A live example in Progress of Seduction: field report from Supreme

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
OH no!!! First the Jay'z and Nas beef and now Player_Supreme and Ronin I!!!!!!!

No one cares, just forget about getting the last word in and get back to the topic. With all the replies and views people will think "This must be a good thread" but they willl be treated to 4+ pages of arguing. Both of you talk about the other oen misleading the Dj community but, both of you are doing it right now. Squash the beef and get back to helpful insight

John Juan

Don Juan
Jul 17, 2003
Reaction score
i've gotta say playa, on top of your FINE defense against all these little chickens nipping at your toenails, i'm impressed by your dj style. you're throwing them prime rib when they're still picking chicken feed out of the mud. you're thinking outside the box. evaluation of the situation leading to adaptation and evolution. props.

i think ANY woman, regardless of age or race, can appreciate a man who is in control of emotion and language like that, take those sensual buds and plant them within her, knowing that there is nowhere else it will head other than the place you have guided her. strength and grace at once. the key is knowing when to use it and how much, which you obviously have mastery of.

and hell no, no dj can neglect their face to face game. neg hits, kino, ec, etc.. no email alone is going to land some pvssy. nor is all poetry copy and pasteable. ronin proved that with his dumb@ss experiment. the thing i think ronin doesn't understand is that it isn't HIM behind the words when he copies. that if he had skill with it, he could use poetry to his advantage when the time is right. i'm thinking that's the big lesson you're trying to give him? and even broader than that is the concept that the dj tool set can be infinitely expanded and adapted to the situation (HB) at hand.

i've been using email and poetry in my game for awhile now. it works in some situations, often just comes out in what i say naturally. its in my nature to play with words and capitalize on their power. at any rate, in the end of all this, i come away with a strengthened sense of the concept that the written word is just another powerful tool at the disposal of a refined dj to crank up IL.


Ronin I

Master Don Juan
Mar 8, 2003
Reaction score
Player - I am losing more and more respect for you with each word you utter.

You think you deserve respect because you are older and are more experienced? I agree. I respect you for that reason and that reason alone.

Let's take a look at the tactics you use in your responses - you resort to name calling like some little girl who has had her lolllipop taken away from her.

"Kid, son, ronny babyboy, babyboi, fool, idiot, geek, symp" - just on this thread alone.
You are such an avid debater, yet you have to resort to such childish tactics?

Your bravado may fool some of the feeble-minded but I see it for what it really is - all bark and no bite. Again, no SUBSTANCE. You adhere to the age-old strategy that if you say something to someone enough times they will start to believe it. Just keep telling everyone that you are the best and sooner or later they will take it to be true right? Again that sh!t might work on the weak-minded but to me you are transparent.

I will say that I enjoy these little sparring matches as well. A little mental exercise keeps you sharp and is partilcularly important for you player, in your advanced age.

As for my responses getting shorter, like I've said before if your responses contained any substance (instead of name-calling, and your weak attempts to make yourself look good) then maybe I would actually have something to respond to.

Yeah, yeah I know - it's actually because I am outclassed and can't keep up with your superior intellect :rolleyes: .

Let me tell you why YOU are the idiot -
You are the idiot because I have told you many times that I think I can learn from you and your experience. Maybe in your advanced age you have forgotten this - but I have even said it in this thread (yet I am a jackal, fool, idiot, etc?). Maybe I am a fool to think I should learn from you -

YOU are the idiot because you picked a fight with someone who is your intellectual superior - and you know it -

YOU are the idiot because you picked this fight for no good reason -

YOU are the idiot to question my accomplishments and make assumptions about a man you know nothing about -

You disappoint me Player.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2002
Reaction score
chicago,il , usa
" when are you going to learn that your out classed here...I'm at the level of chess while your still playing with tonka trucks trying to ram me...."

wow! you sure do take compliments well!

*rams tonka truck all over playa's chess pieces"



Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2003
Reaction score
Hey, I don't want to stop you guys bashing each other but as someone stated earlier, isn't it all about what works for you in the end?

