Judging by your responses, I'm going to give your marriage another 18 months before you seperate and she cheats on you.
How do I know that? Because I was there once. And I adopted the same attitude you are conveying in this thread. And trust me IT DOESN'T WORK!
Seduction tips don't do JACK for a marriage. Seduction tips are meant to ATTRACT. no more, no less. When it comes to marriage, it all comes down to who you are, not what tricks you can employ to attract her to you again.
I'm telling you from EXPERIENCE, that the ONLY way you are going to increase her attraction to you again is to EMPLOY MASSIVE CHANGE immediately. What I mean is, that you have to shake things up. You have to accelerate your relationship in new and inventive ways. You HAVE to make time for her, but in the same vein you HAVE to have your own time apart from each other. It's easy in a relationship (especially when you have kids) to get so involved in each other that your own personal lives take a backseat and you get wrapped up in each other.
So you have to learn to balance that. Have a talk with her and LISTEN TO HER. But you are going to have to UNDERSTAND. Taking her words at face value is going to get you nowhere. You're going to have to tune into what she is saying.
Let me make a suggestion: Pick up a copy of the book "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus". The book is a POWERFUL eye opening tool into the psyche of a woman and the way she communicates. You'll also learn a few things about yourself as well.
Let me give you an example of something from my own life that illustrates what I mean about hearing the words behind the words and speaking her langauge.
I used to get the line "I don't feel like you want me anymore" a lot. When she said that to me, what did I do? I immediately got defensive and started lobbing back excuses as to why she was WRONG. What I didn't HEAR and UNDERSTAND was that she didn't feel like I wanted her anymore because I wasn't acting sexual with her. Sex was a chore to me because I lost my attraction to her. So, when we had sex, I didn't really put myself into it. I just did it to get it over with and rolled over and went to sleep. The thing that I MISSED was that "wanting" her had NOTHING to do with the act of sex itself! It was the things surrounding it. It was the LITTLE things that I consistantly failed to do on a daily basis. My SOLUTION to her words "I don't feel like you want me anymore" was to have sex with her more! WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! FAIL! ABORT! ABORT! It made things worse!
But wait, she just told you what was wrong and you fixed it, Vypros! You numbskull, you did nothing wrong! She was a fickle little b*tch!!!
I failed because I didn't hear the words behind the words and wasn't LISTENING to her! "Wanting" her had nothing to do with the act of sex itself! It was the things surrounding sex! Sex itself isn't really "sensual". Sex is more of a RELEASE than it is a "sensual" act. Sex is a SATISFACTION to your own desires, and release. "Wanting" sex, is about so much more than just laying your unit into her vagina!
What I failed to realize was that "wanting" her branch out into so many areas of our lives. I didn't just "kiss" her. I didn't call her at random times to see how she was unless I NEEDED OR WANTED SOMETHING. I didn't email her. I didn't do the little things that I did when our relationship was young. I didn't spend time with her. We never saw each other. We never did anything together. We existed to work, raise kids, f*ck, and go to sleep, and as a result it left a giant gaping void within her that I just didn't understand. From my perspective I was meeting her needs, but at the end of the day all I was doing was TAKING what *I* wanted and thinking that that was what she wanted too!
By the time I realized this, it was far too late. I couldn't salvage the relationship even if I wanted to. Hell, I even tried. I even tried to show her that I had changed, but we had reached the breaking point and she had a firmer grip on the next branch than she did on my branch, so she let go.
I'm telling you, you need to remember the little things. Remember what used to be good. You gotta listen. You gotta make time for each other, but you also gotta make time to have your own seperate lives as well!
Until you realize these things, you will continue spiralling towards a failed marriage, a nasty divorce, and a mountain of regret that will take months to get over.
How do I know that? Because I was there once. And I adopted the same attitude you are conveying in this thread. And trust me IT DOESN'T WORK!
Seduction tips don't do JACK for a marriage. Seduction tips are meant to ATTRACT. no more, no less. When it comes to marriage, it all comes down to who you are, not what tricks you can employ to attract her to you again.
I'm telling you from EXPERIENCE, that the ONLY way you are going to increase her attraction to you again is to EMPLOY MASSIVE CHANGE immediately. What I mean is, that you have to shake things up. You have to accelerate your relationship in new and inventive ways. You HAVE to make time for her, but in the same vein you HAVE to have your own time apart from each other. It's easy in a relationship (especially when you have kids) to get so involved in each other that your own personal lives take a backseat and you get wrapped up in each other.
So you have to learn to balance that. Have a talk with her and LISTEN TO HER. But you are going to have to UNDERSTAND. Taking her words at face value is going to get you nowhere. You're going to have to tune into what she is saying.
Let me make a suggestion: Pick up a copy of the book "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus". The book is a POWERFUL eye opening tool into the psyche of a woman and the way she communicates. You'll also learn a few things about yourself as well.
Let me give you an example of something from my own life that illustrates what I mean about hearing the words behind the words and speaking her langauge.
I used to get the line "I don't feel like you want me anymore" a lot. When she said that to me, what did I do? I immediately got defensive and started lobbing back excuses as to why she was WRONG. What I didn't HEAR and UNDERSTAND was that she didn't feel like I wanted her anymore because I wasn't acting sexual with her. Sex was a chore to me because I lost my attraction to her. So, when we had sex, I didn't really put myself into it. I just did it to get it over with and rolled over and went to sleep. The thing that I MISSED was that "wanting" her had NOTHING to do with the act of sex itself! It was the things surrounding it. It was the LITTLE things that I consistantly failed to do on a daily basis. My SOLUTION to her words "I don't feel like you want me anymore" was to have sex with her more! WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! FAIL! ABORT! ABORT! It made things worse!
But wait, she just told you what was wrong and you fixed it, Vypros! You numbskull, you did nothing wrong! She was a fickle little b*tch!!!
I failed because I didn't hear the words behind the words and wasn't LISTENING to her! "Wanting" her had nothing to do with the act of sex itself! It was the things surrounding sex! Sex itself isn't really "sensual". Sex is more of a RELEASE than it is a "sensual" act. Sex is a SATISFACTION to your own desires, and release. "Wanting" sex, is about so much more than just laying your unit into her vagina!
What I failed to realize was that "wanting" her branch out into so many areas of our lives. I didn't just "kiss" her. I didn't call her at random times to see how she was unless I NEEDED OR WANTED SOMETHING. I didn't email her. I didn't do the little things that I did when our relationship was young. I didn't spend time with her. We never saw each other. We never did anything together. We existed to work, raise kids, f*ck, and go to sleep, and as a result it left a giant gaping void within her that I just didn't understand. From my perspective I was meeting her needs, but at the end of the day all I was doing was TAKING what *I* wanted and thinking that that was what she wanted too!
By the time I realized this, it was far too late. I couldn't salvage the relationship even if I wanted to. Hell, I even tried. I even tried to show her that I had changed, but we had reached the breaking point and she had a firmer grip on the next branch than she did on my branch, so she let go.
I'm telling you, you need to remember the little things. Remember what used to be good. You gotta listen. You gotta make time for each other, but you also gotta make time to have your own seperate lives as well!
Until you realize these things, you will continue spiralling towards a failed marriage, a nasty divorce, and a mountain of regret that will take months to get over.