2 beat his A$$ or not???


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il
MotoXXX said:
:box: I just responded to a post and this thought popped into my head. 2 beat his A$$ or not that is the question I am asking myself. I dont want to anihilate this guy because he is with my ex, but because...........Here is the story, my fiancce and I split Friday, we called quits because long story short I was sick of her attitude. She has a 2 year old son who called me dad, because I was pretty much the father figure to him as she had custody of him and we were all living together. Okay well Saturday she doesnt go to work, okay I thought she was upset right, huh uh, I was wrong. Sunday I called her parents because I want the engagement ring back I paid multiple thousands for. She is living out there now, so I called them because she wont answer her cell phone, they tell me she is not there, that she is out with Paul, the pile of $hit I want to smear on the ground. This is Mothers day when they tell me this. Then I put 2 and 2 together and I remember a Paul, the night I met her she, Paul was working her. I won that battle, that night. But Saturday night I am at the bar and I noticed a guy lookin at me smiling, I recognized the face, it was Paul. I wasnt in the mood then to start any $hit, I was hunting poon tang. So I nodded at him and went about my way. Now I really want to beat his @ss because that smile was a slap in my face, right? It was a haha I got your ex old lady, 2 days after you 2 seperated, hahaha. I aint laughin now, now I am really really really Pi$$ed Off? Help I wanna start droppin bombs on him!!! What do I do???:box:
you sound like a 14 yr old hick.

here is what you do:

hang your head in shame..for getting yourself into this situation.

she is trash..any women with a kid, who then gets with you..cheasts on u...

and then leaves you..and if your the good guy thast was there for them...

that makes it worse.

1. control your anger.

2. get a plan.

3. spin more plates.


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
lol, this is an AFC thread


Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
I understand...

I would also yank the ring off her finger.

I bet you'll calm down in a day.

Stay safe and don't beat him to bad.


Don Juan
May 1, 2004
Reaction score
The last 2 posts before mine came up while I was writing my reply, but I definetly feel the need to reply to it.
JC9- You may be correct in the fact that I do have a temper, I have never denied that. I never will. I have never, will never do anything to a female. I thank my mom for that. She did a good job of raising me with standards and one that can not be denied is to never lay a finger on a girl. But one thing that you said," what is the fascination and glorification with violence in American society." I hope that was a question because I am going to respond to it like it was. It is not a fascination, it is a fact, Making people responsible for actions that they may take. It is the thought process of you that is eating america from the inside out. But no, people now hide behind the b.s. laws of our society. A burgular can fall through a sky light and when a lawsuit against the little old lady's house he was going to rob, because her skylight was not safe. B.S. Think of the 1800's men were hung for stealing horses and cows. I am sure there was un-needed violence then, but they sculpted what me now call modern society, our ancestors survived, we are not. We are not sculpting modern society into a better place for our future generations, no we a merely survivng in a time that is like a cancer to itself. Soo many laws, so many warnings. Do you think in the 1800's they would have to put warning labels on something they used in everyday life to idiot proof it and take the liabilty off themselves? Hell no they wouldn't, if some idiot drank himself to death because there wasn't a warning label on the beer he was drinking telling him to "drink responsible, product may cause dizziness, loss of motor skills, so on and so on" Fvck no they didnt. If some one drank themself to death, they would say he is an idiot, not file a lawsuit against the maker of that beer. People need to remember what we live in today is a society built off the Constitution of the United States of America, and an idealism of Only the Strong Survive!!!! Chew on that for awhile, this guy needs beat because of his actions and no one elses. Or should I wear a sign on my neck? short temper, beware of close proximity. Hell no I shouldnt people should know, Dont look at someone like you got an upperhand on them unless you do!!!!


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
I still don't know why you'd want to beat his ass. Look at it from this side:

my fiancce and I split Friday, we called quits because long story short I was sick of her attitude.
He inherited her 5hitty attitude. You don't have to put up with it anymore.

She has a 2 year old son who called me dad, because I was pretty much the father figure to him as she had custody of him and we were all living together.
He has to deal with the emotional trauma that the child went through losing another dad. He also has to support the kid that isn't his. You no longer have those responsibilities. Your money is now yours. Your time is now yours. You have no kids. You have gained a LOT of freedom!

