2 beat his A$$ or not???


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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MotoXXX said:
:box: I just responded to a post and this thought popped into my head. 2 beat his A$$ or not that is the question I am asking myself. I dont want to anihilate this guy because he is with my ex, but because...........Here is the story, my fiancce and I split Friday, we called quits because long story short I was sick of her attitude. She has a 2 year old son who called me dad, because I was pretty much the father figure to him as she had custody of him and we were all living together. Okay well Saturday she doesnt go to work, okay I thought she was upset right, huh uh, I was wrong. Sunday I called her parents because I want the engagement ring back I paid multiple thousands for. She is living out there now, so I called them because she wont answer her cell phone, they tell me she is not there, that she is out with Paul, the pile of $hit I want to smear on the ground. This is Mothers day when they tell me this. Then I put 2 and 2 together and I remember a Paul, the night I met her she, Paul was working her. I won that battle, that night. But Saturday night I am at the bar and I noticed a guy lookin at me smiling, I recognized the face, it was Paul. I wasnt in the mood then to start any $hit, I was hunting poon tang. So I nodded at him and went about my way. Now I really want to beat his @ss because that smile was a slap in my face, right? It was a haha I got your ex old lady, 2 days after you 2 seperated, hahaha. I aint laughin now, now I am really really really Pi$$ed Off? Help I wanna start droppin bombs on him!!! What do I do???:box:
What should you do? Start acting like a MAN!


By moving on. Forget about Paul. If Paul is phucking her...forget about it. If Paul is working her...forget about it.

She is free to do and phuck whoever she wants. And even if she was with you...and she had an affair with Paul...it would be HER fault.

Fighting for stuff like this is VERY STUPID. Let Paul deal with the bratt (which is NOT your son, by the way). Let Paul deal with the drama. Let Paul deal with the crap.

In a way, Paul is doing you a favor. Assuming he is actually with her.

It amazes me how many men fight for women for reasons that are NOT worth the effort.

Act like a man...not a moron. Forget about her...forget about HER son...forget about HER parents...forget about HER friends. If anything focus on getting that ring.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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mrRuckus said:
You people make me sick. There is no need or reason to kick anyone's ass.
I agree 100%.

mrRuckus said:
i know if someone kicked my ass [because I'm sleeping with their ex] i'd go out of my way to make sure you are rotting in prison and dealing with my civil suit against you for years to come. "but juuuuudge he went out with my woman after I dumped HER." you're an animal who needs put in a cage anyway... running around hitting people just because you got angry.

Personally, I would either put that person in jail or sue him or both. Or kill him (you don't need 10 people to kill some one...all you need is time (could be years...could be decades) and an oportunity).

Beating somebody up ALWAYS have consequences...especially if that person is beat up for being with an ex.

Like somebody else said in the previous posts...INSECURITY is what is driving this guy to feel like he needs to beat up "Paul".


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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DonJuanForever said:
Moto, if you are still around, I had a situation happen like this to a friend of mine.

He and his wife were married for about 5 years, they had some kids, and he basically lost his job and whatever. It was rumored for years that she had been cheating on him and he didn't know it. So one day his wife decides that she wants a divorce. The guy then got angry and beat her friend's azz because he THOUGHT that her friend was the reason they broke up, but it was really his fault.

I am all for self-defense and standing up for ones self, but Moto, take the Mike Tyson hat off for a minute and look at your situation,
1. You were a total AFC around her
2. You raised someone else's kid.
3. She basically used you and hung unto you like a tampoon during cycle week and throw you out when she stopped bleeding.

Dude, THAT WAS YOUR FAULT. To answer your question, "Should you kick a guy's azz for dis-respecting you?" Haha, that guy DID NOT DISRESPECT YOU. He looked at you and SMILED. Because you are pissed, salty, and insecure because you feel used and discarded right now, you want to take it out on somebody else, like my friend did.....when YOU WERE THE FVCKING AFC. If the guy comes up to you talking shyt and bashing you, THATS DISRESPECT, him smiling at you is not, it's you who believes he is doing something with her, and you could be right or wrong....but fact is, HE'S PROBABLY NOT THE ONLY AZZ YOU SHOULD KICK. And their might be other guys smiling at you but you just don't intake it as they slept with her....fvck, I've probably slept with her!!

Scroll up, and read what RedPill said. YOU MADE THE MISTAKES, now you wanna kick somebody else's azz for what you did? YOU DROPPED THE BALL!! Gone ahead, try to kick his azz....but if that guy has any sense he is prepared for you, rather that be through an arrest or a gunshot. Moto, THIS WAS YOUR FAULT, now learn, grow, and don't do it again. Your feelings are hurt, but you must learn from this.
And this is the Top Post of this Thread. The MUST read post for Motto.

That post provides the answer.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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MotoXXX said:
Okay, here goes. I was really pissed when I started this post. Truth of the matter is this, I can ask a hundred people if I should beat this guy's azz......Fact of the matter is I would probably get a hundred different responses on why I should, shouldn't and how I coulda, woulda, shoulda handle it. But truth is talk is cheap, and having to ask shows I was just pissed and trying to rationalize why I didnt. If I was gonna beat somebody's head in for looking at me and smiling because I was in a bad mood, I definetly wouldnt be here asking if I should, because it wouldve already happened, I would be telling how I just beat the hell out of someone.

I am glad I didnt, because like alot of people have said, it would just be inflating her head, 2 knights fighting over her (that was good). I think I will just treat him like a long lost friend. That would really p!ss her off. Matter of fact she would probably wanna beat my head in if I did.

