a girl i like...

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Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2010
Reaction score
Wilmington, DE
rsofa said:

News flash: today she was at school and me at home, and we were texting. I said to her that if she has time that she should call me. 2 hours later, she ended up in front of my house. We were alone, a little bit on the computer watching pictures and stuff, then because it was hot she layed down on my bed.
I just sat there and looked at her....im just kidding :D sorry
This is how it happened: I layed next to her, and I put my hand over her belly lol. Weird to explan. We fell asleep in a hug.
No I didn't kiss her, when I tried she looked away.
1 more thing...some time long ago she said she doesn't like kissing....maybe because of that?
Or maybe because she still has that thought of...I WONT HAVE A RELATIONSHIP with anyone.
Please get off this forum until your ****oris develops into an actual ****.


Don Juan
Dec 17, 2012
Reaction score
Oh dear, Its funny how you are probably just another noob like me, but just being a smartass over the forums...


Don Juan
Nov 28, 2012
Reaction score
Portugal, Lisboa
rsofa said:
Oh dear, Its funny how you are probably just another noob like me, but just being a smartass over the forums...

He has 1083 posts, he joined the forum on 2010, do you really think is a noob like you?

She doesn't like kissing, yeah a girl that doesn't like kissing...hum....a girl that doesn't want a relationship...hum....let me see...... of course she likes you, you have all the chances with her, continue going after her, continue being her best girlfriend in the world, continue the non stop texting, yes continue doing all of it, maybe next week you two will get together to play with barbie dolls, and share make up.....


Senior Don Juan
Mar 14, 2012
Reaction score
"We were alone": dude, really. If you two were really alone, I mean your mind/instinct should screaming "fck her, FCK HER!!!".

"And I put my hand over her belly": did you try rubbing it? Did even try escalating at all??? You two are in a bed ALONE! No one home at all. And you're in bed with her. And nothing happened except y'all went to sleep in a hug position which easily could have went to a make out/se* if you manned up and made a move. I really hope you realize how much you missed out man. You missed out, BIG TIME.

Hope you get another opportunity like you had today, I really hope you do.


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2010
Reaction score
Wilmington, DE
rsofa said:
Oh dear, Its funny how you are probably just another noob like me, but just being a smartass over the forums...
Maybe if you'd read my "noob journal" you would know that I'm not a noob. In fact, if you read it, maybe you would learn something that you could apply to make the same progress that I did.

Alternatively you can keep ignoring our help, writing on this forum as if it were a diary about feelings, and remain a hopeless virgin with a girl that probably thinks you're a closet homosexual.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
so she was in your bed, but not naked and screaming?......

say do you have Justin Bieber posters around your room?

feh, I can see a world of pain and you being a virgin till your 40th birthday, will not bother to say anything anymore, you sure know what you are doing.....


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
rsofa said:
Oh dear, Its funny how you are probably just another noob like me, but just being a smartass over the forums...
You would be wise to listen to BPH (most of the time :up:)


Don Juan
Dec 17, 2012
Reaction score
Eh eh. :)
Maybe BPH you are not a noob, but this is the internet :p

About the in bed stuff: She's not the type of girl to just have sex... she wont have it no way. Not even my priority. And she was pushing me away when I tried to make out, so yeah.
Don't worry I aint gonna text even more and be even more with her. I know I have to ignore her and stuff. It's just hard. That's all.
I asked her friend what does she think. She said she always talks about me and smiles when texting with me and stuff and that she maybe likes me. She's gonna ask her more.

Offtopic: How do I get my username changed? I misstyped when I was registering and now I always fail loging in -.-


Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2011
Reaction score
She's wearing your balls as earrings.

Guys, this kid is going through the most intense, hormonal imbalance of puberty I have ever seen.

He cannot be helped. Kids going through this phase cannot be helped because although they try to think they want to improve, they really LIKE feeling this sadness and loneliness that her presence creates.

I remember when I was 14.