I have much respect for all of those involved: Starman, Ronin and Player_Supreme. When it comes down to it, I tend to have a great deal of respect for the older DJs since they usually have a lot of experience. Even if someone has had 60 years of failure, you can still learn from him because failure is a great teacher and another person can learn from them. So over 40 years of someone telling you what works for him and what doesn't is still insightful, IMO. Just take it or leave it.
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Starman
" when are you going to learn that your out classed here...I'm at the level of chess while your still playing with tonka trucks trying to ram me...."

wow! you sure do take compliments well!

*rams tonka truck all over playa's chess pieces"

Ok you made me laugh...
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Uhhh yeah...wow I guess I really got too you Ronny baby!

1. name calling are only tools to through you off your game as it did and worked real well.

2. In a post I acknowledged your saying that you can learn from me.

3. I didn't start this attack. You foolishly posted on MY thread an attack of a method that I am trying to convey.

4. Your respect for me means nothing after what you showed me today Ronin.

5. You didn't address any of the issues I bought up in my so called attacks...ronin..japanese....geek....what are you...ect ect...

6. Ok your smarter than I am you have shown me the light. You have out debated me "son" "kid" "ronny" babyboi" "ect" "ect"

7. I don't attack I defend, I'm sorry if you thought I was attacking you in your confusion to stamp your little feet and shout out your point of view ronny.

8. I never said I was the best...just better than you! I never said I am the all knowing master of all or oz or DJ...I haven't even read the bible yet ...uhhh..."kid".... kinda makes you feel small when I call you that doesn't it...it's because I mean to stupid. Everything I say to you is for a reason. I told you this is how I handle my women too. Too bad I can't approach you as I would a man with respect...instead I have to resort to treating you like a biatch.

9."You think you deserve respect because you are older and are more experienced? I agree. I respect you for that reason and that reason alone." Ok If I am more experienced, then why the f*uck would you of even tried to attack my methods? Are you admitting you made a mistake...you grabbed a lion by the tale and got ya ass bit off?...think before you respond...I am testing you right now kid...everything I say has a reason and a purpose to it.

10. " Again that sh!t might work on the weak-minded but to me you are transparent." Yeah so transparent that you didn't see where I was coming from when I destroyed all of your arguments.

11. "I will say that I enjoy these little sparring matches as well. A little mental exercise keeps you sharp and is partilcularly important for you player, in your advanced age. " Do I need to respond with words hear or better yet as they say a picture is worth a .....


thousand words...at my age will you still get carded? I doubt that...will you look as I do? I doubt that too.

But you are right in my advanced age it does keep me sharp....except your no challenge to me. A real challenge is a real master of women like a real pimp...now if your buying hollywoods version of a huggybear type of baffoon...you better think again...wake up neo...

12. I will not bother with the rest of your post...it's too weak. Let's just save you some ass left so you might one day catch a woman and have some left for her to finish reaming.


ouch...damit starman you ran that tonka over my f*uckin foot.
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
John Juan...thanks for the nice words...there is hope for this site after all. I'm impressed.

" . ronin proved that with his dumb@ss experiment. the thing i think ronin doesn't understand is that it isn't HIM behind the words when he copies. that if he had skill with it, he could use poetry to his advantage when the time is right. i'm thinking that's the big lesson you're trying to give him? and even broader than that is the concept that the dj tool set can be infinitely expanded and adapted to the situation (HB) at hand. "

very astute observations
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
My last lesson on this thread is this:

If you can't handle yourself with name calling think about how a woman will get under your skin....you gotta keep your cool and let the other person play themselves. As Ronin did.

Think about an unpleasant situation with a woman. How will you handle it? Like ronin or like me? As a pimp or a symp. Women are masters of words and know just what to say to get under your skin...

A true playa doesn't let his emotions get the best of him. Like ronny did. A true playa knows how to take each element of "her" argument and turn that shyt around and make her feel foolish...uhh you guys know....like I did with ronny...

I love it when some fool wants to step forward and start sumthin...

I was talking to my buddy in my picture and he noted that all the guys who start somethin are white...now why is that...not one brotha on this site has said one bad thing..maybe because they reconize game....but the fools who keep trying...why? he asked...then he told me..."you are intimidating to some white men...they can't handle the fact that ....blah blah blah...

