2 beat his A$$ or not???


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
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I can't believe this guy is 25 years old!! I clicked this thread expecting to see a 18 year old kid whining about some guy who is banging his exgf. Well I was 90% correct, but the shocking part is this guy is 25!!!

Dood you'd be a total loser for beating this guy's @ss. Its NOT HIS FAULT that your exgf is a immature w-hore!! You'd hook up with her in a New York minute if you were in "Paul's" shoes. Yes, it was immature and lame of him to smirk at you in the bar. But if YOU broke up with your ex, then STICK TO YOUR FUVKIN' GUNS and eliminate her from your life!!! Who cares who's she's banging, who cares if he's smiling now, who fuvkin' cares period!! Because we both know that Paul will not be smiling for long, especially when she's cheating on him with the next new guy!! If I were you I'd look at this as a blessing in disguise, since you would have SURELY fuvked up your life marrying a two-timing wh-ore bag. Trust me Paul WILL NOT BE SMILING FOR LONG!! And that my friend is the best revenge you could ever order.


Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
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Villa Regis
GloriouslyInsane said:
Date a hotter girl with no kids :D.I know alot of cases the ex-bf beat down the now-bf and got the beating of his life afterwards,if you think you can take on 6-10 ppl then by all means beat his ass.

I agree with dude. Also read "13 Reasons To Avoid Single Mothers," by yours truly


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
lol, I missed that quote Maximus.

If you invert the situation, and beat his ass than rightly, you may get 6-10 ppl who won't have the well meaning of leaving you standing on two working legs.

If I had enough reason, I could convince an entire party to come break some legs with me for a single joint. It's not hard to find a group of like minded men who will totally ruin a mans life for something as stupid as this situation. What is the situation? You are looking to beat a man, without provocation, for getting with your woman two days after you broke up. This dude, if it were me, would still have half a heart to hang out with a friend in need if she really needed me.

I know you can't be two people at the same time, but your going to have to try.

On one hand, you know your ex, it's been what 3 days? you know you already don't want her, so obviously you shouldn't care because of her sh*tty mentality.

On the other hand, you are now 'Paul'(Man, my ex went out with a guy named Paul as well, I did go after him with a bat, because he knows what he DID to her) Your either an AFC who got a phone call from a snivelling woman, and decided to pay her some company, you don't know the whole story, so when you see yourself, you smile, to try and establish some warmer rapport. Well you smiled at him and yourself and got an eyefull of hate, you AFC'd yourself again, and told her you were getting a mean look and he's big guy, so you don't want to see her again. She says it's always like that, just ignore him, he will cool down. Your SOOOO AFC that you say no, run to your house and don't go out for a week. The day you step outside some big 230lb 5'7" brute comes running at you and sends you to the hospital.
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
Moto, I hope you get yourself killed for starting shyt with someone who did nothing to you!!! Has your ego been hurt? I think so!!!

Maybe he has a bigger penis so your live-in HOR was seeing him before you even left her - this is probably the most likely scanario!!!

Quit being a weak man and blaming someone else for your hor's action - you were just the next pimp in line - know this!!!


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2005
Reaction score
dude, what the hell is wrong with you guys!?
sorry to say this but shyte happens, and sometimes..SOMETIMES, you just have to kick someones azz for disrespecting you on a BAD DAY, clearly he was having a bad day and NOT feeling like getting f*cked with..you know , you can rationalize and moralize or make it into some big ol' argument about america and the glorification of violence or blowing it totally out of proportion and making it out for more then what it is..he's not talking about killing the guy for gods sake! sock him in the head sock him in the gut a couple times and kick him a few times on the ground..what's the big deal? he has a big brother named Eddie in the Hell's Angels? he might have friends in the bar that's strapped?he might throw you fat law suite on you like a friggin' pvssy would? sh*t there are plenty of things that could happen..fvck it, give or take i say...simple as that. nothing more.and if you get your ass kicked? so what? builds character ,makes you tougher..sh*t i don't know, i just threw that in there..the truth is, i think that trying to rationalize and moralize the thing is a waste of time (in this matter)and it does the man no good in helping him , it's like saying jacking off is wrong and evil and all this shyte.Sometimes,Sometimes- you have to say fvck it, either you do or you don't ,and if you don't shut the f*ck up and don't whine about it like a little b*tch.NO explanations, no nothing..the only reason it bothers you soo much is because it hurt you EGO and 'feel' disrespected,and that 'smile' triggered it.. now you wanna get back at the guy, nothing more then that..has nothing to do with the girl or anything else..you most likly don't even really hate the guy.I am not trying to say i am for kicking his azz or not i am just stating what i would do, but i am also throwing in there the REAL reason you may feel angry at the guy and maybe it might help you in your desicion..right or wrong,either way you'll learn a something from it...and if he comes back with a group of guys and crow bars?..RUN YOU IDIOT!! *Banjo music playing in the background :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:


Don Juan
May 1, 2004
Reaction score
Okay, here goes. I was really pissed when I started this post. Truth of the matter is this, I can ask a hundred people if I should beat this guy's azz......Fact of the matter is I would probably get a hundred different responses on why I should, shouldn't and how I coulda, woulda, shoulda handle it. But truth is talk is cheap, and having to ask shows I was just pissed and trying to rationalize why I didnt. If I was gonna beat somebody's head in for looking at me and smiling because I was in a bad mood, I definetly wouldnt be here asking if I should, because it wouldve already happened, I would be telling how I just beat the hell out of someone.

I am glad I didnt, because like alot of people have said, it would just be inflating her head, 2 knights fighting over her (that was good). I think I will just treat him like a long lost friend. That would really p!ss her off. Matter of fact she would probably wanna beat my head in if I did.

So in closing sorry for raising a ruckus in here, and if offended anyone in here sorry for that too. Like 80% of the resposes in here, this situation is my fault and I cant be mad at some guy eating my leftovers becuase I turned chump. For me to get aggresive with Paul, he will have to make the first move, let him be the chump.


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
lol, call your ex everyday and ask her if Paul is treating her right:)


Don Juan
May 1, 2004
Reaction score
dude that would be funny sh!t, but as soon as I get that ring back I am losing all contact I ever had with her. Making that chapter of my a has been, looking at it as a learning experience. If it doesnt kill you, it will only make you stronger. But that would be funny.


Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
MotoXXX said:
Like 80% of the resposes in here, this situation is my fault and I cant be mad at some guy eating my leftovers becuase I turned chump. For me to get aggresive with Paul, he will have to make the first move, let him be the chump.
No violence?? come on now:box:

Honestly, I don't understand why you should take any blame for her awful behavior. We definitely live in s sissified world where 2 men cant go have a fist fight without a so-called pro male forum getting all byatch on a guy. I understand the canadians and european guys acting fruity, but not us.


Don Juan
May 1, 2004
Reaction score
hey self, bro I agree 100%!! And fact of the matter is this, that beyatch of an ex g/f I had will talk this little punk into trying to start some sh!t with me. So I know I will get what I want out of this deal. And the bouncers at the bar that herself, him and myself go to are under my rein, so if this punk does start some sh!t with me, it will end at a ground and pound with me ridin' his punk azz. I cant wait for the day, but I am not gonna start any crap with him, I am gonna sit back, collect a new herd of beyatches and wait, she will be mad when she sees how I act like I never knew her, treat him like a buddy, and continue to DON JUAN a flock of hotties in her presence. And she can sit back and realize how she f*cked up. I am gonna be happy, she is gonna be pissed and he is gonna get his azz beat.

p.s. I got the ring back this evening, then got some head at the bar from some chick, she thought I was hot, I knew her, but she acted like she didnt know me, so i turned complete d!ckhead on her. She got mad cuz I wasnt showing her the attention she wanted and buckled. it been a good day.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
No violence?? come on now:box:

Honestly, I don't understand why you should take any blame for her awful behavior. We definitely live in s sissified world where 2 men cant go have a fist fight without a so-called pro male forum getting all byatch on a guy. I understand the canadians and european guys acting fruity, but not us.

You. Shut the f.uck up.

Big Eee Zee

Master Don Juan
Mar 14, 2005
Reaction score
No violence?? come on now:box:

Honestly, I don't understand why you should take any blame for her awful behavior. We definitely live in s sissified world where 2 men cant go have a fist fight without a so-called pro male forum getting all byatch on a guy. I understand the canadians and european guys acting fruity, but not us.

its because today's society values intellect over physical strength. if you want to be a knuckledragger like that, be my guest, but dont expect to get very far in life.


