is both good and bad. BUT...for men, we're still vanilla.

WOMEN...who formerly had the primary occupation of being housewives because householding WAS so tough without any automated devices, without any computers, without washers, dryers, ovens, fridges, etc...are now FREE.

They were freed through OUR devices and inventions, they were FREED through our laws, voted by politicians, yet pushed by bra burners and feminists. WE freed their TIME and their autonomy...and one would have a feeling that the LEAST we'd get is a THANKS!

BUT no, we are seen as thugs, criminals, as holding them back. HARDLY! Even before the revolution that freed women up, did they even WANT the jobs we had? Would they go over seas and fight? Would they go to the automotive factories and work? (some did, but nowhere near the % that we did)Would they slave in sales jobs, on wall street, etc??

Some might say...well if they could, they would. HARDLY. Men, would you honestly take the role of househusband? Cook. Clean. Take care of the kids.

51% of you WILL say no. I enjoy cooking, to try it out, but i'm not chef, and I don't know many men, who posed the option would COOK over FIXING a car, selling, building, or running a business unless they're a CHEF by trade. yes, I have uncles that love to love, but so do their wives, and their primary occupation is SALES, BUSINESS, etc. They have a few CHOICE recipes they make for holidays or PATS games, but they don't cook 7 days a week.

So by inherent nature we wouldn't do it. On the flip side, women gravitate toward the delights and delicacies of food preparation, of the social aspects, of the creativity, and sensuous delights
to cooking and the like.


So roles have only changed for WOMEN. Not for men. We ARE the bedrock of society.

It's funny, guys here say things about success...and typically...they come to a conclusion...

"We start doing what works and do you know why we stopped? Because it works...things get messed up and the reason they are, is because we stopped doing what works. That's why."

I believe that. On Wall Street, they try to pitch new investment schemes all the time, but there's no NEW way to invest. They invent new ways to APPROACH it, to capture returns, but there's no NEW, NEW way. That's just the allure, the call of the sirens.

I mean...look @ DJing...or PUAing...they're all hybrids or variations. Any guru selling some EBOOK is ripping of NLP, or DAVID D, or ROBERT GREENE or ROBERT CIALDINI, some guy who's insight into women supposedly unlock the mysterys of their thights, but there's no NEW, NEW fundamentals. It's all smokescreen for the egos out there.


The fundamentals don't change, but the society we operate within has. The relationships don't change, we or women have more freedoms. They're not tied to the home as much as they are required to be, so in turn, they can be working part-time, or full if they choose.

Because of freedoms and the right to vote, they have some control over their destiny, rather than looping it around 1 man. But in the end, the EXPECTATION is still there for there to be only 1 man to give them everything they ever dreamed of just like their father did.

I don't say this to be a misogynist, but to be a realist.

1. Invention.
2. Politics.
= Changes in Socity that freed women and altered the home.

Male roles' have not changed, but we're asking to change now, by who?

Women...yes, that's right. AHA! Because before, the only ones dictating what was seen or not, was men. Women had little say. They weren't in board rooms. They weren't in companies. They didn't start companies. They couldn't vote. So society was shaped mostly by men.

Now, it's an equal to or greater match by women shaping men.

Metrosexuals. Weaker laws. Accceptance of homosexuality and obesity. Pornography EVERYWHERE. Slvtty attitudes. Girls are better than boys shirts. Women want to be on the PGA tour, but they don't want men on the LPGA tour. Women want to bring little babies to sports games, where cussing and beer guzzling occurs.

The PC element introduced into society like a vicious disease is done to DUMB down the grotesqueness of life. It's a knock down on a movie rating, from R to PG13, to eventually G. Stop men from being mean, hostile, etc, especially in the work place, yet open up society to NEW ideas, to femininity or sexuality.

Many of the vices snuck behind the feminist movement because some clever profiteers saw the potential and were thinking "damn, we can do something here!"


Have we men changed?



We're not fighting back...

A guy has options. He can do his desires, or say fvck it, and just accept what is, use women, be a professional, travel, fvck hoes, and MAYBE have a family, which is unlikely given the obstacles right now. Those are the BASIC options at 2 extremes.

OR, he fights back. Claims the last remants of the free world, or not so free as his that he, and his forefathers fought for.

Heck, Jesse Ventura is LEAVING the country. He doesn't believe our laws are fair, that we are in fact free and can't stand it. He said this while Ted Nugent was being interviewed. Honestly, I have respect for both of them because they are out there doing something different. They're not some paid-for politician lobbying for corporations, taking his free health care and awaiting their fat pensions. They're in the midst of it, speaking out, good or bad. And taking a position and a stand. The rest are just floating in a pool in the middle going with the tide.