Don Juan
Dec 17, 2012
Reaction score
I don't care :D

When all will be wrong...
Ill come crying back then :D
Or return like a boss. :D


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2011
Reaction score
Johannesburg, South Africa
rsofa said:
I don't care :D

When all will be wrong...
Ill come crying back then :D
Or return like a boss. :D
Yeah you're going to fail. You've ignored every single piece of advice given to you, made excuses whenever we question your actions and claim that she's a special case even when we've told you otherwise.
Things started out nice but then you just refuse to listen. Don't you dare feel sorry for yourself when you inevitably fail, it's your fault; we tried to help.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
rsofa said:
I don't care :D

When all will be wrong...
Ill come crying back then :D
Or return like a boss. :D

for someone not caring you sure come here to ask for advice, what i'm seeing here is a kid trying to get diferent opnions, but not see what he will do, just to see if we agree with him, pretty much he is acting like a girl, so you will fail because you are now her girl friend


Don Juan
Dec 17, 2012
Reaction score

Well, I kind of know her better, and I found out she has kind of a low self esteem.
The thing is she can't accept she is beautiful, she always worries how she looks and that she is too fat and ugly (which she isnt) then she focuses on the minimal things, like her eyes and lips... And then she says that she doesn't deserve no one because she is ugly and always does everything wrong. She also worries a lot about what other people say about her, and if someone would say she is ugly she would probably go insane. Also when we go out she doesn't like to be seen by anyone, even if we are not alone....
That's the main problem here....

Rocky Balboa

New Member
Jul 2, 2013
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Please, for the love of God, read this: http://www.mts.net/~bpony/djbible/

Start in "Step 1", read all 3 posts. Then go to "Step 2" and read the first 2 posts. If those 5 posts combined don't wake you up, I don't know what will.

Here is what I would do if I were you:

1) Cut contact with her. I don't care if you see her every weekend, talk to her if she talks to you, but nothing unnecessary. Do not text/phone her 24/7. Also, do not go out with her whenever she asks you to. Tell her you are busy and have no time.

2) Start going after other girls. And don't be afraid to talk about them in front of her. She needs to know that you have other options.

3) At this point, she either won't care about what you are doing, in which case forget about her, or she will be begging you to spend more time with her. If she does that, tell her that you aren't going to waste your time on her, since she thinks of you as a friend, and she wants another boyfriend anyways, you aren't interested in her and are going to go after other girls.

4) If she continues after you and begs and pleads, go out with her on YOUR TERMS. If you want to kiss her, you kiss her. If she says "sorry, I don't do that", then say goodbye. A girl will let you kiss her if she is attracted. Also, the next time she is lying on your bed in your house, fvck her brains out. If she stops you, tell her to get out and say you are busy. You don't have time for her games.

If you ignore the advice the other members on here have given you, I agree that you are going to be a 40 year old virgin.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 24, 2012
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Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
rsofa said:
Well, I kind of know her better, and I found out she has kind of a low self esteem.
How old are you? You took a really long time to figure that out, I assumed that the first post you made about her. It seems to me you're the typical AFC.

Read the DJ bible: http://www.mts.net/~bpony/djbible/

To everyone saying you're friend zoned, you're not. BUT you are very close to being friend zoned unless you PHYSICALLY ESCALATE. It could be too late for a relationship(Don't know why you would want one with an Emotionally Unstable, it's no fun) but it's better to know now and move on so you can either use her for her friends rather than being used as an emotional tampon yourself.

rsofa said:
News flash: today she was at school and me at home, and we were texting. I said to her that if she has time that she should call me. 2 hours later, she ended up in front of my house. We were alone, a little bit on the computer watching pictures and stuff, then because it was hot she layed down on my bed.
You're not getting deeper toward the friend zone but you're not going anywhere toward a relationship either. That oneitis you have for her isn't helping either. Her being Emotionally unstable is actually helping you.

rsofa said:
About the in bed stuff: She's not the type of girl to just have sex... she wont have it no way. Not even my priority. And she was pushing me away when I tried to make out, so yeah.
Don't worry I aint gonna text even more and be even more with her. I know I have to ignore her and stuff. It's just hard. That's all.
I asked her friend what does she think. She said she always talks about me and smiles when texting with me and stuff and that she maybe likes me. She's gonna ask her more.
That's bullsh*t. EVERY girl is a sl*t and just want's to fvck. And no she isn't different. They WILL not say or admit that they do because society doesn't accept that as "Lady Like" (Thank the feminists for this :trouble:) You clearly have oneitis for this girl and have shown signs of you taking the Blue pill. So i'll tell you how to get her just so you'll hopefully learn from this mistake.