"wont be nuthin if ya don't start sumthin"- will smith MIB (1)

Ronin I

Master Don Juan
Mar 8, 2003
Reaction score
Uhhh yeah...wow I guess I really got too you Ronny baby!

What makes you say that?

2. In a post I acknowledged your saying that you can learn from me.

And you can learn from me as well.

3. I didn't start this attack. You foolishly posted on MY thread an attack of a method that I am trying to convey.

Ahhhh, finally Player gets to the heart of the matter. It's about time - I'm was beginning to lose faith in you - OK - phony supreme, where exactly did I attack your method? Think before you answer old man, cause I'm testing you here.

5. You didn't address any of the issues I bought up in my so called attacks...ronin..japanese....geek....what are you...ect ect...

What issues? Why I chose this screename? Who gives a rat's ass - I liked the movie. :rolleyes: All of two seconds of thought went into me choosing this name. What other issues? Am I asian -what does it matter? These are all pointless questions posed in a weak-ass attempt to deflect attention from your flawed arguments.

7. I don't attack I defend, I'm sorry if you thought I was attacking you in your confusion to stamp your little feet and shout out your point of view ronny.

Your tactics are growing old - you rely on the same weak-ass sh!t to try and belittle me - "kid, son, tonka trucks, stamp my feet" - come on player suspect - come up with something original will ya. This playground sh!t might work on some chumps but not me.
So tell me - what exactly were you defending? (Since I never actually attacked you).

Ok If I am more experienced, then why the f*uck would you of even tried to attack my methods? Are you admitting you made a mistake...you grabbed a lion by the tale and got ya ass bit off?...

I never attacked and I've made no mistakes. And you are not a lion simply because you roar like one. Again, I see through you player - your WHOLE game centers around you declaring something over and over until symps accept it as truth. You are a paper tiger.

Do I need to respond with words hear or better yet as they say a picture is worth a .....
Yeah I've seen your picture before player - this isn't about what you look like.
I doubt that...will you look as I do? I doubt that too.
Not unless I magically turn black.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2002
Reaction score
chicago,il , usa
heh Im going to email 2 more white wimmins Players Smoov talk in email and see how they respond...I will post it soon
Apr 3, 2003
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starman read the above posts. I think john juan addressed that issue as well as a few others besides myself. you gotta learn the style...the person....the event...everything goes into what you say....and how you say it...

another example of dumb and dumber still stamping their feet demanding attention.

Ronin: sorry I don't have time for you right now. I kinda scanned and laughed at your post...still too weak bro. but getting better...your adopting my style then condescending yourself and trying to use my words...good start but you still gotta do better son...sorry.

Ronin I

Master Don Juan
Mar 8, 2003
Reaction score
starman read the above posts. I think john juan addressed that issue as well as a few others besides myself. you gotta learn the style...the person....the event...everything goes into what you say....and how you say it...
another example of dumb and dumber still stamping their feet demanding attention.

Wow player you are slower than I thought if you think these emails are serious. Have you tried Ginseng? (supposed to increase mental alertness).

your adopting my style then condescending yourself and trying to use my words...good start but you still gotta do better son...sorry.

Yeah pops, that's usually what I do when I want to mock somebody.
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Ronin I
starman read the above posts. I think john juan addressed that issue as well as a few others besides myself. you gotta learn the style...the person....the event...everything goes into what you say....and how you say it...
another example of dumb and dumber still stamping their feet demanding attention.

Wow player you are slower than I thought if you think these emails are serious. Have you tried Ginseng? (supposed to increase mental alertness).

your adopting my style then condescending yourself and trying to use my words...good start but you still gotta do better son...sorry.

Yeah pops, that's usually what I do when I want to mock somebody.
1. I will bet I made you wait al long time for this attention didn't I lil ronny baby! ((tweaks ronnies cheeks))) then (((flicks his oversized wobbling head)))....mongoloid head that is...don't get it twisted. You know ronny I was looking at guys like you today at starbucks earlier. geeks! Nerds! you know...what I mean. I feel kinda sorry for you now. It's kinda pathetic how you keep coming back here trying to start sumthin.