So my answer?

Roles have not changed. Not for men. We accept what roles we choose, we are not forced to accept them. We're given more personal freedom, which is being squandered.



Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
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belleville, il
And when youve got her coming to your defence you know I'm right.
im guessing your mother was a *****? right?

if she was a good women..I feel terrible bad for her


Sep 18, 2005
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Originally posted by frivolousz21
im guessing your mother was a *****? right?

if she was a good women..I feel terrible bad for her
You came to my defense? AWWWWW

Didn't I insult you afew posts back?


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
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Originally posted by Bill
@Alicorn: Please settle this with private messages.

@A-Unit: Nice post, but it feels like a harder rehash of the original post. Basically, what I read was "since evolution has always needed men and women to go forward, women need us hence it is useless for them to deny the fact that they are dedicated, like men, to the evolution process and thus they should accept their role and actually fight the feminist agenda".

Although the idea seems logical, I believe it is oversimplifying the big picture and that the roles really have changed in the last decades (for better and for worse).

Nice discussion, good points everyone.


I agree with A-unit.

The best way to fight the feminist agenda is to ignore it.

Funny thing is that when you forget that the fantasy world of feminism even exists you become a well-respected and very attractive man. When you stop listening to all the crap about “what women want” and you focus on your goals. You become successful with women.

I submit that roles have not changed. In terms of the global perspective they are still the same. They always will be the same.

We may see a lot of "role reversals" on TV or articles that proliferate exceptions, but when you truly look around it isn't that way. When I hear someone say such things it sounds like they are regurgitating a bunch of annoying feminist social marketing. Roles have only changed on television and in the minds of women living in a fantasyland.

Women are still looking after children and men are still working as the main provider. Every man I know that has a wife tells me that her money isn't required. In fact, it basically just pays for day care. The joke is that women have simply picked up jobs and pushed the responsibility of raising children off to other women (the day care workers). Now doesn’t that just sound stupid? Women getting other women to raise their own children!

Whenever someone tells me that roles have changed I stop and ask them, “If that is true then how does that change my behavior?” The fact is it doesn’t. And if I let such fantasies guide my actions as a man I just end up in AFC world and I become pathetic.

The fact is my role as man in life hasn’t changed and it never will change. I am still expected to be a gentleman, a provider, honorable, wise, and powerful. If I want a housewife I can STILL find one. There are billions of women in the world and many of them do not view the role of a housewife as slavery. The problem in North American culture is that women ridicule women who are housewives. Women are just simply fighting with themselves. Feminism pits women against women and it turns them into depressive usless trash.

Men live on the way we always have.
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Reborn Don Juan

Don Juan
Aug 7, 2005
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Whew, it took me quite a whole to read the whole thing.

The female response (Metro) was certainly as expected. More feminist propoganda crap. Of course she doesn't/can't see the gist of what's being said, because what's being said is so diametrically opposite to how she is used to go through life/dating that even considering it sounds ridiculous. Like someone saying the sun moves around the moon.

And by her I am, of course, speaking for the whole lot in general.

The central problem, it seems, is that we men have changed.

Most of us, when looking for women, go around it wondering what they want, trying to please them, playing their mind games, sucking up to them, being their little doggy. Whatever it takes.

It's all our programming. And it's only come around in the last couple of decades.

How many of us actually go about the whole dating business thinking about our own profit? Sound too cold? How about our own needs?

Instead we try to raise our value in their eyes by doing pretty much what they expect: playing through their shit tests, et al.

Even with most of the stuff we discuss in this very forum, most of the stuff in the bible, what they teach us is to ascertain our value in the woman's eyes. To break through her tests. Why the hell? Why tolerate those tests at all?

Most of us here are brought up to be unselfish samaritans who, if they can, help out. I'm not saying that's a bad thing; nothing wrong with helping your neighbor assemble that darn tool shed.

In fact, there's nothing wrong with being terribly unselfish with dating too; but the important thing is that we do it completely on our terms.

Pretty much the whole reason (according to me) the dating debacle exists is simply because we have been programmed to do what we're told. To please.

Every single love movie you saw is guilty. Every single stupid love song you heard is guilty. They, each and every one of them, build up a world where the man does or pledges to do anything for the woman. They, each and every one of them, place women on some sort of imaginary throne.

And that's just wrong.

With all this equal rights for both sexes crap, what's happened is that we men have reduced our status below women rather than keeping it the same.

Instead of making it so that both sexes have an equal chance of choosing their prospective mate, we've given most of the power to the women.

