10 foot aliens showed up in a mall in Miami and 60 cops called


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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They are getting more brazen in their approach.

First they snatch up random people in national parks. Then they show up in Las Vegas. Then they attack an isolated village in Peru.

I think they are stepping up their game and getting more brazen by going into an urban area like that.

They had allot of time to practice on these isolated areas and now they are choosing an urban place where they will be noticed.

Do you think they are getting more brazen?


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score

They are getting more brazen in their approach.

First they snatch up random people in national parks. Then they show up in Las Vegas. Then they attack an isolated village in Peru.

I think they are stepping up their game and getting more brazen by going into an urban area like that.

They had allot of time to practice on these isolated areas and now they are choosing an urban place where they will be noticed.

Do you think they are getting more brazen?
Hi Hacker,
No offence,as I know you have a sensitive soul,but to quote Carl Sagan,

“It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out.”


Senior Don Juan
Nov 1, 2021
Reaction score
Yea I heard,
So what!?

These aliens baddies or what?
Let’s get to it


Master Don Juan
Dec 29, 2017
Reaction score
I love this Twitter posts about this. “ this many police wouldn’t show up for a brawl with 50 teens”

wtf... I think you would see less of a response if 10 ft extra dimensional beings were running around.... who knows if your glock or ar15 would even hurt them.

Do not be too easy. If you are too easy to get, she will not want you. If you are too easy to keep, she will lose interest in you. If you are too easy to control, she will not respect you.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
In efforts to elevate this discussion, I'm going to include a video from Tim Alberino about the encounters within Peru:

This guy is full of a wealth of information on the subject.

The characteristic aliens, he calls "Insectaloids" or the "Preying Mantis" greys, has been referenced in his video. It's believe it's the same type of aliens that went in Las Vagas, and they also have a secret under-water base of the Catalina islands off of California (whether this is their headquarters where they plan their activities is another story). They are very dangerous and malicious grouping of aliens in contrast to the "drone"ish greys.

The question is if this species of aliens appeared in a dense urban area as a provocation of some sort.

Eisenhower made some sort of deal with these aliens in the 50s. An exchange of their technology for limited abductions.
The idea was to reverse engineer some of their tech for our benefit.

Could this deal be expiring or they are breaking the truce that Eisenhower agreed with them with?

People are still pointing out there is no video-footage of the teens, with sticks and fireworks, that they claim were the cause of the disturbance.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score

They are getting more brazen in their approach.

First they snatch up random people in national parks. Then they show up in Las Vegas. Then they attack an isolated village in Peru.

I think they are stepping up their game and getting more brazen by going into an urban area like that.

They had allot of time to practice on these isolated areas and now they are choosing an urban place where they will be noticed.

Do you think they are getting more brazen?
Hi Corrector,
Having seen quite a few UFO's,often with witnesses and read widely on the topic I am a convinced believer...Some Years Ago I posted about a weird experience where I shared a frightening encounter...Briefly:I was camped in a remote valley clearing in a camper Trailer,one night I became aware of a very bright light about 200 yards up the track,I turned off my lights though there were embers in my fire and fell asleep waking to hear something going round the trailer making weird static like noises,in the morning up the track were the deep indentations of heavy Tripod feet...Spooky Huh?....But no,Since posting that I met the rancher who grazes Cattle in the area,told him my story...He laughed...seems the Australian army Had combined operations exercises in the area and they had a large mobile pick up truck with an extendible arial on,sitting on a retractable tripod....The static noises?...probably one of the Soldiers carrying a receiver,got bored and wandered down and checked out my rig!...Simples Huh?


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Hi Corrector,
Having seen quite a few UFO's,often with witnesses and read widely on the topic I am a convinced believer...Some Years Ago I posted about a weird experience where I shared a frightening encounter...Briefly:I was camped in a remote valley clearing in a camper Trailer,one night I became aware of a very bright light about 200 yards up the track,I turned off my lights though there were embers in my fire and fell asleep waking to hear something going round the trailer making weird static like noises,in the morning up the track were the deep indentations of heavy Tripod feet...Spooky Huh?....But no,Since posting that I met the rancher who grazes Cattle in the area,told him my story...He laughed...seems the Australian army Had combined operations exercises in the area and they had a large mobile pick up truck with an extendible arial on,sitting on a retractable tripod....The static noises?...probably one of the Soldiers carrying a receiver,got bored and wandered down and checked out my rig!...Simples Huh?
At least you are trying.

