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A live example in Progress of Seduction: field report from Supreme


Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2003
Reaction score
Red Sox Nation
yeah anchoring is NLP lingo, but it doesn't have to be. It's mainly a label attached to a huge box of behaviors and actions, and peopla keep throwing stuff there. My whole post is summarized at the bottom. There's no need to argue whether this stuff works or not in genral BECAUSE if it works in one setting it cannot be generalized to all settings. It needs to be tweaked to suit the type of woman you're dealing with. I think everyone should adopt as their standard disclaimer that "This stuff is currently working for me, on this particular woman in this particular context. If it doesn't work for you, I'm not the one to blame."

And for those who attach the label AFC to everything and everyone, do you know what AFC actually means? Remember a DJ is flexible and he does whatever is neccessary to get the girl.

That means the DJ has to decide on three things:

1. What type of girl he's dealing with?
2. Is this girl worth the challenge?
3. Is he willing to do whatever it takes to get the girl. In other words does he WANT to spend the time seducing the girl?

Remember that if at any point the DJ finds the girl too much of a challenge or not really worth the effort he can back out and find himself another one.

A DJ becomes an AFC when he finds himself so much drawn into the game, drawn into the challenge, that it takes up all of his time thinking of strategies and techniques to sedce her, while his life slowly but surely passes by and he is still living the same way he lived 5 years ago. So yes a DJ can do whatever he wants as long as he statys in control of his life. As my friend J.. always says "Everybody's time is important so choose wisely how to use it."
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
413 people have viewed this report and only a few fools popped out so far. I am pleased. I will update it as soon as my new victim sends me an email back.

we will see how successful my attempts were.

As for the hecklers...read and learn baby! I'll bet you fools are feeling real stupid right about now...since yes It's a white wimmin that I am seducing...and yes that stuff is corny but it's working...

good nite gentlemen.


Ronin I

Master Don Juan
Mar 8, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Player_Supreme
413 people have viewed this report and only a few fools popped out so far. I am pleased. I will update it as soon as my new victim sends me an email back.

we will see how successful my attempts were.

As for the hecklers...read and learn baby! I'll bet you fools are feeling real stupid right about now...since yes It's a white wimmin that I am seducing...and yes that stuff is corny but it's working...

good nite gentlemen.

Player - why are you pleased that only a few fools popped out of the wordwork to comment on your emails? The more fools the better no? So you can set them straight.

Player, for the record I wasn't heckling - just chiming in with my opinion on the matter. Your posts, whether I agree with your tactics or not, are always informative.

I think, for the hell of it, I will try to send a similar email to a prospect of mine. I really don't care whether I get with her or not - rather I'd be curious to see if I could get away with the same corny sh!t :D .

I will post my email and results -

I am pretty fvcked up right now so I am likely to screw this up, but what the hell? It's all in good fun, no?

This is what this board is all about - guys trying different things with women and then reporting back on their results. We are ALL still learning about women because they are WAY too complicated to be understood in one lifetime.

Ronin I

Master Don Juan
Mar 8, 2003
Reaction score
I think I'm just gonna plagiarize your sh!t Player , but change a few words to fit the situation.

Interesting experiment!

Ronin I

Master Don Juan
Mar 8, 2003
Reaction score
This is the email I sent...

"So I guess you don't follow the stereotype then? You know, I had a lot of fun the other night talking with you. It's amazing how time flies in our conversation. I really enjoy having fun with you K.

You have such a deep well of passion locked away...I could feel the heat passing from you when I used to kiss you goodnight. I could feel your soft surrender to being a woman instead of locking yourself away from your body soul and mind....remember when our lips met K?...how soft and sweet it was....the touch of our tongues....our breath....my strength....when I pulled you back for a second touch of our lips....

One day you will be released from your prison....do you understand this....feel this....never mind writing that you are sweet and innocent....a real man will give himself to you when you are ready and not before then...."