In my city, in the buses, we have seats reserved for women. Most girls sit on any other seats except those. And here's the thing: say the bus is filled up and there's an empty seat, only, it's reserved for women, and a guy sits on it. On the next stop, if a woman climbs up, the guy has to get up! Never mind that all the seats on the right, the ones which aren't reserved for women, the ones where the guy would sit--could sit if one of those women had actually sat down on the women-reserved seats earlier--are full of women. What kind of equality is that?

The only way to get it back is to simply stop giving a fuck about their nonsense. Acting like a bitch should no longer be forgivable. You have a boyfriend? Well, fuck off!

If they can keep up their what-I-want philosophy up, so can men. The sad thing is most of us do not.

And that's the big reason we're all here. Myself included; bloody hypocrite. :rolleyes:


Don Juan
Sep 30, 2005
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Some long forgotten village
You know what...

I think that you are eensy weensy bit exaggerating.

For one - I agree the roles of the sexes are clear. The man is the protector and provider, the woman is the nurturer and caretaker.

The whole reason why women are attracted to power and men to kindness is because of that.

However - the whole feminism was born in the times when women _were_ opressed. I mean I find it terribly wrong that half of the population had denied access to education or voting rights (among other things). That was wrong, and that had to change.

The problem is the fact, that feminism has long lost its usefulness and is now devouring its tail. After bringing women out of one form of slavery it... has thrown them straight into another one.

In current times it is _shameful_ to be feminine. It is _shameful_ to have kids and stay home. Basicly it is _shameful_ to assume the natural feminine role.

Now women need to be independant, aggressive and ofc completely in control. Women need to be... manly. No wonder men have problems with approaching them - after all they try to approach a 'man', a potential aggressor. Someone who is capable of kicking their behind. So instead being aggresive (as in "action taking") they attempt to buy and kissass themselves into their graces.

OFC they fail since
1) women don't want to approached this way (despite claiming that they do)
2) men are not designed for this kind of approach

Methinks, that herein lies the problem.


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
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belleville, il
Dont feel too bad for her, if she gave birth to a woman trapped in a hobbits body such as yourself she probably would have disowned you.
ur the most insecure person here.

captn caveman

Don Juan
Dec 10, 2003
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The below is exactly what is part of the reasons for my identity crisis in my relationship. And the break up, and the possible future break up.

My woman is independent, and has strong ideas, many discussions arose because of that.

But the turning point was that when she made me feel that if I were to leave her, she would cry for a day or two, and not let the other aspects of her life be affected. (Though this has proven to be wrong, still the feeling has not changed.)

So what happens is that you start to criticize your power, your energy you put into the relationship, as you want to be the most important thing. You are not. You are powerless. You are replacable.

And this, can even be felt with little sentences criticizing your taste, your flat, the way a friend of you acted, the choice of food, anything which is not constructive or destructive in nature, but goes against appreciation for you, killing the hero in you.

No games or no lies here, this can be stayed indifferent to, in the conscious level, but the subconscious makes notes just so that the feelings pile up to make you feel like worthless **** one day.

Even though the girl is crying.

You know you have immense power, you know you should not have listened to her words, you know you are a man who is needed. And yet, this ****ty feeling is rooted deep inside.

This is one of the biggest mistakes women do: To disregard the need of appreciation of a man who has opened himself up.

Originally posted by 00Kevin
While not seeking a slavish dependence, a man needs to be needed by the woman he loves, yet the constant message sent (ad nasuem) by the modern woman is "I'm strong and independent! I don't need a man!" Of course, this is a hollow and defensive cry and betrays her bitter disappointment in men—otherwise she wouldn't need to announce it so much—but men hear it at face value and retreat.

A man may admire a woman for her strong independent qualities, but let her start telling him of them often enough and what he hears is "Well, she doesn't need me then!" and his eye begins to wander in search of someone who does. A man may respect a women for her independence, but he will cherish and love her for appreciating and needing (and in so doing bringing out) his manliness.

Tell her a little about yourself, but not too much. Maintain some mystery. Give her something to think about and wonder about when she's at home.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
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In a way, many of you are talking about "traditional values". But do traditional values exist anymore?

Think of the war in Iraq. 100 years ago, you Americans would have answered George Bush's call, put on your uniform, and marched into the holy lands to fight and conquer.

100 years ago, you didn't spend your teenage years f*cking around and drinking beer. You studied for a respectable profession and enjoyed it.

100 years ago, black people were considered inferior and had little rights.

These values don't exist anymore. But we can build new values. Instead of complaining about how "women used to be feminine in the 1930s", why not help build better values?