So in closing sorry for raising a ruckus in here, and if offended anyone in here sorry for that too. Like 80% of the resposes in here, this situation is my fault and I cant be mad at some guy eating my leftovers becuase I turned chump. For me to get aggresive with Paul, he will have to make the first move, let him be the chump.
Wow...that was a 360 degree turn. Sorry if I gave you "tough love".
Listen...one thing I forgot to say and will say now: get that RING back!

The only ring she should keep are jewerly you bought as gifts or a wedding band. But engagement rings? Nope.


Dec 15, 2004
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****all you need is time (could be years...could be decades) and an oportunity).***

I know not to mess with latinoman.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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****all you need is time (could be years...could be decades) and an oportunity).***

I know not to mess with latinoman.
Know of at least one "good man" that lost his temper in the past...beat somebody up...and years later...paid the price: with his life.

I would never get into a fight at this stage of my life...unless I have too. The only woman I would fight for less than anything is my daughter. If I fight for my girlfriend it would be to protect her (and fulfill my duties as her man). And if I do...I would probably go to the extreme. But understanding there is a price that I have to pay (jail or my life). No worth looking behind my back for the rest of my life. Typically the one giving the beating FORGETS...the one taking the beating might NEVER forget. All it takes is time (for the one giving the beating to forget and relax) and an opportunity (from the one that took the beating to get even or ahead).

No worthy.


Dec 15, 2004
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JonJack said:
Self-Mastery, you talk about fighting as if it were that easy to control. If it were common courtesy to fight without anyone reporting it to the cops, pulling out a weapon or 'accidentally' killing one another, I'm sure we'll see a lot more fighting going on in this world. The mere fact that violence is something that cannot be generally controlled among individuals makes it a risky proposition. If you want to fight, you go into it all the fvckin way. You don't go into it 'hoping' it won't end up with someone being killed or someone going to the cops. You go into it because you want to beat the shyt out of the person and it doesn't matter whether you end up in jail, or you die, or he dies, or you get your fingers chopped off or he sues you for all you've got. Because seriously, the only person that wins in a fight is the one that can come out of it any which way it should turn out and not regret a single part of it. Not many people can do that because not many people can handle losing big time.
Your preaching to the choir. My argument is that we do not have ways to express our aggression in modern society. Everyone knows and can accept that males are naturally aggressive, but in the modern world we are forced to conceal this natural behavior. Primitive culture and ppl living primitively don't have the same amout of crime or violence we have; they create outlets where males can display aggression without reprimand (ritualized stick fights and such.) We don't have this in our modern society, so, we watch football, boxing and violent movies, but we never actually get to release our own aggression in a positive way.

That's my theory.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 11, 2005
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Yorkshire boy
Whats all this talk about him going to jail (i understand that) but getting killed? Is paul some kind of gangster ?


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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johnmich said:
Whats all this talk about him going to jail (i understand that) but getting killed? Is paul some kind of gangster ?
ANYONE is capable of killing. In fact, several of the toughest guys have been killed by a loser or some "nice guy". All you need is something to trigger that killing insting (a beating can trigger that), weapon (such as a gun - which practically anyone can buy in Waltmart) and the time-opportunity thing.

Look at the kids from Columbine.

You are 18...I'm 20 years older than you. Meaning that I have lived long enough and in a variety of places to understand what I'm talking about.


Don Juan
Apr 27, 2005
Reaction score
Dude, the thing that your going through is just a hit at your manlyness. Went through the same thing, when one of my best friends made out of with my ex, just a week after I dumped her. I didn´t start n e trouble against that ex-friend because he wasn´t worth the trouble it would cause me if I beat the **** out of him. Nothing will get better if you beat the hell out of him. Just try to move on and live your life. They will only feel better of themselves ( Paul and your ex-girl) if you waste your time being mad at them, cause they know they are the most important thing in your life at the moment. Just move on and treat them like people you hardly know. Just say hi and move along if you see them. Don´t try to make the suffer because of their stupid behaviour, they r not worth it. If they can´t behave like common people it´s their on fault, and you are so much better then they. Remember you broke up with her for a reason and you don´t want it back. If he thinks he is the king for taking your girl, when she´s at most vulnerable and most recievable for someone to pick her up, he´s so totally mistaking. You won her the first time, and when you are not in the game n e more, he finally gets his chance. And he totally knows it, that´s why he´s trying to piss off. If you get pissed he´s won, remember that...


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
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Latinoman said:
You are 18...I'm 20 years older than you. Meaning that I have lived long enough and in a variety of places to understand what I'm talking about.
Maybe you were an AFC your whole life just like the other "mature" men on this site:cuss:

I had to, I've never seen somebody pull the "I've lived longer than you" card on this board yet. I've heard "I've lived more" but never longer. Take this as a joke, I just want to know your answer if it wasn't.

PS the problem has been solved, MotoXXX has already responded to this thread asking if anybody has read anything he has typed after his first post.


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2005
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Your preaching to the choir. My argument is that we do not have ways to express our aggression in modern society. Everyone knows and can accept that males are naturally aggressive, but in the modern world we are forced to conceal this natural behavior. Primitive culture and ppl living primitively don't have the same amout of crime or violence we have; they create outlets where males can display aggression without reprimand (ritualized stick fights and such.) We don't have this in our modern society, so, we watch football, boxing and violent movies, but we never actually get to release our own aggression in a positive way.

That's my theory.
There are ways. There's the punching bag. There's the shooting range. There's violent M-rated games. There's sparring. There are outlets as long as you're not the one watching but the one doing. If you're talking about releasing aggression through street fights, you cannot doubt that it's going to be risky. There are no referees and no rules. There doesn't exist an understanding where to fight is just an act that doesn't take into consideration who the person you're fighting is. I.e. the fight doesn't become personal.

Seriously though, there are outlets to release aggression.