I'll take the bite.

You really have to check how animals are behaving in the vicinity to establish strangeness.
1) Dogs barking eratically or uncontrallably at something and behaving out of character.
2) Crickets are silent (if they are normally heard in the area)
3) Birds flying erratically or wierd
4) Cows or heavy animals behaving out of character or moving erratically to another location with no animal predator causing that.

You mentioned you "turned off your lights". This immediately popped out the screen. If you had a UFO encouter, the electromagnetic field causing the gravity distortion would temporarily suspend the electrics. You would not have to turn off your lights. They would have failed.
These things can shut off car engines and any electric device that is affected by its anti-gravity waves, probably related to their propulsion system.

Before you mentioned the part about the farmer, I didn't believe there was a UFO, based on the limited description you wrote above that line.

I'm not a believer personally, in UFOs, but I like the intigue and world-building information. I have never viewed or seen any UFO. May have seen a falling orb on Christmas Eve of 2017, and sometime recently north of the city. (ie you see some movement of light in the sky in the corner of your eye, before you are ABLE to recognize it for it to click (ie as a falling light, like a leaf falling from a tree, the orb falls slowly down and disappears), it's already gone. Apart from that, it's just a subject of interest on the net, at best.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Correction: I may have been in error with respect to whether all battery powered light sources are able to work around UFOs.
I've seen enough video-stories where flashights were able to work. However, the nature of the light itself was reported to be altered around UFOs, behaving much more like a laser beam or light-saber extending from the flashlight, rather than how a flashlight would normally work.

Anyway, don't want to distract from the topic. The question is if there is a government cover-up concerning whatever happened in Miami.


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
Not sure about this particular incident but the Pentagon admitted the footage (Go Pro/Gimbel) that was released is real and that the crafts are UAP's of unknown origin and they are not theirs nor any other country they are aware of. And let's be real, with the scope and breadth of the CIA and their military might/spread throughout the world, they would know if another country possessed this technology.

Game over. Once the Pentagon admitted this any arguments against the existence of UFO's is pointless and makes anyone who claims otherwise seem as if they sre doing so because they refuse to open their mind to the possibility to protect their version of reality.

Not to mention the many many reports in front of Congress by the actual military pilots who were sent to deal with these craft and who said what they did is impossible for any aircraft to do.

Additionally out of the 144 cases of UAP's that were investigated under the UAP Task Force assigned by the US Government, only 1 case was closed as a "known"/"explained" incident. 143 out of the 144 cases remain unknown/ unexplained. 18 contain objects with propulsion systems that are unknown technology wise and don't exist. They ruled out a huge technological breakthrough by other nations as the leap would be so great it is not feasible.

Seems highly unlikely this could be the case if these didn't exist when 99.3% of these cases are unexplainable.

Nothing you can do for people like that. They cannot accept this possibility because they cannot deal with the new reality this would force upon them. So they remain willfully defiant and willfully ignorant all in attempt to keep reality in the nice, neat little box they've known their entire life and which they regard as inflexible as a thick piece of steel. Reality MUST stay that way or they likely would have a breakdown.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score

Here is a further update video.

The issue where this still smaks of hints of cover-up are these two facts:

1) Any video showing any teenagers in any fighting/fireworks looks like a complely different video then the ones where there are a bunch of cops there. There were no police around. There are no police body-cam footage as to what actually went on there. Given the issues with police and Black youth, do you really think any brawl or fireworks would have continued? Why would there be so many cop cars around?

2) Another witness who said it was a teenager brawl admitted that he saw it on live-stream but was not actually physically there to witness it.

3) A witness that claimed they were aliens and then said he was "trolling" said "if you see the aliens, then run" at the end of the video. It doesn't change the fact he could have been paid or warned not to talk about what he saw.

The logic about why "alien(s)" would show up at a mall in Miami, still does not make any sense.


