99% sure gf is cheating


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
How I handle this situation becomes important in that we are both in the same social circle. She has one year left of law school; I just graduated. But the law school is a gold mine of repressed female sexuality, and I'm not staying away from that for long. When I move on, my soon to be ex-gf will tell everyone we know that I am the cheater. She went away for an unpaid internship, I said I loved her enough to give her space, and then big bad me cheated with some floozy. But the more I think about it, she's going to tell that same story, even if she is cheating herself. Since she's the one away, and I'm here with people we both know, she's going to know when I move on, and I'll never have any way of knowing that she did. I think I'll just try to stay away from any mutual acquantaince for the next month. She and I can have our little breakup convo then. I guess it would be best to go and be with someone she does not know and not let her know about it (just like she is doing to me). That would be the way to have the most power when we do talk again. Living well is the best revenge.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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STR8UP said:
You're showing your age, homes.

People under 25 pretty much ALL have a Myspace account. As you get up into the 30's quite a few are on it, including myself. The ladies I know use it mainly to keep up with friends in faraway (and not so faraway) places. they aren't on there chatting up random guys.

Times are a changin'. To automatically disqualify a woman who has a Myspace account....well, I guess that's more for me, so do as you wish.

Sorry, just calling it as I see it ;)
No offense, but judging by your threads...I would not call women that have boyfriends and allow random men to finger them, or are coke heads, or strip in front of strangers...ladies.

I know my share of women. My experience is that those that keep themselves busy by doing hobbies such as dancing classes, joining organizations that target young professionals, travelling, etc., simply don't have time for MySpace. And these are highly desireable women. Most in their mid 20s. Maybe the DC area (which is clearly the region in the US with the most highly educated people) produce women that keep themselves busy.

And today the wireless services worth something can cover ANY place in the US. So the trying to keep contact with friends is a lame excuse.

I would not get in a serious relationship with a woman that has nothing better to do than be creating MySpace webpages.

Time are changing as today women cheat on their husbands and still get 50 percent of his stuff. That does not mean I will join the ranks of losers.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
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first go get your tv and anything else that is yours that wasn't explicitly given as a gift. take it all. just dont take anything that she could call the cops on you for.

also, when you take it leave a note saying 'I took my stuff back." - biblebelt so that she knows she wasnt robbed.

as for mutual friends. if they ask you how she is doing just say that you ended it and are no longer a couple. if they ask for details just say that you aren't intereted in getting in to it and you're moving on.

ya, it will get back to her, and she'll call you. don't talk to her. don't even bother with the break up convo. just say 'i can't talk right now. sorry' and hang up.

if you do avoid her, or refuse to talk to her, she'll at some point start b*tching on your answering machine calling you a scum bag etc. just laugh it off.

all you have to do with this is move on. live life as though you were officially broken up. hit on whatever girl you want to. if she says 'aren't you with sally?" just say 'nope, we ended that.'

as far as im concerned if she's ignoring your calls that as good as an official break up.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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Gold Coast. Aust.
Here is what I say when "friends " enquire about why Ms X and I are not together anymore .

" I misjudged Jenny. She needs to find someone who is more like HER."

Then I just give a kind of knowing smirk or gently roll my eyes and walk away.


Oct 4, 2005
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Latinoman said:
Now, I would avoid like the plague ANY woman that has the MySpace or any other online community network. That is, I would no go into a serious relationship with one. I don't have time for women that has nothing better to do other than been on her azz in MySpace.
My last girlfriend had a myspace account as well. It was sometimes the reason for an arguement. I had it before we started dating so I had accumilated alot of female friends and she would get pissed if they messaged me still and I would reply. But I have never cheated on anyone of my girlfriends or my wife,...ever. So i wasn't trying to line some up so i could cheat on her like she thought. I even deleted it one night because we got in a huge arguement over it. She would tell me that she had her myspace account so she could stay in touch with all her friends and alot of her brothers friends cause he was killed last year in a motorcycle accident and plus we was a police officer. What do you do when they say they use it for their friends? I always thought of telling her to get rid of it but i never did. Should I have??

