Hey everyone!
So I have a bit of a puzzle right now. Last Tuesday, I (29) had a great date with this woman (31). The date went really well. Initially we had planned for a walk along the seawall and then to go get ice cream. During the walk there was a bit of touching and laughing. We discovered we had a huge amount in common, from habits to perspective. The conversation was good. During the walk she even says ‘I like being with you, you’re really easy to talk to.’
As we were approaching the busy streets again, she suggested we go grab a drink instead; I agree and we recalculate our evening. I took the lead and made a choice of bar. During the drinks she had originally wanted to sit normal across from each other (like everyone does), however I go to the washroom and return only to sit next to her which is always a solid move so you’re able to touch; we have engaging conversation throughout, touch, and is overall ideal what one want on a first encounter. Lots of IOI’s.
After the bar I walk her to the bus stop she was needing to go to. I hug her then kiss her and it’s great, we chat a bit after both smiling and buzzing, then I kiss her again for a slight make out; parting ways there after.
Right after the date she messages me she had a great time and it was nice to meet me. I respond and say I had a good time.
The next day around noon she messages me again and asks how my day is. I respond and we send about 4
texts each. Within this conversation I ask her to ‘join me’ to the art gallery next Tuesday and she enthusiastically accepts.
Over the weekend she had gone away for the long weekend. The morning of her departure she messages me that she needed a new book and also sends me a picture. (We’re both big readers). I respond about the book and also with no questions, and let the conversation conclude, not reaching out while she’s away, as I want to give her space and let her do her thing.
Tuesday rolls around (2nd date night) and around 1pm she messages me: “Hey, unfortunately I have to cancel for tonight. I am sick and have a fever.. I would love to reschedule for next week if that's okay..”
Then I respond : “Sure, no problem. Feel better” and in return she says “Thanks ”
So now here we are. Almost one full week later and I have not heard a single word from her. Everything that I have been in control of seems like i did perfect (I think). All the IOI’s were there and she was clearly interested afterwards. And I made a plan and escalated well towards the second date
While not being needy over text.
It doesn’t SEEM like a blow off because she suggested she would LOVE to reschedule, however she didnt propose a new specific date or hadn’t kept the small talk up. And I also don’t have an evening planned with her yet.
I figured I would give it until Wednesday to reach out. However, this I’m apprehensive about. Because I don’t want to pursue a woman who doesn’t have TRUE DESIRE for me. Because we all know when women want to see a man; THEY MAKE SURE IT HAPPENS. And she’s not really doing anything now..
Did I get blown off?
Should I contact her, did I miss this opportunity?
What is this?
Thouhts and perspectives are appreciated. It’s a tad long winded, I know. Wanted to give a fairly detailed account so I can get a better answer(s).
Thanks gentlemen!