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
Billions of people have cellphones and cameras yet all that exist are grainy videos and pictures where you can't even make out what the image is. Yeah ok dude...There is ZERO real evidence that aliens exist.
That is 100% false and completely nonsensical. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about and continue believing this absolute bullsh!t spewed by people who refuse to bother looking at them because they are all "fake". Even when they are proven not to be by video experts, those people are "full of sh!t".

There are literally thousands of quality videos that aren't grainy at all and are quite detailed from across the world. Including many ones by the military that have been released and ones on air traffic control radar. And best believe the military have probably tens of thousands of ones they haven't released yet.

Again, you can bury your head in the sand and had a leg to stand on up until the US Pentagon admitted they are real. High ranking ex-military officials are increasingly coming out and saying they are real. NASA employees are admitting they are real. People who worked on the UAP Task force are coming out and saying they are real. Military pilots who have engaged these crafts are saying they are real. Now you have no leg to stand on. Unless you comically believe all these people are delusional.

Just keep your head buried in the sand. The new reality is too much for you to deal with. You'll be better off to deny it. Next thing you'll be saying is the food we eat is all made up too and we actually aren't eating any of it.
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Mar 6, 2017
Reaction score
I dont know about the Miami incident. But my dad started experiencing paranormal stuff for a few years before he died. I was a witness to one of those events. With all that in mind, aliens dont seem that much of a stretch.



Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
I dont know about the Miami incident. But my dad started experiencing paranormal stuff for a few years before he died. I was a witness to one of those events. With all that in mind, aliens dont seem that much of a stretch.

I'm sorry for your loss. What type of paranormal are we talking about? We have paranormal stuff happen here all the time but it's rather child-play to the point that we don't take it seriously. (ie for example "paranormal winds -- cold air fluctuation in home for no explanation or a gust of wind experienced when all the windows are closed, objects falling down or moving in a trajectory that doesn't seem a natural movement from just gravity alone, getting random panic attacks when trying to go to sleep, objects misplaced but found later in a place that was likely searched before or unlikely to naturally be there, when a replacement object is purchased, mother saw an orange orb in 2019 in the forested area, etc....). However, it's very infrequent, and there is too much stress from other issues going in my life to care about it.


Mar 6, 2017
Reaction score
I'm sorry for your loss. What type of paranormal are we talking about?
My dad was the most skeptical person I have ever met. He didnt believe in anything paranormal, at all.

One night, we were watching a tv series. No streaming yet, we were watching a good old dvd. There was a stack of dvd boxes next to the tv. All of a sudden, the dvd box on the top started levitating in place. It was just like 5 seconds more or less, then it went back to its place.

To be honest, Im not sure how I would have reacted if this had happened to me while I was alone or with someone else. I probably would have been freaked out or something. But at the time, I was GLAD this was happening in front of the most skeptical person I have met in my life.

I paused the tv. My dad asked:

- You saw that, didnt you?

- The dvd box levitating for a bit and going back to its place? Hell yeah I f0cking saw that!

My dad kept silence for a few seconds, thinking. Suddenly, he said

- Unpause the tv. Lets continue watching.

- Wtf. No, no, no. Explain to me what just happened.

- I dont know. There must be a scientific explanation, but I dont know it.

After that night, stuff happened to my dad at night. Maybe like once every 3-6 months. For example, he was trying to go to sleep and suddenly "someone" would pull his covers, or his feet, stuff like that. This stuff didnt happen only at home, if he went to a different continent on vacation, it would happen anyways.

He later died of cancer. Can you guess what happened to the paranormal stuff once he died? It stop happening. It kind of made me wonder if his illness was somehow related: Did he got ill because of the stuff that was happening, or did the stuff happened because he was going to die?


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
My dad was the most skeptical person I have ever met. He didnt believe in anything paranormal, at all.

One night, we were watching a tv series. No streaming yet, we were watching a good old dvd. There was a stack of dvd boxes next to the tv. All of a sudden, the dvd box on the top started levitating in place. It was just like 5 seconds more or less, then it went back to its place.

To be honest, Im not sure how I would have reacted if this had happened to me while I was alone or with someone else. I probably would have been freaked out or something. But at the time, I was GLAD this was happening in front of the most skeptical person I have met in my life.

I paused the tv. My dad asked:

- You saw that, didnt you?