Here's a test for us whities...how will this girl react? Personally I think she'll either be stimulated or think it's funny and different(either way I win :D ).

Will post results.

Oscar Wilde

Master Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
cool Ronin, I'm interested in seeing how it works out for us normal folk...


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
I really enjoy reading your posts - it's an education in something completely different to what I know. I hope you keep this thread updated.

Ronin I:

I think I'm just gonna plagiarize your sh!t Player , but change a few words to fit the situation.
Nice - I like your honesty.

This is the email I sent...

"So I guess you don't follow the stereotype then? You know, I had a lot of fun the other night talking with you. It's amazing how time flies in our conversation. I really enjoy having fun with you K.

You have such a deep well of passion locked away...I could feel the heat passing from you when I used to kiss you goodnight. I could feel your soft surrender to being a woman instead of locking yourself away from your body soul and mind....remember when our lips met K?...how soft and sweet it was....the touch of our tongues....our breath....my strength....when I pulled you back for a second touch of our lips....

One day you will be released from your prison....do you understand this....feel this....never mind writing that you are sweet and innocent....a real man will give himself to you when you are ready and not before then...."

Here's a test for us whities...how will this girl react? Personally I think she'll either be stimulated or think it's funny and different(either way I win ).

Will post results.
I hope that this stuff actually relates at all to the girl you met.. Did you change any of it except her name?? It'll be interesting to see what she makes of it, as it wasn't written to push her buttons.

I've no experience in this, but I would imagine that an important part of being able to open her up to you with emails like this would be her memories of the time you spent together and how you came across to her on your last date.

As she reads, she's going to be hearing the words in her head in what she imagines is your voice, your inflection and intonations, she'll be seeing your body language and remembering what it was like to be with you.

It's all part of one package, so it probably all needs to fit together to work. If the tone of your email really doesn't tally with how you were with her in real life - ie she can't imagine you saying this sort of stuff to her face-to-face, then I imagine it could close her up, rather than open her up, as she'll detect the discrepancy and read it as insincerity and fakeness.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
Originally posted by Ronin I
This is the email I sent...

"So I guess you don't follow the stereotype then? You know, I had a lot of fun the other night talking with you. It's amazing how time flies in our conversation. I really enjoy having fun with you K.

You have such a deep well of passion locked away...I could feel the heat passing from you when I used to kiss you goodnight. I could feel your soft surrender to being a woman instead of locking yourself away from your body soul and mind....remember when our lips met K?...how soft and sweet it was....the touch of our tongues....our breath....my strength....when I pulled you back for a second touch of our lips....

One day you will be released from your prison....do you understand this....feel this....never mind writing that you are sweet and innocent....a real man will give himself to you when you are ready and not before then...."

Here's a test for us whities...how will this girl react? Personally I think she'll either be stimulated or think it's funny and different(either way I win :D ).

Will post results.
hahahahahahah! !!! lmao!!!! i can NOT wait.

for the follow up.

i hope more of you try this and post follow ups! ahahahhaha! pure comedy! but lose the (...) after every other fragment, please. its redundant if you are actually writing it out.

please post follow ups! preeeettyyy please!


Don Juan
Aug 19, 2003
Reaction score

BRO!, i Agree with y ou TOTALLY.

Even before I had any kind of game and was in the (what you guys would call AFC) stage, I would be smooth(with writing emails etc.?) with women, and thats probably the only thing I was good with that kept women all crazy.

I still use the same things today, i'm just not a wimp.

When I read your post, I could instantly tell you were on a higher level than me. I instantly realised I didn't have the same capacity as you when I write smooth things. Not only do you write smoother but you portray yourself as a challenge and mix it with sweetness so well, she will not know what hit her.

What player_supreme is doing is so skillful that he is able to portray challenge, and everything else that shows that he is a man that you could possibly get from a neghit or C/F in such a smooth way, the girl cant help be swept to her knees in sweet words, meanwhile longing to chase for him because of the intertwined challenge through it.