But Saturday night I am at the bar and I noticed a guy lookin at me smiling, I recognized the face, it was Paul.
You should have smiled back, approached him, and shook his hand. He took that skanky b1tch with the 5hitty attitude off your hands. He gave you the freedom to fvck more worthy women.

That old saying is true - you don't know what you've got until it's gone.... and sometimes, what you had wasn't all that great.

Think of all the bad things about your ex. Think about her 5hitty attitude, her baggage, and all her other bad points. He inherited all that 5hit when he began dating her. You're the one who has the genuine reason to be happy, not him. You have your freedom, he inherited a woman with tons of baggage.


Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
You guys know that smashing his face in is going to be much more rewarding than taking the moral high ground. Yes, it is wrong, but also satisfying. Please don't reply back to me with some BS sensitive response. I agree with everything that everyone has said, but I understand the true nature of man is evil. lol


Don Juan
Jan 25, 2006
Reaction score
MotoXXX said:
The last 2 posts before mine came up while I was writing my reply, but I definetly feel the need to reply to it.
JC9- You may be correct in the fact that I do have a temper, I have never denied that. I never will. I have never, will never do anything to a female. I thank my mom for that. She did a good job of raising me with standards and one that can not be denied is to never lay a finger on a girl. But one thing that you said," what is the fascination and glorification with violence in American society." I hope that was a question because I am going to respond to it like it was. It is not a fascination, it is a fact, Making people responsible for actions that they may take. It is the thought process of you that is eating america from the inside out. But no, people now hide behind the b.s. laws of our society. A burgular can fall through a sky light and when a lawsuit against the little old lady's house he was going to rob, because her skylight was not safe. B.S. Think of the 1800's men were hung for stealing horses and cows. I am sure there was un-needed violence then, but they sculpted what me now call modern society, our ancestors survived, we are not. We are not sculpting modern society into a better place for our future generations, no we a merely survivng in a time that is like a cancer to itself. Soo many laws, so many warnings. Do you think in the 1800's they would have to put warning labels on something they used in everyday life to idiot proof it and take the liabilty off themselves? Hell no they wouldn't, if some idiot drank himself to death because there wasn't a warning label on the beer he was drinking telling him to "drink responsible, product may cause dizziness, loss of motor skills, so on and so on" Fvck no they didnt. If some one drank themself to death, they would say he is an idiot, not file a lawsuit against the maker of that beer. People need to remember what we live in today is a society built off the Constitution of the United States of America, and an idealism of Only the Strong Survive!!!! Chew on that for awhile, this guy needs beat because of his actions and no one elses. Or should I wear a sign on my neck? short temper, beware of close proximity. Hell no I shouldnt people should know, Dont look at someone like you got an upperhand on them unless you do!!!!
We do live in a weak time, where a burglar can sue the people he stole from because he stepped on a nail on his way out of the house.

But, right or wrong, it is a fact of today's society.

You want to beat the guy's ass? Great, do it. But don't complain or even get upset if your tossed in jail or sued for everything you have; you know it going in.

It's not worth it to kick someone's ass for taking what you don't want in the first place.

He may be smiling and gloating now, but what's he gunna be like after dealing with her for a few weeks/months? Pity the poor sap and move on.

If you beat him up and end up in jail he then has a reason to gloat, because he has now caused you real , and not imagined, harm.


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
lol JC9 I completely misread your post for a second there...

Same mindset here, where is there any harm done to you moto? It seems like your hurt because the guy smiled at you.

Le Parisien

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2004
Reaction score
back to Paris, missing the USA
Again, just like some one said it here, violence is necessary to defend yourself against a physical harm/threat. That's why we have the concept of legitimate self-defense.

But flaunting violence as way to solve so called "problems", I just don't get it.

MotoXXX, next time some punk honks at you at a traffic light, it would also be a "major display of disrespect". Are you gonna take out your shotgun and pop his chest open?:rolleyes:


Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
Le Parisien said:
But flaunting violence as way to solve so called "problems", I just don't get it.
That's because your name is Le Parisien. :cheer: :cheer:


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2005
Reaction score
Northern New Jersey
To kick his ass is exactly what your ex wants you to do, it is possible that she unconsciously chose him because she knows you might recognize his face. You will feel like a man but look like a chump, because she will feel as though your jealousy at seeing her with another man, her power was so great, that you felt compelled to violence.