I recently opened up another myspace account but only for my business. I dont even have pictures of me up but of only the store.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2006
Reaction score
A state in America that'll unmercifully leave you
RobLB said:
What do you do when they say they use it for their friends? I always thought of telling her to get rid of it but i never did. Should I have??

I recently opened up another myspace account but only for my business. I dont even have pictures of me up but of only the store.
Hah, I love it when people say "I'm only on Myspace to keep in touch with friends". Yeah, right. I laugh to myself everytime I hear that and even call people out on it jokingly(but serious) that they're lying. Like Latinoman said, and I've been saying the same thing to, they have PHONES for that(communication). You don't need a MySpace page to keep in touch. Lame lame lame excuse. People use MySpace for 3 reasons.


1. Both men and women use it to hook up.

2. Women use it for attention wh*ring purposes.


3. Bands use it to expose themselves and network.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Jealousy would never have gotten me anywhere with this girl. I was doing the best when I didn't care. It did not matter to me that she was frequently chatting with guy friends as long as I was the one having sex with her. I have made plenty of mistakes, mostly turning into mr boring nice guy, but I don't regret not being jealous. Although she's pretty obviously cheating now, I am just as convinced that this is the first time. Myspace in and of itself is not to blame.

"Good Girls Do Cheat"


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Hey BB, your concern about what she will tell others is not a reason to NOT do what you need to do. When women breakup, they bad-mouth the guy. That is SOP for women. Other women know how little cred these stories usually have but "friends " will listen to the sobstory out of some sense of obligation to the friendship. NOBODY really fully believes women's self pity and attentionseeking sobbing after a bustup. Especially other women. And men could care less.
Stick you head in the air, go get you TV and other stuff and walk thru the storm.
And next time ,do NOT be so friggin 'understanding' and 'tolerant'.

We have all been in at least ONE relationship in which we were endlessly trying to "talk about it" . Always trying to sort out the latest drama or shyte test. THis is a sure sign that she is bad news. Relationship are not minefields (or no meant to be ) If you have to FIX it all the time then you are in a relationship with someone who is not fit to be with you.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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joekerr31 said:
i mean, i'm not saying walk at every little thing. but when your girl wont even answer your phone calls - its time to walk, whether shes cheating or not. to wait around for her to officially tell you that she never wants to speak to you again is not goign to make it easier.

i guess i just have too much self respect to let anyone disrespect me and still be begging for them to keep me around. just doesn't compute in my head.
I used to be really bad about holding on to the tiniest thread. As soon as I got my head on straight and started walking away with a smile on my face (even though it is usually just a scowl disguised as a smile) my life has been a lot better.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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CGE333 said:
And don't worry about her regretting splitting w/ you when the next guy treats her badly, most women don't put that much thought into their lives.
Yea, chances are when that happens she will just find another branch to latch on to. you will be the last thing from her mind, and if you aren't (she contacts you) it's BAD news.

Move on and don't look back.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
Bible_Belt said:
What do I say when I run into her friends and they ask about her? I would like to at least be able to dump the b!tch, but there does not seem to be any way to get closure.
you say "we wanted different things out of life. i wanted my tv back and she wanted to screw some new guy from myspace."
ok you dont have to go into that much detail.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2006
Reaction score
A state in America that'll unmercifully leave you
penkitten said:
you say "we wanted different things out of life. i wanted my tv back and she wanted to screw some new guy from myspace."
ok you dont have to go into that much detail.
What's the big deal?


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
Latinoman said:
No offense, but judging by your threads...I would not call women that have boyfriends and allow random men to finger them, or are coke heads, or strip in front of strangers...ladies.
Out of the women you mentioned only one of them is on my myspace. The other 30 or so don't fall into that category.

And today the wireless services worth something can cover ANY place in the US. So the trying to keep contact with friends is a lame excuse.

I would not get in a serious relationship with a woman that has nothing better to do than be creating MySpace webpages.

Time are changing as today women cheat on their husbands and still get 50 percent of his stuff. That does not mean I will join the ranks of losers.
Dude, i respect your posts. You know your sh!t, but sometimes you come off a little bit closed minded.

Are you really saying people who use myspace are losers?