2. No you go back to your first posts and see. I'm tired of showing you the way of your own stupidity..it's time for you to grow up and face it yourself.....and stop stamping your tiny little feet.

3.Your ending sucked...not strong at all...I used to think you could do better, but now .....(((shakes head sadly)))) oh well forget it kid...

4. You are playing yourself by continuously coming back to this thread....waiting and lurking in the darkness...avidly waiting for "my" responses....like my women do...but sorry ronny baby...I don't roll that way...keep rolling on fella!

5. The rest of my comments are irrelevant cause you will only continue to play yourself with something even more stupider than the last time. Weak comebacks kid...try harder...

6. Mock huh..sorry that doesn't work either....everyone knows your trying to adopt my style and got caught at it...what works works....don't be ashamed to admit it. I learned from the best also.

7. In this game you gotta crawl in and wait tables before you can walk in like a king and be seated...so get to swabbing the floor...

oh and you missed a spot starman left with his tonka trucks...you will probably never even get the similies I just displayed..
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Ohhh one more thing notice starman keeps quiet now...you might learn from your buddy...notice he resorts to childish comments now....totally destroyed...mindless...like you will end up....now why don't you get on your hotwheel cycle and roll on outta my face

Ronin I

Master Don Juan
Mar 8, 2003
Reaction score
You know ronny I was looking at guys like you today at starbucks earlier. geeks! Nerds! you know...what I mean.
You keep playing yourself with childish comments such as these playa. Geeks, nerds etc (or "ect" as you like to put it) - yeah maybe if we're still in high school but your a "mature" man of 43 years - get over it.

4. You are playing yourself by continuously coming back to this thread....waiting and lurking in the darkness...avidly waiting for "my" responses....like my women do...but sorry ronny baby...I don't roll that way...keep rolling on fella!

Well we have that in common then now don't we? Oh no let me guess, your coming back to "teach me a lesson" right? It is you who will learn a lesson pops.

5. The rest of my comments are irrelevant

First bright thing you've said all thread.

Ohhh one more thing notice starman keeps quiet now...you might learn from your buddy...notice he resorts to childish comments now....totally destroyed...mindless...like you will end up

He keeps quiet because you are not worth his time.

....now why don't you get on your hotwheel cycle and roll on outta my face

See now there you go getting angry again. Relax, it's all going to be alright.

You didn't answer my question player - it was a simple one - when did I attack you? Answer that and I'll leave you alone.

If you can't answer that then I am going to teach you a lesson. Put you down like a little dog - this is the only chance I will give you.
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Sorry Ronald I didn't read your post except to scan "43" Uhh sorry again pal...I'm 44 as I've posted many many many times. That is all you get son. I gotta go post something else.
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
final shot: Here is an example of vulgarity and it's usage or how it depends on the person this was posted here before and at another site:

Taking women in and out of sexual fantasies during IM convo will get them wanting you. I went to one of my aol accounts today and one of the rich *****s whom I f**k with on occasions IM'd me. Yesterday I ignored her, but today I decided to stoke her up a little.
Of course you know I edited out the screen names...sorry there is no trust in a den of thieves. Plus I'm from the old school and parents ideas..(Scottie and all the other N*gga's you know what I'm talking about)...lol....she is seeing a famous golfer...but not the one listed...I am advising her to take his money and funnel it over to my account....:

Co : how are ya???
Sac r: why are you online at this time of the day?
Sac : fine
Co : Im at work
Co : i have my aim account setup
Sac : how are you online at worK?
Sac r: ahhhh
Co : im special
Sac : yes you are special….special ed that is biatch
Co : Im so special that i took your advice & im letting Tigar Woods pay for the Navi
Sac : good
Co : I have a # for you
Sac : spit it
Co : no he wants to take care of it all $825
Co : he gave me his credit card
Sac : spit means say (say the number)
Co :
Sac r: his credit card? good b*tch
Co : oh spit
Sac : yeah...now you get it...hip hop lingo
Sac : let his sucka ass take care of the whole bill
Co : 1-800-01-4974 Looking for Adults to do adults films
Sac r: you musta broke him off some good p*ssy babygirl