- The dvd box levitating for a bit and going back to its place? Hell yeah I f0cking saw that!

My dad kept silence for a few seconds, thinking. Suddenly, he said

- Unpause the tv. Lets continue watching.

- Wtf. No, no, no. Explain to me what just happened.

- I dont know. There must be a scientific explanation, but I dont know it.

After that night, stuff happened to my dad at night. Maybe like once every 3-6 months. For example, he was trying to go to sleep and suddenly "someone" would pull his covers, or his feet, stuff like that. This stuff didnt happen only at home, if he went to a different continent on vacation, it would happen anyways.

He later died of cancer. Can you guess what happened to the paranormal stuff once he died? It stop happening. It kind of made me wonder if his illness was somehow related: Did he got ill because of the stuff that was happening, or did the stuff happened because he was going to die?
It depends what type of DVDs you have. Did you have any horror movies or any movies that had occultic themes on them?

One thing that I absolutely love about streaming is there is no physical media, and therefore no inherent curses or issues that could be present on a physical media. If I want to watch a horror movie like Herediatary or Talk to Me, or something really crazy, I just hit play, if I freak-out and think wierd things are happening inside the home, just leave it alone and watch something else. I remember when I had a "bad dvd" I borrowed from a library and freaked-out, I'd make sure to drive as fast as possible to the library and drop in in their lock-box before any "curse" spilled-over into the home for just having that physical media inside the home.

If you look in reddit threads, and look at horror movies like the Conjuring, you'll see allot of bizarre stories of TVs acting funny, or wierd things happening, just because they had a physical copy of that movie. Now, did your dad (God rest his soul) have any "bad dvd" movies with in that collection that could have opened a "doorway"?

My reaction to paranormal events is similar do your dads. Play something else on youtube on that Tablet I'm watching in bed next to my pillow, and hopefully I'll just go back to sleep quickly.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
Reaction score
@corrector when you do speak to women, I hope you keep from discussing these type of beliefs, yes? Because honestly your focus on this is verges on obsession and would instantly turn off most women…


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
@corrector when you do speak to women, I hope you keep from discussing these type of beliefs, yes? Because honestly your focus on this is verges on obsession and would instantly turn off most women…
I don't speak to women in the first place beyond as is necessary for business, or small-talk in a rare occassion. The culture here doesn't lend itself for guys like me to just freely talk to women like that. (It's not to say other guys can do that, but they are operating in a different reality than I am) All my interactions are quite extremely superficial and it's mostly in an employment setting.

That being said, I have overheard women talk about some crazy conspiracy things, but even then I don't chime in. I really don't talk at all, after all, you have to be careful around women, especially at a place of employment. They can turn on you on a dime and get you into trouble, (unless you are a chad/chadlite of course)

As far as I'm concerned, the world could be coming to an end, there could be chaos all around, but a woman will still be a challenge no matter what.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score
I don't speak to women in the first place beyond as is necessary for business, or small-talk in a rare occassion. The culture here doesn't lend itself for guys like me to just freely talk to women like that. (It's not to say other guys can do that, but they are operating in a different reality than I am) All my interactions are quite extremely superficial and it's mostly in an employment setting.

That being said, I have overheard women talk about some crazy conspiracy things, but even then I don't chime in. I really don't talk at all, after all, you have to be careful around women, especially at a place of employment. They can turn on you on a dime and get you into trouble, (unless you are a chad/chadlite of course)

As far as I'm concerned, the world could be coming to an end, there could be chaos all around, but a woman will still be a challenge no matter what.
Hi Corrector,
While I would emphasise my sympathy for your Home situation and respect for your industry and determination in your vocation....I do wish you weren't so ambivalent....You say here that you dont talk to Women but on the MGTOW post you give advice on Cold approaching,the scene generally as though you were a hardened veteran...Here,though you say you "dont believe in UFO's personally"you tell us how they turn off lights.and talk of these,to say the least remarkable beings as if you were a firm believer...Mate you can't have it both ways!

You essentially upped your VALUE in her eyes by showing her that, if she wants you, she has to at times do things that you like to do. You are SOMETHING after all. You are NOT FREE. If she wants to hang with you, it's going to cost her something — time, effort, money.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