You don't have to No contact her, that's jumping the gun in my opinion, going Ghost(Only talk when she talks to you) is completely acceptable. Only when she rejects you or begins playing mind games should you No Contact her.

Since she's emotionally unstable, there are a few different rules that apply for getting her. You're already half way there, so here's a push.

I don't recommend anyone else following these rules, being a DJ is far more greater as a personal and overall benefit.

Rules on how to get an Emotionally Unstable:
1. Emotionally Unstable people are Ego driven. That self validation is vital on their part. It's simple, you have to show you're comfortable with yourself (even if you have to lie) and not afraid of anything. She'll want what she can't have for herself in short.
This means NO AFC "Emotionally Broken" crap from your part what so ever.

2. You need to relate AND comfort her when she brings up her "problems" when the time comes. This is also vital. This requires a bit of experience, as it's difficult to maintain your frame and still be able to relate to her "problems" without being thrown into the friend zone. Anything negative you say about YOURSELF, you need to end it on a POSITIVE note. Saying mushy stuff INDIRECTLY toward her is also a big help. You need to be able to change her negative attitude into a positive one.

4. The Art of conversation is also vital. None of that "How're you? "I'm well," "What're you doing?" crap.

Scroll down and refer to Step# 7


bradd80's Secret Guide to become a Don Juan, Scroll down it's:

(I would read his whole post if you haven't, it's worth the read!)
5. Purposely failing sh*t test's SOMETIMES. Meaning if she says she's "ugly" you to tell her she isn't.

6. Physically and sexually escalate will prevent you from being thrown into the friend zone, FB at the very least(which is good :D). Be dominant(meaning escalate/ask her out), this step is universal.

If you follow these steps, and judging from your position with her, then you should have her within a week.

HOWEVER if you continue to follow these steps WHILE you're with her, and give into her attention seeking/self validation behavior you'll loose her within a month.
Also to be noted, the sh*t tests that she will throw at you will be endless. According to most DJ's on this forum including myself, you've failed almost all of them at this point BUT because shes emotionally unstable you're not out of the park. You're still her ego boost and she won't let that get away, plus you've shown you're better than her(from the rules i posted above) by displaying confidence and still displaying your emotional/empathetic side.

Emotionally unstable people aren't worth the trouble. You give part of your manliness and dignity in the process and will almost always end up getting burned by her emotionally immature behavior. :kick:

You're still in high school just like me, I want you to profit from this experience. The only type of girls AFC's get are the emotionally unstable ones. DJ's don't even give them the time of day.

Keep us posted.
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Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
you may still have a shot if you man up and go for it

from the sounds of things you still have a shot

you're being incredibly beta and spineless OP but it sounds like you still have a shot

rsofa said:
she is actually not taking over no part of me... she aint using me and she event doesnt want me to do anything for her because she thinks that she is just taking advantage of me.
rsofa said:
I invite her out, she says okay and we go out...where? Most of the time we don't know where but we just drive somewhere and talk...just talk... Everything I pay for her (drinks or food) she insists to pay her share... I say no its ok, but I always end up with her money in my wallet or even under the phone batter, when Im not looking.
these things say to me:

either she's really, really, really nice and trying to prevent the rude awakening everyone else here is predicting


she's into you but isn't sure or doesn't know what she wants or isn't into you that much or something

since you probably can't tell, you need to man up and escalate and hope that she either makes it abundantly clear that it's the former or lets you know that it's the latter(with a hookup)

just in case, remember that no one has ever been too afraid or lacked the courage [to do anything] under the influence of alcohol
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