Co : yea he said he was sprung... whatever that is
Sac : sprung means ....hooked on you

Sac r: have you tried it with a woman yet
Co : no not yet
Sac : licking you down there
Col : i need you
Sac r: sucking your big nipples
Co : stop it yo silly
Sac r: you know you think about it...
Co : My divorce is final next week
Co : yes i think about it
Sac : grabbing her hair and slapping her....pulling her to your p*ssy
Co : ummmmmmmmm
Sac : making her lick it while I f**k you
Co : ummmmmmmmmmm
Sac r: I know what your fantasy is
Sac : babygirl
Co : Daddy...... why is it that someone really cares about me & wants to make me happy but i cant get into him?
Co : he is the perfect candidate.........
Co : i just cant really feel it
Sac : cause he doesn't have what I have...he doesn't make you feel the nasty way I make you feel
Co : my heart is heavy
Sac : he doesn't pull your hair and dominate you the way you need to be taken
Sac r: ****ed like a slut
Co : why wont you let me into your life
Co : we go months
Sac r: cause I'm damaged goods
Sac r: you are a good woman...no doubt about that...you enjoy pleasing me totally...
Sac : I enjoy what you bring to the table...
Co : all we need is eachother
Co : what if this guy wants to marry me
Sac : thats fast.....
Sac r: hold on I have something for you to read
Co : he said that he wants to buy me a big house wiyh big closets and new furniture
Co : what do you want me to read
Sac : Five: The Wife. Ice-T says 95 percent of married women are prostitutes since they don't love their husbands and marry for money, security, or both. True, some women are into the wife hustle, but to allow that only five percent marry for love, kids, SUV's and a house in the burbs says more about the rapper's attitude towards women than the reality of American life.

Co : do you think this is true?
Sac : your just following the American way...
Sac : nahh... I think most marry for love at first and end up hating their husbands but do it anyway until they just can't take it anymore
Co : like **** & I
Sac : just like you and ****
Sac : sh*t I wish I had said that
Co : how come you wont let me love you????
Co : you would be so happy
Sac : your love is too intense
Sac : wrong time in my life time....
Co : I can bring home the bacon bring it home in a pan
Sac r: fry it up and never neverlet me forget I'm a man
Sac r: I'd never have to work with you on my team
Co : and never let you forget your a man
Co : & i could paint fantastic things with your inspiration
Sac r: yes and make millions...of course I would spend it as fast as you make it...
Co : i havent picked up the paints in months
Sac r: then you need some inspiration
Co : I would let you. i would enjoy seeing you feel secure
Sac : you need your Daddy don't you
Co : I will be home alone all weekend
Co : yes Papi
Sac : I will make a big effort to see you for a few hours this weekend then...
Co : oh great
Sac r: I will spank you this weekend and pull your hair...Oh I’m still thinking about setting up my escort bus. I have a girl who’s down for it…
Co : I will to if someone wants a whitemex with a jlo ass
Sac : j-lo types are in demand b*tch
Co : um yes i would like to ordr a fatassed girl this evening
Sac : sh*t
Sac : with your looks...
Sac : all that hair
Co : one that has big hair
Sac : that big ass
Sac : and your willingness to please
Sac : don't get your sh*t twisted
Sac : hmmm...big soft ass bent over
Sac : taking it
Sac : being ****ed
Sac : and enjoyed
Sac : touching you down there...
Sac : making you cummm...
Co : only you can do that biut i can fake good ask Tigar Woods
Co : But.. dang i need to get my nails done
Sac : no need you used to be married...

Co : I am an actress
Co : cya
Sac : all ho's are good actresses
Sac : thats why you are made for this sh*t
Co : put me on your A list
Sac : you already are b*tch
Co : A for Ass
Sac : yeah there you go
Sac : bye
Co : okay i just wait to hear from you... **** can watch
Got dammed Aol Update crashed my computer here, but I just told her no to my buddy watching…....
oh I also corrected her when she said "bye baby" and told her to never call me nothing but Daddy... I'm not her baby....I am her Daddy in the pimp way only. baby is too personal and makes them think I am their boyfriend....Hell no!