A man's horniness vs a woman's horniness


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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You're a really negative dude. You're the perfect example of the "You must be really fun at parties" joke.

Also, your tendency to focus on yourself and your failures instead of contributing something valuable to the forum is unhelpful.
Chicken and the egg. I became negative as a result of my failures.

I contribute when possible. But when your track record is as bad as mine, you're not exactly in a position to give advice to others in most cases.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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Yes exactly. I dont know why this is still debatable. Trans women that transition to "men" have written about how intense their sex drive was after that first dose of hormonal (testosterone) treatment was. One said that she found herself just staring at womans butts on the subway and did not know why lol.

Older women on HRT ( hormonal replacement therapy) have said the same thing. One women on camera basically said she understands why men cheat. She said men are fighting a different battle. She also said that after the first doses of testosterone she caught herself checking out many more random guys. That never happened before. I can show you the video if you dont believe me.

Men are WAAAAYYYY hornier. If women were as horny as men nothing in this world would get done. Everyone would be having sex all the time even the ugly dudes would be having sex all the time with the hottest girls.
The story about checking out backsides on the subway reminds me of that time when a member on this forum (I forget who) said workplace policies against checking out/flirting with coworkers are stupid...Because such policies contradict human nature. It's human nature for a man to check a woman out, no matter how many rules a feminist HR director makes against it.

Horniness is a definitely a factor in why men cheat. There's more to it though. Since it's a lot harder for a man to get sex than for a woman to get sex, a lot of men feel like they aren't in a position to turn down sex. If a man is in a relationship, yet isn't getting sex from the woman, he'll likely take an affair if offered. I say this as a guy who cheated the very next day after I started dating a girl once.

Many a woman worships her vibrator. That's one key difference. For a woman, masturbation is often more enjoyable than sex (the opposite is true for men). Therefore, a lot of broads satisfy their sex drive through a vibrator (rather than sex)


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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You dont feel any guilt or shame banging a married woman? Im not judging but I had to stop messing around ( not banging) this married chick. I felt like karma was going to get me one day. I also felt bad for the guy.
No, I don't feel guilty, nor do I feel any shame.

Even though he never officially found out about our affair (as far as I know), he was in no position to complain. The woman never would have cheated in the first place if it weren't for the inhumanely long dry spell he subjected her to.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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These are not rules but observations. Lol, watch out for those cougars. If she was young and hot, I’d put money down that would have more energy.
One time that flirtatious, 60 year old, skin-showing coworker socialized with me after work. At a venue a mere mile from where I live. Yet we never had sex (which pisses me off).

She could act flirtatious and handsy in the office, yet wouldn't invite herself over my place when she had a perfect opportunity to.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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The fact I'm on the spectrum undoubtedly plays a big role.
Yes, but how much. A spectrum represents a gliding scale. Some autism is barely noticeable, others go 'full retard'. So are you able to somewhat mask your autism or are you clearly autistic? And if you're clearly autistic, how does it show?


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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Yes, but how much. A spectrum represents a gliding scale. Some autism is barely noticeable, others go 'full retard'. So are you able to somewhat mask your autism or are you clearly autistic? And if you're clearly autistic, how does it show?
My case of ASD is mild.

When one has severe autism, it typically shows in their appearance. A few forum members have privately seen what I look like. I remember asking one if I "look" like I'm on the spectrum (based on appearance alone). He said no.

With how mild my case is, I mask it pretty well.

My ASD mainly manifests itself in a few ways:

  • Difficulty reading a woman's cues
  • Lack of understanding of social norms
  • Hard time relating to others
  • Ritualistic behavior
  • I hate uncertainty
  • Not a party animal (not even when I was a teen)
If anything, the fact my case is mild is somewhat of a curse. Since I'm not clearly autistic to the outside world, they see no reason for me to possess the oddities I possess (which leads to the woman getting freaked out).

Not that being clearly autistic would be any better (in fact, my luck with the ladies would be worse if I was clearly autistic). But at least if I was clearly autistic, the outside world would know to expect oddities from me.