1. I did not have a child with my fiance. I had a child AFTER he died.Latinoman said:I cannot acknowledge that you had a "VERY successful, healthy and wonderful LTR" (my daughter gets into similar relationship and I would consider myself a FAILURE as a parent)...because of three main facts:
1- You have a child with him...but did NOT married him.
2- you were together for over five years...but did NOT married him. (5 years without marrying is WAY too long for people in their 30s; unless none had the intention to marry each other)
3- This is going to sound bad...but I have to be very honest. You described that guy as a brute (e.g. YOUR definition of "alpha"). A man that was in prison and intimidated the custodians and other prisoners. A man which behavior cost him his life. And once again, I say this will all due respect.
I will tell you one thing as a man. A man in his 30s know what he wants. If after 2 years together (and a child) he does not marry you...then you can rest assure that he has little to no desire to marry you. Regardless of what he has told you. He might want to be with you...but NOT to marry you. That's my personal experience.
2. I was 28 when we got engaged. We did not intend to have any additional children. I already had 3 children and his wife had died before we met. He had 3 children. I was still in the process of being divorced for the first 18 months. It was him who wanted to get married. It didn't matter to me one way or the other. It was ME who postponed getting married. I loved him very much and would never leave him. I just was in no hurry to get married again. I agreed to eventually marry because it was what he really wanted and I was going to formalize it only because it was so important to him.
3. He was NOT a brute. He bench pressed over 500 lbs and was a very big man. He never started anything with anyone...but did not take sh*t from anyone who brought it his way. He had an intimidating PRESENCE because of his size. He was, in reality, a VERY kind and gentle man, great with kids, and well liked by everyone who knew him. He was also extremely confident and spoke his mind. That, in conjunction with his size made people who did not know him fear him. There was no rational reason to fear him, though, unless you did something to him or someone he loved that would warrant him disliking you.
About his death...he bought a car from an acquaintance. I hesitate to call the guy a friend, because they weren't really close. They knew each other and were cordial and had mutual friends, though. My fiance absolutely hated owning anyone money. The guy disappeared for awhile and Pete could not find him to pay him. They ran into each other one day and Pete took the opportunity to try to set up a new arrangement for paying off his debt. Pete was at the guy's house doing some weatherizing and odd jobs when another guy barged in the door and started shooting. Pete was very fast and very strong...he grabbed the guy and knocked the gun out of his hand and was bent over him with the guy pinned to the floor. A second man came in with an assault rifle and shot Pete in the back 3 times, killing him. Pete didn't do anything to cause his death...he was saving other lives. He didn't know a second man was going to barge in and shoot him in the back.
I learned after Pete's death that the man who he bought the car from had slept with the wife of the guy who barged in shooting first. They had been going back and forth seeking revenge on each other for a year or better. Pete had no knowledge of any of it. I also found out that the same guy got a call from the woman's husband the night before that he was going to come over and "settle things" once and for all. Pete was never told about this phone call. The guy purposely sought him out because Pete was so big, strong and fast and was such a GOOD person that he knew Pete would protect him. He also knew that Pete would not pass up the ability to pay off a debt because of his sense of pride. Pete died because he was an honorable man, not because he was a "brute" (he was no such thing...he just LOOKED like one).
Perhaps by clarifying the truth here (instead of what trolls and flamers post) you might better understand why I react as I do when anyone says something bad about Pete. He was a WONDERFUL man and I am just as devoted and loyal to his memory as I was to him when he was alive.