Fjucking beautiful Player_Supreme, email me at v2ooo@iinet.net.au sometime, maybe you can give me more ideas and tips of yours, that others have no idea of their value.
I also like to read, and I am really interested in some good book recommendations since it seems that you are very well read and have good taste in many things.

I think you guys who complained must be blind or outright illiterate not to see his game through what he said.

You guys gotta relax with all the Neg hit this and C/F that, the fact that we have a name for things as Neg hit and C/F makes it worse because, it remains in your head like trying to remember a speech. To be successful in speeches you must know what you are talking about and talk about things. Not regurgitate what is in your memory. You will look like a fool if you keep thinking "must do this must do that' "what was i supposed to do?"


Don Juan
Aug 19, 2003
Reaction score
Oh and about whoever that said, you will get laughed at if its white women? or needs to be above 28+ , BJULLSJHIT FJUCKEN
I've used this **** on girls that are 16, any intelligent girl will fall to their feet, if you do it right. Ofcourse you don't just say it first time you meet, or in a weird situation. Everything has context, and when the right time comes you can do it.

Remember guys everbody is different you cannot expect techniques to work on every girl the same way. You should realise what the girl is like and what situation you are in, and all other variables that obviously effect people and your relations with them.

You should not think that everything is generic. Many times when Player_supreme makes a post you should try to imagine a scenario and context in which what he is doing would work, not to find out how many ways it WONT WORK FFS.
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Vip thanks for the vote of support. It a pleasure to see someone who reconizes game. There is a saying that goes "game reconizes game" You must have game in order to see game.

That is what the problem with those fools who wanted to heckle....they don't have enough game to reconize it when they see it....that is why any woman they mess with will always come out on top until they wake up. Women are the best game players and until you open your eyes you will always be in the dark when it comes to women.

There were two idiots who are like jackals at a lions heels whom I will leave nameless. They truely didn't believe the crap they posted here, it was all about their ego's.

I have found that alot of guy's on this post have had such negativity in their lives that most of what comes out of their mouths is the same way. They are too stuck in their shyt to see their way out.

Some of the guys reject what I say cause of racial reasons. No black man could possibly know this stuff and have this information so it must be lie's or false or will not work. I've noticed that when one of the dogg's start snapping at my heels certain people will come at me when I fight back as if it's the "black guys" fault....never mentioning the white guy...but that's cool I have lived a long time and I am used to silly stuff like that. Most people aren't even aware of what they do.

Now watch what comes out of the wood work now...."oh were not predudice...ohh my best friend is black...oh we are all here working together....ect ...ect... or " if you feel that way..why don't you...." Well I don't feel that way I just notice ****. A player has to pay attention to everything and develop his powers of observation to stay on top of his game.

Plus a few bad apples don't spoil the whole bunch-michael jackson -and donni osmond

Anyways Vip I am going to send you something to help your game along...

Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
see vip you got mail...enjoy the ebook that I sent you. if you have something to say post it up here. I do not check that ebox very often...plus good public relations if you post on this thread...
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
and vip you got another ebook in your inbox. it's 1 megabyte long so I hope it can handle it "the master seducers handbook"


No I will not send it to anyone else. vip was man enough to step forward and give his support against the jackals at my heels and post his email addy to boot so that was my way of saying thanks for seeing game in my post.

peace yall
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Here is her recent email:

You don't hold anything back do you. I am comforted by your strength and your calm demeanor. Thank you for sharing that with me. You have complimented me endlessly and I enjoy hearing your words of kindness. Physically......... wow; you're amazing and I thoroughly enjoy the way we talk.
I'm just honest....real..... passionate, yes....about so many things.. God, people, life....it's all amazing so amazing to me I want to share that passion with the whole world! I hope the passion you sense within me is more than just physical - with your mind and depth I'm sure it is. Sex is a beautiful, amazing and intimate part of life. Sorry my mind is so jumbled right now.