Nothing makes a woman feel superior than to have two knights duel over her to reinforce her princess fantasy. You will reaffirm the idea in her head that she still has power over you. Self-control is also the hallmark of a man.

When next you seem him, greet him like a brother. Then seduce his sister.
Mar 25, 2006
Reaction score
Moto, if you are still around, I had a situation happen like this to a friend of mine.

He and his wife were married for about 5 years, they had some kids, and he basically lost his job and whatever. It was rumored for years that she had been cheating on him and he didn't know it. So one day his wife decides that she wants a divorce. The guy then got angry and beat her friend's azz because he THOUGHT that her friend was the reason they broke up, but it was really his fault.

I am all for self-defense and standing up for ones self, but Moto, take the Mike Tyson hat off for a minute and look at your situation,
1. You were a total AFC around her
2. You raised someone else's kid.
3. She basically used you and hung unto you like a tampoon during cycle week and throw you out when she stopped bleeding.

Dude, THAT WAS YOUR FAULT. To answer your question, "Should you kick a guy's azz for dis-respecting you?" Haha, that guy DID NOT DISRESPECT YOU. He looked at you and SMILED. Because you are pissed, salty, and insecure because you feel used and discarded right now, you want to take it out on somebody else, like my friend did.....when YOU WERE THE FVCKING AFC. If the guy comes up to you talking shyt and bashing you, THATS DISRESPECT, him smiling at you is not, it's you who believes he is doing something with her, and you could be right or wrong....but fact is, HE'S PROBABLY NOT THE ONLY AZZ YOU SHOULD KICK. And their might be other guys smiling at you but you just don't intake it as they slept with her....fvck, I've probably slept with her!!

Scroll up, and read what RedPill said. YOU MADE THE MISTAKES, now you wanna kick somebody else's azz for what you did? YOU DROPPED THE BALL!! Gone ahead, try to kick his azz....but if that guy has any sense he is prepared for you, rather that be through an arrest or a gunshot. Moto, THIS WAS YOUR FAULT, now learn, grow, and don't do it again. Your feelings are hurt, but you must learn from this.
Mar 25, 2006
Reaction score
By the way, if your gut is telling you to beat his azz, THEN BEAT HIS AZZ. Always trust the gut.


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
DonJuanForever said:
By the way, if your gut is telling you to beat his azz, THEN BEAT HIS AZZ. Always trust the gut.
Next time your gut tells you to commit suicide, listen to it.

I'm Joe Dirt

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2005
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
You were better off saying you wanna beat the guy for being with your girl, cause beating someone up cause they looked at you funny is just stupid.

I hope the guy you wanna beat up knows krav maga or something like it and ends up whooping your ass and breaking some of your bones. That will teach you the lesson you so deseperatley need right now.

Le Parisien

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2004
Reaction score
back to Paris, missing the USA
I'm Joe Dirt said:
You were better off saying you wanna beat the guy for being with your girl, cause beating someone up cause they looked at you funny is just stupid.

I hope the guy you wanna beat up knows krav maga or something like it and ends up whooping your ass and breaking some of your bones. That will teach you the lesson you so deseperatley need right now.
Although these words are not nice, Joe Dirt's absolutely right! :up:


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
Given the situation, I think a simple:

"How's my d!ck taste, daddy?"

Would wipe the smile off his face better than a fist ever could.


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
Okay, I've rethought my case...

I say kick his ass. Wipe the smile off of his face. You can take him on no matter what style of fancy fighting he knows. bring a knife and a gun just in case;)

Approach him when your girl is there. If she sees you kick his ass, and nobody gets charged... you get your girl back!!!


Oh wait, your just going to break up with her again. Than maybe she'll find another guy who doesn't think she has a bad attitude, and you'll have to kick his ass as well...

yay, than you'll get her back again!!!!!

Oh wait, she'll still have that bad attitude....

LOL, your making me think your going to be like the 80 year old man who blew a whole in the 13 year old kid for walking on his grass.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Desdinova is right but even so I say kick this guys ass anyway. :crackup:

Just make sure to jump him in a place with no witnesses. :up:

Also if you find out later it was actually someone else with your woman well then follow the advice I gave for this other guy.

Happy hunting. :cheer:

Oh and before I go do whatever it takes to get that ring back legal or otherwise as she does not deserve it!!!