A myspace page takes about ten minutes to create. Twenty if you want some flowers and sh!t in the background. Then you go about your day. You jump on it once a day or once every few days, or once a week, just like you do when you check your email. Except you can socialize with your group of friends even when they are alseep. And it lets GROUPS of busy people interact casually where other mediums (phone, text, email) do not.

You are generalizing, and you are WAY off base.

You seriously wouldn't date a woman who had a myspace page? Wow. That's limiting your choices, especially if you prefer women who are younger, as I do.

this is just like anything else. If a woman has to stop at a computer every hour and check her myspace, thats a bad sign. If she has a page and uses it as she would any other communication tool, it's harmless.

I'm kinda shocked that anyone would have such a narrow minded view of something so harmless, especially YOU :confused:


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
hehe, im going to regret this, but ill toss my hat in the ring on this topic.

i dont know why but things like myspace give me the hibby jibbies.

why does everyone want to have their own site dedicated to themselves? its so the polar opposite of humility (im a big fan of humility). it screams 'LOOK AT ME. WHOO HOO LOOK AT ME."

one of the things i dont like about the world today is how everyone seems to be so addicted to attention - and this is just another form of it. all of it adds up to just a lot of noise with little to no substance.

people will say its to keep in touch with others. but you can do that on email much easier.

these sites are nothing more than self idolization.

now if people use them as quick Web sites for their business, that makes sense to me i suppose.

but personally, when i see a myspace page which is all about a single individual i think 'you gotta be joking me? is this sh*t for real?"

you aren't a mini celebrity, who cares about your click, you are never goign to be a celebrity, the Web isn't a night club - grow up and do something significant in the real world.

but hey, who knows, maybe i'm out in left field on this one.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2006
Reaction score
A state in America that'll unmercifully leave you
joekerr31 said:
these sites are nothing more than self idolization.
That's exactly what MySpace is, for women at least.

And you know what I don't get about MySpace? The comments section where people leave comments. If you wanna leave someone a comment, EMAIL them through MySpace. That's why the EMAIL was created. But no, everyone on MySpace must show what their drama is and leave comments on people's pages for the whole world to see.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
AF's 15 y/o son told me "Myspace is evil." I think he is wise beyond his years.

However, str8up is right in that eliminating all women who are on myspace too drastically limits one's choices. Of the girls I know from school, I think I know only one who agrees that myspace is foolish, and that girl is highly religious. I will probably start join the myspace crowd soon. It's ridiculously asinine, but I can meet younger women and also keep in touch with the people I just graduated law school with, who include several younger women.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2006
Reaction score
A state in America that'll unmercifully leave you
Bible_Belt said:
I will probably start join the myspace crowd soon. It's ridiculously asinine, but I can meet younger women and also keep in touch with the people I just graduated law school with, who include several younger women.
All the power to ya, just make sure that you have a handful of women leaving you "comments indicating interest" on your page, otherwise the odds of you meeting women, hot that is, are slim to none, even if you have tight game. That's why I got rid of mine. It was doing absolutely nothing to get me laid. These b*tches wanna see proof that you're "wanted" by other women. That's the only bad thing about MySpace, if you don't have the "comments indicating interest", your game is f*cked.


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2007
Reaction score
Bible_Belt said:
I will probably start join the myspace crowd soon. It's ridiculously asinine, but I can meet younger women and also keep in touch with the people I just graduated law school with, who include several younger women.
Don't do it...fight the urge BB! I'm with Joekerr on this one. Actually I'm against all internet dating. If it works for anyone, I'm not going to judge. But for me, it doesn't. From my limited experience, it seems that guys have to qualify themselves to women. I hate the fake peacocking that you need to do.

You have to prove yourself to her, before she even knows you. How much sense does that make?

It's the exact opposite of what we should be doing..qualifying them.

Cold approaching at least gives us some dignity. We can see who we are approaching, read body language, use our personalities..who we are, in the flesh and blood. Give me that any day.

The internet is great for sharing/researching advise...anonymously, like on here on the boards.

But that's just me..I'm not going to knock anyone with a myspace account.

I just think life is too short..