Don Juan
May 9, 2006
Reaction score
dude, stop asking so many fvcking questions. these people dont care if u kick his ass or not, as they shouldnt. if u are an alpha male, u wont hesitate to make actions and will not regret them. so if u think u should beat him off and he disrespected you, go smash him but make sure he is isolated with no eyewitness, so that he cant prove anything.

honestly, dont let ppl disrespect you in any way. PUNISH them in any way, shape or form if they do. life is too short to let that pride die. people are animals, they will disrespect you if they can. and this paul character clearly thought he can disrespect you, because YOU ALLOWED IT. so FIX IT SOON.

beating him is not the best way though I tell you. you should get social revenge on him. that always hurts TEN TIMES more than physical. embarass him in public, humiliate him with confidence , this is a much better reward. AND, get your self a BETTER chick to punk both this paul homo and your fiance.


Dec 15, 2004
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I still believe that two men should be allowed to throw down without anyone getting all byatchy, someone filing a law suit, or anyone pulling out a gun. It doesn't shock me one bit that the men of our time need a forum like this to teach them how to be a man. I'm not suggesting that he kills the guy, but we have to recognize that violence and aggression are a normal part of life. Please byatches don't mistake this for a right to start shyt. I hate the whole idea that we're so civilized or cultured that aggression no longer plays appart in our modern lives... Turn on the TV, head to the movies, flip on UFC, watch a football game and then tell me that we don't celebrate violence.

Moto I'm glad you got your ring back:up:


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Land of the Ruins
Me Moto, You Jane. Ugh. :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
Self-Mastery, you talk about fighting as if it were that easy to control. If it were common courtesy to fight without anyone reporting it to the cops, pulling out a weapon or 'accidentally' killing one another, I'm sure we'll see a lot more fighting going on in this world. The mere fact that violence is something that cannot be generally controlled among individuals makes it a risky proposition. If you want to fight, you go into it all the fvckin way. You don't go into it 'hoping' it won't end up with someone being killed or someone going to the cops. You go into it because you want to beat the shyt out of the person and it doesn't matter whether you end up in jail, or you die, or he dies, or you get your fingers chopped off or he sues you for all you've got. Because seriously, the only person that wins in a fight is the one that can come out of it any which way it should turn out and not regret a single part of it. Not many people can do that because not many people can handle losing big time.


New Member
May 14, 2006
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First off you shouldn't be fighting anyone. Get an Assult charge on your record and that is all you need. Just leave that SM alone and get a woman with less problems.


Don Juan
May 1, 2004
Reaction score
Okay this thing has gotten out of hand. Like I said in my last post, if I was gonna beat this fella, it wouldve already happened. In regards to the consequences, who cares. If it is worth fighting, there are no consequences. The only time I have heard of anyone calling the cops is if somebody, got jumped, at least in my town. And still 9 times out of 10 they dont get called in that situation. In my town, the pay back is what happens. My city must be different then most everyone else's cities in the fact that 2 guys can stand toe to toe, beat the hell out of each other, and walk away. Guns are rarely pulled unless something goes haywire. I guess the point I am trying to make is that, I guess if any of you guys want to stand toe to toe with another male and anihilate one another with no repercussions come to my neck of the woods.

But here again, I am not gonna beat this guy until (notice I said until) he hits me (notice I said hit me), then I am gonna change his outlook on life, and how bad of a decision he just made.

don juan jr

Don Juan
Apr 29, 2006
Reaction score
If you attack this guy and he pulls a gun on your sorry ass and get blown to pieces. But who cares about the consequences? He will say he was attacked and just defending himself. You will have lost your life, but who cares? He'll probably spend a couple of years in jail, but you will have lost your life. Think about the worst that can happen, is it really worth it?


Don Juan
May 1, 2004
Reaction score
do you guys read all of what I write or just the parts you want to read? I said "I am not going to beat his azz, until he hits me!" okay, now he will not pull a gun on me. You all just need to trust me on that. Also never did I mention anything about pulling a gun on him, now that we have clarified this, I am hoping that everyone else is clear also.