Good night, sleep well,

Ronin I

Master Don Juan
Mar 8, 2003
Reaction score
Here was the response to my plagiarized email:

"Ronin I,
Did you write this? and if so...What??? Is it a joke? You didn't sign it so I assume you let someone else fool me here. I am completely clueless. K"

I will admit this was a very tainted experiment as it didn't really fit the situation - funny how she could tell right away I didn't write it.

Oh well it was good for a laugh.

How to respond, hmmmmm - with another similar-styled email perhaps? :p
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Ronin I
Here was the response to my plagiarized email:

"Ronin I,
Did you write this? and if so...What??? Is it a joke? You didn't sign it so I assume you let someone else fool me here. I am completely clueless. K"

I will admit this was a very tainted experiment as it didn't really fit the situation - funny how she could tell right away I didn't write it.

Oh well it was good for a laugh.

How to respond, hmmmmm - with another similar-styled email perhaps? :p

what the f*uck? you are on the wrong thread. If you ment this for me I didn't understand a word of what your attempting to say.

It looks like you said someone plagerized your email before they sent it. I didn't send you any emails so you lost me on that one kid....

what are you trying to say son? I think you lost something in your translation.

Ok in reading your last sentence....I think your suggesting that I am faking the whole report??? is that correct. I can't quite get what your attempting to say.... is this a poor attempt to snap at my heels and make yourself look foolish? You and starman crack me up on this thread. Oh and let's not forget Helter.

Ok I am not going to try to read what you posted. Reprint it so that we can understand where your going with your postings young man.
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Ok I get it now. You pasted my email to someone named K and tried to use it....I think seevip said something about context...do you know what that means kid?

You need to learn the style of what I am trying to teach you son...not just duplicate the words.... learn the style and repeat it in your own words...understand why I say what I say and that will teach you.

No wonder she new you didn't write it. I also think seevip also mentioned about this type of foolish testing above. you should of read his post in your fervor to make a point you lost an important lesson kid you digg.

maybe for a finish of this lesson you can learn from seevip or the other nlp gentleman. seevip now has a copy of "the sexual key" and I'm sure he would be happy to show you where you went wrong.

I'm too busy to waste educating you Ronin...oh isn't that some kinda star trek name? I don't watch the new ones but I kinda remember something like that on there...do you go to the conventions and stuff with those little funny outfits on??


Ronin I

Master Don Juan
Mar 8, 2003
Reaction score
Player - relax, I am not a Jackal!

If you go back and read the thread you will see that I plagiarized YOUR email and sent it to this girl that I hung out with a couple of times (I was more than a little hammered last night and thought it would be good for a laugh).

Apparently, the poor girl is a little confused.

It was a half-ass, drunken, poorly designed expereriment to see if your methods could work for a whitey :D .

Ronin I

Master Don Juan
Mar 8, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Player_Supreme
Ok I get it now. You pasted my email to someone named K and tried to use it....I think seevip said something about context...do you know what that means kid?

You need to learn the style of what I am trying to teach you son...not just duplicate the words.... learn the style and repeat it in your own words...understand why I say what I say and that will teach you.

No wonder she new you didn't write it. I also think seevip also mentioned about this type of foolish testing above. you should of read his post in your fervor to make a point you lost an important lesson kid you digg.

maybe for a finish of this lesson you can learn from seevip or the other nlp gentleman. seevip now has a copy of "the sexual key" and I'm sure he would be happy to show you where you went wrong.

I'm too busy to waste educating you Ronin...oh isn't that some kinda star trek name? I don't watch the new ones but I kinda remember something like that on there...do you go to the conventions and stuff with those little funny outfits on??

The Ronin were ancient Japanese samurai (mercenaries).

Player, why the condescending attitude my man? It seems that whenever someone questions you, you get very defensive and childish - just MHO.

I think that it is you who misunderstand. I didn't go wrong anywhere because I didn't care either way about the outcome. I just enjoy fvcking with people. Ok gramps?